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TOPIC 7: THE SUPRASTRUCTURE IN THE media, partisan groups, ideological information

ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS systems, and the business sector.

Business and Environment – Business The Government in Political Environment

forming and transforming the environment and Government as a Structure
the environment forming and transforming the Government is the totality of the government
business. set-up composed of all branches, subdivision,
instrumentalities, and agencies of the
3 Elements of External Environment: government, including government-owned or
1. Environmental Suprastructures controlled corporations with original charters.
2. Environmental Infrastructure The system of authority and domination is a
3. External Publics structure of hierarchical relationships, with a
central power from where authority emanates
The Suprastructures and goes down the line through lower power
1. Political Suprastructures centers. It is called bureaucracy.
2. Economic Suprastructures
3. Socio-cultural Suprastructures Government as a Process
4. Technological Suprastructures The stability of the bureaucracy derives from the
rule of law, and its dynamism derives from the
The Political Environment rule of men. It is stable because of the rigidity of
The political environment consists of ideological the rules, and dynamic because of the flexibility
forces and factors surrounding and affecting the of change.
business process. Laws and policies prescribe what should be
done by whom and how, thus setting restrictions
The Political Ideology on the operations of the bureaucracy.
Ideology is a body of socio-political concepts
systematically theorized and expressed in a 3 Basic Elements of Government Dynamism
particular manner of thinking characteristics of a 1. Bureaucracy
society. 2. Politics
Any attempts at a political analysis should be 3. Administration
rooted in a deep understanding of the ideology
of the society in which the politics under analysis POLITICS: A MATERIAL CAUSE OF PUBLIC
Politics is a direct expression of the ideology. POLITICS
As a function of government, politics is such that
The Political Process its practice is far from simple, just what politics
The process of the formulation and is, but creates both concepts and
administration of public policy usually by misconceptions about its notion and its
interaction between social groups and political operations. Examples are the concepts (or
institutions or between political leadership and misconception of) “dirty politics“, “too much
public opinion. politics” referring to government.

The Political Climate 2 Aspects of the Concept of Politics

Varies with the personal philosophies and Ideological Politics – (sometimes also referred
aspirations of the political leaders, political to as modal politics), being the direct
pressure groups, international political and expression of the society’s ideology, is the mode
economic pressures and the country’s dominant of government, or the operations of the
opinion-making mechanism. Example: the government as a system. It may be defined as
the science and art of civil government; or, as
the body of ideological principles operating in 1. By creating and maintaining a climate
the life of civil government. favorable to business, for example good order in
Partisan Politics – refers to the practices of society, efficient infrastructure, sympathetic
politicians and of their political parties. It gives attitude, and others;
the human touch to the life of the government, 2. By providing incentives to pioneering and
for better or for worse. distressed industries in order that they may have
better chances of survival and growth; and
Government and the Business Environment 3. By protecting business from undue
Government – is the largest single interest competition from both local and foreign sources.
group in the business environment.
The Economic Environment
Business relates in 3 Principal Ways The economic environment is a natural
1. Mutual Control consequence of man’s need to complete
The influence of government reaches out to himself, as well as the need among men to
every aspects of national life, including that complement one another towards the perfection
business. A sound business system can never of their human existence.
truly be possible without the government playing For business in particular, the economic
its role as a control agent. environment is the focus of the environment
Government control over business is concern for the description and analysis of the
conditioned by the philosophy underlying the production and consumption of goods and
sovereign rights of the state, specifically its services, as well as the distribution of scarce
police power by virtue of which, the government resources among unlimited demands.
regulates the practice of trade particularly those
directly related to the common good: public The impact of these interplaying factors
order, public welfare, consumer protection, fair constitutes the economic environment or
trade, and the generations of revenue. economic suprastructure where business
3 Ways by which the Government may plays 2 Major Fields:
Control Business 1. First is the field of microeconomics where the
1. By legislation – that is, by promulgating laws price theory explains how the interplay of supply
and guidelines which business is required to and demand in competitive markets creates a
follow in its organization and its operations. multitude of individual prices, wage rates, profit
2. Administrative control – that is, monitoring the margins and rental changes.
operations; and activities of business and 2. The second playing field in the economic
enforcing the implementation of laws and rules. environment is macroeconomics which provides
3. By ownership – that is, by taking over and business with a modern explanation of national
operating certain industries or services which income and employment, and where, among
cannot be effectively left to the private sector. other things, persistent depression and mass
unemployment are attributed to the concept of
2. Mutual Support aggregate demand, that is, to the total spending
Government does not and cannot leave of consumers, business investors and
business to its own devices. Not the business government bodies.
per se or the businessmen themselves, as they
were considered in ancient times, are naturally The Social Environment
irresponsible, but that the search for profit and Society is a natural consequence of men’s need
the spirit of freedom can, if uncontrolled, lead to for completion and complementation. This is a
abuses. process created out of the differences in men’s
Government support business in any skills, knowledge and attitudes, as well as in the
following ways: levels of their physical and mental fitness.
A basic model of social stratification to physical stores. These changes certainly have a
which business should be sensitive would significant impact on their business strategy.
● Upper class The Basic of Technology
● Middle class Information Technology technology is great.
● Lower class Information technology influence on all aspects
of life. Is the use of computers to store and
Elements of Social Environment process facts and figures into a useful,
● The family organized form. “Data” is the raw Material:
● The school numbers and facts.” Information” is the raw way
● The church material is organized in a useful way.
● Community organization
Introduction of Information Technology
The Cultural Environment The term information technology or IT refers to
A cultural environment is a set of beliefs, the tyre industry and in actuality, information
practices, customs and behaviors that are found technology is the use of computers and
to be common to everyone that is living within a soft-managed information.
certain population. Cultural environments shape
the way that every person develops, influencing History of Technology
ideologies and The history has been organized using these
personalities. Cultural environments are widely recognized generations as mileposts.
determined by the culmination of many different ● The Mechanical Era (1623-19451)
aspects of culture that influence personal ● First Generations Electronic Computers
choices and behaviors. (1937-1953)
Religious beliefs are an important building block ● Second Generation (1954-1962)
of a specific cultural environment. ● Third Generation (1954-1972)
Family and the relationship within the family are ● Fourth Generation (1972-1984)
additional factors that determine a cultural ● Fifth Generation (1984-1990)
environment. Many cultures are structured ● Sixth Generation (1990- to date)
around families, while others promote
individuality and self-sustainability. Like religion The Elements of Technology
and family, language is the third most important Modern technologies always make use of a
element of a cultural environment. large variety of ingredients. For Li-ion batteries,
besides lithium, which is extracted from salt
The Technological Environment lakes in countries like Bolivia or Chile, cobalt is
Is part of the company’s external environment an important element. Here, the political stability
related to developments and changes in of the source of the ore in the Democratic
technology. Further, the word ‘technology’ is Republic of the Congo and Zambia is of some
usually associated with technique and concern.
equipment. Their change raises threats and
opportunities for the company. The impact of the The Technology of Concept
technological environment on companies Technology can be most broadly defined as the
Technological developments affect all aspects of entities, both material and immaterial, created by
business, not only in products and services. In the application of mental and physical effort in
production, technology can increase total output order to achieve some value. In this usage,
through: Increased productivity, the effect of technology refers to tools and machines that
technological change on the organization as a may be used to solve real-world problems.
whole can affect: Product sales technique. For Technology is the set of knowledge, skills,
example, more retailers are turning online than experience and techniques through which
humans change, transform and use our students and teachers utilize to facilitate learning
environment in order to create tools, machines, in the virtual, hybrid, or traditional classroom
products and services that meet our needs and environment.
desires. Etymologically the word comes from the Resources to equip people with the ability to
Greek tekne (technical, art, skill) and logos search out ideas for personal and professional
(knowledge). advancement via networked computers.
Chalk, posters, and overhead projectors were
6 Types of Technology once “technology;” today we think of technology
1. Construction technology only as computer related tools, yet technology
2. Manufacturing technology includes all teaching tools that enhance the
3. Medical technology delivery of instruction and these tools have
4. Energy power technology changed and will change over time.
5. Transportation technology
6. Agriculture and biotechnology TOPIC 9: PRODUCTION (PRINCIPLES AND
The Technology of Process
Precision process technology [3,8,9] is clearly a 1. Find Problem.
vital part of the requirements for controlled Identify a problem. Problems can be something
precision products. At our Bradford Centre for encountered organically in a company, but it can
Micro and Nano Moulding, we have an also not be as clear or pressing.
extensively equipped laboratory with five 2. Clarify Problem.
micromoulding machines, two mini moulding The how stage. Clarification will help in breaking
machines and one large scale thin-walled down the problem to the most essential
moulding machine, plus the novel in-line components. Moreover, it helps in structuring
compounding facility. This is part of a and framing the solutions at the end.When you
programme associated with miniaturization of clarify a problem, you will want to know exactly
processing, which also includes very small scale what the problem is and how it came to be.
extrusion, and development of sensors and 3. Break down Problems
in-process measurements, and The why Stage. Breaking the problem down
characterisation techniques for products. A allows you to look at the fundamental elements
range of research programmes are in place, of the problem. Elements that if taken apart will
including exploration of bioresorbable materials give you a better idea of how to work things out.
for biomedical uses, medical technology 4. Solve Problems
devices, novel materials development, molecular Now that you know what the problem is, how it
feature rheology, and precision tooling affects the company, why the problem even
developments.. exists and what part is exactly responsible for it,
it is time to solve the problem.
The Technology Tools 5. Question the question.
Technology tools refers to software, primarily, Playing devil’s advocate. The last part is
that can be used to develop or support online reviewing the total process you have gone
course content. This could include blogs, wikis, through. You can question any of the previous
authoring tools such as Articulate or Captivate, phases and see if you have covered things that
and Web 2.0 tools available through the internet. have not occurred before. During this stage, it is
Software that can be used to develop or support important to question the process, problem,
online course content and increase clarification, break down and solution. If
learning abilities in a virtual manner. improvements need to be made, reiterate. If
Digital networking facilitates information at high everything seems waterproof, you can conclude
and reliable speed and capacity. Tools that and execute.
create your business originally and what ideas
PRODUCTION OF BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY you want to hold true for your brand.
1. Identify Value-oriented parts of your ▪ Examine your unique selling point. Your
company. business philosophy should be consistent,
Your business philosophy should overlap with something that each member of your team can
other value-oriented parts of your business, believe in and stand behind. Think about what
positioning its identity in the minds of those makes your business different from others and
within and outside the organization. Start by how that fits into your business philosophy.
reviewing your company's code of ethics about
the values your employees and executives Principles of Production Management
maintain when they work. 1. Shorter set-up times.
2. Review Business Philosophy. By their nature, all set-up processes result in
It can be helpful to review examples of business waste; they tie up labor and equipment withouT
philosophies. This can help you understand the adding value. Training, improved efficiency and
principles that other companies are using and giving workers accountability for their own set-
explore which are most appropriate for your ups allowed them to slash their set-up times.
own. You can also spend some time 2. Small-scale production
brainstorming words and concepts that you want Cutting the cost and time spent on set-ups
people to associate with the organization. You allows a company to produce goods in smaller
can even ask for input from your clients to batches and according to demand. This results
understand how they see your company. in lower set-up, capital and energy costs.
3. Keep it simple. 3. Empowering employees
For your business philosophy to be actionable Dividing a workforce into small teams and giving
and something you can build into your business, them accountability for housekeeping and
you need to keep it simple. Consider keeping various other tasks has been shown to improve
the number of tenants within your philosophy to efficiency. Teams are assigned leaders, and the
three. For example, your business philosophy workers within those teams are trained on
may include providing exceptional customer maintenance issues - allowing them to deal with
service, changing the industry through delays in the production process immediately.
innovation and having fun. 4. Equipment Maintenance
Workers on the line are best placed to deal with
Tips for Creating a Business Philosophy mechanical breakdowns and subsequent
▪ Ask Philosophical questions. One way you repairs. They can react to issues quickly and
can identify the tenets on which you want to often without supervision, which allows the
base your business philosophy is to ask production process to restart far more quickly
philosophical questions. after a shut-down.
▪ Ask for unaffiliated feedback. Consider 5. Pull Production
asking for feedback from professionals who are In a bid to minimize inventory holding costs and
unaffiliated with your business. They may be production lead times, Toyota pioneered a
able to offer critical insight and system whereby the quantity of materials, labor
recommendations. and energy expended at every stage of the
▪ Unify your staff. As you create your process was solely reliant on the demand for
philosophy, specifically think of guiding principles products from the next stage of production.
that would unite your staff, strengthening their Often referred to as Just in Time (JIT), this
teamwork and improving their overall principle was aimed at producing goods
productivity. according solely to the demand for them at any
▪ Create Story. Consider creating a narration given time, thus eliminating unnecessary costs.
that defines your business's philosophy. For 6. Supplier Involvement
example, ask yourself what caused you to
Demonstrated that treating component and raw The Business Perspective defines the business
material suppliers as integral components of level view of the system and broadens your
their own production process led to a number of horizon on how you view and tackle important
benefits. Suppliers were given training in Toyota challenges. This requires a tactically-formulated
processes, machinery, inventory systems and approach towards your business model
set-up procedures. As a result, their suppliers considering lots of possibilities with
were predetermined objectives and how decisions
able to react positively and swiftly when affect your overall performance and growth.
problems occurred.
Key Elements of Perspectives
Lean Manufacturing Principle. • Business Entities represent deliverables,
A production process based on an ideology of resources, and significant pieces of information
maximizing productivity while simultaneously that are used or produced.
minimizing waste within a manufacturing • Business Activities show how business
operation. The lean principle sees waste as processes, tasks, business entities and business
anything that doesn’t add value that the events and rules work together to perform a
customers are willing to pay for. business activity. Events and Rules are captured
1. Value: Value is determined from the in the Business Process Model.
perspective of the customer and relates to how • Business Events represent important
much they are willing to pay for products or occurrences in the daily operation of the
services. business that potentially trigger business
2. Map the Value Stream: This principle processes.
involves analysing the materials and other • Business Rules are declarations of policies or
resources required to produce a product or conditions that must be satisfied during the
service with the aim of identifying waste and execution of business activities.
improvements. The value stream covers the • Business Locations partition the system into
entire lifecycle of a product, from raw materials inter-dependent areas of responsibilities based
to disposal. upon a conceptual view of the system's
3. Create Flow: Creating flow is about removing conceptual geography. They encapsulate their
functional barriers to improve lead times. This resources, and provide services through
ensures that processes flow smoothly and can well-defined interfaces, to other parts of the
be undertaken with minimal delay or other system.
waste. • Business Roles are the active units of a
4. Establish a Pull System: A pull system business, they represent an abstraction of a
works by only commencing work when there is human interface (GUI) or software interface.
demand. This is the opposite of push systems,
which are used in manufacturing resource Logical Perspective
planning (MRP) systems. Push systems The Logical Perspective is the evolution of the
determine inventories in advance with Business Perspective with choices (and
production set to meet these sales or production associated rationale) for the
forecasts. transformation/realization. Some refactoring of
5. Perfection: The pursuit of perfection via Business Entities, Activities, Locations and
continued process improvements is also Lean Processes may be done, adding more detail (as
manufacturing requires ongoing assessment needed) to describe the system at the logical
and improvement of processes and procedures level. Computational aspects are also added.
to continually eliminate waste in an effort to find
the perfect system for the value stream. TOPIC 10: MARKETING (IMPERATIVES AND
Business Perspective
What Is Marketing? 1. Become a Customer-Led Organization
Marketing refers to activities a company Experience activation requires an organizational
undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a structure that centers around providing the best
product or service. Marketing includes possible customer experience, ensuring critical
advertising, selling, and delivering products to journey moments are linked.
consumers or other businesses. Some 2. Employ Data As the Lifeblood for
marketing is done by affiliates on behalf of a Customer Insights
company. Data must be captured, curated, centralized,
enriched, and deployed to truly create,
Understanding Marketing understand, and respond to a single view of the
Marketing as a discipline involves all the actions customer.
a company undertakes to draw in customers and 3. Replace Vanity Metrics with Performance
maintain relationships with them. Networking Metrics
with potential or past clients is part of the work Siloed channel metrics and weak proxy or vanity
too, and may include writing thank you emails, metrics are increasingly antiquated.
playing golf with prospective clients, returning 4. Align Marketing Budgets with the
calls and emails quickly, and meeting with clients Customer Journey
for coffee or a meal. At its most basic level, It’s essential to align marketing budgets around
marketing seeks to match a company’s products paid, earned, and owned marketing activity so
and services to customers who want access to all customer touch points are seamless and
those products. Matching products to customers coordinated.
ultimately ensures profitability. 5. Use Analytics to Inform Content and
Marketing Strategies
The 4 P’s of Marketing Analytics can do more than drive better cohort
PRODUCT, PRICE, PLACE, and PROMOTION segmentation. Insights should guide both
are the Four Ps of marketing. The Four Ps content creation and the overall distribution
collectively make up the essential mix a elements of the marketing plan.
company needs to market a product or service. 6. Develop Customer Listening Capabilities
Neil Borden popularized the idea of the The most influential companies leverage social
marketing mix and the concept of the Four Ps in media to listen to their customers.
the 1950s. 7. Assess the Customer Experience
Technology Stack
PRODUCT Regularly evaluate the company’s marketing
Product refers to an item or items the business technology stack to ensure fit- for-purpose and
plans to offer to customers. that it is well connected across all other critical
PRICE front office(marketing, sales, and support)
Price refers to how much the company will sell customer-relevant platforms, including CRM,
the product for. commerce, and even inventory and order
PLACE management systems.
Place refers to the distribution of the product. 8. Optimize Nonstop Learning Company
Promotion, the fourth P, is the integrated All customer-facing teams should be
marketing communications campaign. continuously testing and learning, creating a
Promotion includes a variety of activities such as cycle to achieve ongoing improvement and agile
advertising, selling, sales promotions, public deployment.
relations, direct marketing, sponsorship, and
guerrilla marketing. PRACTICES
Choosing which platforms to focus on is
marketing strategy best practices 101. TOPIC 11: THE BUSINESS MOVERS (THE
Customers prioritize different social media HUMAN FACTORS OF BUSINESS)
platforms; factors like age, demographic and
interests play heavily into what will catch your The business movers are the human elements
customers’ eyes – and where. in the business process who keep business
2. BE AVAILABLE going and answering the issues of who does
Any marketing practices you engage in – no what in the business process.
matter how successful – will not produce results
if your team is not available. You need to be Management and labor constitute the human
there for your customers when they need you. elements of the organization’s internal
3. RESPOND QUICKLY AND WITH MEANING environment. At the management level are the
Everything is immediate now and your marketing owners, the managers, the governing board and
strategy best practices must reflect this. those involved in the administration of the
Customers expect prompt interactions. A quick company.
reply is valuable only when you fully understand
a customer’s questions, intentions and needs. Being active elements, they constitute the agent
4. UNDERSTAND THEIR GOALS AND HELP efficient cause of business either as internal
THEM MAKE INFORMED publics, i.e., the businessmen and their
DECISIONS workers; or as external publics, e.g., the
Social media channels provide the opportunity to customers, the competitors, the suppliers, the
ask your prospects about what they really want community (family, school, church and
from your product or service. organizations), and the government.
TO CREATE VALUE The Internal Publics
You’re not just marketing a product – you’re Management and labor constitute the human
partnering with your customers. Successful elements of the organization’s internal
businesses are more collaborative now than environment.
ever before, adding value that helps clients
realize their goals. The Owners as Business Movers
6. ADD A PERSONAL TOUCH The owners are the individuals who provide the
You probably remember every detail from your capital of the business organizations who may or
company’s earliest days – including the face of may not be part of management.
your very first customer. Are your current
customers as memorable? Current marketing The Managers as Business Movers
strategy best practices state that individualized As an internal public, management is viewed as
relationships now excel routine transactions. a structure composed of people manning the
7. BUILD CREDIBILITY various positions of the organization.
Social media marketing practices won’t work if
your customer base doesn’t trust you. To build The Producers as Business Movers
credibility, you need to share information that Producers as business movers are all those
establishes you as a thought leader in your people who are engaged in the production of
industry. goods and services.
What’s working and not working with your social The Marketers as Business Movers
media strategy? Marketing best practices The marketers as business movers are the
include tools to measure your efforts and people who sell and distribute the produced
determine which platform is driving the most goods to the market.
traffic and engagement.
The External Publics or business, the recipient is a private individual
The community is considered a business mover or entity that acts in a private or not-for-profit
because it is where the business firm is and capacity. However, it is important not to limit the
where it operates. term consumer to only contracting parties, as
that might exclude the end user of goods and
The Customer as Business Movers services.
The customer is a business mover for the Types of Consumers
reason that a customer is an individual or The extrovert type — the kind of consumer
business that purchases another company’s who falls in this category are the ones who have
goods or services. a thing for branded items. They will most likely
stick around to them and will strive to become a
The consumer is viewed with a social loyal one. If met with high quality products and
orientation while the customer is viewed with an services, they have a good chance to convert
economic orientation. into brand advocates.
The Inferior goods type — they are the ones
The Customer Market who face a considerable dearth of money and
Collectively the consumer and customers are a part of the low-income status. Hence, they
constitute the customer market, as it is from are bound to purchase only those products that
them that the businessman sources his clients. are needed for mere survival.
The Commercial type — no matter their actual
The Competitor as Business Movers requirements of purchasing an item, this
The competitor is a business mover in the sense category of consumers will buy goods and
of competing among sellers, a specific game of products in bulk. This may or may not be used
competition is being played. for commercial purposes.
The Discrete type — this kind of consumer will
The Supplier as Business Movers opt for a discrete mode of buying habits. Simply
The supplier is a business mover in the sense put, they will consider spending a handsome
that suppliers are the external sources of many amount on some of the specific items only, say ,
things the business firm needs for carrying out cosmetics, jewelry, or apparel. And will mostly
its operations. steer
away from thrifting on the other category.
OBJECTIVE) Consumer goods are goods that we buy for our
own consumption. We do not buy them to make
Consumers are people or organizations that other goods that we sell.
purchase products or services. The term also Examples:
refers to hiring goods and services. They are 1. Young children are the end users of toys, but
humans or other economic entities that use a their parents buy them. Therefore, in the market
good or service. Furthermore, they do not sell on for toys, the buyer and consumer are often
that item that they bought. different people.
2. A person who pays a hairdresser to cut and
Who is the consumer? style their hair.
A consumer might be generally understood as 3. An individual purchasing a new TV for
a purchaser of goods and services for the themselves. The individual is both the customer
personal satisfaction of themselves or other and the consumer
members of their households, as distinct from
use to generate further income. It follows that Consumer vs. Customer
the main characteristics of consumer protection We often use the terms ‘consumers’ and
statutes are that the supplier acts during a trade ‘customers’ interchangeably. However, they do
not always have the same meaning. A customer either at home or in the same village. New
is not always the consumer. Customers fashions, technological change, and social
purchase things, but consumers use them. The pressure did not influence. Our economies have
difference between consumers and customers become completely dependent on consumer
impacts how businesses market their products. spending. In other words, without high spending
by consumers, GDP does not grow. GDP stands
Consumer in Biology for gross domestic product’s people buy things.
In biology, a consumer is an organism that People’s possessions lasted for decades or
consumes other organisms or organic matter. even a lifetime.
That is how they get their energy. In the animal
kingdom, for example, consumers prey on other
organisms because they cannot produce their Consumer Organization/Association
own energy. Neither can they obtain energy from It is a membership-based non-governmental
inorganic sources. non-profit body created to promote the interests
of consumers of goods and services, by
Consumer in Marketplace disseminating information and lobbying for laws
In the marketplace, consumers are people or to protect consumers against producers or
economic entities that purchase or hire products. sellers, who may usually be better organized or
They do this for personal use. In other words, have more resources. Citizens often gather to
they do not buy them for manufacture or resale. form consumer organizations/associations
When the non-business media talk about based on their recognition that:
consumers, they usually refer to people.
Specifically, people engaged in evaluating, ● There is a need for an independent
acquiring, and using products to satisfy their party which is non-political and
needs and wants. Consumers are key figures in non-commercial to voice the issues that
the marketplace. In fact, all the activities of the impact consumers in a market economy.
makers and sellers of goods are focused on ● There is a need for the views of the
consumers. According to Adam Smith under-represented, i.e., the inarticulate
(1723-1790), a Scottish pioneer of political and disadvantaged to be heard to
economy, once said: “Consumption is the sole address the disparity in bargaining
end and purpose of all production; and the power, knowledge and resources
interest of the producer ought to be attended to, between consumers and business; and
only so far as it may be necessary for ● Consumer organizations/associations
promoting that of the consumer.” would be an effective avenue to
collectively exercise the civil rights of
Consumer Society disadvantaged/vulnerable
A consumer society is one in which people communities/groups or those with
frequently buy new products, especially goods disabilities to be represented and heard
we don’t need for survival. Most of the advanced before decisions affecting them are
economies are consumer societies. Consumers taken.
place a high value on owning things. A few
centuries ago, society was very different. Most Consumer organizations at national and local
people did not spend much time and money levels have undertaken a wide range of actions
shopping for goods made far away. Before the that draw on their well-honed skills in
Industrial Revolution, most people in Europe and independent research, advocacy, testing and
North America lived in rural areas. Nearly publishing. Most of these actions involve inter
everybody worked on farms. They had little alia:
clothing and few household possessions. In fact, ● educating consumers with a view to
virtually everything people owned was made changing their attitudes and behavior.
● providing consumers with timely public forums too! And that’;s a good place to
information about popular products and start analyzing the consumer discussions. When
services. paying special attention to customers’ new
● monitoring and exposing misleading concerns, behaviors, and preferences that have
"claims" by product emerged, make sure to look for these signals on
manufacturers and advertisers, and your social listening platform:
helping governments draw up codes of ● What topics did consumers previously
practice, laws and regulations that not talk about, and are now trending on
outlaw them. social media?
● What new factors have arisen to change
The Objectives of Consumer or impede the customer’s journey?
Consumer research is conducted to improve Focusing on these questions will be critical to
sales. Consumer research objectives are to driving customer loyalty and satisfaction. This
examine and analyze various territories of brings us to the next point.
consumer psychology and comprehend their
shopping pattern, what sort of packaging they 3. Identify neglected needs of consumers
prefer, and other similar information that help that have arisen
businesses to sell their products and services Identifying neglected client needs is also among
better. consumer research objectives that are
important. Meeting these neglected needs will
1. Understanding new inclinations and help you to improve your customers’ journey as
behaviors of consumers you eliminate blocks and points of friction that
Noticed something unusual in the behaviors of otherwise prevent your clients from making that
customers regarding your brand? Or have their purchase.
needs and inclinations changed? With the To be truly effective, consumer insights gathered
Covid-19 keeping outdoor activities to a should be disseminated to relevant teams, so
minimum level, consumers have adjusted to new they can begin to improve your products and
social norms, prioritized spending on home services. This is much more significant in the
accessories and electronics, and are ‘Age of the Customer’, when customers are
increasingly looking for home entertainment. It’s faced with tons of choices, and can easily take
critical to utilize consumers; data while their dollar to a competitor.
developing buyer personas to help you toward
developing customer experiences and marketing 4. Find out where your business stands in
strategies that engage and resonate. You can your current market
utilize social data to analyze the following It’s important to find out your brand positioning
elements: on the market to gauge the effectiveness of your
● Key subjects of interest brand campaigns when coordinated with the
● Opinions and emotions overall market visibility and receptivity. Using a
● Buying intentions and barriers to sell comparison chart helps you to create social
● Product feedback figures for benchmarking, which lets you put into
● Complaints and suggestions for each perspective the success of your advertising
specific product efforts.
Notice where your brand stands among key
2. Find out new concerns of customers players in the market by utilizing key statistics in
While advertisers and consumer insights teams terms of share of voice, sentiment, and reach.
tend to associate “social media listening” and As a market chief in your industry, focusing on a
checking clients conversations on social media larger share of voice can get you nearer to
networks, don’t forget that there are certain tools accomplishing adequate brand exposure with
that are capable of monitoring mentions on minimal brand-awareness campaigns.
improve any of the three components mentioned
T12: BUSINESS MODEL above. Maybe you can lower costs during
What is a business model? design and manufacturing. Or, perhaps you can
A business model is the plan your business has find more effective methods of marketing and
for making money. It’s an explanation of how you sales. Or, maybe you can figure out an
deliver value to your customers at an innovative way for customers to pay. Keep in
appropriate cost. This includes descriptions of mind, though, that you don’t have to come up
the products or services you plan to sell, who with a new business model to have an effective
your target market is, and any required strategy. Instead, you could take an existing
expenses. The business model lets business model and offer it to different
entrepreneurs experiment, test, and model customers. For example, restaurants mostly
different ways to structure costs and revenue operate on a standard business model but focus
streams. For those just starting out, exploring their strategy by targeting different kinds of
potential business models can help you customers.
determine if your business idea is viable, attract
investors and guide your overall management 17 Different Types of Business Models
strategy. For established businesses, it serves
as the basis for developing financial forecasts, 1. Advertising
setting milestones, and setting a baseline for The advertising business model has been
reviewing your business plan. around a long time and has become more
sophisticated as the world has transitioned from
What are the key components of a business print to online. The fundamentals of the model
model? revolve around creating content that people
In its simplest form, a business model can be want to read or watch and then displaying
broken down into three parts: advertising to your readers or viewers. In an
1. Everything it takes to make something: advertising business model, you have to satisfy
design, raw materials, manufacturing, labor, and two customer groups: your readers or viewers,
so on. and your advertisers. Your readers may or may
2. Everything it takes to sell that thing: not be paying you, but your advertisers certainly
marketing, distribution, delivering a service, and are. An advertising business model is
processing the sale. sometimes combined with a crowdsourcing
3. How and what the customer pays: pricing model where you get your content for free from
strategy, payment methods, payment timing, and users instead of paying content creators to
so on. develop content.
As you can see, a business model is simply an Ex.: CBS, The New York Times, YouTube
exploration of what costs and expenses you 2. Affiliate
have and how much you can charge for your The affiliate business model is related to the
product or service. It brings together everything advertising business model but has some
defined in the opportunity and strategy sections specific differences. Most frequently found
of your business plan. This includes things like online, the affiliate model uses links embedded
your target market, your value proposition, sales in content instead of visual advertisements that
and marketing activities, etc. are easily identifiable. For example, if you run a
book review website, you could embed affiliate
How do you know if your business model will links to Amazon within your reviews that allow
be successful? people to buy the book you are reviewing.
A successful business model just needs to Amazon will pay you a small commission for
collect more money from customers than it costs every sale that Ex.: TheWireCutter.com,
to make the product. This is your profit—simple TopTenReviews.com
as that. New business models can refine and
3. Brokerage middlemen to get your product from the factory
Brokerage businesses connect buyers and to the store shelf. Disintermediation is when you
sellers and help facilitate a transaction. They sidestep everyone in the supply chain and sell
charge a fee for each transaction to either the directly to consumers, allowing you to potentially
buyer or the seller and sometimes both. One of lower costs to your customers and have a direct
the most common brokerage businesses is a relationship with them as well.
real estate agency, but there are many other Ex.: Casper, Dell, Apple
types of brokerages such as freight brokers and
brokers who help construction companies find 7. Fractionalization
buyers for dirt that they excavate from new Instead of selling an entire product, you can sell
foundations. just part of that product with a fractionalization
Ex.: ReMax, RoadRunner Transportation business model. One of the best examples of
Systems this business model is timeshares. Where a
group of people owns only a portion of a
4. Concierge/customization vacation home, enabling them to use it for a
Some businesses take existing products or certain number of weeks every year.
services and add a custom element to the Ex.: Disney Vacation Club, NetJets
transaction that makes every sale unique for the
given customer. For example, think of custom 8. Franchise
travel agents who book trips and experiences for Franchising is common in the restaurant
wealthy clients. You can also find customization industry, but you’ll also find it in all sorts of
happening at a larger scale with products like service industries from cleaning businesses to
Nike’s custom sneakers. staffing agencies. In a franchise business model,
Ex.: NIKEiD, Journy you are selling the recipe for starting and
running a successful business to someone else.
5. Crowdsourcing You’re often also selling access to a national
brand and support services that help the new
If you can bring together a large number of franchise owner get up and running. In effect,
people to contribute content to your site, then you’re selling access to a successful business
you’re crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing business model that you’ve developed.
models are most frequently paired with Ex.: Ace Hardware, McDonald’s, Allstate
advertising models to generate revenue, but
there are many other iterations of the model. 9. Freemium
Threadless, for example, lets designers submit With a freemium business model, you’re giving
t-shirt designs and gives the designers a away part of your product or service for free and
percentage of sales. Companies that are trying charging for premium features or services.
to solve difficult problems often publish their Freemium isn’t the same as a free trial where
problems openly for anyone to try and solve. customers only get access to a product or
Successful solutions get rewards and the service for a limited period of time. Instead,
company can then grow its business. The key to freemium models allow for unlimited use of basic
a successful crowdsourcing business is features for free and only charge customers who
providing the right rewards to entice the “crowd” want access to more advanced functionality. For
while also enabling you to build a viable more on the freemium model (and other pricing
business. models popular with SaaS businesses).
Ex.: Kickstarter, Patreon Ex.: MailChimp, Evernote, LinkedIn

6. Disintermediation 10. Leasing

If you want to make and sell something in Leasing might seem similar to fractionalization,
stores, you typically work through a series of but they are actually very different. In
fractionalization, you are selling perpetual volume sales of a high-margin, disposable
access to part of something. Leasing, on the component of that product. This is why razor
other hand, is like renting. At the end of a lease blade companies practically give away the razor
agreement, a customer needs to return the handle, assuming
product that they were renting from you. Leasing that you’ll continue to buy a large volume of
is most commonly used for high-priced products blades over the long term. The goal is to tie a
where customers may not be able to afford a full customer into a system, ensuring that there are
purchase but could instead afford to rent the many additional, ongoing purchases over time.
product for a while. Ex.: Gillette, Inkjet printers, Xbox, Amazon’s
Ex.: Cars, DirectCapital Kindle

11. Low-touch 15. Reverse razor blade

With a low-touch business model, companies Flipping the razor blade model around, you can
lower their prices by providing fewer services. offer a high-margin product and promote sales of
Some of the best examples of this type of a low-margin companion product. Similar to the
business model are budget airlines and furniture razor blade model, customers are often
sellers like IKEA. In both of these cases, the choosing to join an ecosystem of products. But,
low-touch business model means that unlike the razor blade model, the initial purchase
customers need to either purchase additional is the big sale where a company makes most of
services or do some things themselves in order its money. The add-ons are just there to keep
to keep costs down. customers using the initially expensive product.
Ex.: IKEA, Ryan Air Ex.: iPhone & iTunes, Peloton

12. Marketplace 16. Reverse auction

Marketplaces allow sellers to list items for sale A reverse auction business model turns auctions
and provide customers with easy tools for upside down and has sellers present their lowest
connecting to sellers. The marketplace business prices to buyers. Buyers then have the option to
model can generate revenue from a variety of choose the lowest price presented to them. You
sources including fees to the buyer or the seller can see reverse auctions in action when
for a successful transaction, additional services contractors bid to do work on a construction
for helping advertise seller’s products, and project. You also see reverse auctions anytime
insurance so buyers have peace of mind. The you shop for a mortgage or other type of loan.
marketplace model has been used for both Ex.: Priceline.com, LendingTree
products and services. 17. Subscription
Ex.: eBay, Airbnb Subscription business models are becoming
more and more common. In this business
13. Pay-as-you-go model, consumers get charged a subscription
Instead of pre-purchasing a certain amount of fee to get access to a service. While magazine
something, such as electricity or cell phone and newspaper subscriptions have been around
minutes, customers get charged for actual for a long time, the model has now spread to
usage at the end of a billing period. The software and online services and is even
pay-as-you-go model is most common in home showing up in service industries.
utilities, but it has been Ex.: Netflix, Salesforce, Comcast
applied to things like printer ink.
Ex.: Water companies, HP Instant Ink
14. Razor blade
The razor blade business model is named after
the product that essentially invented the model:
sell a durable product below cost to increase

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