Together We Stand, Divided We Fall

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Mohammad Khalid r.


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

19 march 2022

Together we stand, divided we fall

The implementation of the SDG in Indonesia has been ongoing since it was ratified for the first time

at the UN General Assembly in September 2015. In essence, SDG is a continuation of the MDG. Indonesia

has succeeded in achieving most of Indonesia's MDG targets, namely 49 of the 67 MDGs indicators.

although there are still some indicators that have not been completed, the indicators are continued at SDG.

During the 5th implementation of SDG in Indonesia from 2015 – to 2019. However, the implementation of

SDG has decreased in 2020. In that year there was a global disaster, namely the Covid-19 pandemic, which

had an impact on all aspects. And one of these impacts is the existence of obstacles in the application of


The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia lasted from 2020 to today. Some goals are currently

experiencing setbacks such as points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, & 17. With this setback, the

Indonesian government is overwhelmed in managing all kinds of aspects. This affects the imbalance in the

handling of goals. it is a challenge for the government.

There are 2 government challenges

1. Substantive challenges: the way the government views the problem is very limited.

2. Technical challenges: lack of perspective and work discipline

The main points that become problems among these setbacks are point 8, decent work, and economic

growth. This is because it can be continued for other points. Economic activity in Indonesia is experiencing a
slowdown which causes a decrease in people's income and an increase in the number of unemployed. This

problem is fairly serious because with the increasing number of unemployed in Indonesia, welfare, equality,

zero hunger, and social inequality are also present.

Then what is the solution? I prefer it if the government and non-government parties can work in the

same aspect. Following the government's challenge, namely a substantive challenge, automatically we as a

society must certainly support it. And in his business, some things must be considered for mutual success.

Before we enter into the main plan, we must know the terms and conditions of the plan, such as how to

implement it for the country, to share the vision and mission of the country in managing the development


The way to implement it is

1. Determine the outcome

 Which in its meaning is that the bottom line is that these goals are in line with the vision and

mission of social development

2. Setting up the framework

 This means that for a road plan to involve the government in it, 3 frameworks are needed for

the continuity of the plan itself

a. Regulatory and policy framework

b. Institutional framework

c. Accountability mechanism framework

3. Define activities in each framework

4. Participation of all elements of society

after the points from above then we will enter how to realize it. The target of the plan that I made is

the participation of the people in this development. We do not always depend on the government because the

government also has its challenges. So that the involvement of a non-governmental organization or
community will be very beneficial for the nation. After knowing the target of involvement in development.

Then it can be explained how to implement it.

How to implement

1. Choose a quality indicator

 This means that the indicator is designed jointly between government and non-government


2. Ensure resources can be mobilized

 This means that financial and non-financial resources can be mobilized in the development


3. Identify baseline data and targets

 Which is deep meaning from what is intended to what is desired

4. Measuring development results through data

In this development plan, the role of the community is to participate in government programs or work

programs that are presented by several community organizations. And for the sake of the continuity of the

plan, the government or other agencies or community organizations must register each person who has lost

their job by adjusting them to their respective field of expertise. So that the quality of a job will increase due

to the suitability of the community for their interests and talents.

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