ENT104 - FE - Speaking Exam - Students

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Topic 1: Make a conversation about your best friend. You should say:
- Who this person is
- How old he/she is
- What his/her major is
- What he/she looks like
- What he/she is like
- What her/his hobbies are
- What you like and dislike about him/her
- Why he/she becomes your best friend

Topic 2: Make a conversation about your favorite entertainment activity. You should
- What it is
- Where you do it
- When you do it
- How often you do it
- Who you do it with
- Why you like it

Topic 3: Make a conversation about your close relative. You should say:
- Who this person is
- How you are related to him/her
- What his/her occupation is
- What he/she looks like
- What his/her personality is
- What you usually do together
- Why you like him/her

Topic 4: Make a conversation about your favorite dish. You should say:
- What it is
- It is healthy or unhealthy
- What ingredients there are
- How it is prepared or cooked
- How often you have it
- Why you like it

Topic 5: Make a conversation about a household appliance you often use. You should
- What it is
- What brand it is
- How much it costs
- How often you use it
- What you use it for
- How it is used
- Why you like it

Topic 6: Make a conversation about an activity to keep fit. You should say:
- What the activity is
- When you do it
- Where you do it
- How often you do it
- Who you do it with
- How you like it
- Why it is a good way to keep fit

Topic 7: Make a conversation about your perfect vacation for your next summer
vacation. You should say:
- Where you are going to visit
- Who you are going to travel with
- How you are going to get there
- How long and where you are going to stay
- What you are going to do there
- Why it is going to be your perfect vacation

Topic 8: Make a conversation about your favorite piece of clothing. You should say:
- What it is
- What color it is
- What brand it is
- How much it is
- Where you got it from
- When you wear it
- Why it is your favorite clothing item

Topic 9: Make a conversation about your favorite mode of public transportation. You
should say:
- What it is
- When you began to use it
- How often you use it
- Where you usually go to
- How much it costs to use
- What the advantages and disadvantages of it
- Why it is your favorite form of transportation

Topic 10: Make a conversation about your favorite store for shopping. You should say:
- What kind of store it is
- Where it is
- What items it sells
- What kind of people go there and shop
- What you usually buy there
- Who you usually go with
- Why it is your favorite store

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