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Spoken Language Topics

• Abolish poppy wearing: it glorifies war.

• Aggressive foreign policy is not legitimate foreign policy.
• Animals are less important than people and should be treated as such.
• Boys and girls are fundamentally different and should be taught separately.
• Celebrity culture makes us feel worse about ourselves.
• Charity should be compulsory.
• Climate change is inevitable.
• Does the BBC earn its compulsory license fee?
• Faith and rational thought cannot coexist.
• Football fails to live up to its promise for good.
• Freedom of expression is more important than religious sensitivities.
• Information and ideas should be free for all; we should abolish all intellectual
property rights.
• Life is harder today for teenagers than it was for their parents.
• Practical life skills like cookery should be on the curriculum and not English
• School children should not be encouraged to play contact sports.
• UK government should pay reparations to countries that suffered from the slave
• Vegetarianism should be compulsory.
• We all have the right to erase our own digital footprints.
• We need incentives to behave well – not penalties for behaving badly.
• We need more women in parliament.
• We should force the BBC to implement diversity quotas for casts of all their
• We should kill one to save many.
• We should only imprison violent offenders, and would give all non-violent
offenders non-custodial sentences.
• We should retain our international aid budget to be spent as a natural disaster
• We should treat the destruction of sites of cultural heritage as a war crime.

Which of the above topics are interesting to you? Highlight any you could speak about.

Choose three and bullet-point your ideas below.


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