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Secrets Revealed

Why Licensing Will Make You

Incredibly Rich
And How To Get In On The Action

“This sensational report gives you

the inside edge and reveals the
10 reasons why licensing is so
super profitable”
Why Licensing Makes You Money

At Assist Marketing Group we are dedicated to making you money, which means we
need to tell you about the smartest way to do it…

It’s an exceptionally profitable approach that’s traditionally used by the world’s biggest
brands, but that doesn’t mean they’re the only ones who it’s open to.

The most powerful thing about licensing is that it’s highly scalable, and if you work with
us to find the perfect entry opportunity you can make a lot of money once someone
else has done the hard work for you.

There’s a lot to learn, but with us by your side you’ll be up to

speed in no time at all. To keep things nice and simple,
we’ve condensed our expertise into 10 easy to follow points.

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We believe that anyone can make a very large amount of money

with the right licensing opportunity, and that all it takes is knowing
the right people:

#1 Licensing is flexible and adaptable, which means its

commonplace to find 12 month contracts. Other
systems will attempt to lock you in and secure
exclusivity, that’s not the case in the highly profitable
world of licensing.

#2 Hidden costs and surcharges can quickly erode your

profits in many different systems, but that’s not the case
when you secure the right licensing opportunity. And
because we’ll be with you every step of the way, you’ll
always have the peace of mind that an expert has given
everything the once over.

#3 Having no geographic restrictions is a major plus point as

it will allow you to grow your business and become the
go-to person in your chosen areas. This is something you
won’t find with popular yet largely unprofitable systems
like franchising.

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#4 Diversification is one of the age-old secrets of making
money that any wise investor will tell you about. The
great thing about licensing is that it allows you to have
as many additional revenue streams as you like. Perfect
for securing your family’s financial future the smarter

#5 When you take advantage of a licensing opportunity,

you’re joining a business with a clear resale value. That
means if your sector expands and the market size
dramatically increases, selling could become your natural
5 year exit strategy.

#6 We mentioned earlier that licensing allows you to reap the

rewards of other people’s hard work, but what did we mean
exactly? Well, you can inherit all of the brand recognition
from your predecessors, and make an instant impact in
your chosen territories. That way you can get off to a fast
start and watch your revenues increase virtually overnight.

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#7 The authorised sales channels that you’re granted access
to have been handpicked to ensure they’re highly lucrative
and scalable. This is good news for any entrepreneur or
business person who wants to make money with a smart
allocation of their assets.

#8 You can work with an expert team like us to ensure that

geographically your licence has plenty of life. This will
ensure that your investment is fruitful for the long-term.

Contracts can be easily double checked and verified by our

#9 dedicated team so that you know the precise deals of the
licensing opportunity before signing. Perfect for peace of
mind and financial security.

#10 There are plenty of licenses available in niches that you

have a large degree of knowledge and expertise in, all you
need is the right team to help identify them.

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• Know the licensor’s core business, and assess its

viability over the medium to long term with expert
help and guidance.

• Get to know your target audience so that you can

expand quickly from day one by using the brand
recognition someone else has built up

• Understand the limitations of other systems…

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The Cons of Affiliate Marketing

• Oversaturated marketplace with no geographic

• No option to be part of a resalable business

• You only hear about the YouTube success stories

because they’re highly unusual

The Cons of Franchising

• You can be prevented from working anywhere

• 5 year contracts are commonplace

• You’ll probably feel like you’re just working for

someone else

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What's Next?
Assist Marketing Group is dedicated to earning you money, so
who better to get in touch with when you want to secure your
family’s financial freedom?

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