Bahasa Inggris 2 - 044017731

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NIM : 044017731

1. Identifikasi bagian surat yang ditandai oleh nomor 1-3. / Please identify the part of the
letter numbered 1-3.

 Part One (1) Salutation or greetings shown to Ms. Lee

 Part Two (2) Message Body is the content of the letter containingthe invitation to
attend networking events liberal arts department, which will last approximately 2
to 3 hours.
 Part Three (3) Signature or The identity of the sendersent by Linda Lau, as
chairman of the liberal arts department.

2. Identifikasi 3 (tiga) kesalahan pada surat di atas. / Please identify 3 (three) errors in the
letter above.

 Purchasing manager (not purchase manager)Harusnya Purchasing Manager

karena kata Purchasing bertindak sebagai Adjective (kata sifat)
 On 4 July ( not of 4 July) Jika kita menyebutkan tanggal dalam bahasa Inggris ,
maka kita menggunakan preposisi on .
 I look forward to receiving your order. Kita menggunakan Gerund(Verb-ing)
setelah ekpresi "i look forward to" menjadi "I look forward ro receiving"karena
kata receiving sebagai objek dari preposisi.

3. Anda baru saja membeli biskuit secara online dan menerima produk yang kedaluwarsa.
Tulislah sebuah surat singkat sebanyak kurang lebih 100-200 kata yang menyatakan
kekecewaan Anda dan bahwa Anda meminta produk pengganti atau uang kembali. You
ordered some cookies online and received an expired one. Please write a body letter
Please write a body letter in approximately 100-200 words that explains your
disappointment and you are asking for a refund/exchange

Dear Snack Market

We hereby inform the Snack Market shop for the shipment of 8 boxes wholemeal Crackers that
we received in good condition. But after we checked it turned out that everything had expired.

We are very disappointed with the goods sent, we assume that the goods are accuracy in
checking the expiration date.

In connection with the occurrence of this problem , we intend to ask for a replacement with a
new item, with shipping costs being the responsibility of the Snack Market Shop. To make it
easier to resolve this complaint, we herewith attach some photo and video evidence of the

Thus, we made this letter in the hope that there will be improvements in accuracy in checking
goods, so that in future the same problem will not occur.

For your attetion , we thank you

4. Anda sedang menggalang dana untuk korban bencana alam dan ada seorang donatur yang
memberikan bantuan dalam jumlah besar. Tulislah sebuah email ucapan terima kasih
terkait pemberian donasi tersebut sebanyak kurang lebih 50-100 kata. You initiate a
fundraising event after a natural disaster and there is one person who donated a large
amount of money. Write a thank you email about the donation in approximately 50-100

Palembang , 28 May 2022

Subject : Acknowledgments

Dear, Mr Zulfikar
All praise is due to Allah SWT who has given blessings so far. Shalawat and greetings may
be poured out on our lord the prophet Muhammad SAW and his family, his friends and his
faithful people until the end of time.

Together with this letter, we express our deepest gratitude to Mr. Zulfikar as a donor who
has provided large amounts of assistance to the Nabs Mulya Fondation.

We hope that Allah SWT will multiply your kindnessand we can use all the donations we
receive for the dood of the children at Nabs Mulya Fondation.

Thus, we would like to say thank you with you all our hearts. We hope Mr. Zulfikar get a
bigger reward from Allah SWT .
Best Regards,


Nabs Mulya Fondation

Nabila Arie Putri

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