Jaco Lesson Plan

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Subject Area: ENGLISH Year Level: Grade-11

Quarter: 2 Unit number: 2

I. Objective

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Give some important about the 7 Historical Events.

 Identify each characteristics of ideas each person.

II. Subject Matter

 Topic - Middle English

 Materials - PowerPoint & Video clip

 References - Internet (Research) and YouTube video

III. Procedure

 Opening prayer

 Greetings and simple exercises (to make them feel alive and energize)

 Asking about students condition (on how they were)

 Checking of attendance

 Recall previous lessons (on what they remember)

IV. Motivation

The teacher will show a video clip about the Siege of Rhodes.

 What have you noticed on the video presented?

 What do you think the clip all about?

 Is there any observations about the Siege of Rhodes?

V. Activating Prior knowledge

The teacher will ask these following questions.

 How you ever been to know the 7 Historical events?

 How about think the story of Siege of Rhodes?

Class demonstration (start of discussion)

Presentation of PowerPoint

What are the 7 Historical events? How to know that are the 7 Historical events it's part of 16th century?

2. Ask and answer the questions from the students (if they understand the lesson and to know if
you must proceed, ready to give the activity or take deeper discussion for them.

3. Students reactions, clarification about the topic discussed.


Identify the term define by the following statement. Write your answer on the space before each

__________1. Theories and ideas first established by people like.

__________2.the knight of Rhodes were allowed to leave.

__________3. When Suleiman the magnificent became sultan of the.

__________4. The era became defined by a sudden race to the.

__________5. Who was appointed his replacement.


As Future educator, why there is need to study about the 7 Historical events that took place in the 16th
century? Explain in your own opinion.

VIII. End of the class

 Closing prayer

 Appreciation for successful class participation

Prepared by:
English Teacher
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Subject Area: ENGLISH Year Level: Grade-11

Quarter: 1 Unit number: 2

I. Objective

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Identify each characteristics and literary feature.

 Define the term Middle English Literature refers to the literature written in the form of
the English language.

II. Subject Matter

 Topic - Middle English

 Materials - PowerPoint & Video clip
 References - Internet (Research) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/middle_english, YouTube

III. Procedure

 Opening prayer
 Greetings and simple exercises (to make them feel alive and energize)
 Asking about students’ condition (on how they were)
 Checking of attendance
 Recall previous lessons (on what they remember)

IV. Motivation

The teacher will show a video clip about Sir Gawain and the Green knight.
1. What have you noticed on the video presented?
2. What do you think the clip all about?
3. Is there any observations about Sir Gawain and the Green knight?

V. Activating Prior knowledge

The teacher will ask this following question.

1. How you ever been to know the Middle English?

2. How about think the story of Sir Gawain and the Green knight and know about the
 Class demonstration (start of discussion)
1. Presentation of PowerPoint

What is the middle English word? How to know that are the Modern English Translation?

2. Ask and answer the questions from the students (if they understand the lesson and to
know if you must a proceed, ready to give the activity or take deeper discussion for them.

3. Students reactions, clarification about the topic discussed.


 Identify the term define by the following statement. Write your answer on the space
before each number.

__________1. Refers to a English version of the English language that was spoken from
approximately 1066-1500.

__________2. Which continued to be compiled up to 1154.

__________3. The English language that was spoken after the Norman Conquest of.

__________4. What is the mean of (ME).

__________5. This stage of the development of the English language roughly followed the high
to the late.

__________6. This largely formed the basis for Modern English.

__________7. The scots developed concurrently from a variant of.

________ , ___________,8-9. Who are the literature emerged with the works of writers

__________10. The Middle English is often divided in three periods.


 As Future educator, why there is a need to study about the Middle English?

VIII. End of the class

 Closing prayer
 Appreciation for successful class participation

Prepared by:

English Teacher

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