Commercial Own Linen Terms of Business Web PDF

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St Jude’s Laundry (a trading arm of Forth Sector, a Scottish company limited by guarantee (registered no. SC124791)
and a registered charity (Scottish Charity no. SCO16414)
Duddingston Yards, Duddingston Park South, Edinburgh, EH15 3NT


Customer Name (Herein after referred to as ‘the Customer’)

Invoice Address:
Delivery Address (if different from above):

1. Agreement terms

1.1 This agreement will commence on the date of acceptance of these contractual terms.

1.2 This agreement relates to the provision of laundry services to the Customer and is not transferable to any other
establishments owned by or operated by the Customer its associates, parent company or subsidiaries of it’s parent

2. Services to be provided by St Jude’s Laundry

2.1 St Jude’s Laundry will provide the Customer with laundry services in relation to laundry items owned by the
Customer. The prices quoted will remain fixed for a period of 12 months from the date of this agreement, and will then
be subject to review. In the event that an adjustment to prices is required, one month’s written notice will be given.

2.2 Canvas laundry bags will be provided by St Jude’s Laundry free of charge on loan for transport purposes only. Use of
St Jude’s Laundry canvas bags for storage of linen is not permitted. Canvas laundry bags for storage of customer linen
may be purchased from St Jude’s Laundry at a cost of £7.00 +VAT each.

2.3 St Jude’s Laundry will collect soiled laundry from the Customer and on each occasion delivering to the Customer
clean laundry collected on the preceding visit. An additional charge will apply for non-scheduled deliveries/collections or
where a delivery has failed due to client inability to provide access to the premises or when soiled laundry has been
returned because the customer has failed to include a laundry book.

2.4 If the Customer requires items laundered and delivered earlier than the agreed delivery day then St Jude’s Laundry
offer a quick turnaround service. The cost for this service is an additional 100% for each item laundered.

2.5 St Jude’s Laundry will not be liable for compensation of missing items that have been left in an unsecured location
whilst awaiting collection by St Jude’s Laundry.
2.6 When a delivery date coincides with a public holiday we will use our reasonable endeavours to seek to agree with
you an alternative delivery date.

2.7 There is no minimum order volume or minimum order charges

2.8 St Jude’s Laundry will provide, at no cost to the Customer, pre-printed laundry books in duplicate, in which details of
laundry to be collected will be recorded by staff of the Customer.

2.9 St Jude’s Laundry have a robust contingency plan ensuring continuity of service. In the case of an emergency
situation resulting in equipment failure, we have two back up suppliers who we can outsource laundry to. Furthermore,
St Jude’s Laundry are a member of the National Laundry Group whose members are also available to provide
contingency services to us. In addition to having a large stock of linen on site, we are on next day delivery terms with
our linen suppliers should you require specific items at short notice. St Jude’s Laundry have our own fleet of vans and
we use an on demand courier service so we can ensure consistency of deliveries in peak periods.

3. Own Stock

3.1 Your own stock shall at all times remain your property.

3.2 We shall recompense you for any loss or damage to your own items in our custody with the exception of duvet
covers with buttons or pop fasteners which will be laundered at your own risk.

3.3 With reference to clause 3.3 - within 14 working days of you undertaking your inspection, you will notify us of your
findings and, if relevant, any action that you require us to take, including making good or recompensing you for damage.

3.4 Where we are required to recompense you for lost or damaged own items, this shall be at the replacement value
less depreciation which is calculated in line with the Textile Services Association compensation guidelines. We will
request proof of purchase of the lost or damaged goods. The maximum recompense is limited to £50 per item with
regard to replacement of your own items. Recompense will be by credit note.

3.5 When we inform you that your own stock items need volume top up due to wear and tear, you must replace the
relevant items in reasonable time so that you are not short on stock items which would disturb your laundry service.

3.6 Dry cleaning will be carried out at the customer’s risk. We will not accept items for dry cleaning that do not have
care labels attached.

3.7 St Jude’s Laundry take no responsibility for the laundering process if there are no care labels on your items.

4. What is required of the Customer

4.1 the Customer will place all soiled laundry, accompanied by a completed laundry book in laundry bags provided by St
Jude’s Laundry, and will make these bags available to the St Jude’s Laundry delivery driver upon arrival.

4.2 Laundry must be bagged and ready for collection by our driver on your allocated scheduled day/s. Failure to do so
will result in laundry not being ready for your next scheduled delivery. Dependant on the available processing capacity
of the laundry it may be laundered as a quick turnaround as detailed in clause 2.4

4.3 Any damage caused to our laundry bags by the Customer will be invoiced at £7.00+VAT per bag. Soiled laundry not
placed in the bags provided will not be collected. Failure to use the laundry book will result in items not being collected
or laundered. Lost laundry books will be charged at £2.50 +VAT each.

4.4 If soiled laundry is to be collected from the Customer’s laundry store it must be labelled to differentiate it from
bagged and stored clean laundry.
4.5 the Customer will sign off every delivery and collection. If the delivery/collection location is unattended then the
Customer must write the number of bags to be collected in the laundry book.

4.6 the Customer will count the delivered laundry items and notify St Jude’s Laundry of any damages/shortages by 16:30
the day following delivery on: 0131 661 8090

4.7 Any item identified by the Customer as damaged by the Customer must be segregated from other items to be
collected, listed separately and marked for the attention of the laundry manager and handed to the St Jude’s Laundry
driver with the collection following notification to St Jude’s Laundry.

5. Invoicing and payment

5.1 St Jude’s Laundry will provide the Customer with a detailed delivery note with each delivery of linen and towels.

5.2 You will be invoiced upon receipt of your laundered items.

5.3 St Jude’s Laundry will provide the Customer with a VAT invoice relating to each delivery, and a monthly statement
detailing outstanding invoices at each month end.

5.4 the Customer will make payment within 30 days of receipt of invoice. In the event of non payment St Jude’s Laundry
reserve the right to suspend services provided.

6. Contacts

Laundry Office
St Jude’s Laundry
Duddingston Yards
Duddingston Park South
EH15 3NT

Tel: 0131 661 8090

Recognised as a Scottish Charity Registration No.SC016414

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