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History Project Work (2023-2024)

Full Marks- 20
Number of words- 2000
Topic- The Industrial Revolution in Europe
i. Acknowledgement
ii. Index
iii. The Industrial Revolution in Europe- Meaning and Causes.
iv. Inventions and Innovations-
• Spinning Jenny
• Watts Steam Engine
• Flying Shuttle
• Steam Engine Locomotive
• Power Loom
• Telephone
v. Impact of the Industrial Revolution-
• Factories and Urbanization
• Emergence of Capitalism and Socialism
• Effects on Environment
vi. Conclusion
vii. Bibliography

Please note:

• The project work should be done on A4 interleaf file papers with hard covers.
• The Project File should be covered with brown paper and properly labelled.
• The following information should be clearly mentioned on the first page-Name of the
Student, Class/Sec/Roll Num., Subject, Topic and Session.
• Students can put relevant pictures, drawings, maps etc. to make their project work
look attractive.
• Proper research work should be done from reliable sources and the names of the
books/newspapers/journals/websites should be mentioned in the Bibliography.

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