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Conversation involves at least 2 Percakapan paling tidak melibatkan 2
peoples. orang. Tujuan utama dari percakapan
The main point of the conversation is adalah saling mengerti isi percapakan
to be able to make understanding each selama berlangsungnya percakapan
other during the conversation. tersebut.
There are so many kinds of Bermacam macam jenis percakapan bisa
conversation, and we can put it in a digolongkan jenisnya ,misalnya :
groups such as: General conversation, Percakapan umum, perkenalan,
introductory, invitation, undangan, pengumuman dan lain
announcement, etc. sebagainya.

To make a good conversation, it is Untuk membuat percakapan yang

important to study and practice in such baik, kita perlu mempelajarinya dan
a way. mempraktekkan dengan beberapa

Conversation structure. Bentuk daripada percakapan.

1. Opening / greeting : Such as hello, 1.Pembukaan / salam seperti hallo dlb.

hi, good morning etc. 2. Percakapan, tergantung jenisnya
2. Structure : will be depend on the misalnya umum, undangan dsb.
kind of conversation itself such as : 3.Kata kata sebelum mengucapkan
general conversation, invitation etc. kata penutup. Seperti: Wah, saya akan
3. Pre closing : such as : it seems it is segera masuk kelas.
the time to get class now, etc. 4. Penutup : misalnya selamat
4. Closing : such as good by , see you, tinggal ,sampai jumpa dsb.
so long etc.

B. Pronunciation.
Greeting phrases. Responses.
Good morning. Good morning.
Good evening. Good evening.
How nice to see you. Yes. It’s been quite a while.
What a pleasant surprise.
Hello, Robert, Hello Kathryn..
How are you? Fine, thanks. And you?
Hi Bob. Hi, Kathy.
How’ve you been? Pretty good.
What’s happening? Not much.
What’s news? Nothing.
How are you doing? OK.
How you doing? Not bad.
Long time no see. Yeah.

Pre closing phrases. Responses.

Well, I’m afraid I have to be going. Thank you for coming.
It’s been a pleasure. Yes. I’ve enjoyed it.
Thank you for the advice. My pleasure.
I really must go now. See you.
It was nice to see you. It was good to see you.
Well, It’s getting late. May be we can talk again.
Thanks for coming. It was fun.
May be we could get together sometime. Sounds good.
Greet seeing you. Same here.
I’ve really got to go. OK. See you.
Got to go now.

Closing phrases. Responses.

Until the next time. Good bye.
Good night Bill. Good night Jean.
Good bye Harry. Good bye Lisa.
Have a nice weekend. You, too.
Talk you later. Bye, Take it easy.
See you later. So long. Take care.

Dani : Say Dina, how you doing?
Dina : Mike! Hey, how are you?
Dani : Not bad. Where you going?
Dina :Over to Jerry’s. How about you?
Dani : OH, I just got of work. Boy, I’m so hungry. I could eat a horse.
Dina :Where are you working now?
Dani : J&L Steel. It’s a real pain. But I guess I shouldn’t complain. Lot’s
of guys are out of work these days.
Dina : Yeah. That’s the truth. Well I better let you go get some supper
Dani : Yeah. It was greet seeing you again. May be we could get
together sometime.
Dina : Sounds good. I’ll give you a call.
Dani : OK. Great. Well, I’ll be seeing you.
Dina : OK, Mike. Enjoy your meal.
Dani : Thanks. Bye.
Dina :Bye.


( The telephone rings.)
Yanti : Hello, This is Yanti.
Yanto : Hello, Yanti. My name is Yanto . I’m a reporter from the times.
Yanti : Yes?
Yanto : I heard about a strange animal at your house. Could I come and
talk to you about it?
Yanti : Yes, It is certainly would make an amusing story! Can you come
this afternoon at three o’clock?
Yanto : Yes’ That would be fine. Thank you very much. I’ll see you then.
Yanti : You’re welcome. Good bye.

Subject : Question and answer.

Question. Answer.
1. What is your name? 1. May name is Herwindo.
2. Say it again please. 2. May name is Herwindo.
3. Do you stay at Ungaran? 3. No I don’t.
4. Where do you stay? 4. I stay at Semarang.
5. How do you get here from your 5. By bus, by public transportation, By
home? motorcycle, on foot.
6. How long does it take? 6. It takes about10 minutes.
7. How long have you been 7. I have been studying at Akpelni for
studying at Akpleni? 4 years. It is my last semester.
8. Who is your English teacher? 8. Mr. ……...
9. What do you enjoy? 9. I enjoy cycling.
10. What is your hobby? 10. Foot ball.
11. When were you born? 11. I was born in …...
12. Where were you born? 12. I was born in …….. ..
13. Do you have girl/ boy friend? 13. No I don’t have .
14. How is your family? 14. They are fine, thanks.
15. How many brothers do you have? 15. I have 3 brothers.( I don’t have
16. How old is your youngest sister? any brother.
17. Are you happy to day? 16. She is 7 years old.
17. Yes, I am happy.

Subject : Introduction.
Hello everybody, good morning. Halo kawan kawan.
I’d like to introduce my self. Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri.
My name is …….. Nama saya…..
I was born in.….. on ………19….. Saya lahir di… pada tahun…..
I have been studying at Akpelni Saya telah belajar di Akpelni selama
for…..years and this is ….tahun dan ini adalah semester saya
my…….semester. yang ke………………..
My class major is nautical. I take this Jurusan saya adalah………….. dan
class major because I want to be a ship saya mengambil jurusan ini karena
captain. saya ingin menjadi kapten kapal.
I live in…………but at present I Sekarang tinggal di………..tetapi saat
stay…………… ini saya tinggal di……
Saya mempunyai seorang pacar, yang
I have girl friend , her name is…….. and
bernama………. Dia sangat cantik dan
she is very beautiful and understanding.
penuh pengertian.
I am vary happy here to be with you, and
Saya sangat berbahagia bisa bersama
I hope that my self introduction will
dengan anda semua, dan mudah
make happy to all of you, and I’d like to
mudahan perkenalan ini membuat
have my another friend could introduce
semua bahagia, dan saya minta teman
lainnya juga untuk memperkenalkan
Thank and see you.

Herwindo likes to introduce himself Herwindo ingin

memperkenalkan to Dickson. diri kepada


Her: Hello, good morning. I’d like to Her : Halo,selamat pagi, saya ingin
introduce my self. My name is Herwindo. memperkenalkan diri saya ,nama saya
Dick: Hallo, good morning. My name is Dick.: Halo, selamat pagi,nama saya
Dickson, nice to know you. Dickson. Senang berkenalan dengan

Or. Atau:
Her : Hi, I’m Herwindo. What is yours? Her: Hai, saya Herwindo. Siapa nama
Dick : Hi, I’m Dickson. Dick : Hi, Saya Dickson.

Dicky likes to introduce his friend Dicky ingin

meperkenalkan temannya
Doharman to Fahmi. Doharman kepada
Dicky: Hello Fahmi, How are you ? I’d Dicky : Halo Fahmi, apa kabar? Saya
like to introduce a friend of mine ( my
friend ) Doharman. Doharman, here is ingin memperkenalkan teman saya
Doharman : Hi, I am Doharman. Doharman. Doharman, ini adalah Fahmi.
Fahmi : Hi, I am Fahmi, nice to know
you. Doharman : Hai, saya Doharman.
Fahmi : Hai saya Fahmi.Senang
berkenalan dengan anda.


A. Hi John.
B. Hi, David. How was your weekend?
A. Yeah, it was fantastic. Wonderful fishing, swimming, sunny beach,
fresh air, happy people everywhere. How was yours?
B. Oh, I was so sorry. I couldn’t go to anywhere. I had a lot of things to
do. Painting my room, washing car, It’s real pain, but guess I shouldn’t
A. Oh yes ? I am so sorry to hear that. Well, I am afraid, it is time to have
the class.
B. May be we could talk again next time.
A. See you later.
B. So long, and have a nice class.


A. Hem, hem , Good morning Mr. David.

B. Good morning John, anything I can help ?
A. I am really sorry for this inconvenience, Mr. David,. But I really must
leave this office earlier to day.
B. Oh yes, what wrong with you?
A. I feel not so well to day. I was suffered from stomach ache since last
night. I have to see the doctor soon.
B. Oh, I am sorry to hear that. You can leave earlier as you wish.
A. Thank’ s Mr. David , and I’m afraid I have to be going soon.
B. Well, take care your health. And soon becoming well.
A. See you Mr. David.
B. So long , take care.



A. Hi Joe, this is my friend Ani, my co worker.
B. Hi Ani, I am Joe, nice to see you.
C. Hi Joe , nice to see you too.
A. Ani, Joe is my boy friend I always talking about. He is a teacher. Joe,
if you don’t mind, Ani wants joint us for lunch.
B. Sure, all right, It doesn’t matter with it.
C. By the way Joe, whre do you teach? And what major do you teach?
B Oh, I teach at Senior High School, at Bayeman. And I teach English
major. Ok girls, let’s go for lunch.


A. Hi Ali, good morning.

B. Hi Ani, Good morning. How are you to day ?
A. I’m fine Ali. I like to introduce my friend Susi. Susi, here’s Ali.

B. Hi Susi, How are you ? I am Ali, nice to see you.

C. Hi Joe, I am fine . It is nice to know you too.
B. What class do you take Susi?
C. I am taking a conversation class, same with Ani.
A. Do you know Ali, Susi is our favourite student in our class. Beside she is
beautiful, she is also clever.
B. Oh, I am surprised to hear that . But I am afraid it is time to have class
now. Bye bye.
A & C : Bye bye.


A Hi John.
B. Hi David.
A. You know John, I was just finished moving into my new house. I’d
like to invite you to celebrate my moving in.
B. That would be wonderful. When do you want to invite me?
A. Are you free on Saturday? How about 08.00 PM?
B. That’s great, I’d love too. Is there anything I could bring?
A. Oh, you don’t need to.
B. All right David, thank ’s for your invitation, And Insya Allah I will
come at that time. See you.
A. So long John, and thanks for accepting my invitation.


A. Good morning Mr.Alex.

B. Good morning Edward. Anything you want from me ?
A. Yes Mr.Alex. If you don’t mind , I’d like to invite you and your wife to
have dinner in my house.
B. That’s sound great. Anyhow, give me more detail about your plan. You
know, at this week there is a lot job I have to do.
A. If it is a good time for you, how about on Saturday at 08.00 PM.
B. Let me check my agenda. ( After checking) It seem a good time for me
Edward. I will be there with my wife.
A. Thank you Mr. Alex,for accepting my invitation.

B. Thanks for your invitation. So long.

R.I.Triyanto. Nov,15,2001.


Tanks people and replying to thanks.

A: Hi Susi, it is surprised to meet you here.

B: Hi David, nice to see you. I do not expect to meet you here.
A.: Susi, I and my wife would like to express our thanks, for your gift on our
wedding party. It was such a good things that we will not forget. It will always
remind us to a friend of us, which is the best.
B : Oh yes? It was my pleasure to be able to gift something to my friend in their
wedding day.
A: By the way, where did you get it? It reminds me of some place which I forget
where it is.
B : It is Dayak craft. I bought it when I travelled along Mahakam river.
A : Oh yes, I remember now, I have been there a long time ago. One more, thanks
fore your gift that reminds me a lot of things.
B : Well, what are friends for ?
A : Oh I am sorry, it seems it is the time for me to pick up my wife.
B : Oh that’s all right David, it is always nice to be with you at anytime.
A : OK than , see you later.
B : So long , have always a nice day with your wife.

I’d like to introduce my self, my name is Andi ; My name is Ali. What is yours?
Hi . I am Ani., who are you? Hi . I am Ani, and you?; Excuse me, my name is
Amat , here is my card ; Helen. I’d like to introduce my friend Andi. Andi. here’s
Helen. ; Agus, allow me to introduce my friend Bambang.

Thanks ; Thank you; Thank you very much; Tank a lot; Tanks a milion;
Many thanks; Much obliged ; Thank you so much ; Thanks for everything;
Thanks for your help; Thanks for all your trouble; Thank you for everything;
Thank you for your help; Thank you for all yourtrouble; Thank you for your
kindness; Thank you for the flowers; Thank you very much for your coming;
Thank you for lending me the book; Thank you just the same; Many thanks for
your hospitality; I’m very much obliged to you;; I’m very grateful to you; I can’t
thank you enough ; I can’t find words how to thank you; I don,t know how to
thank you; I shan’t forget it, you may be sure; I’ll remember it till my dying day;
I’ll remember it forever; I’m deeply indebted ( to you ) ; It is ( was ) very kind
( nice ) of you. That’s very nice of you; No thanks ; No thank you.

III. Excuses .
Excuse me ; excuse me for a moment ( for being ( coming ) late ; for not coming
earlier ) Excuse my rudeness ; excuse ( forgive ) me for my rudeness ; forgive
my thoughless remark ; Pardon me ; Please and so.or .. so and so ...please.
I’m sorry; I’m so sorry; I’m sorry indeed; I’m very sorry; I’m sorry I can’t help
you; I’m sorry to have kept you waiting; I’m sorry to have troubled you; I’m verry
sorry you’re ill; I’m verry sorry to hear that ; I’m sorry for yoy ( here means
regret or disappointed ) ; I’m sorry you didn’t come to see me; I beg your pardon;
I apoligize; I must apologize to you; I must apologize for what I said; I ought to
apolgize to you; I didn’t want to hurt your feelings; I regret the misunderstanding;
I hope you’ll not be ( angry, offended ; disppointed ) ; I hope you’ll forgive me ;
Sorry, I didn’t do it ( I am not doing it ) on purpose; May I be exuced ( ....for
being late, for not attending the meeting, etc) ? May I express my regrets? ;
( Sorry ) I’t my fault / mistake ( sorry); I wasn’t your fault / mistake; It was very
stupid of me; It doesn’t matter; It’s nothing at all; It’s very regretable; How
stupid of me; Don’t be angry; Don’t think me angry ( rude, impolite); Don’t
worry about it; Please don’t worry about it at all.

Happy fiest day ( hari raya); ( new year , birthday. Anniversary , christmas/ xmas,
new year,); Congratulations ; Congratulations to you ( on your engagement, your
marriage, your succes, your promotion, on getting a new job/ a shollarship, on
passing your exams, on the birth of your son, on your appointed / nominattion as
captain, on your escape) ; Let me congratulate to you, Please accept my
congatulations; Heartiest congratulations to your promotion etc. My
concratulations to you on your promotion( on winning the scholarship) ; I wish

you a Happy Feast Day, etc. I hope you had a nice Feast day etc; I hope you
enjoid your holiday. I convey my congartulations; I congatulate you on winning
the election; I’m happy to hear on your succes; I’m sure you’ll succeed; How
lucky you are.
V. Requests.
( Please) Wait a minute / a moment ( please ) ; Please come in ; Come in
please; ..... go out. ; ...........sit down ; .........take a seat ; .........have a
seat; ......come again; ........stand up ; the door ; Have a pat luck please
( silahkan makan seadanya ) have a taste, please ; ( some more. cake etc ) ; Be
careful, please ; ( patient; happy ) Won’t you please sit down? ( Mengapa tidak
duduk? ) ; Would you mind opening the door? ; Would you wait ( mind waiting )
a minute ? ; May ( Could ) I borrow your book ? ; I’d likk to borrow this book
if I may ( if you don’t mind/ if I could ) ; If you don’t mind / if I could/ if I may
I’d like to...........; Do yuo mind if I ............? Will you ..........please?
Common answers : Yes. I will; Sure I will; Okae I will ; of course I will;
Certainly I will;
Negative requests. Don’t smoke here, please ; Let’s not stop here; ( commong
answer No I won’t; Sure / certainly; of course ; all right I won’t )
Don’t let him come in ; ( Common answer : all right / sure/ surely / don’t worry ;
right you are; you are quite right )
Others: Let’s start ( begin) this meeting/ session ; Let’s think about t for a few
days; This way please; Would you like some more cofee? By the way ( omong
omong )
Common negative answers. No. Thanks. ; Sorry but I can’t ;

VI. Invitations.
Hallo, I’d like to invite you to come to my party to night; .... to my dinner;
my house; Plesae come to my house to night ; I’d like to ask you to go
swimming/ shopping/ etc; Are you free to night ? I’d like to .........; Would you
like to ........; Please go swmming; shopping etc; Would you like to go to the
picture with me Sarurday night? Let’s go to the movies; Let’s meet in front of
the bookstore; How about going to the football match this afternoon? If you have
nothing planned for tomorow, I’d like to invite you to....... ( I’d like you to come
to my party ) ; Are you going to be busy tomorow? I hope you can come ( will
be able to come) to my party to night; .
VII.Teling the time.
What time is it? Excuse me, can you tell me the correct time? It’s twelve o’clock.;
It is exactly nine/ it’s nine o’clock sharp.; It’s five past nine.; It’s nine fifteen.;
It’s ten to nine.; It’s quarter to ten.; I don’t think it’s five o’clock yet.; It must be
about four thirty.;
I get up before five o’clock everyday.;
What time have you? What time do you make it? (Jam berapa pada jam anda?) .; I
am sorry I’ve no watch.; I am sorry I haven’t got a watch.; I don’t know what time
it is..; I didn’t get there on time. I kept him waiting ten minutes..; I didn’t get there
on time., the bus had alraedy left..; Have you a time? Have we time for a cup of
cofee before the show?.; It takes only five minutes.; We’ll be there on time.;
Will you be here at eight o’clock tomorow? ; Yes I will.; We’ll be on time, won’t
we? I hope so.
08.55. five (minutes) to nine. or fivety five(minutes) past eight. or eight fivety

09.10. Ten (minuest) past nine. or nine ten.

09.15. Quarter past nine.; or nine fifteen.
09.30. Half past nine. or half to ten.; or nine thirty.
09.45. Quarter to ten. or nine forty five.

VIII. Telling the dates .

What is the date today? What date is today? Tanggal berapa sekarang?
To day is ( It is) December, second, two thousand and six.
To day is (It’s ) second of December, two thousand and six.
To day is Saturday, the second of December, two thousand and six.
What date is tomorow? What date will tomorow be?
What date was yesterday?

VIII. Telling the days.

What day is it? or what day is to day? What day was yesterday? What day is
toworow? What day will tomorow be?
VIII. Telling the months / years.
What month /year is it now ? What was it the last month /year? What month/year
is the next month/year ? What month /year will the next month/year be?

What is your name?Who are you? Who is he/she/it? Who is that young girl?
Where were you born?( I was born in Yogyakarta) When were you born?( I was
born on 1987) Where do you live? Where do you stay? How old are you? ( I am
twenty or I am twenty yeras old) What do you know about him/her? Where were
you during the vacation? Where were you yesterday? Where have you been?
How do you describe my girl friend? What is his trade? To whom is she
speaking? Whose pen are you using? Which one is yours? Why is Ali absent
today? When will you leave Semarang? When did you arrive here?
How do you come here? ( on foot, by bicycle; by public transportation; by taxi)
How is your family? How is your sister? How old is she/he?

Questions and answers.

No Question Answer.
1 What is your name? My name is Ali ( I am Ali)
2 Who are you? I am student from Akpelni.
3 Who is he/she/it? He/ She is…….
4 Who is that young girl?
5 Where were you born? I was born in Yogyakarta
6 When were you born? I was born on 1987.
7 Where do you live? I live in…..
8 Where do you stay? I stay in …….
9 Where were you during the I was at ……. during my vacation.
10 Where were you yesterday?
11 Where have you been? I just come from the cinema.
12 How are you? I am fine. Thanks./
13 How have you been? I am OK thanks.
14 How old are you? I am twenty ( years old)
15 How is/ are your They are OK.
16 How is your sister/brother?
17 How do you come here? On foot; by bicycle; by taxi; public
18 How do you describe my girl She is beautiful.
19 When did you arrive
20 When will you leave Jakarta?
21 What do you know about
22 What do you want?
23 What is his trade?
24 To whom is she speaking?
25 Whose pen is it?
26 Whose pen are you using?
27 Which one is yours?
28 Why do you come late?
29 Why is Ali absent to day?
30 Whom do you want to see?
31 Who is likely speaking? It seem the captain.
32 Whose book is it?

Other common phrases.

It will be enough for the time being.
Good morning every body.
I’d like to introduce my self.
My name is……….
I am ……. years old.
I was born in..(1982) . On May 23rd ( On 23 of May )
I was born in……..Boyolali.
I live in………. but at the moment I stay at……..
I have been studying at Akpleni for 4 years and this is my last
My class major is nautical. I take this class major because I want to be a ship

Why do you choose this marine college instead of others?

Would you please tell us how to be a good captain?
Would you please tell us about you experienced during sea practice?
When did you have your sea practice?
Where was your ship running?
Why have not you finished with your study at Akpelni yet?
What is the company name of your ship?
Tell us about your family.

Grammar VS Conversation/

Where are you ging to? Where to?

Where are you from? Where from?
or Where do you come from?
What is your name? Your name?

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