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Structural Steelwork Eurocodes

Development of
A Trans-national Approach
Course: Eurocode 3

Module 1 : Introduction to the design of structural steelwork in

accordance with the new Eurocodes

Lecture 3 : Introduction to EC3

 A number of terms used in EC3 have a very precise meaning
 Principal material properties for structural steel are yield stress and Young's modulus.
 EC3 is structured on the basis of behaviour rather than structure or element type.
 Guidance is given on what checks should be applied for each type.
 EC3 is based on limit state design principles
 The Ultimate Limit State is concerned with collapse
 The Serviceability Limit State is concerned with operational conditions. These relate specifically to
deflections and vibrations, and EC3 states limits for both.

 None

Notes for Tutors:

This material comprises one 30 minute lecture.

Structural Steelwork Eurocodes –Development of a Trans-National Approach
Introduction to the Design of Structural Steelwork in Accordance with the New Eurocodes
Introduction to EC3

 To describe the structure of EC3.
 To explain some specific technical terms and define principal notation
 To identify the principal material characteristics for common grades of structural steel.
 To introduce the principles of limit state design in relation to steel construction.
 To describe the limit states associated with ultimate and serviceability conditions.

 EC3: ENV 1993-1-1: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures Part 1.1: General rules and rules for

1. Structure of Eurocode 3 Part 1.1
2. Terminology
3. Notation/Symbols
4. Material properties
5. Frame and element design and analysis
6. Ultimate Limit State
7. Serviceability Limit State
7.1 Deflections
7.2 Dynamic Effects
8. Concluding Summary

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Structural Steelwork Eurocodes –Development of a Trans-National Approach
Introduction to the Design of Structural Steelwork in Accordance with the New Eurocodes
Introduction to EC3

1. Structure of Eurocode 3 Part 1.1

The arrangement of sections within EC3-1-1 is based on design criteria such as deflection,
tension, compression, bending, shear, buckling etc, rather than on individual element types,
such as beams, columns, etc.
EC3 is organised into a number of chapters as follows:
Chapter 1 Introduction
Outlines the scope of EC3, defines specific terms, and provides a notation list.
Chapter 2 Basis of Design
Outlines design principles and introduces partial safety factors
Chapter 3 Materials
Specifies characteristic strengths for steel and bolts
Chapter 4 Serviceability limit states
Sets out limits on deflections (also includes guidance on dynamic effects)
Chapter 5 Ultimate limit states
This outlines appropriate methods of analysis and their potential application, and sets out
detailed rules regarding detailed sizing of individual structural elements.
Chapter 6 Connections subject to static loading
This provides detailed procedures for designing connections of different types
Chapter 7 Fabrication and erection
This specifies minimum standards of workmanship as implicitly assumed in the rest of EC3
Chapter 8 Design assisted by testing
This outlines the requirements for alternative design approaches based on testing as an
alternative to the prescriptive rules in the rest of EC3
Chapter 9 Fatigue
This identifies which building structure types need to be considered for fatigue, and sets out
detailed procedures for checking in such cases.
There are a number of Annexes within EC3 Part 1.1. These may be ‘normative’, in which case
they have the same status as the chapters of EC3 to which they relate, or ‘informative’.
Informative annexes are not mandatory but provide useful information.
Annex B Reference Standards (normative) – provides details of other relevant
Annex C Design against brittle fracture (informative) – provides background to Chapter
Annex E Buckling length of a compression member (informative)
Annex F Lateral-torsional buckling (informative) – provides alternative calculation
procedures for determining the equivalent slenderness ratio.
Annex G Torsion
Annex H Modelling
Annex J Beam-to-column connections (normative) – develops the principles for
welded and bolted connections (Section 6.9); prying forces in bolted
connections; suited to semi-rigid and/or partial strength connections for which
column stiffeners are often shown to be unnecessary; application rules so
need not replace well tried alternatives (eg for rigid connections, especially in
portal frames); lengthy and written as ‘procedures’ suitable for computer
based solution.
Annex K Hollow section lattice girder connections (normative) – develops principles
(Section 6.10) for welded connections between hollow sections, and between
hollow and open sections (I or H sections).
Annex L Design of column bases (normative) – full description for bases subject to
axial load but outline guidance only for bases subject to bending.
Annex M Alternative method for fillet welds (normative) – an alternative to
which gives the same results for side fillets, but enhanced resistance for end
Annex N Beams with openings

06/05/23 3
Structural Steelwork Eurocodes –Development of a Trans-National Approach
Introduction to the Design of Structural Steelwork in Accordance with the New Eurocodes
Introduction to EC3

Annex Y Guidelines for loading tests (informative)

Annex Z Design by testing

2. Terminology
The Eurocodes define a number of terms which, although often used generally in a rather loose
way, have more precise meanings in the context of the codes. These terms are clearly defined in cl. 1.4.1
a range of languages. They include the following: Table 1.1
 ‘Execution’ refers to the activity of creating a building, including both site work and
 ‘Type of building’ refers to its intended function (eg a dwelling house, industrial building)
 ‘Form of structure’ describes the generic nature of structural elements (eg. beam, arch) or
overall system (eg. Suspension bridge)
 ‘Type of construction’ indicates the principal structural material (eg. steel construction)
 ‘Method of construction’ describes how the construction is to be carried out (eg
In addition EC3 includes a number of special definitions as follows: cl. 1.4.2
 Frame: an assembly of structural elements
 Sub-frame: part of a larger frame treated in isolation for analysis
 Type of framing:
Simple joints do not resist moments
Continuous joints assumed to be rigid
Semi-continuous connection characteristics need explicit consideration in
 Global analysis: determination of internal forces and moments
 System length:. distance between points of lateral restraint or the end of a
 Buckling length:. system length of an equivalent pin-ended member with the same
buckling resistance
A number of other terms are used which have a precise meaning as follows:
 Pinned joints joints not capable of transmitting significant bending moments cl.
(classification by rigidity):
 Semi-rigid joints: joints which are neither pinned nor rigid cl.
 Rigid joints: joints which do not deform sufficiently to affect the distribution cl.
of internal forces and moments.
 Pinned joints joints capable of transmitting calculated design forces without cl.
(classification by strength): developing significant moments
 Full strength joints: joints with a design resistance not less than that of the member cl.
 Partial strength joints: joints capable of transmitting the calculated design forces, but cl.
with a design resistance less than the connected member.
 Braced frames: Frames in which sway resistance is supplied by a bracing cl.
system which is sufficiently stiff to assume that it resists all
applied horizontal loads.
 Unbraced frames: Frames in which there is inadequate sway resistance supplied by
a bracing system.
 Non-sway frame: A frame with sufficient lateral stiffness to justify ignoring cl.
additional forces and moments arising from horizontal
displacements at the nodes
 Sway frame: A frame without sufficient lateral stiffness requiring the effects
of horizontal displacements at the nodes to be accounted for in
the analysis.

3. Notation/Symbols
A complete list of symbols is included in EC3. The most common of these are listed below: cl. 1.6
Symbols of a general nature:

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Structural Steelwork Eurocodes –Development of a Trans-National Approach
Introduction to the Design of Structural Steelwork in Accordance with the New Eurocodes
Introduction to EC3

L, l Length; span; system length

R Resistance; reaction
S Internal forces & moments; stiffness
 deflection
 slenderness ratio
  reduction factor for buckling
  partial safety factor
Symbols relating to cross-section properties:
A Area
i Radius of gyration
I Second moment of area
W Section modulus
Member axes
The following convention is adopted for member axes:
x-x along the length of the member
y-y axis of the cross-section parallel to the flanges
z-z axis of the cross-section perpendicular to the flanges
Note for angle sections the y-y and z-z axes are parallel to the smaller and larger legs
respectively, and the major and minor axes are given the following notation:
uu Major axis
vv Minor axis
Symbols relating to material properties:
E Modulus of elasticity
f Strength
EC3 also makes extensive use of subscripts. These can be used to clarify the precise meaning
of a symbol. Some common subscripts are as follows:
com compression
d design
el elastic
k characteristic
LT lateral-torsional
pl plastic
Normal symbols may also be used as subscripts, for example:
Rd design resistance
Sd design values of internal force or moment
Subscripts can be arranged in sequence as necessary, separated by a decimal point – for
Npl.Rd design plastic axial resistance.

4. Material properties
Three nominal grades of steel (specified in EN 10 025) are specifically included in EC3. These cl. 3.2.2
 Fe 360 with a nominal yield strength of 235N/mm2
 Fe 430 with a nominal yield strength of 275N/mm2
 Fe 510 with a nominal yield strength of 355N/mm2
Higher strength steels are dealt with in Annex D.
(Note that specified yield strengths are reduced for sections thicker than 40mm and 100mm).
For all structural steels the specified modulus of elasticity is 210 kN/mm2.
Guidance is also given on material requirements for plastic analysis, fracture toughness, and
cold-formed steel.

5. Frame and element design and analysis

General guidance is given on what checks need to be made for different types of structural
element or frame. cl. 5.1
For example frames must be checked for:

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Structural Steelwork Eurocodes –Development of a Trans-National Approach
Introduction to the Design of Structural Steelwork in Accordance with the New Eurocodes
Introduction to EC3

 resistance of cross-sections cl. 5.4

 resistance of members cl. 5.5
 resistance of connections cl. 6
 frame stability cl. 5.2.6
 static equilibrium cl.
whilst tension members need only be checked for resistance of cross-sections cl. 5.4.3
EC3 provides for different analytical approaches ranging from simple elastic analysis assuming
the frame connections are all nominally pinned, to sophisticated elastic-plastic of semi-
continuous frames assuming partial-strength, semi-rigid joints. Full details are given elsewhere
in this course.

6. Ultimate Limit State

The ultimate limit state is concerned with the resistance of the structure to collapse. This is
generally checked by considering the strength of individual elements subject to forces
determined from a suitable analysis. In addition the overall stability of the structure must be
The ultimate limit state is examined under factored load conditions. In general, the effects on
individual structural elements will be determined by analysis, and each element then treated as
an isolated component for design. Details of individual design checks depend on the type of
member (eg beam, column) and are described in other parts of this course.

7. Serviceability Limit State

7.1 Deflections
At the serviceability limit state, the calculated deflection of a member or of a structure is
seldom meaningful in itself since the design assumptions are rarely realised. This is because,
for example:
 the actual load may be quite unlike the assumed design load;
 beams are seldom "simply supported" or "fixed" and in reality a beam is usually in some
intermediate condition;
 the steelwork may be stiffened by other building components such as floors and walls.
The calculated deflection is, however, valuable as an index of the stiffness of a member or
structure, i.e. to assess whether adequate provision is made in relation to the limit state of
deflection or local damage. For this purpose, sophisticated analytical methods are seldom
justified. Whatever methods are adopted to assess the resistance and stability of a member or
structure, calculations of deflection should relate to elastic behaviour of the structure. For
example, when analysis for strength is based on rigid-elastic or elastic-plastic concepts, an
elastic analysis should also be considered to check deflections.
Calculated deflections should be compared with specified maximum values, which will depend Table 4.1
upon circumstances. Eurocode 3 tabulates limiting vertical deflections for beams in six
categories as follows:
 roofs generally.
 roofs frequently carrying personnel other than for maintenance.
 floors generally.
 floors and roofs supporting plaster or other brittle finish or non-flexible partitions.
 floors supporting columns (unless the deflection has been included in the global analysis
for the ultimate limit state).
 situations in which the deflection can impair the appearance of the building.
In determining the deflection it may be necessary to consider the effects of precamber,
permanent loads and variable loads separately. The design should also consider the implications
of the deflection values calculated. For roofs, for instance, regardless of the limits specified in
design rules, there is a clear need to maintain a minimum slope for run-off. More stringent
limits may need therefore to be considered for nearly flat roof structures.
Horizontal frame deflection limits are also specified. Cl. 4.2.2(4)

06/05/23 6
Structural Steelwork Eurocodes –Development of a Trans-National Approach
Introduction to the Design of Structural Steelwork in Accordance with the New Eurocodes
Introduction to EC3

7.2 Dynamic Effects

The dynamic effects to be considered at the serviceability limit state are vibration caused by
machinery and self-induced vibrations, e.g. vortex shedding. Resonance can be avoided by cl. 4.3
ensuring that the natural frequencies of the structure (or any part of it) are sufficiently different
from those of the excitation source. The oscillation and vibration of structures on which the
public can walk should be limited to avoid significant discomfort to the users. This situation can
be checked by performing a dynamic analysis and limiting the lowest natural frequency of the
floor. Eurocode 3 recommends a lower limit of 3 cycles per second for floors over which
people walk regularly, with a more severe limit of 5 cycles per second for floors used for cl. 4.3.2
dancing or jumping, such as gymnasia or dance halls. An alternative method is to ensure
adequate stiffness by limiting deflections to appropriate values.

8. Concluding Summary
 EC3 accords very precise meaning to a number of terms and notation
 Principal material properties for structural steel are yield stress and Young's modulus.
 EC3 is structured on the basis of behaviour rather than structure or element type.
 Guidance is given on what checks should be applied for each type.
 EC3 is based on limit state design principles
 The Ultimate Limit State is concerned with collapse
 The Serviceability Limit State is concerned with operational conditions. These relate
specifically to deflections and vibrations, and EC3 states limits for both

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