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Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act (R.A.

Proof of Age
9344, as amended)
The age of the child shall be determined
a. Scope according to the rules established by
Section7 of R.A. 9344:
It shall cover the different stages
involving children at risk and children in
conflict with the law from prevention to 1. Best evidence is an original or certified
rehabilitation and reintegration. [Sec. 1, true copy of certificate of live birth
R.A. 9344]

Definition of Terms 2. In its absence, similar authentic

1. Child - refers to a person under the documents such as baptismal certificates
age of eighteen (18) years. [Sec. 4(c), and school records showing the date of
R.A. 9344] birth may be used

2. Children at risk, definition - Refers to 3. In the absence of documents under 1

a child vulnerable to and at the risk of and 2 due to loss, destruction or
committing criminal offenses because of unavailability, the testimony of the child, a
personal, family and social member of the family related by affinity or
circumstances, such as, but not limited to consanguinity, of other persons, the
(a) economic/sexual exploitation, (b) physical appearance of the child, or other
truancy, Page 105 of 286 (c) abandoned/ relevant evidence shall suffice.
neglected, or (e) abuse. [Sec. 4(d), R.A.
9344] The person alleging the age of the child
3. Child in Conflict with the Law (CICL) in conflict with the law has the burden to
- Refers to a child who is alleged as, prove such age. In all cases involving a
accused of, or adjudged as, having child, the court shall make a categorical
committed an offense under Philippine finding as to the age of the child. [Sec. 7,
laws. [Sec. 4(e), R.A. 9344] R.A. 9344]

Determination of Age [Sec. 7, R.A. b. Intervention Program


Presumption of Minority: There is a Intervention

presumption of minority. S/he shall enjoy Refers to a series of activities which are
all the rights of a child in conflict with the designed to address issues that caused
law until s/he is proven to be 18 years old the child to commit an offense. It may
or older. take the form of an individualized
treatment program which may include
all doubts should be resolved in favor of counseling, skills training, education, and
the accused, it being more beneficial to other activities that will enhance his/her
the latter. In fact, in several cases, this psychological, emotional and psycho-
Court has appreciated this circumstance social well-being. [Sec. 4(l), R.A. 9344]
on the basis of a lone declaration of the
accused regarding his age. [People v. Community-based Programs on
Sarcia, Juvenile Justice and Welfare

Community-based programs on juvenile 1. Immediately release the child to

justice and welfare shall be instituted by the custody
the LGUs through the LCPC, school, of his/her parents or guardian, or
youth organizations and other concerned in the absence thereof, the child’s
agencies. nearest relative.

The LGUs shall provide community– Exception: If the parents, guardians or

based services which respond to the nearest relatives cannot be located, or if
special needs, problems, interests and they refuse to take custody, the child may
concerns of children and which offer be released to a:
appropriate counselling and guidance to
them and their families. i. Duly registered
nongovernmental or
These programs shall consist of three religious organization;
ii. Ba ra n g a y o ffi ci a l o r a
1. Primary intervention - includes
member of Barangay
general measures to promote
Council for the Protection of
social justice and equal
Children (BCPC); or
opportunity, which tackle perceived
root causes of offending;
iii. Local social welfare and
development officer; or
when and where
2. Secondary intervention -
appropriate, the DSWD.
includes measures to assist
children at risk; and
In such case, authorities shall give
notice to the local social welfare
3. Tertiary intervention - includes
and development officer who will
measures to avoid unnecessary
determine the appropriate
contact with the formal justice
programs in consultation with the
system and other measures to
child and to the person having
prevent re-offending. [Sec. 19,
custody over the child.
R.A. 9344]

2. If the child referred to herein has

When Applied
been found by the Local Social
If it has been determined that the child Welfare and Development Office
taken into custody is fifteen (15) years old (LSWD) to be abandoned,
or below [Sec. 20, R.A. 9344]. neglected or abused by his
parents, or in the event that the
Duty of Authorities [Sec. 20, R.A. 9344] parents will not comply with the
prevention program, the proper
petition for involuntary commitment
The authority which will have an initial shall be filed by the DSWD or the
contact with the child has the duty to:

LSWD pursuant to P.D. 603 (The • The child and his/her family shall be
Child and Youth Welfare Code). present in these activities.

c. Diversion 2. In victimless crimes where the

imposable penalty is not more
Diversion Program than six (6) years imprisonment
- the local social welfare and
Program that the child in conflict with the development officer shall meet
law is required to undergo after he/she is with the child and his/her parents
found responsible for an offense, without or guardians for the development
resorting to formal court proceedings. of the appropriate diversion and
[Sec. 4(j), R.A. 9344] rehabilitation program, in
coordination with the BCPC;
When Applied If the child is over fifteen
(15) years old but below eighteen (18)
years old and the child acted with 3. Where the imposable penalty for
discernment [REYES, Book 1]. the crime committed exceeds
six (6) years imprisonment -
System of Diversion [Sec. 23, R.A. diversion measures may be
9344] Children in conflict with law shall resorted to only by the court.
undergo diversion programs without
undergoing court proceedings subject to
the conditions herein provided:
When There is No Diversion [Secs 27
1. Where the imposable penalty for the and 28, R.A. 9344]
crime committed is not more than six There is no diversion in the following
(6) years imprisonment cases:

• The law enforcement officer or 1. If the offense does not fall under
P u n o n g B a r a n g a y, w i t h t h e Sec. 23 (a) and (b)
assistance of the local social
welfare and development officer or • Sec. 23 (a) – where the
other members of the LCPC, shall imposable penalty is not
conduct mediation, family more than 6 years
conferencing and conciliation imprisonment

• Where appropriate, indigenous • Sec. 23 (b) in victimless

modes of conflict resolution are crimes where the imposable
adopted in accordance with the penalty is not more than 6
best interest of the child with a years imprisonment
view to accomplishing the
objectives of restorative justice
and the formulation of a diversion 2. If the child, his/her parents or
program. guardian does not consent to a

In the above cases, the following suspended sentence - the Court upon
procedures shall apply: favorable recommendation from the
Board, shall discharge the accused and
1. The Punong Barangay handling dismiss all proceedings. [Sec. 67, R.A.
the case 9165]
shall forward the records of the
case to the proper authorities • The court will expunge all official
within 3 days, whereupon the case records, except confidential
shall be filed according to the records retained by the DOJ; such
regular process. orders shall be confidential and will
restore the accused to his prior
status before the case.
2. The Law Enforcement officers and
judicial officers to determine
whether or not the child should • Accused will not be held in perjury/
remain under custody and concealment/misrepresentation in
correspondingly charged in court. failing to acknowledge the case or
its facts in any inquiry for any
Return of the Child in Conflict with the
Law to Court [Sec. 40, R.A. 9344]
If the minor first-time offender violates
the rules, regulations, or conditions of
In the following cases, the child in conflict conviction and he/she shall serve
with the law shall be brought before the sentence as any other convicted person.
court for execution of judgment: [Sec. 69, RA 9165]

1. If the court finds that the objective 3. In lieu of imprisonment, the court in
of the disposition measures its discretion may place the accused
imposed upon the CICL have not under: a. Probation – even if the
been fulfilled; or sentence

provided under RA 9165 is higher than

2. If the CICL has willfully failed to that provided under existing law on
comply with the conditions of his/ probation
her disposition or rehabilitation
program. b. Community Service [Sec. 70, RA

Confidentiality of Records
Rules as to First-Time Minor
Offenders: The DOJ shall keep a confidential record
of the proceedings on suspension of
If the minor first-time offender sentence and shall not be used for any
complies with the imposed rules, purpose other thanto determine whether
regulation, and conditions of or not a person accused under this Act is

a first-time minor offender [Sec. 71, RA
9164] .

Limited Applicability of the RPC [Sec.


R.A. 9165]
Notwithstanding any law, rule or
regulation to the contrary, the provisions
of the RPC shall not apply to the
provisions of this Act, except in the case
of minor offenders. Where the offender is
a minor, the penalty for acts punishable
by life imprisonment to death provided
herein shall be reclusion perpetua to

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