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©2014 Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.

Economic Geology, v. 109, pp. 1813–1841

A Detailed Assessment of Global Nickel Resource Trends and Endowments

Gavin M. Mudd1,† and Simon M. Jowitt2
1 Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Wellington Road, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia
2 School of Geosciences, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia

Nickel is a metal that reflects the technological advances of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, emerg-
ing as critically important for stainless steel and a variety of specialty metal alloys as well as currency, chemicals,
and batteries. Although mineral resources are commonly considered to be limited or finite, global Ni produc-
tion has grown steadily throughout the twentieth century and has been matched by substantial growth in esti-
mated Ni reserves and resources. While there is growing concern about “peak oil,” there is very little research
about “peak minerals.” In this paper, we present a detailed compilation and assessment of globally reported Ni
resources by project and split into standard mineral deposit types for the year 2011. The minimum amount of
Ni reported globally as mineral resources is 296.2 million metric tons (Mt) Ni, split over a total of 253 sulfide
projects containing 118.0 Mt Ni and 224 laterite projects containing 178.1 Mt Ni, with a further 3.38 Mt Ni in
China (excluding Jinchuan, which is included in our sulfide compilation)—i.e., a global total of some 299.6 Mt
Ni. Our data compilation indicates that the majority of global Ni resources are hosted by laterite deposits
(59.5%), especially Ni laterite deposits located around the tropics. In addition, our compiled data indicate
that global Ni resources continue to increase, despite a coincident increase in Ni production over time, along
with declining cut-off and ore grades, increasing awareness of environmental issues and other related aspects.
Overall, there are abundant Ni resources already identified which can meet growing global demands for some
decades to come—the primary factors which govern whether a given project is developed (or not) will be social,
economic, and environmental in nature.

Introduction later, research at the Krupp steelworks in Germany deter-

The availability and use of various metals have been so mined that the addition of nickel to chromium steel increased
important to the evolution and development of modern soci- ductility and acid resistance, a discovery that led to the wide-
ety that historians name major human epochs after them, spread production of kitchen sinks, cutlery, and other kitchen
as exemplified by the Bronze, Iron, and Atomic ages. Over utensils from austenitic stainless steel, a generic term for a
several millennia, humanity has evolved from using copper group of corrosion-resistant steels containing at least 10.5%
(Cu), gold (Au), bronze (a copper-tin alloy), silver (Ag) and Cr. The 1920s saw the discovery of the giant Noril’sk field in
lead (Pb), to iron (Fe), steel, nickel (Ni), aluminum (Al), chro- Siberia in northern Russia as well as the extensive platinum
mium (Cr), and zinc (Zn), and eventually to uranium (U) and group element (PGE) resources of the Bushveld Igneous
the rare earth elements (REEs), to name the most obvious Complex of South Africa; the latter have relatively low Ni
metals. Most of these advances have occurred since the dawn (-Cu-Au) grades but produce significant amounts of by-prod-
of the twentieth century alongside evolution in technology uct Ni. Slowly but surely, Ni began a gradual but sustained
and economic development, especially growing consumption rise in production and use, in the main driven by the growing
patterns, and the vast majority of metals now have active uses manufacture of austenitic steel products in the 1930s. The
and demands. importance of this material continues today, with austenitic
Although Cu, Au, and Fe have been in use for millennia, stainless steel accounting for more than 60% of global nickel
the widespread use of Ni is much more recent. Nickel was consumption and continuing to be the largest current end
first isolated in 1751, and it was largely ignored as a metal use of primary nickel production.
until production from Ni sulfides began in Norway in 1848, The natural geologic processes that form mineable metal
followed by the opening of the New Caledonian Ni laterite deposits, however, are often extremely slow or happen very
mines in 1875 and the recognition of Ni-Cu sulfide mineral- infrequently (e.g., with gaps of several million years or more
ization in the Sudbury field in Canada in 1886 (e.g., Mudd, between mineral deposit-forming events), meaning that,
2010a). The ramping up of production from Sudbury was within human time scales, mineral deposits are nonrenew-
coincident with the development of a Ni-Fe alloy, i.e., steel, able resources. Over time, new deposits can be found and
that was both corrosion resistant and strong (Habashi, 2009). exploited, but once depleted, they cannot be replaced. Recy-
This development was complemented by the discovery of cling of metals is, in some cases, relatively easy (e.g., Al, Cu,
austenitic (nickel-bearing) stainless steel in Germany in Fe), although this is dependent on the pattern of use of a
1914, a development that stemmed from the 1913 discovery given metal, and this recycling may not always be straightfor-
that Cr-bearing steels are resistant to chemical attack. A year ward, based on current technologies and economics (e.g., the
REEs). In addition, although recycling of metals can possibly
† Corresponding author: e-mail,
meet a portion of existing demands, it is obviously not possible
*A digital supplement to this paper is available at http://economicgeology. to recycle enough metals to meet any increases in demand;
org/ and at in other words, if demand increases to 110% of the metal
Submitted: August 5, 2013
0361-0128/14/4250/1813-29 1813 Accepted: February 1, 2014

currently in use, even if all of that metal is recycled, there The most widely used global mineral resource estimates
is still a 10% shortfall that can only be met by new produc- are provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS),
tion. This therefore means that it is generally accepted that who produce approximate estimates of the global resources
mineral resources are finite and that mining is therefore an of a wide range of metals and minerals in annual “Mineral
unsustainable activity by its very nature (e.g., Mudd, 2009a, Commodity Summaries” (e.g., USGS, 1996−2013). These
2010b; Amezaga et al., 2011). summaries use the McKelvey System of mineral deposit
Although global mineral and metal production continues classification, whereby reserves consist of known economic
to expand significantly in order to meet increasing demand, deposits. Subeconomic and marginal projects are added to
the majority of remaining mineral resources also continue to this reserves total to yield a reserves base estimate of the com-
grow, and global estimates often indicate that current or even modity in question (although the USGS ceased reporting of
increasing demand can be met for at least a few decades or reserves base estimates in 2009). The USGS reserves esti-
more (Wellmer and Becker-Platen, 2000; IIED and WBCSD, mates include the recoverable amount of metal within oper-
2002; Mudd, 2012; Mudd et al., 2013a, b). This has been ating mines and projects under development, whereas the
true for mining throughout the twentieth century, mainly as previously reported reserves base estimates included reserves
a result of decreasing costs, the availability of reliable low cost and additional mineral resources reported at known projects
energy sources and new mining and processing technologies, that were under development or at advanced stages of explo-
growing demand and continued exploration success (Doggett, ration. The last reported USGS Ni reserves base estimate for
2000; IIED and WBCSD, 2002; Mudd, 2009a, 2010b). How- 2008 and Ni reserve estimates for 2010 and 2011 by country
ever, it is currently unclear how long these historic patterns are shown in Table 1, including equivalent national estimates.
can continue, especially considering that mineral resources It should be noted that the reserves reported by the USGS
are finite (and noting that some critical inputs such as energy are often (erroneously) thought to represent absolute (or per-
are rising in costs faster than inflation; see IEA, 2013). haps finite) amounts, leading to frequent claims that the world
In the 1950s M. King Hubbert first applied the concept is running out of certain mineral resources. This is exempli-
of a “peak” model to annual oil production, where finite oil fied by Cohen (2007), who claimed that current Ni reserves
resources are discovered and developed, leading to a gradual would only last 57 years at 2007 global consumption rates,
rise and inevitable decline in production (Hubbert, 1956). with critical caveats including the exclusion of new discover-
Although the peak oil problem is now widely recognized and ies and technologies and continuing consumption either con-
debated (e.g., Bentley, 2002; Feng et al., 2008; Sorrell et al., stant or allowed to increase at historic rates, none of which
2009; Smith, 2012), only minimal research into the extent that accurately reflects the true situation in the global Ni market.
the peak concept applies to other minerals and metals has
been undertaken (e.g., Arndt and Ganino, 2012; Prior et al., Table 1. USGS Reserves (2010, 2011) and Reserves Base (2008) for
2012), while other researchers try to refute it (e.g., Rustad, Nickel (Mt Ni), Including Respective National Resource Estimates
Reserves Reserves Reserves National
Although both hydrocarbon and mineral resources form Country (2010) (2011) Base (2008) estimate
as a result of geologic processes, the scale of the structures
that host individual reservoirs or orebodies differ significantly. United States 0.15
Hydrocarbon reservoirs are often hosted by large structures Australia 24 24 29 43.8
which can be imaged using three-dimensional seismic tech- Dominican Republic 0.96 1 1
Cuba 5.5 5.5 23
niques, whereas mineral deposits are often small features that Columbia 1.6 0.72 2.7
can frequently be obscured by regional geologic complexity. China 3 3 7.6 9.38
This combination of small target and complex geologic settings Botswana 0.49 0.49 0.92
means that it can take a considerable effort to locate a min- Brazil 8.7 8.7 8.3 8.353
New Caledonia 7.1 12 15
eralized prospect, in addition to the delineation and technical Indonesia 3.9 3.9 13
studies that are required to determine whether this prospect Madagascar 1.3 1.6
is economic to mine. The mining industry generally minimizes Canada 3.8 3.3 15 3.301
exploration and development costs by initially delineating an Philippines 1.1 1.1 5.2
extractable reserve using minimal expenditure on drilling, Greece 0.9
Russia 6 6 9.2
etc., with the related production financially contributing to Venezuela 0.49 0.63
the subsequent and ongoing conversion of resources to mine- South Africa 3.7 3.7 12 3.7
able reserves during the lifetime of a mine, rather than incur- Zimbabwe 0.26
ring the prohibitive expenditure related to initially delineating Other 4.5 4.6 6.1
Total1 761 801 1501
the full extent of an orebody. This approach also uses ongo-
ing greenfield and brownfield exploration in the area around
Notes: National resource estimates from Australia–2011 (GA,
a mineral deposit that is likely to find new deposits or expand 1992−2012); Brazil–2011 (DNPM, 2008−2012); Canada–2009 (NRC,
resources at operating mines, meaning that mining companies 1944−2010); China (Hongtao et al., 2011); South Africa (CMSA,
are able to adapt to changing market conditions that can make 2005−2013)
1 Totals rounded down to two significant figures; it should be noted that
a project profitable (or otherwise), and to a certain extent,
the USGS data for Greece, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe were included in the
able to adopt any new technology that might enable mining of “Other” subtotal as a result of page constraints, and Reserves Base data were
previously uneconomic projects or subeconomic mineraliza- deliberately not published by the USGS in 2012 and 2013 as a result of dif-
tion within a given mining camp. fering international standards

The fact that mining companies invest only the minimal exploration company, a classification has been assigned based
effort and expenditure that is required to prove an ore reserve on the geologic information available.
is profitable to extract prior to development means that com- Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits form by the segre-
piling formal reserve estimates alone will necessarily exclude gation of immiscible sulfide liquids from mafic or ultramafic
mineral resources that are known but are not quantified in silicate magmas, with the increased compatibility (i.e., high
as much detail as ore reserves. This points to the need for sulfide-silicate partition coefficients) of chalcophile elements
research into long-term trends in recoverable minerals (i.e., such as Ni, Cu, and the PGEs within sulfide melts leading to
50  years plus) to be based on total mineral resources rather the enrichment of magmatic sulfides in these elements (e.g.,
than ore reserves. This approach would show that substantial Campbell and Naldrett, 1979; Naldrett, 2004). These depos-
known resources are, given current and foreseeable techno- its fall into two broad categories—sulfur-rich Ni-Cu-(PGE)
logical and economic factors, economically extractable. In and sulfur-poor PGE-dominated deposits, although there are
addition, and more importantly, other factors are likely to be significant overlaps between the two. Magmatic sulfide min-
more important controls on the future of Ni mining than sim- eralization can form in a wide variety of settings and magmatic
ply the fact that there are “x years of Ni left.” These include sulfide deposits are preserved throughout most of the geologic
social concerns (e.g., economic benefits, labor), environmental timescale (Naldrett, 2010). Here, we subdivide magmatic
issues (e.g., tailings, waste rock, pollutant emissions), increas- sulfide deposits into a number of subtypes, loosely based on
ingly challenging mining conditions (e.g., depths >1 km), the classifications of Naldrett (2004, 2010) and Hoatson et al.
infrastructure issues, fluctuations in metal prices (especially (2006):
important for Ni given the by-product nature of significant Archean komatiite: These are magmatic sulfide deposits
amounts of Ni production and the importance of by-products that are hosted by komatiites of unequivocally Archean age, as
from Ni-dominated mining projects), and political issues and exemplified by the Kambalda Ni deposits of Western Australia.
access to areas prospective for mineral exploration (e.g., seri- Proterozoic komatiite: These are magmatic sulfide depos-
ous political hurdles that continue to hamper nickel explora- its hosted by komatiites or komatiitic basalts of unequivocally
tion and development in prospective areas such as Afghanistan, Proterozoic age, as exemplified by the Thompson and Raglan
Eritrea, northeastern Iraq, and northern Yemen, where politi- deposits of Canada.
cal and security hurdles may not permit even a cursory evalua- Flood basalt-related: These magmatic sulfide deposits are
tion, and as exemplified by the 25-year struggle to develop the hosted by mafic intrusions that may have been feeders for
Los Camariocas laterite deposit in Cuba). extensive flood basalt extrusions during large igneous prov-
This study presents a detailed analysis of reported global Ni ince (LIP) events. This classification is exemplified by the
mineral resources that provides an ideal baseline for the pre- Russian Noril’sk-Talnakh deposits that are associated with the
cise and accurate forecasting of future scenarios for Ni min- Siberian Trap flood basalts, and deposits of the Duluth Com-
ing, enabling the identification of key Ni resource trends and plex of Minnesota, associated with the Keweenawan flood
determining whether the concept of “peak nickel” is realistic. basalt province.
We include an extensive Ni resource database that has been Layered intrusion: These deposits are hosted by large layered
compiled almost exclusively from 2011 company reporting, mafic-ultramafic intrusive complexes. This category, where
with all resources classified using standard mineral deposit possible, is further split into strata-bound contact-type (e.g.,
types (e.g., Naldrett, 2004; Freyssinet et al., 2005). These data Platreef of the Bushveld Complex) and strata-bound strati-
represent a robustly calculated minimum estimate of the cur- form reef-type (e.g., UG-2 and Merensky reefs of the Bushveld
rently available global Ni resources and will prove valuable Complex) deposits to reflect the differing positions and contact
for anyone concerned with the future of the Ni mining sector relationships of these deposits within layered intrusions.
and related environmental, social, economic, and technology Alaskan-type deposit: This deposit type is associated with
issues. Alaskan- or Urals-type ultramafic complexes and is exempli-
fied by the Turnagain deposit of British Columbia, Canada.
Mineral Resource Accounting PGE-discordant intrusion: The only example of this type
of deposit is the Lac des Iles deposit in Canada; the struc-
Nickel deposit types tural position of this deposit is dissimilar to others within this
All of the Ni resources within our database have been compilation.
assigned a mineral deposit type; this classification shows Magmatic feeder: Deposits within this category are located
that the majority of Ni resources are hosted by magmatic within or are genetically associated with feeder zones for
sulfide or laterite mineral deposits. However, there are also overlying magma bodies and extrusions, although not neces-
a wide variety of other mineral deposit types that, although sarily on the same scale as flood basalt/LIP-type magmatism.
relatively minor in resource and economic terms, also need Intrusion-related: The deposits within this category are
to be considered and may prove to be important sources of hosted by intrusions that are not definitively layered, are not
Ni in the future; these other mineral deposit types are gener- definitively contact or stratigraphically controlled, are not
ally associated with hydrothermal systems and include skarn, unequivocally komatiitic, and are not definitively related to
volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS), sedimentary exhalative contemporaneous flood basalt magmatism. These intrusions
(SEDEX), unconformity uranium, sediment-hosted strati- are generally smaller than the layered intrusions within this
form Cu-Co, and serpentinization-associated deposits. In the compilation, and the nature of this category means that it
rare cases where a mineral deposit type has not been assigned includes a number of deposits for which only limited informa-
to a resource or has not been disclosed by the mining or tion is available.

Meteorite impact melt-related: This class of deposits is environments is primarily a function of structural geology, tec-
related to melting, the production of significant volumes of tonic setting, and geomorphology, all of which exert controls
mafic magmas, and the generation of magmatic sulfide miner- on erosion and drainage (e.g., Freyssinet et al., 2005; Butt and
alization by a meteorite impact, as exemplified by the deposits Cluzel, 2013). Changes in the climate of an area can also signif-
of the Sudbury area of Ontario, Canada, and the recently dis- icantly influence laterite formation, with wet climates forming
covered Maniitsoq meteorite impact structure of southwest- hydrous Mg silicate laterites, changes from wet to dry climates
ern Greenland. forming both oxide and clay silicate laterites, and changes from
This classification may in part seem fairly loose, but this is dry to wet climates potentially forming hydrous Mg silicate
intentional—a significant number of magmatic sulfide depos- and/or clay silicate laterite deposits (Golightly, 1981, 2010).
its within our compilation are poorly characterized, and so, These climatic changes can also affect the moisture content
rather than providing a detailed classification of the type of of a laterite, a key uncertainty in determining the grade and
magma or hosting body, we have used a more general, but tonnage of a nickel laterite deposit (e.g., Golightly, 2010); the
more robust, classification system. effect of these uncertainties on the Ni laterite resources com-
Although some 64% of Ni production to date has been from piled here is discussed elsewhere in this paper.
Ni ± Cu ± Co ± PGE sulfide ores (data updated from Mudd, Protolith composition can also partly influence the type of
2010a), the majority of global Ni resources are in fact hosted laterite deposit that formed during weathering, as clinopyrox-
by Ni-(Co) laterites (Dalvi et al., 2004; this study). The main ene-bearing lithologies are more likely to form clay silicate
reason for this dichotomy is that the complex mineral pro- laterites, dunitic protoliths are likely to weather to form oxide
cessing required to economically exploit Ni laterite depos- deposits, and the degree of serpentinization can influence the
its meant that magmatic sulfide ores were considered more formation of hydrous Mg silicates (Golightly, 1981; Freyssinet
important exploration targets, primarily as the ore within sul- et al., 2005). Conversely, peridotitic protoliths can weather
fide deposits has historically been more easily processed using to form all three types of laterite deposit (Freyssinet et al.,
conventional concentration and smelting techniques. 2005). Other important local factors include local tectonics
Ni laterite deposits are formed by the deep weathering (e.g., deeper weathering proximal to local faults) topogra-
of Mg-rich ultramafic rocks, with the majority of Ni later- phy and drainage (e.g., Elias, 2002; Freyssinet et al., 2005;
ites formed from ophiolitic ultramafics, but with a number Golightly, 2010).
of important deposits formed from komatiites or other oliv- Nickel is moderately to entirely immobile within the major-
ine-rich or serpentinized rocks (e.g., Freyssinet et al., 2005; ity of hydrothermal systems (e.g., Jowitt et al., 2012) with the
Ernst and Jowitt, 2013). In addition to Ni, laterites often notable exception of systems that contain a significant amount
contain economically extractable quantities of cobalt (e.g., of arsenic. This means that although Ni is present in a wide
Mudd et al., 2013a) and may also be enriched in the PGEs, variety of hydrothermal mineral deposits, it is generally pres-
although the latter may not be economically extractable (e.g., ent in very low concentrations, such that very few of these
Freyssinet et al., 2005). The majority of laterite deposits are deposits have been historically exploited as a source of pri-
located in tropical regions, although some are also present in mary or by-product Ni (e.g., González-Álvarez et al., 2012).
high latitudes where weathering during preceding periods of The comparatively minor hydrothermal Ni deposits within
warmer, more humid climate caused the formation of laterite our database include polymetallic shale-hosted Ni VMS or
deposits. SEDEX deposits; these deposits span a range of grades and
There are three main types of Ni laterite (Golightly, 1981, tonnages, from low-grade bulk tonnage deposits exemplified
2010; Brand et al., 1998; Freyssinet et al., 2005), namely: (1) by the Talvivaara deposit in Finland, to high-grade low-ton-
oxide laterites that contain Ni that has either substituted into nage Ni sulfide deposits in China and the Yukon (e.g., Jowitt
or is adsorbed onto goethite; (2) hydrous Mg silicate laterites and Keays, 2012), with the former increasingly becoming an
that contain Ni-enriched hydrous Mg silicates, such as ser- attractive target for Ni exploration. A range of more tradi-
pentine, talc, chlorite, sepiolite and garnierite; and (3) clay tional VMS deposits also contain Ni (e.g., Constantinou,
silicate laterites that are dominated by Ni-rich nontronite and 1980; Hannington et al., 1998; Galley et al., 2007), although
saponite smectites. only the Outokumpu-type VMS deposits of Scandinavia have
Hydrous Mg silicate laterites generally contain the highest been consistently exploited as a source of Ni (Peltonen et al.,
Ni grades (~1.8−2.5% Ni) and dominate Ni laterite produc- 2008). Another minor type of Ni mineralization is unconfor-
tion statistics (e.g., Freyssinet et al., 2005) although the com- mity-type uranium (U) deposits. In Canada’s Athabasca Basin
position of, and ore types present within, individual Ni laterite in northern Saskatchewan, the rich U grades (0.5−20% U3O8)
deposits are often poorly reported. The controls on the forma- are often accompanied by high Ni grades that can range
tion of these differing styles of laterite deposit are not entirely from 0.1 to 20% Ni in drill intersections but often average
clear, as, for example, hydrous Mg silicate laterites are domi- 1 to 2% Ni across a deposit (see Dahlkamp, 1978; Ruzicka,
nantly located in the present-day tropics but are also located 1984, 1993; Flöter, 1987; Donahue et al., 2000; Dill, 2010).
in regions with more temperate climates, and clay silicate and Examples include the Key Lake, Rabbit Lake, Cluff Lake,
oxide laterites are present throughout all latitudes (Freyssinet and Eldorado-Port Radium deposits, although to date no Ni
et al., 2005), although there is no clear link between present- production has occurred from these deposits (presumably
day climate conditions and the type, size, or grade of Ni laterite due to the difficulty in producing a low radioactivity Ni con-
mineralization. The association of some hydrous Mg silicate Ni centrate). Due to the lack of production and resource report-
laterites with present-day tropical environments and other clay ing, these deposits are excluded from our database, except
silicate Ni laterites with present-day semiarid or savannah-like for the Eldorado-Port Radium tailings that are being assessed

for potential Ni production. Sediment-hosted stratiform Cu environmental impact assessments and social and economic
deposits also contain variable amounts of Ni, as exemplified studies, are needed to define a mineral resource as economic
by the reported Ni within resource estimates for the Kalum- and convert resources to reserves; only if these relevant cri-
bila-Enterprise and Nama deposits in Zambia. In addition, teria are passed can a deposit be classified accordingly and
carbonatite deposits are often associated with Ni enrich- potentially mined.
ments (e.g., Corriveau, 2007; Groves et al., 2010), and the The requirements of mining companies to determine the
Phalaborwa carbonatite in South Africa produces Ni (511  t profitability of a mineral deposit and to both justify the meth-
Ni in metal and sulfate in 2011; PMC, 2012) as a by-product odology used and communicate this information formally
of Cu production, although no Ni resources are reported for to the wider public and investors (as the majority of mining
this deposit. companies are listed on public stock exchanges) has led to the
Hydrothermal alteration of ultramafic rocks can also lead adaptation of formal regulations and codes for the assessment,
to the formation of a variety of styles of Ni mineralization, evaluation, and reporting of mineral resources. The majority
as exemplified by the high-temperature Avebury deposit in of publicly listed mining companies are required to use their
Tasmania, where intrusion of granite caused mobilization of national code, and most major mining nations either have
magmatic sulfides and led to the formation of a skarn-type Ni their own codes or have adopted a code from another nation.
deposit (Keays and Jowitt, 2012). Low-temperature serpenti- Australian ore reserves and mineral resources are reported
nization can also generate Ni mineralization, as exemplified according to the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) Code
by the alteration of olivine within an obducted upper Paleo- (Stephenson, 2001; AusIMM et al., 2004), whereas Canada
zoic-lower Mesozoic ophiolite sequence that led to Ni release uses National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101; OSC, 2011),
and the formation of Ni-Fe awaruite alloys within the Decar and South Africa uses the South African Mineral Resource
deposit in British Columbia, Canada (Ronacher et al., 2012). Committee Code (SAMRCWG, 2009), among others (e.g.,
This deposit is hosted by a serpentinized peridotite and rep- Russia, China, Europe, United States). The 1994 establish-
resents a new style of potential bulk tonnage but low-grade Ni ment of the Committee for Mineral Reserves International
deposit. The 2011 resource used in our data set was 1,283 Mt Reporting Standards (aka “CRIRSCO”) through the Coun-
of ore at 0.108% Ni, while the more recent 2013 resource is cil of Mining and Metallurgical Institutes has enabled inter-
~2 billion tons (Gt) of resources at 0.125% recoverable Ni national cooperation on codes for the reporting of mineral
(reported in Davis Tube Recoverable Nickel Content values, reserves and resources; CRIRSCO member regions and
which only report Ni present as alloys, rather than the total Ni countries include Australasia, Canada, Chile, Europe, South
content of the deposit; some 64% of the total nickel within the Africa, and the United States.
deposit is present as alloys, with the rest hosted by unrecov- All of these statutory codes consider two primary aspects in
erable silicate minerals in the serpentinized peridotite host). determining whether a mineral resource is profitable, namely
These two contrasting styles of alteration and the two signifi- geologic and economic probability. These aspects incorporate
cantly different deposits at Avebury and Decar that resulted a wide range of modifying factors, including mining, metallur-
from these alteration events exemplify the wide variety of gical, economic, marketing, legal, environmental, social and
mineralizing systems that can form Ni deposits. governmental considerations and impacts. These codes also
Finally, there are also a number of other potential Ni typically use two primary categories to classify mineral depos-
resources that have been frequently discussed but have been its: ore reserves and mineral resources. These categories are
little explored and have certainly not produced any Ni to date. discriminated by the likelihood of profitable extraction of a
The most important of these are oceanic Fe-Mn manganese given deposit or part of a deposit, where ore reserves have
nodules and crusts that are found on the ocean floor and on a very high economic and geologic probability of profitable
seamounts; these resources are thought to form by chemical extraction, and mineral resources have a reasonable geologic
precipitation within the peripheries of seafloor hydrother- probability but are less economically certain. These categories
mal systems. These nodules contain significant amounts of are more precisely referred to in definitions such as:
Ni, Co, and other metals (e.g., Mudd et al., 2013a), and the Ore reserves: Assessments demonstrate at the time of
Clarion-Clipperton nodule deposit represents the world’s reporting that profitable extraction could reasonably be justi-
first (and to date only) code-based deep-sea polymetallic fied. Ore reserves are subdivided in order of increasing con-
nodule Ni resource estimate, although the viability of deep- fidence into probable ore reserves and proved ore reserves;
sea nodule mining as an economically sound commercial Mineral resources: The location, quantity, grade, geo-
operation is unclear, especially when social concerns and the logic characteristics and continuity of a mineral resource are
ecological and biodiversity implications of deep-sea mining known such that there are reasonable prospects for eventual
are considered. However, changes in technology and deple- economic extraction, although not all modifying factors have
tion of terrestrial Ni (and other metal) deposits may improve been assessed and hence some uncertainty remains. Mineral
the economics and viability of these somewhat speculative resources are subdivided, in order of increasing geologic con-
resources. fidence, into inferred, indicated, and measured categories.
The majority of statutory codes allow mineral resource
Mineral resource accounting reporting to be either inclusive of or separate to ore reserves,
A wide range of technical studies, including close-spaced although some jurisdictions require reporting of mineral
drilling to delineate a resource, ore processing and metallur- resources to be separate to ore reserves (e.g., the US Secu-
gical test work (especially for concentrate or product quality rities and Exchange Commission where mineral resources
and related marketing aspects), mine design and planning, need to be reported separately as “mineralized material”).

The USGS uses reserves and reserve base categories that that focus on this conversion of resources to reserves to
are broadly similar to ore reserves and mineral resources, production. A brief compilation is provided in Table 2; this
respectively, although the reserves base still excludes inferred focuses on extensive historic data sets which are available for
resources. An analysis of various mineral resource reporting some major Ni mines in Australia and Canada (e.g., Mudd,
codes is given by Lambert et al. (2009). 2009a, b, 2010a, b, and analysis of company reporting), and
As discussed above, the majority of research into globally a number of other major projects. These projects indicate
available Ni resources has focused on Ni reserves reporting, that the conversion of mineral resources to ore reserves over
with all the issues that this focus entails. We consider that time is generally very successful; that is, 10 of the 12 projects
a more realistic examination of the long-term (>50 years) show cumulative production plus remaining resources greater
future of Ni mining can be achieved by compiling total min- than initial reserves-resources. In addition, the past 20 years
eral resources as reported by various companies and mines, has seen a significant increase in total mineable material (i.e.,
including all measured, indicated, and inferred resources cumulative production plus remaining mineral resources)
(Mudd et al., 2013a, b). We consider this approach to be more that has been driven by ongoing exploration and resource-to-
robust than relying on Ni reserve data alone, primarily as the reserve conversion rather than improvements in technology
majority of the world’s giant or long-lived Ni projects (e.g., or economic changes alone. This is not to say that technologi-
Sudbury, Noril’sk-Talnakh, New Caledonia laterites; see case cal developments have not impacted on this conversion rate;
studies presented in this paper) have ore reserves that repre- for example, increased use of high-pressure acid leaching-
sent a small proportion of the known amount of contained Ni, based extraction of Ni from laterites and elevated prices for
whereas mineral resources are sufficiently geologically under- Ni and associated by-products in recent years have also been
stood to allow long-term project planning and therefore are important factors in the conversion of resources to reserves to
more likely to be representative of the amount of mineable Ni production for some projects (e.g., Murrin Murrin and devel-
within an orebody or a mining camp. These mineral resources oping Ni laterite projects at Ambatovy and Goro).
are very likely to be upgraded to ore reserves over time and There are very few studies that assess global Ni resources.
eventually mined (Hoatson et al., 2006; Mudd et al., 2013b), Hoatson et al. (2006) examined global Ni sulfide resources
although it appears that there are no formal studies published (which they define as production plus remaining reserves/

Table 2. Ore Reserves, Additional Mineral Resources and Cumulative Production for Selected Major Nickel Projects

Project Operating period Ore reserves Additional mineral resources Cumulative production1

Kambalda Field, Australia 1967–20112 1966: 1.93 Mt @ 4.15% Ni - 1966–20112:

2011: 4.788 Mt @ 3.43% Ni 2011: 18.791 Mt @ 2.07% Ni ~50.20 Mt @ 3.10% Ni
Savannah/Sally Malay, Australia 2004–20112 2003: 3.42 Mt @ 1.56% Ni 2003: 0.32 Mt @ 3.67% Ni 2003–20112:
2011: 4.579 Mt @ 1.28% Ni 2011: 0.686 Mt @ 3.2% Ni 5.060 Mt @ 1.29% Ni
Murrin Murrin, Australia 1999–20112 1996: 117.4 Mt @ 1.02% Ni 1996: 7.9 Mt @ 1.02% Ni 1999–20112:
2011: 186.2 Mt @ 1.00% Ni 2011: 81.79 Mt @ 1.00% Ni ~30.5 Mt @ ~1.34% Ni
Greenvale-Brolga, Australia 1974–1995 1974: 45 Mt @ 1.57% Ni 3 1974–1995:

31.26 @ 1.41% Ni
Lynn Lake, Canada 1953–1976 1952: 12.75 Mt @ 1.223% Ni 7 1952–1976:

20.16 Mt @ 0.98% Ni
Thompson, Canada 1961–20112 1960: 22.68 Mt @ 2.67% Ni 6 1961–20112:

2011: 27.6 Mt @ 1.75% Ni 6 ~119.1 Mt @ ~2.19% Ni

Falconbridge Group, Canada
4 1929–20112 1929: 1.24 Mt @ 2.97% Ni - 1929–20112:
2011: 18.11 Mt @ 1.39% Ni 2011: 32.68 Mt @ 2.29% Ni 153.83 Mt @ 1.43% Ni
Inco Group,5 Sudbury, Canada 1886–20112 1916: 60.33 Mt @ ~2.0% Ni 6 1916–20112:

2011: 105.4 Mt @ 1.17% Ni 6 811.6 Mt @ 1.30% Ni

Giant Hope/Giant Mascot, Canada 1959–1974 1957: 1.2 Mt @ 1.39% Ni 1959–1974:
4.08 Mt @ 0.80% Ni
Raglan, Canada 1998–20112 1993: 18.1 Mt @ 3.13% Ni - 1993–20112:
2011: 9.43 Mt @ 3.07% Ni 2011: 23.07 Mt @ 3.10% Ni 14.29 Mt @ 2.78% Ni
Codemin, Brazil 1982–20112 2001: 5.4 Mt @ 1.37% Ni 2001: 8.5 Mt @ 1.26% Ni 2001–20112:
2011: 4.6 Mt @ 1.35% Ni 2011: 6.0 Mt @ 1.25% Ni 5.62 Mt @ 1.81% Ni
Loma de Níquel, Venezuela 2001–20112 2001: 41.4 Mt @ 1.48% Ni 2001: 4.3 Mt @ 1.46% Ni 2001–20112:
2011: 4.6 Mt @ 1.48% Ni 2011: 7.4 Mt @ 1.33% Ni 10.87 Mt @ 1.64% Ni

1 For period of reserves noted only

2 Stilloperating; all reserve-resource data from company annual reporting (or government in the case of some data), while production reporting is
updated from Mudd (2009a, b, 2010a, b)
3 Recent exploration has established new mineral resources at Greenvale, including scandium-rich ores
4 Now known as Xstrata Sudbury
5 Now known as Vale Inco Sudbury
6 It should be noted Vale Inco only report ore reserves and not additional mineral resources (see case studies for more discussion of this)
7 Corazon Mining have recently established new mineral resources for the Lynn Lake field

resources), using an extensive compilation of data from Aus- proceed to production, however, is dependent on econom-
tralia and Canada with limited data from other countries, and ics, mining conditions, processing technology, and charac-
derive 103.1 Mt Ni from sulfide ores. Based on ~27.5 Mt Ni teristics (especially impurities such as arsenic or others),
being produced from sulfide ores to 2004 (data from Mudd, by-product metal contents, recovery and prices, site-specific
2010a), this suggests ~75.6 Mt Ni as remaining Ni sulfide environmental issues (especially land use, water, and mine
resources (Hoatson et al., 2006, do not separate production waste management), social constraints (e.g., bans on mining
and reserves-resources). Elias (2002) presented a brief global in high conservation value areas), energy sources and costs,
assessment of Ni laterites (as of about the year 2000; pre- labor costs, etc.
sumably based on a compilation of reported resource data,
although the sources and methodology used during compil- Results and Analysis
ing these data are not clearly explained); this study reported
9,569 Mt of limonite ore grading 1.17% Ni, yielding 112.2 Mt Nickel mineral resources
contained Ni, and 2,712 Mt of saprolite ores grading 1.79% The totals by country for our compiled Ni resources are
Ni containing 48.5 Mt Ni—a total of 160.7 Mt Ni. In addition, shown in Table 3, including 2011 production, cumulative pro-
Dalvi et al. (2004) stated that global Ni resources consist of duction from 1800 to 2011, and the ratio of resources to 2011
10,500 Mt of sulfide ores grading 0.58% Ni for 62 Mt Ni, and production. Our compiled data include a total of 477 projects
12,600 Mt of laterite ores grading 1.28% Ni for 161 Mt Ni—a with a total of 61.67 billion tons (Gt) of ore, grading 0.48% Ni
global total of 223 Mt Ni, although the source (and therefore and containing 296.2 Mt Ni. In addition to Jinchuan (which is
reliability) of their data was not clearly stated (they presum- included in our data), China is reported to have 3.38 Mt Ni
ably used a Brook Hunt and/or updated Inco in-house data- in national resources (Hongtao et al., 2011), while for some
base). The lack of clarity in the methodologies employed and countries with important Ni resources we have old or minimal
sources used in the compilation of these global Ni resource data (e.g., Turkey, Cuba, Greece, Brazil). Combining our data
estimates clearly demonstrates the need for an open, trans- with the Chinese national resources gives at least 299.6 Mt Ni
parent, and robust method of assessing global metal and min- globally—some 117 years supply at the 2011 annual production
eral resources. rate of ~1.90 Mt Ni metal per year (assuming a 75% recovery
There are also methodologies for estimating undiscovered rate from ore processing). This assessment of 2011 resources
resources, primarily to help with exploration targeting and/or is some 76 Mt Ni greater than the 223 Mt Ni determined by
government and industry mineral development policy (e.g., Dalvi et al. (2004). In the ~10 years between these studies,
Singer, 2008; Mamuse et al., 2010; Rasilainen et al., 2010), cumulative global production was ~12.2 Mt Ni—demonstrat-
although such approaches are speculative and statutory codes ing that global Ni resources continue to increase, although
obviously do not support the reporting of such estimates. whether all of this increase can be ascribed to the discovery
Given that the main focus of this paper is the compilation and of new mineralization (unlikely), or whether the availability
assessment of discovered and delineated Ni resources rather of Ni resource data has increased as a result of easier access
than estimating potentially undiscovered resources, such lit- to information (e.g., via the internet) and the development
erature and estimates will therefore be excluded. of new standards for public disclosure is unclear; the most
For this paper, an extensive data set of total mineral likely scenario is a combination of the two, with the majority
resources containing Ni by individual project was compiled, probably relating mostly to resource expansion and to a lesser
as reported under statutory codes, and using 2011 data or the extent new discoveries. It should also be noted that inferred
most recent report. Although Berger et al. (2011) provided resources can be very poorly defined and can decrease as they
global data for laterite deposits, their study does not have an are better defined, although, as described previously (e.g.,
explicit focus on the identification and discussion of explicitly Jowitt et al., 2013), production at a given mine can be coinci-
code-based data for remaining Ni-Co laterite resources data dent with ongoing and significant increases in resources. The
and commonly includes past production in total resource majority of Ni is contained Ni laterite resources (59.5%), with
estimates; as such, we only used data from this study where the majority of this centered around the tropics; in contrast,
no other current source was available. In general, most explo- sulfide Ni resources are dominated by several major camps
ration or mining project resources relate to a single deposit (e.g., Noril’sk-Talnakh, Bushveld, Sudbury) with the remain-
(e.g., Turnagain, Mount Keith), although some resources der spread around the world.
cover a group of individual orebodies or a mining camp The trends over time for USGS reserves and reserves base
(e.g., Sudbury, Noril’sk-Talnakh, Murrin Murrin, Kambalda). for the United States and the world with national data for Aus-
Some Ni laterite resources are reported as “wet tons” but tralia, Brazil, Canada, and China are shown in Figure 1; these
with no moisture content; in this case a value of 20% mois- data also show a common rise in Ni resources over time. The
ture was assumed (adapted from data in Parianos et al., 1998, last USGS global reserves base estimate was 150 Mt Ni (for
and Golightly, pers. commun.). The compiled data set should 2008) with a 2011 global reserves estimate of 80 Mt Ni (2012
be considered a reliable minimum geologic estimate for was 75 Mt Ni). A degree of caution is warranted, however,
global Ni resources in 2011, as the vast majority of resources in comparing and understanding such data. For Australia,
contained within this compilation were reported under stat- Geoscience Australia (GA) reported 20.4 Mt Ni in economic
utory codes (or similar); with the full project list provided resources in 2011, whereas the USGS reported 24 Mt Ni as
as supplementary electronic information, and several case reserves (GA also reported an additional 22.5 Mt Ni as sub-
studies of production trends and changes in resources over economic resources; GA, 1992−2012). According to Western
time presented for selected Ni projects. Whether all projects Australia’s Minedex online database, Ni reserves in Western
Table 3. Our 2011 Compiled Ni Resource Data, 2011 and Cumulative Country Production (1800–2011) and Ratio of Resources/2011 Production
Our compilation: Ni laterites Our compilation: Ni sulfides 2011 Prod. (kt Ni) Cum. Prod. (kt Ni)

Ni. Res Cum. Prod. Res./2011

Country Ore (Mt) Ni (%) Co (%) Ni (kt) No. Ore (Mt) Ni (%) Cu (%) Ni (kt) No. Ni (kt) Laterite Sulfide Laterite Sulfide +Res. Ni (kt) Prod. (years)

Australia 4,181.6 0.75 0.046 31,529.0 69 2,033.9 0.58 0.10 11,878.5 55 43,407.6 27.9 187.1 695.1 4,321.4 48,424.1 202
Indonesia 2,071.1 1.61 0.023 33,291.2 16 33,291.2 297.0 3,656.0 36,947.2 92
South Africa 18,361.5 0.18 0.07 33,216.3 45 33,216.3 ~39.8 1,311.0 34,527.3 835
Russia1 413.0 0.96 0.026 3,960.5 5 4,492.6 0.46 0.53 20,457.5 14 24,418.1 ~16.8 237.2 ~2,142 ~8,453 35,080.4 96
Canada 6,376.9 0.34 0.12 21,923.1 54 21,923.1 212.1 14,172.2 36,095.3 84
Philippines 1,565.8 1.15 0.033 18,013.4 25 18,013.4 245.0 1,418.2 19,431.5 74
Brazil 1,077.2 1.38 0.049 14,824.2 18 315.9 0.51 0.15 1,617.5 4 16,441.6 42.7 48.3 1,097.3 147.5 17,686.5 181
Cuba 1,339.5 1.21 0.08 16,174 10 16,174 68.4 2,387.1 18,560.7 236
New Caledonia 808.1 1.86 ~0.1 15,016 23 15,016 131.1 5,212.3 20,228.3 115
China 435.2 1.38 0.87 6,002 3 6,002 89.8 1,414.1 7,416.2 67
United States 48.5 0.87 424.7 2 3,663.3 0.14 0.43 5,072.3 10 5,496.9 365.5 46.7 5,909.1
Finland 2,108.5 0.23 0.43 4,796.3 33 4,796.3 36.0 330.6 5,126.8 133
Côte d’Ivoire 293 1.46 0.11 4,277.8 1 40.6 0.24 0.19 97.5 1 4,375.3 4,375.3
Papua New 430.7 1.00 0.089 4,298.8 3 4,298.8 4,298.8
Guatemala 302.9 1.30 0.05 3,950.3 3 3,950.3 14.5 3,950.3
International 308 1.2 1.1 3,696 1 3,696 3,696.0
Zimbabwe 2,315.5 0.16 0.11 3,637.7 9 3,637.7 4.8 460.7 4,098.4 758
Tanzania 219.8 0.87 0.039 1,911.4 2 80.5 2.14 0.30 1,723.5 2 3,634.9 3,634.9
Burundi 266.4 1.34 0.066 3,579.3 3 3,579.3 3,579.3
Columbia 331 0.97 3,227 1 3,227 76.0 1,292.7 4,519.7 42
Greece 300 1.07 3,217.4 3 3,217.4 21.7 780.4 3,997.3 148

Madagascar 232.0 0.99 0.082 2,286.8 3 2,286.8 2,286.8

Myanmar 150 1.45 2,169 2 2,169 2,169.0
India 214.8 0.93 0.067 1,993.0 5 1,993 9.3 2,002.3
Cameroon 323.1 0.61 0.21 1,977.9 2 1,977.9 1,977.9
Serbia 261.6 0.73 ~0.05 1,910.1 3 1,910.1 49.5 1,959.6
Albania 139.0 1.21 1,675.1 2 1,675.1 3.7 183.6 1,858.7 115
Solomon Islands 160.7 1.04 0.088 1,671.8 2 1,671.8 1,671.8
Sweden 4,653.5 0.033 1,534.9 5 1,534.9 1,534.9
Botswana 476.0 0.31 0.32 1,481.5 8 1,481.5 32.4 932.2 2,413.7 46
Dominican 85.8 1.49 1,282.7 2 1,282.7 13.5 1,245.3 2,528.0 95
Kazakhstan 155.3 0.81 0.043 1,251.5 3 1,251.5 54.2 1,305.7
Turkey 103.2 1.04 0.018 1,075.2 2 1,075.2 3.2 1,078.3
Oman 150 0.7 1,050 1 1,050 1,050.0
Puerto Rico 84.0 0.88 0.093 742.1 5 742.1 742.1
Zambia 119.4 0.49 ~0.03 587.3 3 587.3 2.9 6.7 594.1 203
Macedonia 43 1.04 0.06 447.2 1 447.2 25.6 132.8 580.0 17
Kosovo 20.5 1.39 0.057 284.0 2 284.0 7.5 24.1 308.1 38
Ethiopia 17 1.3 221 1 221.0 221.0
Venezuela 12 1.39 0.04 167.0 1 167.0 14.2 189.3 356.3 12
Vietnam 21.8 0.75 0.13 163.5 1 163.5 163.5
Togo 12.3 0.83 0.045 101.7 1 101.7 101.7

Australia were 5.17 Mt Ni in late 2011 with mineral resources

Ore (Mt) Ni (%) Co (%) Ni (kt) No. Ore (Mt) Ni (%) Cu (%) Ni (kt) No. Ni (kt) Laterite Sulfide Laterite Sulfide +Res. Ni (kt) Prod. (years)
Res./2011 of 52.88 Mt Ni1 (inclusive of reserves; WADMP, 2011). Our

Notes: Cumulative and 2011 production data compiled and updated from BREE (2012), Mudd (2009a, b, 2010a, b), Kelly and Matos (2012), and some company data (note—some countries have
Cum. Prod.

3 60.4 0.3 70.0 130.5 201

compiled Ni resources for Australia are 43.41 Mt Ni, with
72.6% of this in laterites, while the USGS reported Australian
reserves as 24 Mt of contained Ni. In examining the differ-

~33,688 ~348,882
ence between the data sources, the USGS reserves are recov-
1 100.8 100.8
1 72.9 41.0 113.9

1 30.8 30.8
erable metal, whereas Western Australia’s Minedex database
is total mineral resources—although some Minedex project
Ni. Res

1 18.9
data are different from that reported by a company in their
annual report (e.g., Honeymoon Well; also see footnote). The
2011 Prod. (kt Ni) Cum. Prod. (kt Ni)

data for Canada have similar issues, with Natural Resources

Canada (NRC) reporting 3.30 Mt Ni as reserves for 2009, but

only including reserves at operating mines or projects under

development (NRC, 1944−2011). Our compiled Ni resources
for Canada are 21.92 Mt Ni, while the USGS reports Cana-

dian reserves as 3.3 Mt of Ni (presumably derived from NRC

data). Canadian reserves in 1977 were 7.75 Mt Ni (NRC,
1944−2011), and although it is tempting to assume that the
296,170 ~991.2

current 3.30 Mt Ni suggests a gradual decline in Canadian

Ni resources (see Fig. 1), our compiled data show that there
are clearly considerably more Ni mineral resources identi-
fied in Canada over and above the strict NRC estimate of Ni
1 For Russia, laterite-sulfide historic production is a best guess estimate only (laterite production may be slightly overestimated)


Our compilation: Ni sulfides

Our data indicate that, in terms of Ni resources in indi-

vidual countries, Australia has the largest Ni resources of
118,038 253

43.41  Mt Ni, with past production totaling 5.02 Mt Ni, fol-

0.46 72.9
0.25 60.4

0.41 18.9

lowed by Indonesia, South Africa, Russia, and Canada with

33.29, 33.22, 24.42, and 21.92 Mt Ni in resources, respec-
Table 3. (Cont.)

tively, and past production of 3.66, 1.31, 10.66, and 14.17 Mt

Ni, respectively. The appearance of South Africa as a close
0.26 0.18

number three is perhaps unexpected, given South Africa’s

minor role as a Ni producer, but their Ni is an important by-


product from the extensive PGE resources and mines within

the Bushveld Complex (see Tables 4 and 6; also Mudd, 2012).
South Africa’s production to date, 1.31 Mt Ni, is a small frac-
Spain 13.0
Norway 13.8

Argentina 4.6

tion of its Ni resource endowment. In contrast, Canada’s


cumulative production of 14.17 Mt Ni is still lower than our

compiled resources of 21.92 Mt Ni. The data in Table 3 also
show the value of strong public mineral resource reporting
178,132 224

codes and practices, since the major mining countries of Aus-

0.03 30.8
0.60 100.8

tralia, Canada, South Africa, New Caledonia, and the Philip-

pines are well represented by high numbers of Ni projects.
In comparing cumulative Ni production with reported
Our compilation: Ni laterites

resources for countries with available data it is evident that most

countries have remaining Ni resources higher than cumulative
1.12 ~0.05

production, sometimes considerably so. Although some coun-

tries are close in this regard (e.g., Dominican Republic, Vene-

zuela), major Ni producers such as Russia and Canada still have

substantially more Ni resources than cumulative production.
data gaps, but these are typically minor)

The relationship between ore grades and ore resources is


shown in Figure 2, with contained Ni versus ore grade shown

in Figure 3; both graphs are sorted by primary deposit type.

1 The Minedex data for the Wildara-Waterloo Ni project appears to be

incorrect, with the Minedex report (20 Dec. 2011) citing 672 Mt ore at 1.95%
Ni for 13.1 Mt Ni—yet current searches of Minedex do not show this historic

data (presumably since it is a clerical error) and the current resource reported
by owner Norilsk Nickel and Minedex is 1.08 Mt ore at 1.73% Ni for 18.7

kt Ni (although Minedex has 11 Mt of probable ore when it should be 11 kt

ore). A more recent Minedex search (5 May 2013) now gives 37.63 Mt Ni of
resources in Western Australia.


USA - Reserves
USA - Reserves Base

140 Australia - Economic Resources

Australia - Economic + Inferred Resources
Canada - Reserves

120 Brazil - Reserves

China - Reserves
Economic Ni Resources (Mt Ni)

South Africa - Reserves / Resource Base

100 World - Reserves
World - Reserves Base





1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Fig. 1. Nickel reserves and/or resources over time for Australia (GA, 1992−2012), Canada (NRC, 1944−2011), Brazil
(DNPM, 2008−2012), South Africa (CMSA, 2005−2013), and the United States (USGS, 1996−2013).

For sulfides, the highest Ni grades are typically found in kom- (e.g., PGE, Cu, and Co, with Zn in hydrothermal deposits), an
atiites, while the lowest grades are found in hydrothermal importance that is also reflected by the fact that six of the top
and intrusion/intrusion-related deposits. Examples of almost 10 projects have Ni grades well below the median sulfide ore
all deposits can be found across the ore tonnage range, while grade of 0.50% Ni, showing the importance of large-tonnage,
flood basalt-related and layered intrusion-hosted depos- low-grade deposits in global Ni resource budgets. Importantly,
its commonly have the highest amounts of contained Ni. In these 10 projects alone contain 53.59 Mt of Ni—almost half
terms of laterites, the highest Ni grades are typically found of our global sulfide estimate of 118.0 Mt Ni, and five of these
in hydrous Mg silicates, while the lowest grades are found in large projects are in commercial operation, whereas five are
oxide-related deposits, although the overall laterite database currently undeveloped. Perhaps even more surprisingly is the
contrasts sharply with the sulfide data with highly variable ore appearance of the Clarion-Clipperton resource at tenth place
tonnage and contained Ni values for all deposit types. in Table 4, representing the world’s first code-based resource
Cumulative frequency curves by ore grade and contained estimate of a deep-sea polymetallic nodule deposit.
Ni are shown in Figure 4, showing that the median project The largest Ni laterite resources contain a wide variety of
size is 62.1 and 344.3 kt Ni and yielding median project ore deposit types, although the importance of hydrous Mg sili-
grades of 0.50% Ni and 1.1% Ni for sulfides and laterites, cate ores is clear. Unlike the top 10 sulfide deposits, however,
respectively. Sulfide deposits show greater grade variability nine of the top 10 laterite deposits have an ore grade equal
than laterites, which typically show a narrow grade range. to or greater than the median for laterites (1.1% Ni); these
The 10 largest projects for sulfides and laterites are shown 10 projects also contain 47.37 Mt Ni or a quarter of our global
in Tables 4 and 5, respectively, including cumulative produc- laterite estimate of 178.1 Mt Ni. Finally, only four of the top
tion to 2011 where available. Surprisingly, layered intrusions 10 laterite projects are in operation, with five undeveloped
comprise two of the top three sulfide Ni resources, although and one in development.
if the Noril’sk-Talnakh deposits were grouped together it Overall, this suggests that medium-term expansion in
would rank as the largest single Ni resource. Conversely, if global Ni production will need to come mainly from brown-
the deposits within the Bushveld Complex were amalgam- field expansion for sulfides (i.e., expansion of existing mines)
ated into a single Ni resource, it would dominate global Ni but greenfield projects for laterites (i.e., development of new
resources, with 28,884 kt contained Ni. This emphasizes the mines). However, this does not indicate that greenfield Ni
importance of Ni as a by-product of other metal production sulfide discoveries are unlikely and almost certainly will be

Table 4. Ten Largest Ni Sulfide Projects by Contained Ni

Start Cum. Prod. Company

Mine name Status Deposit type Ore (Mt) Ni (%) Cu (%) Co (%) Other Ni (kt) Disc. prod. (kt Ni)1 (% ownership, as of 2011)

Turfspruit Deposit Mag. Sulf.–layered intrusion 3,610 0.22 0.12 PGEs 7,933 1960s Ivanplats100%
Kola Peninsula Operating Mag. Sulf.–magmatic feeder2 1,030.0 0.67 0.33 PGEs 6,907 1920s 1935 »4403 Norilsk Nickel100%
Mogalakwena Operating Mag. Sulf.–layered intrusion 3,510.8 0.18 0.10 PGEs 6,319 1920s 1995 92.1 Anglo American Platinum100%
Jinchuan Operating Mag. Sulf.–magmatic feeder 432 1.39 0.88 0.025 PGEs 6,000 1958 1964 ~1,500 Jinchuan Nickel100%
Dumont Deposit Mag. Sulf.–Archean komatiite 2,105.3 0.27 0.011 PGEs 5,653 1956 Royal Nickel Corp100%
Talnakh Operating Mag. Sulf.–flood basalt-related 1,638.3 0.32 0.53 PGEs 5,215 1920s 1939 »6,1203 Norilsk Nickel100%
Noril’sk-Talnakh4 Operating Mag. Sulf.–flood basalt-related 462.7 0.89 1.85 PGEs 4,118 1920s 1939 Norilsk Nickel100%
Zebediela Deposit Mag. Sulf.–intrusion-related 1,600.5 0.247 PGEs 3,955 No data URU Metals100%
Turnagain Deposit Mag. Sulf.–Alaskan-type complex 1,841.8 0.21 0.013 3,793 1956 Hard Creek Nickel Corp100%
Clarion-Clipperton Deposit Hydrothermal Ni–nodules/chem. prec. 308 1.2 1.1 0.24 Mn 3,696 No data Nautilus Minerals100%

Totals 16,539 0.32 ~0.22 ~0.008 53,588

Notes: Disc. – Discovery year

1 Cum. Prod. = cumulative production (to 2011) is primarily sourced from company reports or available technical literature (e.g., USGS, 1994−2010; 1996−2013)
2 The deposits of the Kola Peninsula are hosted by highly unusual ferropicrites and ferropicritic units and most probably represent feeders for overlying lavas; this is the only significant Ni deposit of

this type
3 Production data from 1996 to 2011 only
4 Inferred mineral resources across both deposits

Table 5. Ten Largest Ni Laterite Projects by Contained Ni

Start Cum. Prod. Company

Mine name Status Deposit type Ore (Mt) Ni (%) Co (%) Ni (kt) Disc. Prod. (kt Ni)1 (% ownership, as of 2011)

Sorowako Operating Hydrous Mg silicate-oxide ~470.7 1.68 7,902 ? 1978 »770 Vale Inco
Halmahera-Weda Bay Deposit Oxide-hydrous Mg silicate 466.0 1.47 0.07 6,864 1995 Eramet59.94%, Mitsubish30.24%, PT Antam10%
Goro Operating Oxide-hydrous Mg silicate ~365 1.56 0.11 5,694 ? 2010     5.1 Vale Inco
Pinares de Mayari Operating Oxide 400 1.1 0.1 4,400 ~1907 1950s? No data Cuban Government100%
Tiuba-Biankouma Deposit Hydrous Mg silicate-clay silicate-oxide 293 1.46 0.11 4,278 1980s Xstrata100% (?)
Punta Gorda Operating Oxide-hydrous Mg silicate 310 1.3 0.11 4,030 ? 1986 No data Cuban Government100%
Koniambo Development Hydrous Mg silicate-oxide 158.6 2.49 3,946 1880s SMSP51%, Xstrata49%
Jacaré Deposit Oxide-hydrous Mg silicate 306.1 1.28 0.13 3,908 1970s Anglo American100%

Cerro Matoso Operating Clay silicate-hydrous Mg silicate-oxide 331 0.97 3,227 1958 1982 »502 BHP Billiton99.9%
Pulau-Gag Island2 Deposit Oxide-hydrous Mg silicate 187.52 1.652 0.082 3,0922 1912 2020? PT Antam100%

Totals 3,290 1.44 ~0.07 47,372

Notes: Disc. = Discovery year; development is under construction with commercial production expected in the near future (~1−3 years)
1 Cum. Prod. = cumulative production (to 2011) is primarily sourced from company reports or available technical literature (e.g., USGS, 1994−2010; 1996−2013)
2 Assuming 20% moisture in wet ore

Table 6. Nickel Resources by Primary and Secondary Sulfide Deposit Types

Primary deposit Secondary deposit type Ore (Mt) Ni (%) Ni (kt) Count

Fe-Ni alloy Serpentinization-related mineralization 1,283.5 0.108 1,386.2 1

Hydrothermal Ni Hydrothermal Ni 26.45 0.41 109.8 2

IOCG 34.4 0.19 65.4 1
Mn nodules/chemical precipitation 308 1.2 3,696 1
Sediment-hosted Pb-Zn/VMS 6,215.7 0.081 5,004.5 6
Talvivaara only 1,550 0.224 3,476 1
Sediment-hosted polymetallic 84 0.11 95.1 3
Sediment-hosted stratiform Cu 111.1 0.45 497.4 2
Skarn-type hydrothermal Ni 29.4 0.86 251.5 1
Unconformity-related uranium 2.70 0.06 1.6 3
VMS 18.73 0.23 43.8 9

Subtotal hydrothermal 6,831 0.14 9,765 28

Magmatic sulfide Alaskan-type complex 1,841.8 0.21 3,792.8 1

Archean komatiite 3,610.0 0.45 16,181.5 55
Archean tholeiite 13.53 0.54 72.7 2
Flood basalt-related 6,558.2 0.26 16,961.2 18
Flood basalt-related–Duluth complex only 3,434.2 0.12 4,162.5 6
Flood basalt-related–Siberian Traps only 2,364.1 0.43 10,190 4
Impact-related 320.9 1.46 4,679.5 12
Intrusion-related 2,347.1 0.40 9,341.6 34
Layered intrusion 20,928 0.19 38,803.1 78
Layered intrusion–Bushveld only 16,610 0.17 28,884 41
Magmatic feeder 1,549.0 0.86 13,297.8 6
Magmatic sulfide 275 0.31 842.8 1
PGE discordant intrusion 41.75 0.09 36.9 1
Proterozoic komatiite 234.9 1.22 2,871.5 14
Proterozoic tholeiite 0.381 1.33 5.1 2

Subtotal magmatic sulfide 36,990 0.28 102,346 224

Grand total 45,834 0.26 118,038 253

important in any long-term Ni expansion, as exemplified by For laterites, there are invariably multiple ore types pres-
recent discoveries in the Ring of Fire, Ontario, the Fraser ent in a single deposit, primarily due to the weathering pro-
Range of Western Australia, the Maniitsoq meteorite impact cesses involved in laterite formation, as well as a number
structure of southwestern Greenland, and the opening up of of cases where a single region has several different laterite
the Proterozoic Voronezh Massif within the environmentally deposits that make up a commercial project. Some of these
sensitive Kursk region of Russia, to mineral exploration. multideposit mines report total mineral resources only (e.g.,
The statistics for all projects by deposit type are summa- Murrin Murrin, Koniambo), whereas others report individual
rized in Tables 6 and 7 for sulfides and laterites, respectively. deposits (e.g., Doniambo, Goongarrie, Siberia, and Nornico
Contained Ni resources are often dominated by a few deposit groups). In general, we have kept the laterite deposit data as
types, with those in turn being dominated by individual reported by the company, with the order of listing of ore types
camps. For example, magmatic sulfide Ni resources are domi- within a given laterite deposit indicating the relative impor-
nated by Archean komatiites, flood basalt-related deposits, tance of each form of mineralization; it should be noted that
and layered intrusions. In turn, flood basalt-related deposits the majority of companies do not report the distribution of
are dominated by the Siberian Trap LIP in Russia, which ore types within each deposit, and so the grouping or other-
includes Noril’sk and Talnakh, and the Keweenawan LIP- wise of data and allocation by deposit types is left as somewhat
associated Duluth complex in the United States, whereas the arbitrary.
layered intrusive class of deposit is dominated by the Bush- Similarly for sulfides, some projects operate on a single
veld Complex in South Africa. For laterites, oxides are clearly deposit basis, although a number of single projects in our
a dominant deposit type or component, followed by hydrous database incorporate a number of individual orebodies or
Mg silicates and to a lesser extent by clay silicates. This shows deposits. This is exemplified by the Sudbury camp in Can-
that although our reliance on published resources with meth- ada, where the two largest producers, namely Vale (formerly
odologies dictated by public mineral resource reporting codes Inco) and Xstrata Nickel (formerly Falconbridge, and now
and practices allows a robust, accurate, and, more importantly, Glencore Xstrata), each operate several mines to feed cen-
precise, assessment of existing global Ni resources, a number tral mills, smelters, and refineries. Sudbury also contains a
of issues in terms of the allocation of resources to individual few small mines and delineated resources owned by junior
mineral deposit types still remain. companies that are generally listed as separate projects in

Hydrothermal: Sediment-Hosted Hydrothermal: All Other Types

Magmatic Sulfide: Archaean Komatiite Magmatic Sulfide: Proterozoic Komatiite
Magmatic Sulfide: Flood Basalts-related Magmatic Sulfide: Impact-related
Magmatic Sulfide: Intrusion-related Magmatic Sulfide: Layered Intrusive
Magmatic Sulfide: Miscellaneous Fe-Ni Alloy

Ore Grade (%Ni)


0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Mineral Resources (Mt ore)

Ore Grade (%Ni)

Clay silicate-related
Hydrous Mg silicate-related
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Mineral Resources (Mt ore)
Fig. 2. Ore grades vs. ore resources by deposit types: sulfide (top), laterite (bottom).

our database. A similar situation exists in the Kambalda field Archean komatiite for Kambalda or impact-related for Sud-
in Western Australia, where a central mill, owned by BHP bury). As for laterites, we have tried to keep sulfide deposit
Billiton (through their 2005 takeover of Western Mining data as reported by companies; with further detailed analy-
Corporation), can be supplied with ore from up to a dozen sis of production within selected major Ni camps provided
small mines operated by junior- to medium-sized compa- below as case studies.
nies. These fields, in sharp contrast to the laterites discussed The deposit-type data sets presented herein have reason-
above, generally only contain a single type of Ni deposit (e.g., ably similar grades and tonnages as previous studies, such

Hydrothermal: Sediment-Hosted Hydrothermal: All Other Types

Magmatic Sulfide: Archaean Komatiite Magmatic Sulfide: Proterozoic Komatiite
Magmatic Sulfide: Flood Basalts-related Magmatic Sulfide: Impact-related
Magmatic Sulfide: Intrusion-related Magmatic Sulfide: Layered Intrusive
Magmatic Sulfide: Miscellaneous Fe-Ni Alloy

Contained Nickel (kt Ni)



0.01 0.1 1 7
Ore Grade (%Ni)

Contained Nickel (kt Ni)



Clay silicate-related
Hydrous Mg silicate-related
0.3 1.5 3
Ore Grade (%Ni)
Fig. 3. Contained nickel vs. ore grades by deposit types: sulfide (top), laterite (bottom).

as Cox and Singer (1986), Singer (1995), and Berger et al. presented here indicate that Ni resources are generally con-
(2011), among others; however, it should be noted that refin- fined to two broad deposit types: magmatic sulfides and Ni
ing existing grade-tonnage models is not the primary focus laterites. Global Ni laterite resources are spread across a wide
of this paper. A few broad statements can be made on the variety of differing mineral deposit types but Figures 2 and 3
distribution of Ni resources by differing deposit types. Com- clearly show that even though the highest grades of hydrous
pared to global Cu resources that are dominated by porphyry Mg silicate-related Ni laterite deposits have Ni grades that
Cu deposits but with Cu distributed across a wide variety of are higher than any other deposit type, these types of deposit
differing mineral deposit types (Mudd et al., 2013b), the data do not similarly dominate contained Ni statistics. Instead, the

100 100

~87.5% <1 Mt Ni ~89.9% <2% Ni

Per c en t (c u m u l at i v e)
80 80

Per c en t (c u m u l at i v e)
60 60

Median size Median grade
40 62.1 kt Ni 40 0.50% Ni

20 20

0 0
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0.01 0.1 1
Contained Nickel (Mt Ni) Ore Grade (%Ni)

100 100

~90.0% <2% Ni
Per c en t (c u m u l at i v e)

80 80
~75.8% <1 Mt Ni Per c en t (c u m u l at i v e)



Median size Median grade

40 344.3 kt Ni 40 1.1% Ni

20 20

0 0
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0.01 0.1 1
Contained Nickel (Mt Ni) Ore Grade (%Ni)
Fig. 4. Cumulative frequency curves for contained nickel (left) and ore grades (right), with sulfides (top) and laterites

laterite deposits with the highest amounts of contained Ni are of other deposits types have variable grades and tonnages, as
widely distributed between low grade-higher tonnage and exemplified by the flood basalt-related deposits within our
higher grade-lower tonnage deposits, and with no real pattern database; this class of deposit includes both high grade-high
discernible in terms of grade-tonnage-contained Ni relation- tonnage (e.g., Noril’sk, Talnakh) and low grade-high tonnage
ship barring the elevated grades of a subset of hydrous Mg (Duluth Complex) deposits.
silicate-related Ni laterite deposits. To assess the importance of by-products (or co-products
Ni sulfide deposits within our database have grades and in some cases), the economic value of reported metals for all
tonnages that are directly linked to deposit types, with the projects was calculated based on 2011 average metal prices;
highest grade deposits being dominated by komatiitic Ni with the 25 most valuable projects shown in Table 8. Some-
deposits. Hydrothermal Ni deposits are generally low grade, what unsurprisingly, the contained value for half of the proj-
although there are some higher grade deposits present in our ects is dominated by PGE resources, the majority of which
database, and the hydrothermal Talvivaara deposit is fairly are produced from deposits that contain Ni as a by-product
low grade but high tonnage. The layered intrusive deposits rather than the main focus of production (e.g., Bushveld
within our database are all low grade but are generally high Complex deposits), while for most the critical importance of
tonnage; the low grades of these deposits reflect the fact that by-/co-products such as Cu, Au, Co, or other metals is clear
the majority of this type of mineralization is exploited primar- (e.g., PGE at Bokoni, Mogalakwena, Marikana, Zimplats, and
ily for the PGE, with Ni-Cu-Au-Co being by-products. This Tumela; V at Viken). Sulfide ores make up 20 of the top 25
is exemplified by the multiple deposits (n = 41) within the deposits by value, perhaps unsurprisingly due to their poly-
Bushveld Complex; as discussed previously, if the low-grade metallic nature. A curious finding is the value of Sc in the vari-
but medium- to high-tonnage deposits within this complex ous Nornico (Greenvale, Lucknow, Kokomo) group of laterite
are collated, the Bushveld Complex dominates global Ni projects in northern Queensland, Australia. Although these
resources, with some 28,884 kt contained Ni. The majority deposits are not in the top 25, the value of Sc contained in

Table 7. Nickel Resources by Laterite Deposit Types

Primary deposit type Secondary deposit type Ore (Mt) Ni (%) Ni (kt) Count

Clay silicate Clay silicate 966.7 0.81 7,865.1 21

Clay silicate-hydrous Mg silicate 54.4 1.30 706.1 5
Clay silicate-hydrous Mg silicate-oxide 401.9 0.96 3,872.2 2
Clay silicate-oxide 194.1 0.89 1,720.0 9
Clay silicate-oxide-hydrous Mg silicate 35.6 1.20 426.4 1
Subtotal–clay silicates 1,652.7 0.88 14,589.8 38
Hydrous Mg silicates Hydrous Mg silicate 286.2 1.54 4,401.5 8
Hydrous Mg silicate-clay silicate 213.1 1.18 2,516.6 5
Hydrous Mg silicate-clay silicate-oxide 326.7 1.45 4,727.5 4
Hydrous Mg silicate-oxide 2,426.7 1.57 37,984.0 55
Hydrous Mg silicate-oxide-clay silicate 182.8 0.87 1,585.0 2
Subtotal–hydrous Mg silicates 3,435.5 1.49 51,214.6 74
Oxide Oxide 3,135.9 0.93 29,238.5 37
Oxide-clay silicate 2,089.5 0.77 16,023.6 25
Oxide-hydrous Mg silicate 5,524.7 1.21 67,065.6 50
Subtotal–oxides 10,750.1 1.04 112,327.7 112
Total 15,838 1.12 178,132 224

Table 8. Largest 25 Resources Ranked by Combined Value (US$billion), Including Co-/By-Products and Proportional Value (%)

Deposit Ni Cu Co Au + Ag Pt-Pd-
Project type Value (%) (%) (%) (%) Rh (%) Other (%)

Mogalakwena Sulf 502.51 28.79 6.16 0 4.44 60.62

Turfspruit Sulf 374.42 48.50 10.22 0 5.35 35.93
Zimplats Sulf 338.27 17.47 5.41 0 6.62 70.49
Talnakh Sulf 269.20 44.34 28.29 0 1.78 25.59
Norilsk-Talnakh “inferred” Sulf 231.85 40.66 32.54 0 2.62 24.18
Marikana (Lonmin) Sulf 227.55 7.94 1.56 0 2.97 87.54
Viken Sulf 219.25 9.54 0 0 0 0 U3O8-27.7%, Mo-10.7%, V2O5-52.1%
Kola Peninsula Sulf 193.39 81.75 15.55 0 0.71 1.99
Sorowako Lat 180.88 100 0 0 0 0
Booysendal Sulf 177.49 14.58 1.85 0 3.17 80.41
Jinchuan Sulf 174.65 78.64 19.18 2.18 0 0
Bokoni Sulf 174.64 14.43 2.14 0 3.09 80.34
Halmahera-Weda Bay Lat 168.33 93.33 0 6.67 0 0
Talvivaara (Kuusilampi-Kolmisoppi) Sulf 165.76 48.00 40.39 6.60 0 0 Zn-2.7%, U3O8-2.3%
Tumela Sulf 151.40 11.09 0.99 0 1.90 86.02
Goro Lat 144.72 90.06 0 9.94 0 0
Clarion-Clipperton Sulf 140.55 60.19 21.25 18.56 0 0
Dumont Sulf 139.66 92.65 0 5.62 0 1.73
Der Brochen Sulf 129.32 14.70 1.75 0 3.28 80.27
Sudbury (Vale Inco) Sulf 118.73 58.14 22.82 2.89 3.86 12.30
Spitzkop-Kennedy’s Vale Sulf 117.99 10.92 1.96 0 3.27 83.85
Bafokeng-Rasimone Sulf 116.44 12.51 1.58 0 2.25 83.65
Pinares de Mayari Lat 114.83 87.71 0 12.29 0 0
Tiuba-Biankouma Lat 109.29 89.59 0 10.41 0 0
Modikwa Sulf 106.11 14.02 1.55 0 2.89 81.54

Notes: Economic values based on 2011 price data from USGS (1996−2013) or BREE (2012) and are intended to be indicative only; Cr based on chromite
ore value; Sc price based on 99.0% oxide purity

these resources equals that of the combined Ni and Co within contain residual chromite that has remained unaltered dur-
these deposits, even though there are no known Ni laterite ing weathering (e.g., Gleeson et al., 2004) although grades are
projects at present which produce Sc. The Syerston Ni laterite rarely reported; chromite historically has not been extracted
project in central New South Wales, Australia, also reports from laterites but is being investigated at some projects (e.g.,
low-grade platinum, although the value of this platinum is Ramu, Papua New Guinea). These data indicate the critical
minimal compared to the overall value of the contained Ni and importance of examining all potentially extractable metals as
Co within this deposit. Furthermore, many laterite ores also potential by-/co-products.

Case Studies contributions of Falconbridge Sudbury and juniors across the

Here we present a series of case studies of Ni production Sudbury camp.
and the evolution of resources within various well-known The early years of production at the Sudbury field yielded
magmatic sulfide and laterite mining camps. These case stud- moderate to high grades, with Ni ore grades since 1942 being
ies provide examples of the development and resource history relatively stable; Cu ore grades have also been somewhat sta-
of mature mining camps and illustrate the ongoing replenish- ble, although recent Cu grades have increased with the pref-
ment of resources that exemplifies the production history of erence for Cu-PGE-rich ores. The production over time also
the majority of significant mineral deposits, as shown previ- shows the influence that external events can have on mining,
ously for Cu (e.g., Jowitt et al., 2013; Mudd et al., 2013b). with lower production related to economic downturns (early
1920s, early 1930s, late 2000s), prolonged labor strikes (1969,
1978−1979, 2009−2010), or war causing increased demand
Case study 1: Sudbury, Canada followed by a sudden decline (mid-1910s, early 1940s).
The Sudbury field in northern Ontario was initially identi- While it is tempting to assume the resources data sug-
fied in 1858 with the discovery of the Creighton deposit, but gest a decline in the Sudbury field, especially the Inco side,
was not recognized as a significant area of mineralization until the sudden decline in 2006 is due to the takeover of Inco
1883 (with the discovery of the Murray deposit during con- by CVRD (now Vale) from Brazil—who only report reserves
struction of the Canadian Pacific Railway) and did not become and exclude additional mineral resources (this also applies
a major Ni-Cu producer until 1886. However, recognition to Thompson, Voisey’s Bay, and Sorowako). This change in
of the significance of the mineralization at Sudbury and the reporting is reflected by a decrease from the last Inco report
commencement of mining on a substantial scale meant that for Sudbury in 2005 that contained 258 Mt of resources at
Sudbury dominated world Ni production for nearly a cen- 1.35% Ni for 3.49 Mt Ni to the 2011 Vale reserves that con-
tury, as well as being an important producer of Cu, Co, and tain some 105.4 Mt of ore at 1.17% Ni for 1.24 Mt Ni with
the PGEs. Inco Limited was the largest producer (now part no resources reported (plus Cu-Au-Ag-Co-PGEs for both
of Vale Ltd.), followed by junior cousin Falconbridge (now years). Reconciling these data is difficult; there is no doubt
part of Glencore Xstrata Plc) from 1929. The ore grades over that the unreported Sudbury resources are still present,
time for Inco Sudbury and Falconbridge Sudbury are shown but it is not possible to reconcile the 35.8 Mt ore produc-
in Figure 5, while Ni production over time is given in Figure tion grading 1.32% Ni-1.42% Cu by Vale Sudbury between
6 and mineral resources are shown in Figure 7. The produc- 2006 and 2011 with much confidence, given the unknowns
tion shows the dominant role of Inco Sudbury, plus important that include delineation of new resources, the conversion of

1887 - 15.07 %Ni+Cu Canada (%Ni) Thompson (%Ni)
1888 - 12.22 %Ni+Cu
Sudbury Field (%Ni) Sudbury Field (%Ni+Cu)

Voisey's Bay (%Ni) Voisey's Bay (%Ni+Cu)

Lynn Lake (%Ni) Lynn Lake (%Ni+Cu)

Or e Gr ad es (%Ni , %Ni +Cu , as m i l l ed )

1885 1900 1915 1930 1945 1960 1975 1990 2005
Fig. 5. Historic trends in ore grades for average Canadian and selected major Ni-Cu projects (data updated from Mudd,

Minor Producers Montcalm
Voisey’s Bay Raglan
Thompson Lynn Lake

250 Falconbridge Inco Sudbury

An n u al Ni c k el Pr o d u c t i o n (k t Ni /year )




Inco Sudbury

1887 1897 1907 1917 1927 1937 1947 1957 1967 1977 1987 1997 2007
Fig. 6. Actual and proportional Canadian Ni production over time by major company and/or project (data updated from
Mudd, 2010a).

resources into reserves and/or production, and the potential to production with no new delineated resources (a definite
abandonment of resources, especially as Vale will only pro- underestimate) yields a 2012 resource of 222.2 Mt ore for
vide NI 43-101 compliant reserve information as per New Vale at Sudbury, ignoring any changes in overall grade etc.
York Stock Exchange requirements. Assuming 100% con- Despite these uncertainties, however, we have used the 2005
version of resources (a definite overestimate) to reserves Inco resources minus cumulative production 2006 to 2011,

8 320 5 90
Mt Ni+Cu
Metals Resources (Mt Ni, Cu) , Grades (%Ni, %Cu)

7 280
Met al Res o u r c es (Mt Ni , Cu ), Gr ad es (%Ni +Cu )

4 72
6 240 Ore (Mt)
Ore (Mt) Ore Resources (Mt Ore)
Ore Resources (Mt Ore)

5 200
3 %Ni+Cu 54

4 Mt Ni 160

2 %Ni 36
3 120 Mt Ni+Cu

2 80
1 18
1 40 Mt Ni

Inco Sudbury
0 0 0 0
1925 1940 1955 1970 1985 2000 1925 1940 1955 1970 1985 2000

Fig. 7. Ni resources (ore tonnage, ore grades, contained metals) over time for Inco Sudbury (left) and Falconbridge Sud-
bury (right; data updated from Mudd, 2010a).

as this allows some approximation, albeit potentially crude, was 119.1 Mt ore grading 2.19% Ni-0.14% Cu for 2.27  Mt
of the extent of mineralization within the Vale Sudbury Ni-0.135 Mt Cu (data updated from Mudd, 2010a; plus
leases. This gives an approximate (but noncode compliant) other minor metals). The same issue exists for Thompson’s
2011 resource of ~222.2 Mt ore at 1.36% Ni (~3.0 Mt Ni), reserves and resources as for Sudbury; that is, there are defi-
1.38% Cu, and minor Au-Ag-Co-PGEs. Given the long and nitely additional mineral resources present in the Thompson
successful history of Sudbury’s reserve/resource replacement camp that are not presently reported by Vale. Using the same
and cumulative growth, this is a reasonable approach in the approach as for Sudbury, Thompson’s 2011 (noncode compli-
absence of reported mineral resource data. ant) resources can be approximated as ~45.8 Mt ore at 1.41%
By the end of 2011, cumulative Sudbury production is esti- Ni and minor Cu-Co-Au-Ag-PGEs.
mated to be (data updated from Mudd, 2010a):
Inco: 819.53 Mt ore grading 1.32% Ni-1.28% Cu for Case study 3: Other projects, Canada
9.30 Mt Ni-9.43 Mt Cu. A variety of Ni projects have been discovered and developed
Falconbridge: 153.83 Mt ore grading 1.43% Ni-1.12% Cu in Canada, including the Lynn Lake field of northwestern Man-
for 1.86 Mt Ni-1.55 Mt Cu. itoba, Namew Lake in northern Manitoba, Dumbarton-Bird
Small producers: 8.50 Mt ore grading 1.00% Ni-1.74% Cu River in southeastern Manitoba, Rankin Inlet in the Northwest
for 67.9 kt Ni-108.3 kt Cu. Territories, Shebandowan and Gordon Lake-Faraday in West-
Cumulative Sudbury production also includes about 100 kt ern Ontario, the Timmins field in northeastern Ontario (which
Co and at least 4,500 t Ag, 150 t Au, 900 t PGEs, minor metals includes Montcalm, Texmont, Redstone, and Langmuir), the
such as tellurium and selenium, and chemicals such as liquid Raglan deposits in Nunavik, Giant Mascot in British Colum-
sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid. bia, Marbridge Group, Lac Edouard and Hainault in Quebec,
and Voisey’s Bay in Newfoundland; the latter was discovered in
Case study 2: Thompson, Canada 1994 and quickly proved to be a substantial high-grade resource
Inco undertook exploration in the Thompson belt of Mani- (see Fig. 5) that was soon acquired by Inco Ltd. Although these
toba from at least 1952 onward, discovering the small Moak are all magmatic sulfides, some are intrusion related (Giant
Lake deposit before the Proterozoic komatiite-hosted mag- Mascot, Hainault, Lac Edouard, Lynn Lake, Montcalm, She-
matic sulfide deposits of the Thompson belt were first discov- bandowan, Voisey’s Bay) or are hosted by distinct horizons
ered in 1956 and quickly developed into a major Ni mining within layered intrusions (Dumbarton-Bird River) while oth-
and metal production field. The ore grades over time for ers are komatiite or komatiitic basalt hosted (Namew Lake,
Thompson are included in Figure 5, while Ni production Marbridge, Raglan, Rankin Inlet, Redstone, Texmont). More
over time is included in Figure 6, and mineral resources are recently, new magmatic Ni sulfide deposits have been discov-
shown in Figure 8. The graphs show the important role of ered in the ~2,730 Ma Ring of Fire complex of the McFauld’s
Thompson as a second major Canadian Ni producer to the greenstone belt of northwestern Ontario (Eagle’s Nest deposit
Sudbury camp. By the end of 2011, cumulative production and Eagle Two and AT12 prospects; e.g., Ernst and Jowitt,

3.2 120

2.8 Ore (Mt) 105

Metal Res o u r c es (Mt Ni ), Grade (%Ni)

2.4 90
Ore Resources (Mt ore)

2 %Ni 75

1.6 60

1.2 Mt Ni 45

0.8 30

0.4 15

0 0
1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005
Fig. 8. Ni resources (ore tonnage, ore grades, contained metals) over time for the Thompson field (data updated from
Mudd, 2010a).

2013); highlighting the fact that significant conventional mag- In addition, the Lac des Iles palladium mine in Western
matic sulfide Ni deposits are still waiting to be discovered. Ontario, where mineralization is hosted by a PGE discor-
By the end of 2011, cumulative production for these proj- dant-type intrusion, has produced 14.6 kt Ni as a by-prod-
ects is estimated to be (data updated from Mudd, 2010a; plus uct of Pd-dominated PGE production (data updated from
other minor metals): Mudd, 2010a). The Cobalt field northeast of Sudbury, mainly
Voisey’s Bay: 11.26 Mt ore grading 3.49% Ni-2.38% Cu for known as a small but very high grade Ag-Co producer, was
329.4 kt Ni-237.5 kt Cu. also a minor source of Ni, although production records are
Raglan: 14.29 Mt ore grading 2.78% Ni-0.79% Cu for incomplete (some examples include Kanichee-Temagami
343.3 kt Ni-89.8 kt Cu. with 0.25 Mt ore at 0.50% Ni-0.72% Cu for 0.6 kt Ni-1.4 kt
Lynn Lake: 20.16 Mt ore grading 0.99% Ni-0.55% Cu for Cu; Teck Silverfields with 1.34 Mt ore at 0.25% Ni-0.33%
164.7 kt Ni-97.2 kt Cu. Cu-445 g/t Ag for 2.0 kt Ni-0.4 kt Cu and 536.7 t Ag).
Shebandowan: 8.34 Mt ore grading 2.00% Ni-1.2% Cu.
Giant Mascot: 4.14 Mt ore grading 0.80% Ni-0.33% Cu for Case study 4: Kambalda Field, Australia
22.7 kt Ni-11.5 kt Cu. The announcement of the discovery of Ni sulfides in January
Montcalm: 3.96 Mt ore grading 1.36% Ni-0.70% Cu for 1966 at Kambalda in central Western Australia (WA) sparked
43.4 kt Ni-23.7 kt Cu. the great Australian Ni boom of the late 1960s. The Kambalda
Namew Lake: 2.336 Mt ore grading 1.85% Ni-0.64% Cu for field proved to be a newly discovered type of mineralization,
36.4 kt Ni-13.9 kt Cu. namely Archean komatiite-hosted Ni deposits, and contained
Dumbarton-Bird River: 1.905 Mt ore grading 0.87% a large number of small but high Ni grade deposits with gen-
Ni-0.29% Cu for 12.7 kt Ni-4.95 kt Cu. erally low Cu-Co-PGE grades, in addition to larger tonnage,
Langmuir: 1.009 Mt ore grading 1.43% Ni for 12.1 kt Ni. lower grade deposits known farther to the north in central
Rankin Inlet: 0.371 Mt ore grading 3.42% Ni-0.88% Cu for WA (e.g., Mount Keith, Yakabindie, Honeymoon Well). The
9.77 kt Ni-2.58 kt Cu. owner, Western Mining Corporation, developed parts of the
Redstone: 0.604 Mt ore grading 0.88% Ni-0.18% Cu for Kambalda field in less than two years, with first production
4.23 kt Ni-0.90 kt Cu; by mid-1967 and the development of a Ni smelter near Kal-
Renzy-Hainault: 0.717 Mt ore grading 0.46% Ni-0.54% Cu goorlie in 1972 and a Ni refinery at Kwinana south of Perth in
for 2.11 kt Ni-2.88 kt Cu. 1970, eventually forming a fully integrated Ni industry similar
Marbridge Group: 0.818 Mt ore grading 0.95% Ni-0.81% to the Sudbury and Thompson fields in Canada.
Cu for 5.71 kt Ni-5.73 kt Cu. Although Kambalda has gone through several boom-bust
Wellgreen: 0.172 Mt ore grading 2.5% Ni-1.39% Cu for cycles of production related to global market conditions, in
3.42 kt Ni-1.97 kt Cu. the early 2000s Western Mining Corporation sold off all mines
Thierry/Pickle Lake: 5.29 Mt ore grading 0.12% Ni-1.19% and deposits in the Kambalda field to junior companies but
Cu for 1.1 kt Ni-57.1 kt Cu. retained the central mill, buying ore only rather than mining
Bucko Lake: 0.436 Mt ore grading 1.13% Ni-0.1% Cu for and milling. The strategy has proved to be reasonably success-
2.93 kt Ni-0.2 kt Cu. ful, with several junior miners showing a strong track record
Texmont: 0.182 Mt ore grading 0.82% Ni for 1.05 kt Ni. of reserve-resource replacement and expansion. Cumulative
Lac Edouard: 0.082 Mt ore grading 1.5% Ni-0.5% Cu for Ni production and resources trends over time are shown in
0.38 kt Ni-0.15 kt Cu. Figure 9, with a total of 50.20 Mt ore milled by 2011, at a

Cumulative Production (Mt Ni) Cumulative Production + Remaining Resources (Mt Ni) Ore Grade (as milled) (%Ni) Ore Milled (Mt)
2.4 4.8
Nickel Production -Resources (Mt Ni)

2.1 4.2 Ore Milled (Mt) / Ore Grade (%Ni)

1.8 3.6

1.5 3

1.2 2.4

0.9 1.8

0.6 1.2

0.3 0.6

0 0
1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Fig. 9. Cumulative production and Ni resources (ore tonnage, ore grades, contained metals) over time for the Kambalda
field (data updated from Mudd, 2010a, b).

grade of ~3.10% Ni-0.23% Cu and yielding ~1,364 kt Ni; this part of the Soviet Union (now Russia) after World War II.
compares very favorably with the earliest 1966 reserve esti- Although the combined field has been in production as long
mate of 1.93 Mt at 4.15% Ni containing 80.1 kt Ni. The total as Noril’sk-Talnakh, its cumulative production is considerably
production is around 65% larger than the remaining resources more modest due to its low ore grades; production from 2000
within the field, with a 2012 resource estimate of 22.5 Mt at to 2011 was 0.439 Mt Ni and 0.24 Mt Cu, with no specific
2.32% Ni, yielding 511 kt contained Ni. PGE production data (it is likely that a small fraction, prob-
ably <5%, of Norilsk Nickel’s reported PGE production is
Case study 5: Noril’sk-Talnakh (Taimyr Peninsula), Russia derived from the Kola Peninsula). As above, Ni production
The Noril’sk-Talnakh Ni-Cu-PGE field in Siberia, north- from the Kola Peninsula projects is on the order of 1.8 Mt
ern Russia, is the only giant Ni camp that is comparable to Ni, with recent production and mineral resources shown in
Sudbury in size. The field was discovered in the 1920s and Figure 10.
began production in 1939 as a state-owned Soviet enterprise,
although the importance of this field as a Ni producer was Case study 7: Other projects, Australia
only realized with the discovery of the Talnakh mineralization Like Canada, there have been numerous Ni deposits dis-
in 1960. However, it is only since reorganization in 1989 and covered and developed in Australia, although unusually they
subsequent privatization of the field as Norilsk Nickel in 1994 are almost exclusively in Western Australia. In the wake of the
that production and resources data have become publicly great Kambalda-led Ni boom, many small to modest-sized
available. Between 1996 to 2011 production was 3.04 Mt Ni projects were developed in central Western Australia (e.g.,
and 6.12 Mt Cu, with production from 2005 to 2011 of 626.7 t Scotia, Carr Boyd, Nepean, Redross, Spargoville, Windarra,
Pd-150.3 t Pt, respectively (Norilsk Nickel, various)—showing Agnew-Leinster), while some discoveries were not devel-
the field’s very high Pd grades. oped or were delayed in development due to the low-grade
Historic Soviet/Russian Ni production is ~10.6 Mt Ni, and nature of the disseminated Ni sulfide mineralization (e.g.,
based on a very approximate split between the Urals Ni lat- Mount Keith, Yakabindie, Honeymoon Well). Other impor-
erites, Noril’sk-Talnakh and the Kola Peninsula projects, tant deposits include Sherlock Bay and Radio Hill in the Pil-
this means that Noril’sk-Talnakh production is on the order bara region, the Sally Malay (now Savannah) deposit in the
of 6.5  Mt Ni. Recent production and mineral resources for Kimberley region, and numerous deposits in the Forrestania-
Noril’sk-Talnakh are shown in Figure 10. Clearly, there are still Lake Johnston region. While the vast majority of deposits and
considerably more Ni-Cu-PGE mineral resources remaining prospects were identified from the late 1960s to late 1970s,
than have been mined to date. notable new discoveries continue to be made across Western
Australia (e.g., Cosmos-Sinclair, Nebo-Babel, Lounge Liz-
Case study 6: Kola Peninsula, Russia ard), as well as the discovery of the Avebury Ni deposit in
The Kola Peninsula contains two major Ni fields—Seve- western Tasmania. Somewhat unsurprisingly, the vast major-
ronickel and Pechenganickel—that are hosted by unusual ity of Australia Ni sulfide deposits are Archean komatiites,
ferropicritic sills and/or flows and are associated with dis- although examples of most magmatic sulfide deposit types
tinct magmatic feeders that host other Ni-Cu-PGE prospects have been discovered in Australia. Another key difference
(e.g., Hanski et al., 2011). The Severonickel project began between Australian and other Ni deposits is the dominance
production in 1935, while the Pechenga field was originally of Ni, i.e., the generally low grades of co-/by-product met-
built by Inco in the late 1930s, just before the onset of World als such as Cu-Co-PGEs. More recently, new magmatic Ni
War II. This region was originally part of Finland but became sulfide deposits have been discovered in the Fraser Range

20 2 20 2
Cumulative Production (Mt Ni) Kola Peninsula
Cumulative Production + Remaining Resources (Mt Ni)
Ore Milled (Mt) / Nickel Prod.-Res. (Mt Ni)
Ore Milled (Mt) / Nickel Prod.-Res. (Mt Ni)

Ore Milled (Mt)

Ore Grade (as milled) (%Ni)
16 1.6 16 1.6
Resource Grade (%Ni)
Ore Grades (%Ni)
Ore Grades (%Ni)

12 1.2 12 1.2

8 0.8 8 0.8

Ore Milled (Mt)

Cumulative Production (Mt Ni)
4 Cumulative Production + Remaining Resources (Mt Ni) 0.4 4 0.4
Ore Grade (as milled) (%Ni)
Resource Grade (%Ni)

0 0 0 0
1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
Fig. 10. Recent production and Ni resources (ore tonnage, ore grades, contained metals) over time for Noril’sk-Talnakh
(left) and Kola Peninsula (right; data updated from Mudd, 2010a; note production-resource data prior to 2000 not available).

area of Western Australia (Nova and Bollinger deposits), Case study 8: Greenvale-Brolga, Australia
highlighting that, like Canada, significant conventional mag- The Greenvale Ni project, located in northern Queensland,
matic sulfide Ni deposits are still waiting to be discovered in was Australia’s first major Ni laterite mine with a large refinery
Australia as well as globally. built at Yabulu just outside Townsville. Although the mine was
By the end of 2011, cumulative production for most of these a simple open cut, the refinery was complex and was based on
projects is estimated to be (data updated from Mudd, 2010a; the Caron ammonia leach process to extract Ni and Co. It is
plus other minor metals): also one of the few mining projects that has been completed,
Agnew-Leinster: 33.05 Mt ore grading 2.12% Ni for 566.2 kt from start to finish, although as discussed below substantial
Ni (1994−2004 only; no data reported by BHP Billiton from Ni resources still remain in situ. Operating from 1974 to 1996
2005 onward). (including the smaller Brolga deposit in central Queensland
Mount Keith: 104.5 Mt ore grading 0.61% Ni for 422.6 kt that was mined from 1992−1996), some 31.26 Mt of ore grad-
Ni (1994−2004 only; no data reported by BHP Billiton from ing 1.41% Ni and 0.11% Co were mined and processed to
2005 onward). produce ~327.4 kt Ni and ~14.6 kt Co, as shown in Figure
Black Swan: –9.19 Mt ore grading 2.01% Ni for 151.2 kt Ni. 11 (Mudd, 2009a). From the early 1990s the Yabulu refin-
Cosmos-Sinclair: –3.535 Mt ore grading 4.52% Ni for ery began importing Ni laterite ores from the Philippines,
140.1 kt Ni. Indonesia, and New Caledonia and, despite its high energy
Windarra: 7.471 Mt ore grading 1.34% Ni-0.1% Cu for intensity, remains in operation as of mid-2013. Yabulu now
85.0 kt Ni-6.7 kt Cu. also treats the intermediate product from the Ravensthorpe
Lake Johnston (Emily Ann-Maggie Hays): 4.56 Mt ore project in Western Australia.
grading 1.98% Ni for 67.1 kt Ni. Although the original reserve for Greenvale was reported
Flying Fox: 1.439 Mt ore grading 4.68% Ni for 61.1 kt Ni. as 45 Mt ore at 1.57% Ni (Table 2), only two-thirds of this
Sally Malay-Savannah: 5.060 Mt ore grading 1.29% amount was mined, and recent exploration at Greenvale and
Ni-0.60% Cu-0.066% Co for 56.1 kt Ni-29.3 kt Cu-3.0 kt Co. in the region has demonstrated substantial Ni resources,
Fororestania: 3.806 Mt ore grading 2.01% Ni for 55.2 kt Ni. including some which contain potentially economic quantities
Nepean: 1.060 Mt ore grading 3.15% Ni for 33.6 kt Ni. of the rare metal scandium (Sc). Now known as the Nornico
Radio Hill: 1.517 Mt ore grading 2.22% Ni for 25.3 kt Ni. group, current owner Metallica Metals reports 64.3 Mt ore
Scotia: 0.823 Mt ore grading 2.14% Ni-0.15% Cu for 18.6 kt grading 0.68% Ni and 0.07% Co across six main deposits, with
Ni-1.2 kt Cu. three deposits including ~2,500 t contained Sc.
Redross: 0.403 Mt ore grading 3.37% Ni-0.09% Cu for
13.0 kt Ni-0.4 kt Cu.
Spargoville: 0.601 Mt ore grading 2.37% Ni-0.05% Cu for Case study 9: Kalgoorlie Ni laterite camp, Australia
12.6 kt Ni-0.3 kt Cu. The goldfields of Kalgoorlie, in central Western Australia,
Waterloo: 0.496 Mt ore grading 2.73% Ni for 10.0 kt Ni. are host to extensive Ni laterite resources. Although the min-
Rav8: 0.200 Mt ore grading 3.54% Ni for 5.45 kt Ni. eralization had been known since at least the early 1970s, it was
Avebury: 0.441 Mt ore grading 0.95% Ni for 2.86 kt Ni. considered uneconomic to process and effectively ignored. In
Lounge Lizard: 0.073 Mt ore grading 3.57% Ni for 2.38 kt the mid-1990s, however, high-pressure acid leaching technol-
Ni. ogy was proposed—meaning that these large resources were
Carr Boyd: 0.178 Mt ore grading 1.56% Ni-0.48% Cu for perceived to be a potential major new source of Ni and this
1.95 kt Ni-0.7 kt Cu. caused a Ni laterite miniboom. The Murrin Murrin project was

Cumulative Production (Mt Ni) Cumulative Production + Remaining Resources (Mt Ni) Ore Grade (as milled) (%Ni) Ore Milled (Mt)
0.75 2.5
Nickel Production-Resources (Mt Ni)

Ore Milled (Mt) / Ore Grade (%Ni)

0.6 2

0.45 1.5

0.3 1

0.15 0.5

0 0
1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994
Fig. 11. Cumulative production and Ni resources (ore tonnage, ore grades, contained metals) over time for Greenvale-
Brolga (data updated from Mudd, 2010a, b).

one of the three major high-pressure acid leaching Ni laterite Over the past decade, two major new stand-alone projects
projects under development in Western Australia in the late have been developed at Goro in the south-east and Konia-
1990s, the others being Cawse and Bulong. Despite promises, mbo in the north, with Goro using high-pressure acid leaching
however, Murrin Murrin, Cawse, and Bulong failed to meet processing (a first for New Caledonia) while Koniambo uses
production targets (King, 2005) and only Murrin Murrin was pyrometallurgical processing.
able to survive long enough until the great mining boom of A combination of the available historic production data
the 2000s decade began and Ni prices soared, allowing Mur- for New Caledonia is shown in Figure 13, which exclusively
rin Murrin to claw itself out of debt and toward corporate and relates to the Doniambo plant. Cumulative production to 2011
operational stability. By the end of 2011, production is esti- is about 5.21 Mt Ni, and our compiled data show ~15.0 Mt Ni
mated to be about 30.5 Mt grading ~1.34% Ni and ~0.1% in remaining resources—with just over one-third in Goro, a
Co to produce 334.1 kt Ni and 22.4 kt Co (data updated from quarter in Koniambo, and the remainder split between Prony
Mudd, 2009a), with substantial mineral resources still remain- (adjacent to Goro) and the Doniambo-Société Le Nickel
ing, as shown in Figure 12. The limited production from the Group of mines. Overall, New Caledonia shows the impor-
failed Bulong project was 1.233 Mt ore grading 1.79% Ni to tance of trends in ore grades and ore types, both of which are
0.14% Co to produce ~17.2 kt Ni-1.02 kt Co, while for Cawse closely linked to processing technology such as pyrometallur-
it was 1.128 Mt ore grading 0.94% Ni-0.12% Co to produce gical or hydrometallurgical techniques.
~10.4 kt Ni-1.79 kt Co.
Case study 11: Moa Bay camp, Cuba
Case study 10: Doniambo-Société Le Nickel Group The Ni laterites of the Moa Bay area of southeastern Cuba
and others, New Caledonia were discovered in the early 1940s. The Nicaro plant, about
The discovery of rich Ni laterite ores in New Caledonia in 65 km west of Moa Bay, was built at this time to supply mili-
1875 allowed the emergence of Ni as a major modern metal, tary needs during World War II and began production in 1943
and, although these mines were overshadowed by Sudbury using the Caron ammonia leach process. The Moa Bay proj-
two decades later, Ni laterite mines are still in operation in ect was built by Freeport Nickel (now Freeport McMoRan
New Caledonia and have a growing resource and produc- Copper and Gold) in the late 1950s using the world’s first
tion base. The various mines that have operated since 1875 high pressure acid leach plant. The Cuban revolution led to
have dominantly been used to supply the Doniambo metal- the nationalization of both of these projects, with the Cuban
lurgical complex in Noumea (a joint venture between Eramet government keeping production levels relatively modest at
and Société Le Nickel), which uses rotary kiln-electric fur- ~30 kt Ni/yr up to the late 1980s when production began to
nace technology. Since the 1960s some ore has also been expand to ~40 kt Ni/yr. The Punta Gorda plant, also using
directly exported to either the Yabulu refinery in Queensland, the Caron process, began production in 1986 but was per-
Australia, or other countries such as Japan, South Korea, or manently closed down in 2012. In mid-1994, the Moa Bay
more recently China. In general, most of the mines supplying plant was reorganized as a 50/50% joint venture between the
Doniambo have been small to modest in scale, with numerous Cuban Government and Sherritt International from Canada,
mines spread across southern New Caledonia. The current and production was expanded, helping Cuba to reach outputs
capacity of Doniambo is about 60 kt Ni/year and it processes of ~70 to 74 kt Ni/year throughout the 2000s. Historic pro-
almost exclusively saprolite ores (i.e., hydrous Mg silicate- duction and reserves-resources data are difficult to find for
dominant ores). Moa Bay, primarily as a result of the lack of public reporting

Cumulative Production (Mt Ni) Cumulative Production + Remaining Resources (Mt Ni) Ore Grade (as milled) (%Ni) Ore Milled (Mt)
4 3.5
Nickel Production-Resources (Mt Ni)

3.2 2.8 Ore Milled (Mt) / Ore Grade (%Ni)

2.4 2.1

1.6 1.4

0.8 0.7

0 0
1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012
Fig. 12. Cumulative production and Ni resources (ore tonnage, ore grades, contained metals) over time for the Murrin
Murrin project, Kalgoorlie Ni laterite camp (data updated from Mudd, 2010a, b).

14 140
Assay Grade
Ni production
12 120

Ni c k el Yi el d /Or e Gr ad e (%Ni )

10 100

Annual Ni Production (kt Ni/yr)

8 80

6 60

4 40

2 20

0 0
1870 1885 1900 1915 1930 1945 1960 1975 1990 2005
Fig. 13. Historic Ni ore grade and/or yield and production trends for New Caledonia (data combined and/or updated from
RONC, 1917; Bird et al., 1984; Mudd, 2010a; DIMENC, 2012−2013).

by the Cuban Government. However, some recent data have barrier of 0.1% was estimated by Skinner (1976), the applica-
become available through a recent NI 43-101 technical report tion of this approach to Ni is somewhat complicated by the
on Moa Bay for Sherritt (Beaton et al., 2011). From 1995 to fact that a number of mineral deposits, especially sulfide Ni
2010, mine production was 51.84 Mt ore grading 1.24% Ni, deposits, have Ni as a by-product metal, rather than as a main
0.12% Co, and 43.9% Fe while ore fed to slurry plant (i.e., product. This is also the case for Cu, but the majority of Cu
after initial ore beneficiation) was 40.65 Mt ore grading 1.25% deposits are, at least in economic importance, dominated by
Ni, 0.13% Co, and 45.9% Fe (i.e., 508 kt contained Ni); com- Cu, meaning that the mineralogical barrier value for Cu is
pared to measured and indicated resources at the end of 2010 probably more important than for other metals. In compari-
of 66.60 Mt ore grading 1.26% Ni, 0.13% Co, and 43.6% Fe son, the presence of Co, Cu, and the PGE in magmatic sulfide
or 839 kt Ni (Beaton et al., 2011). Cumulative Cuban Ni pro- Ni deposits, a wide variety of other metals in hydrothermal
duction by the end of 2011 was ~2.39 Mt Ni, compared to
the ~16.2 Mt Ni in our data set, demonstrating that laterite
fields in particular can sustain long periods of mining from
their resource base.
Discussion: Assessing Nickel Resources
The Ni resource data presented here raise a number of
issues and provide quantitative evidence that enables a robust
assessment of the current status of global Ni resources, some-
thing that has frequently been missing from mineral resource-
focused debates.
One of the first systematic assessments of globally recov-

erable mineral resources was undertaken by Skinner (1976), Barrier

who formalized the “mineralogical barrier” concept for geo-
chemically scarce metals by indicating the importance of min- Current
eralogy to mineral processing and the economic recovery of Mining
metals, shown in Figure 14. This concept indicates that there
is a point when energy costs mean that extraction of a given Grade
metal becomes prohibitively expensive (closely related to the Fig. 14. A conceptual view of grade vs. contained metal for geochemically
change in mineralogy from sulfides to silicates). However, scarce metals, current mining, and the “mineralogical barrier” (redrawn from
unlike Cu (e.g., Mudd et al., 2013b) where a mineralogical Skinner, 1976).

Ni deposits, and Co (and rarely Sc, Pt) in Ni laterite deposits importance of by-product metals or primary PGE production
complicates matters; this is exemplified by the fact that the in the economics of Ni extraction. These complications mean
single most important Ni resource within our compilation, the that estimating a simple mineralogical barrier value for overall
Bushveld Complex of South Africa, does not contain a single Ni resources is probably not achievable, although the fact that
“primary” Ni mine. both graphs shown in Figure 3 resemble the “current mining”
There are two other factors that are important in the discus- section of Skinner’s (1976) diagram means that a best guess
sion of a mineralogical barrier for Ni, namely, the mineral- estimate of a barrier of 0.02% Ni for sulfide mineralization
ogically variable nature of Ni mineralization, with three main (given numerous caveats including the presence of other co-
mineralogically differing types of Ni mineralization (sulfide, and by-product metals and the widely differing background Ni
laterite, and awaruite) dominating the resource data presented concentrations for the host rocks of these deposits) and 0.3%
here, and the generally mafic-ultramafic hosts for all types of Ni for laterite mineralization (a more realistic value given the
Ni mineralization that have high background Ni concentra- lower importance of co- and by-product metals in Ni laterite
tions (in some cases 2,000−3,000 ppm Ni for both fresh and mining) can be obtained from these data. It may be possible
laterite-weathered ultramafic rocks) that are indistinguishable to determine a more complex multiple-metal mineralogical
from some resource grades. This demonstrates the impor- barrier that also incorporates host rock (i.e., background Ni
tance of mineral processing and mineralogy, as some deposits concentration) and dominant mineralogical (e.g., awaruite vs.
in our database, such as Dumont and Turnagain, are only dis- sulfide vs. laterite) variations, although this barrier would nec-
tinguishable from background concentrations by ore mineral- essarily move with supply and/or demand, processing tech-
ogy and the presence of high tenor sulfides and/or awaruite, nology, input costs, price fluctuations, and so on, a detailed
factors that enable the preparation of a concentrate from discussion of which is beyond the remit of this paper.
material that may otherwise be considered unmineralized in The historic fluctuations in the Ni price are clearly shown in
terms of raw Ni concentrations. The one Fe-Ni alloy awaruite Figure 15, where both nominal and real prices have declined
deposit in our database (Decar) has a grade of 0.108% Ni, at and then increased before entering a repeating boom-bust
first glance significantly lower than the background (unminer- cycle from the 1970s onward, with significant recent fluctua-
alized) Ni concentrations of the host rocks for many magmatic tions clearly evident. This contrasts sharply with Cu prices
sulfide deposits, especially those hosted by komatiites. How- that in real terms have gradually declined, even again allow-
ever, this deposit has grades reported in Davis Tube Recover- ing for numerous boom-bust cycles (Mudd et al., 2013b). This
able Nickel Content values, which only report Ni present as decline in Cu prices has been attributed to a wide range of
alloys, rather than the total Ni content of the deposit. Around variables, including growing demand, technological innova-
64% of the total nickel within the deposit is present as alloys, tion, growing dominance of large porphyry deposits, variations
with the rest of the unrecoverable and unreported Ni con- in Cu supply, development of new mines, and other factors
tained within silicate minerals in the serpentinized peridotite (e.g., Mudd et al., 2013b). However, even though Cu prices
host. This adds a further complication to the determination have declined and Ni prices have fluctuated significantly, both
of a “mineralogical barrier” for Ni deposits. Hydrothermal Ni metals have undergone a significant lowering of cut-off grades
sulfide deposits have highly variable Ni grades, reflecting two for ore that can be processed. This may be a function of the
factors, namely variations in the Ni concentration of the host lack of a clear “mineralogical barrier” to Ni mining and the
rock (e.g., the highest grade hydrothermal Ni deposit in our intimate relationship between the economics of a given Ni
database, barring the highly enriched Mn nodules of the Clar- resource project and the values (or lack thereof) of co-and by-
ion-Clipperton resource, is the Avebury Ni deposit, a deposit product metals. This means that the relationship between Ni
formed by skarn alteration of magmatic sulfides within ultra- and other metals within a deposit, in addition to other factors
mafic rocks that already contained significant background Ni discussed below, is likely to control the future production of
concentrations; Keays and Jowitt, 2013) and whether a deposit Ni, in sharp contrast with the controls on Cu production (e.g.,
is exploited primarily for Ni (e.g., Avebury, at 0.86% Ni) or has Mudd et al., 2013b).
Ni as a co- or by-product (e.g., Waterbury Lake, at 0.09% Ni, As shown in Figure 15, a linear regression (a conservative
significantly lower than the background concentrations of Ni option2) of global Ni production from 1950 to 2011 gives a
in many of the deposits discussed here). coefficient of correlation 0.938. If this is used to extrapolate
The range in laterite Ni concentrations in our database production to 2100, annual production reaches ~3.46 Mt/year
(0.31−3.74% Ni) is less variable and has a lower minimum value by 2100 with a cumulative value of 220.6 Mt Ni—consider-
than the range of magmatic Ni sulfide deposits (0.02−5.97% ably lower than our global estimate of 298.6 Mt Ni. This then
Ni) within the database, but is more variable than the range of poses the question as to what else may jeopardize the ability of
hydrothermal Ni sulfide deposits (0.028−1.2%), primarily as the mining industry to meet future Ni demands.
a result of the generally high background Ni concentrations The security of available Ni resources is one factor that
present in laterites and the fact that the majority of laterite needs to be considered, as exemplified by the Bushveld
deposits have Ni as a main product, rather than a by- or co-
product. It is also worth noting that laterite deposits with lower 2 Although an exponential regression of the entire historic production

Ni grades generally have higher co-product grades (generally data gives an R2 value of 93.5%, this predicts annual production in 2100 of
Co), again indicating the importance of co- and by-products 1,079.1 Mt Ni/year—clearly an unrealistic value. Alternatively, a linear re-
gression model of production from 1994 to 2011 gives an R2 value of 87.4%
on determining a “mineralogical barrier.” The fact that a num- and 2100 annual production of 5.73 Mt Ni/year. Hence the linear model of
ber of major Ni resources within our compilation (in terms of 1950-2011 data is a reasonable basis for future projections (as done in Mudd
contained Ni) have Ni grades that are <0.1% also indicates the et al., 2013b).

2 40

Linear Trend Line 35

Nickel Price Nominal & Real (US$1,000 / t Ni)

(1950-2011 only)
An n u al Ni c k el Pr o d u c t i o n (Mt Ni /year )

1.6 ~4.8% growth/year


1.2 y = 0.0223x - 43.32
R² = 0.9382


Real Price 15
(1998 US$1,000 / t Ni)


Unit Price (US$1,000 / t Ni)
0 0
1865 1885 1905 1925 1945 1965 1985 2005 1865 1885 1905 1925 1945 1965 1985 2005
Fig. 15. World Ni production over time with a linear regression model (1950−2011 only; left); and world Ni prices over
time, including nominal (price of the day) and adjusted real prices to 1998 US$ (adapted from Kelly and Matos, 2012; right).

Complex of South Africa, the area with the highest total Ni environmental issues faced by Ni projects, with recent leaks
resources in this compilation, but also an area where recent from tailings dams halting or slowing production and poten-
infrastructure problems and civil unrest have significantly tially jeopardizing the future of the mine. However, this is
impacted the mining industry. The engineering challenges not to say that environmental issues cannot be overcome; one
involved in continued extraction from mature mining camps classic example of the overcoming of some, but by no means
must also be considered; a significant amount of Ni sulfide all, environmental issues in the Ni business is the construction
resources are located in areas where mining is becoming of the Inco “Superstack” in 1972 and the increased rejection
increasingly challenging, either because of the greater depths of pyrrhotite to tailings during mineral processing at Sudbury
of the remaining resources (e.g., Sudbury) and/or the nature (e.g., Peek et al., 2011). It should be noted that some of these
of the mineralization (e.g., mining of <1 m reef thicknesses seemingly environmentally driven changes were actually ini-
in addition to mining depths >3,000 m within the Bushveld tially brought in for economic reasons, either to reduce nickel
Complex). These issues have been somewhat offset by the loss and slag production or to produce sulfuric acid as a by-
introduction of new resources, either from areas of known product, with the latter becoming uneconomic as a result of
mineralization that have not been exploited (e.g., the Duluth acid production from sour gas (Peek et al., 2011). The devel-
Complex, where Ni mineralization has been known since 1948 opment of new laterite deposits has also been challenging,
although no Ni has been produced from this complex to date, with failure and mine closure (e.g., Bulong, Cawse) or lower
primarily as a result of low grades and challenging process- than expected production (e.g., Murrin-Murrin) from a series
ing of disseminated mineralization), from previously uniden- of high-pressure acid leaching plants that were commissioned
tified conventional magmatic sulfide and laterite resources during the 1990s, as discussed earlier.
(e.g., the Imiak Hill prospect associated with the Maniitsoq Another important point is that there are known Ni
meteorite impact structure in southwestern Greenland, a resources which have been difficult to develop due to signifi-
~3 Ga impact that has no visible surface expression), or from cant social and environmental concerns, or even opposition.
unconventional Ni deposit types that were not the focus of For example, the Goro and Koniambo projects in New Cale-
previous exploration (e.g., Fe-Ni alloys of the Decar-Baptiste donia have taken well over a decade to be developed as a con-
deposit and hydrothermal Ni sulfides within the Avebury and sequence of wide ranging concerns over mine water impacts
Talvivaara deposits). on adjacent marine ecosystems, social impacts, governance
A steady increase in Ni production from laterites has also issues, and economic benefit sharing, among others (e.g., Ali
offset any declines in the production of Ni from sulfide and Grewal, 2006); Goro and Koniambo only started produc-
resources (e.g., Mudd, 2010a); this, combined with increasing tion in 2010 and 2013, respectively, showing the significant
prices for both Ni and by-products such as the PGE and Cu, delays (and costs) that such concerns can cause. Similarly, the
has meant that the majority of the challenges facing mature Ramu Ni project in Papua New Guinea had similar delays due
mining districts have been offset somewhat. However, Ni pro- to opposition from the local community for the use of marine
duction from these unconventional resources has also been tailings disposal at the project. In particular, mine waste man-
challenging, with production issues at Avebury and Talvivaara agement will continue to be a growing issue for the Ni sector,
either stopping (for the former) or (for the latter) reduc- especially in light of declining ore grades, the increasing scale
ing Ni production. The Talvivaara mine also highlights the of open cut mines and associated waste rock, as well as the

fact that most laterite projects are in tropical regions subject faced in bringing these “unconventional” Ni resources into
to high rainfall and seismic activity. Concern over long-term economic production. The current known Ni resources and
environmental risks from mine wastes is commonly a major, trends presented here indicate that Ni is far from a “peak” in
if not the dominant factor in community concern and opposi- either known resources or production, and it is more likely
tion to some Ni projects (e.g., Goro, Ramu). that a range of complex social, environmental, and economic
As world progress on greenhouse gas emissions and climate factors will govern future Ni resources and whether individual
change policy continues to evolve, there may be some projects Ni projects are developed (or not).
which, for example by reliance on emission intensive coal- or
diesel-based electricity, may be uneconomic when some form Acknowledgments
of carbon pricing is factored in. One other consideration is the Part of this research has been undertaken as part of the Miner-
potential positive aspects of mining of magmatic sulfide Ni als Futures Research Cluster, a collaborative program between
resources within serpentinized ultramafic host rocks, where the Australian CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific Industrial
exposure and weathering of tailings can lead to significant CO2 Research Organisation); the University of Queensland; the
sequestration; for example, Wilson et al. (2009) calculated that University of Technology, Sydney (including Monash Univer-
the tailings produced by the Mount Keith magmatic Ni sulfide sity); Curtin University of Technology; CQ University; and the
mine in Western Australia have the capacity to sequester ten Australian National University. The authors gratefully acknowl-
times the annual greenhouse gas emissions of the mine, a sig- edge the contribution of each partner and the CSIRO Flag-
nificant consideration in an industry that is ever more aware of ship Collaboration Fund. The Minerals Futures Cluster is a
CO2 emissions and economic factors such as carbon taxes and part of the Minerals Down Under National Research Flagship.
trading. Clearly, there are a range of complex sociopolitical, We thank Paul Golightly and an anonymous reviewer for con-
environmental, and economic factors which may act against structive and thoughtful reviews, Larry Meinert for editorial
some Ni resources ever being developed; conversely, these handling, and Zhehan Weng for a very useful presubmission
factors may also act to promote the development of socially review. Extensive information on moisture contents within Ni
and environmentally acceptable Ni deposits. laterites and sources for additional Ni resource data was kindly
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