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Name: Karl Angelo A.

Nickname: Karl
Student #: 201820080
Year Level & Course: 1st Year Associate in Arts (Industrial Design)

Contact Details: 09265784302

UP Mail:
Primary Mail:
1) What are you doing in Fine Arts?

Since I was a kid, every time my mother would bring me with her to work, she
would give me a pen and a paper so I could be busy by myself drawing different
things that I imagine and see, this marked as of the beginnings that I fell in love
with Fine Arts. In teen years I developed my interest in the field because of my
past experiences and exposures especially the times when my friends would
gather together and make different stuff together on the paper and show our
work with one another. Those learning experience helped me to have more
options in what course should I grasp of in college until I finally made it here. For
me learning will be always a part of life so I am here ready to grip and
understand the learnings should I get from the field and apply it for my further
improvements as an aspiring artist.

2) How familiar are you with Philippine Art History?

As a Filipino citizen who spent almost all my life in our country, I can say that I
am commonly familiar with Philippine Art History. From the teachings of my past
history and "sibika" teachers I can say that most of our art history has been
greatly influenced by the west or in short "westernized" because we were mostly
colonized by western countries such as the Spaniards from Spain, which means
that majority of the arts that occurred in our country's history was most likely
similar or based on them in which they were mostly inspired or based of on
religion, traditions and culture. Some styles around from the globe was also
brought into our country such as Baroque and Renaissance style. You can
evidently see the styles in most of the cultural places, significant historical
structures (churches, old institutions bldg. such as UST main building) and

3) What do you look forward to learning about from this course?

What I can take from this course is to be able to understand how and why our art
history was rich and important in our everyday lives. As part of my culture, I think
it’s better and important to be familiarize with our roots and how our country
became to be especially in the field of Fine Arts. With the help of my better
understandings in our culture, there could be a big chance for me to apply those
teachings in my work and that could enhance my abilities and take some
inspirations from our art history and I may be able to honor our country and the
heroes the greatly fight for our nation.

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