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NDD 10303


Understanding Vegetables
Controlling Quality Changes During
Cooking affects vegetables in four ways. It
changes the following:
1. Texture
2. Flavor
3. Color
4. Nutrients

Controlling Texture Changes
The amount of fiber varies:
1. In different vegetables.
2. In mature vs. younger vegetables.
3. In different parts of the same vegetable.

Controlling Texture Changes
Fiber is made firmer by:
• Acids
• Sugars
Fiber is softened by:
• Heat
• Alkalis

Controlling Texture Changes
• Dry starchy foods must be cooked in enough water for
the starch granules to absorb moisture and soften
• Moist starchy vegetables have enough moisture of their
own to soften (gelatinize) the starch granules.
• They must still be cooked until the starch granules soften.

Controlling Texture Changes
A vegetable is said to be done when it reaches the
desired degree of tenderness.
• Some, such as winter squash, eggplant, and braised
celery, are considered properly cooked when they are
quite soft.
• Most vegetables are best cooked very briefly, until they
are crisp-tender or al dente (firm to the bite).

Controlling Flavor Changes
Cooking Produces Flavor Loss
Flavor loss can be controlled in several ways:
• Cook for as short a time as possible.
• Use boiling salted water.
• Starting vegetables in boiling water shortens cooking time.
• The addition of salt helps reduce flavor loss.
• Use just enough water to cover food.
• Minimizes leaching of flavor, color and nutrients.
• Steam vegetables whenever appropriate.
• Reduces leaching out of flavor.
• Shortens cooking time.
Controlling Flavor Changes
Cooking and Sweetness
• Young, freshly harvested vegetables have a relatively
high sugar content that makes them taste sweet.
• As they mature, or as they sit in storage, the sugar
gradually changes to starch.
• Try to serve young, fresh vegetables that have been
stored as short a time as possible.

Controlling Color Changes
Cooking Produces Flavor Loss
• Cooking produces certain chemical changes.
• As long as the vegetables are not overcooked, this
change is desirable.
• Overcooking produces undesirable changes.
• Especially in members of the cabbage family.
• They develop a strong, unpleasant flavor.

Controlling Color Changes
White Vegetables
• Pigments are compounds that give vegetables their
• Pigments called anthoxanthins (an-tho-zan-thins) and
flavonoids range from pale yellow to white.
• White pigments stay white in acid and turn yellow in
alkaline water.

Controlling Color Changes
Red Vegetables
• Red pigments, called anthocyanins, are found in only a
few vegetables.
• Mainly red cabbage and beets.
• Acids turn anthocyanins a brighter red.
• Alkalis turn anthocyanins blue or blue-green (not a very
appetizing color).

Controlling Color Changes
Green Vegetables
• Chlorophyll is present in all green plants.
• Acids are enemies of green vegetables.
• Both acid and long cooking turn green vegetables a
drab olive green.

Controlling Color Changes
Green Vegetables
Protect the color of green vegetables by:
1. Cooking uncovered to allow plant acids to escape.
2. Cooking for the shortest possible time. Properly
cooked green vegetables are tender crisp, not mushy.
3. Cooking in small batches rather than holding for long
periods in a steam table.
Do not use baking soda to maintain green color.
• Alkalis destroy vitamins and makes texture
unpleasantly mushy and slippery.

Controlling Color Changes
Yellow and Orange Vegetables
• Carotenoids: Yellow and orange pigments
• These pigments are very stable.
• Little affected by acids or alkalis.
• Short cooking prevents dulling of the color and
preserves vitamins and flavors.

Controlling Nutrient Losses
Six factors are responsible for most nutrient loss:
1. High temperature
2. Long cooking
3. Leaching (dissolving out)
4. Alkalis (baking soda, hard water)
5. Plant enzymes (which are active at warm temperatures
but destroyed by high heat)
6. Oxygen

Controlling Nutrient Losses
Cooking in a Little Liquid Versus a Lot of Liquid
• Using a lot of liquid increases vitamin loss by leaching.
• Using a little liquid increases cooking time.
• Tests have shown that, for these reasons, no more nutrients
are lost when vegetables are cooked in a lot of water than
when vegetables are cooked in just enough water to cover.

General Rules of Vegetable Cookery
• Do not overcook.
• Cook as close to service
time as possible, and in
small quantities.
• Avoid holding for long
periods on a steam table.
• If the vegetable must be
cooked ahead of time:
• Undercook slightly and chill
• Reheat at service time.
• Never use baking soda with
green vegetables.
General Rules of Vegetable Cookery

• Cut vegetables uniformly for even cooking.

• Start with boiling, salted water when boiling
green vegetables and other vegetables that
grow above the ground.
• Roots and tubers are started in cold, salted
water for more even cooking.
• Cook green vegetables and strong-flavored
vegetables uncovered.

General Rules of Vegetable Cookery

• To preserve color, cook red and white

vegetables in a slightly acid (not strongly acid)
• Cook green vegetables in a neutral liquid.
• Do not mix a batch of freshly cooked
vegetables with a batch of the same vegetable
that was cooked earlier and kept hot in a steam

Standards of Quality in Cooked
• Bright, natural colors
Appearance on plate
• Cut neatly and uniformly. Not
broken up
• Cooked to the right degree of
• Full, natural flavor and
Standards of Quality in Cooked
• Lightly and appropriately
• Butter and seasoned
butters should be fresh
and not used heavily.
Vegetable combinations
• Flavors, colors, and
shapes should be
pleasing in combination.
Handling Vegetables
Wash all vegetables thoroughly
• Root Vegetables should be scrubbed with a stiff
vegetable brush.
• Wash green, leafy vegetables in several changes of cold
• After washing, drain well and refrigerate lightly covered.

Handling Vegetables
• Do not soak vegetables for long periods.
• Flavor and nutrients leach out.
• Dried legumes are soaked for several hours before
cooking to replace moisture lost in drying.
• Dried beans absorb their weight in water.

Handling Vegetables
Peeling and Cutting
• Peel most vegetables as thinly as possible.
• Cut vegetables into uniform pieces for even cooking.
• Peel and cut vegetables as close to cooking time as
• Treat vegetables that brown easily with an acid, such as
lemon juice, or an antioxidant solution or hold under
water until ready to use (some vitamins and minerals
will be lost).
• Save edible trim for soups, stocks, and vegetable
Handling Vegetables
Classifying Vegetables
There are many ways of classifying vegetables:
• The gourd family
• Seeds and pods
• Roots and tubers
• The cabbage family
• The onion family
• Leafy greens
• Stalks, stems, and shoots
• Mushrooms
• Other tender-fruited vegetables 26
Processed Vegetables
Handling Frozen Vegetables
Checking Quality
• Temperature
• Large ice crystals
• Signs of leaking on the carton
• Freezer burn

Processed Vegetables
Handling Canned Vegetables
Checking Quality
• Reject damaged cans on receipt
• Puffed or swollen cans indicate spoilage.
• Know the drained weight
• Typical drained weights are 60 to 65 percent of total contents.
• Check the grade

Production and Holding Problems in
Quantity Cooking
Batch Cooking and Blanch-and-Chill
• Batch Cooking involves dividing the food into
smaller batches and cooking them one at a
time, as needed.
• Blanch and Chill involves partially cooking,
chilling, and finish-cooking.
• It is not as good, nutritionally, as cooking completely
to order, but it is almost as good.

Fresh Vegetables
• Potatoes, onions, and winter squash are stored
at cool temperatures.
• (50–65°F/10–18°C) in a dry, dark place
• Other vegetables must be refrigerated.
• Peeled and cut vegetables need extra
protection from drying and oxidation.
• Cover or wrap, and use quickly to prevent spoilage.

Frozen Vegetables
Store at 0°F (–18°C) or colder, in original containers, until
ready for use
• Do not refreeze thawed vegetables.
• The best way to store leftovers is not to create them in the first
• Do not mix batches.

Dried Legumes
Legume is a plant that bears seed pods that split
along two opposite sides when ripe.
• In culinary usage, legumes refer to the seeds from these
seed pods, especially when they are mature and dried.
• Legumes are high in protein and, thus, are important in
vegetarian diets.
• They are rich in B vitamins
and minerals.
• Some legumes, like the
soybean, are also rich in fat.

Dried Legumes
Types and Varieties
Kidney Beans
• A subgroup of this family is sometimes called haricot
beans (haricot is the French word for “bean”).
• Dried green and yellow peas are the same peas we eat
as a fresh vegetable, but they are left on the vine until
mature and dry.
• They are usually split, with the hull removed.
• Split peas cook quickly without preliminary soaking.
Dried Legumes
Types and Varieties
• Lentils are small, lens-shaped legumes.
• They have a shorter cooking time than kidney beans, even when
whole, and do not need soaking.
Other Legumes
• Lima Beans
• Chick peas
• Mung Beans
• Fava Beans
• Adzuki
• Soybeans
• Dal
Dried Legumes
Types and Varieties

Top row: navy beans, garbanzo beans or chickpeas,

Great Northern beans.
Bottom row: baby lima beans, cannellini beans or white
kidney beans, rice beans.
Dried Legumes
Types and Varieties

Top row: black turtle beans, dried fava beans.

Bottom row: Swedish brown beans, calypso beans,
flageolet beans.
Dried Legumes
Types and Varieties

Top row: red kidney beans, pink beans, appaloosa beans.

Bottom row: cranberry beans or borlotti, Christmas lima
beans, pinto beans.
Dried Legumes
Types and Varieties

Top row: yellow split peas, green lentils, green split peas.
Bottom row: brown lentils, red lentils, black-eyed peas.

Dried Legumes
Cooking Legumes
The primary cooking method used to prepare
dried legumes is simmering.
• Dried beans, peas, and lentils are dry and hard, and
they must be rehydrated.
• They must absorb water in order to be made edible.
• Once the beans are cooked and tender, they can be
finished in a variety of ways.

Cooking Vegetables
Boiling and Steaming
Nearly all vegetables may be cooked by boiling or
by steaming.
• Boiling and Steaming are the two most frequently used
methods for cooking vegetables.
• Easy, economical, and adaptable to a great variety of

Boiling and Steaming
Shocking or Refreshing: Boiled or simmered
vegetables are drained as soon as they are
cooked and then cooled quickly under cold
• This method should be used unless the vegetables
are to be served immediately.
• In other cases, the product is only partially cooked by
boiling or steaming and is finished by another
cooking method, such as sautéing or baking.

Boiling and Steaming
• In many cases, the agitation and high
temperature of boiling break up delicate
• Simmering is more appropriate
• Steaming as a method for cooking vegetables is
becoming more widely used.

Boiling and Steaming
Puréeing Vegetables
Vegetable purées are served as side dishes or
• They are also used as ingredients in other preparations.

Rub the cooked vegetable Scrape the purée from

through a tamis using a pestle the bottom of the sieve.
or a plastic scraper.
Sautéing and Pan-Frying
• Sautéing means cooking quickly in a small amount
of fat.
• The product is often tossed or flipped in the pan over
high heat.
• Pan-frying means cooking in a larger amount of fat
and for a longer time at lower heat.
• The product is not tossed or flipped in the pan over
lower heat.

Sautéing and Pan-Frying

To flip foods in a sauté pan:

• Give the handle a sharp twist upward with the wrist.
• Be sure to move the pan back far enough to catch the
foods as they come down.
A slow, moist-heat cooking
method using a small
amount of liquid.
• Braised vegetables are not
always cooked in fat before
liquid is added.
• Some kind of fat is used in
the preparation.
• Braised vegetable
preparations tend to be more
complex than boiled or
steamed vegetables, and the
cooking times are longer.
Cooking starchy vegetables from the raw to the finished
• Starch vegetables are baked because the dry heat produces a
desirable texture.
Vegetable casseroles are baked for either of two reasons:
• The slow, all-around heat allows the product to cook undisturbed.
• The dry heat produces desirable effects, such as browning and
caramelizing of sugars.

Broiling and Grilling
Used to finish cooked or partially cooked
vegetables by browning or glazing them on top.
• Bread crumbs are sometimes used to give a pleasing
brown color and to prevent drying.
• Casseroles or gratin dishes that do not brown sufficiently
in the oven may be browned for a few seconds under the
broiler or salamander.

Broiling and Grilling
Grilled, quick-cooking
vegetables are pleasant
accompaniments to grilled
and roasted meats and
• Cut the vegetables into broad
• Brush with oil .
• Grill until lightly cooked and lightly
• Heavy browning may produce an
unpleasant burned taste.
Deep Frying
Deep-fried vegetables may be divided into five
1. Vegetables dipped in batter and fried.
2. Vegetables breaded and fried.
3. Vegetables fried without a coating.
4. Small vegetables or cuts mixed with a batter and
dropped with a scoop into hot fat.
5. Croquettes: thick vegetable purées or mixtures of small
pieces of vegetable and a heavy béchamel or other
binder, formed into shapes, breaded and fried.
Deep Frying
Vegetables for Deep-Frying
Most vegetables large enough to coat with breading or
batter may be fried.
• Tender, quick-cooking vegetables can be fried raw.
• Others may be precooked by simmering or steaming briefly to
reduce the cooking time they need in the frying fat.

Using, handling & storing
Form of Fruit Where to Use How to Handle How to Store
Fresh Serve fresh to to Serve in age- Refrigerate or dry
students in salads. appropriate pieces. storage depending on
Frozen Use in baked products. Thaw frozen fruits in Keep frozen until ready
Use in fruit sauces. the refrigerator to use.
Serve as fruit cups and use them
while partially frozen. immediately when
thawed or still icy.
Canned Serve chilled. Chill canned fruits Store at 70 °F or less.
Use in fruit salads. before they are added Date cases or cans
Use in fruit sauces. to a cold fruit dish. when they are received
and rotate.
Dried Use in hot cereals. Chop into bite-size Store dried fruits in
Use in granola mix. pieces, if necessary. airtight containers to
Use in fruit bars and maintain their flavor.
Juice Serve at breakfast or Thaw frozen juice in Frozen juice should be
lunch. the refrigerator and kept frozen until ready
Use as a cooking use immediately when to use.
medium. thawed. Canned juices should
Use as the liquid in be stored at 70 °F.
congealed salads. Fresh juice should be
kept refrigerated.
Basic Principles of Preparing Fruits to Maintain
1. Use fresh fruits at their peak of ripeness.

• Most fruits have the highest vitamin content when they are at their peak of
• Heat and light can destroy the nutrient content. They taste the best when they
are ripe.

2. Wash fresh fruits in cool water before they are peeled or stemmed.

• Fruits can lose nutrients if they are bruised or cut and then put in water.
• Wash strawberries before they are hulled.
• Fruits served with the skin left on should be washed carefully. This includes
oranges and melons.
• Apples are covered with an edible wax that is not removed during washing.
• Wash apples in cold water. Bananas should also be rinsed in cold water
before serving or peeling.

3.Cut fresh fruits in the largest pieces that are
acceptable for serving. Avoid crushing fruits since this
injures the fruit cells and causes more vitamin loss.

• When fruit is cut in many smaller pieces, more total

surface area of the fruit is exposed and more vitamin C
can be lost.

4.Follow the recipe or directions for preparing a fruit


• Recipes or the general directions for preparing a fruit dish

are based on well-accepted culinary techniques that
preserve nutrients.


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