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Sanple uesion Palper (sdu Hon)

Data Enty 632.

Epand the follo wing terms:

a) AlU Aitháic logic unit
Toternet Sevice þTOVider
b) TsP
) HTML - Hyper text matkup
Graphical usex.intetace
d) GUT -

92 Define the following

a) Control unit - The Contrel unit is a bart
of central rocessing unit (cPU) that
directs the operaion of the processor.

b) Font SizE ;- The tont Size is a number

cobich indicote thethow many þoints
are in the hieht of the texct.
Record:- A ecord is a collection of
data items oranged for pro cessing
by a brogram. Tt is part of data
d) slide: A slide is a sinee screen of a
presentation, and every pesentaon
is cooposed o several slides.
fonction Functions are the þre-þrogrammed
r pre defined formulas used to perform
Calculations in Esccel on specific val ves
nents. Raghvendra Mishra
called the crgUme 9015667593
3. öescvibe the follocoing briely:
a) Change case - Change case is he obtion

'in ms cord cohich alloWS yss to change

the Case f wods in the sheet
There ate five tybes of changeCae
Cy Sentence Case
æ) ocos Case
cY) Tle case

b) Recycle Bin;- Recycle. Bin is a place

ohere deleted items. are temporarily
stored in coindows unless they are
pernanent deleted: t provides
Users the obtion o recover the deleted
Auto fill Autefill is a softoare
feature that automaticaly inserts
pyeviously - entered bersonal infomatia
into aelb form fields fos the user's

d) pata tybe : A datq type is an cattibute

that sbecifies the type of data that
the obdect can hdd,
ieA: integer data, characterdata
Raghvendra Mishra
ey slidesortet vieo Anatage of each
stde ls disayed on side Sofer yiecd
S\ides Can easily be ordered and sorted
Using this vieo. c
To acceSs slide Sorter vie.
select Vieo s Side `etes.

( ite short notes 'on the follooing

Windows Eclorer: wtsdos Ecplorer
helps in cooskibg coith-files and
Onteyr Coropute

to oben coindocos ebloer

click, on stqrt AN þrogTams’
Acce ssoies Ecbloer d

5) SeHons o Repost :
The design of a e þ r t o AceeSs 2007
has follocoing sections
" Rebot Header
Page Header
orok Heades
Page footet
Report foote.

Diferene betogen,the,folleaing
), Line spacn8gncParagrahh
Line sacingdetemines the amount of
Anst in
véieal sbaée beteen Lines of tect
Raghvendra Mishra
Paragraþh shacing deterrnines
amount of space above oT beloo a

b) System Software and application

Softa aTe
Ans:-) The systenm soteoare is Used for
perating computer badoare
Ablication softcoae are hnstalled
to yser's equiements.
i) System softeoae program corks on
it's oon
applicoation softoare is dependent
On it.

Soppose abcd@ s y our ermal

addess. Wite docon the stes to do the
folloco ing tasks
(a) Send a rnal t your friend coh ose
email addess i cyz yahoo- Com
emcil Saying Hello coith the subdect
Greetings cnd mark a 3cc of the
Same to y oUrsel
Ansi Ste 1. Tybe hotmail. com on HouT
browser login page oill be open
step2. Tybe use náme aDd bass ord ok; -+
anemnail aage, ll be open
Raghvendra Mishra
step clickneo mail" Top onleft side
bar it ill open nal coop oser
Step Tybe yz yahoo com and click
Bcc and again tye abcdhotmail
Com on Bcc colum.

steps type hello Add a subde ct column.

sBe6. click br 'serd button. it coll Send
message sth sUbJect Hello

and. rebl to an: emaj|

b) check your maiI,box
stating that you are sending your eport
attach ment e and seno a coby
as an
cotth emaal addreiss
of this to your
Ans check mail bo and open the
email that ec ived
s tef 2 click on "Rely'' and Rebly all
button to rep the emai)
ste Type the message repert
cobi ch i
as an ttacment file
am sending
Mishra ste 4 click on the jcon ofAach file'"
and select the eþort fTom ouT

Stel s TYbe cyzyahoo. com into fel

steType sistermai|.com in'ce? field.
CAick onsendbutton.
steb. fiend
Coill send required mail to
and a copy o si sBe's

AJ=S, B!6, 2 and DI+

stebs to coleolate the
conte down the
for mula.
Value of the follocojne

Ans æ)To calculate (CAL+B)-C) * DI

steb4 Add Aland B! (A1+B)

Le, s+6 =1.
Step2 Subsact ci from sBebi
J1- 2 = 9.

5tep3 muliby the resvltofstep Di

i-e, 9x = 63.

so, A+8) -ci)

calculate CA*ci +8)DL
step molibly A and cs ALXC1

ie, sx2 =lO.

step 2 Add BI to Tesult of stepl

step -Divide the esult isteb2 D)

Raghvendra Mishra

Wite docon the stebs to add a new slide
coth a picture and bolleted tesct to yaur
bresentation file.

Ans:- To add Deo st tde

steb click Home' +ab in t e Ribbon

Step2 click Neo slide' botton in The
side' botton groub.
step3 To add a picture click osest
rmenU and sele ct icture? button
in image' eoub .

stept select abictore obich coant to add

steps to insest bllet tect click Home

ab in menU
steb click bullet' button inparagra þh?
eroub nd ty þe tne tesot .

O3- Ans- (a) wmte docon varibus stebs/

for bringing the tect
Nios: A Profile" in the Cente.
Ans- SAt irst, select the tect "NIos:AProfile
S2 Home menU
S3 Cooose cene option from parag vaph
1t coil be in centrc. Raghvendra Mishra
Using key board SI
S Shus the
select the tec steps

Press chrltE.
t ect l be in cente.

Wnte doon arious stebs to change the

ont Size o the tect to l6 pojnts
Ans: To change the, font size of selected

steb! click on Home' tab and

sep click on font size in font
Group and select þoint i6
Stepa it cenll change tre tesct size
as 16 points.

io anothes G9ay

to change the tont size in font

Croup cli ck on Docreose font size A
decrease tont Size A

Wzite the ses to add number list

in front of the -four
Pnsi- S! select
S2 o to Home menU

S3 select numbering option in baagraph


Raghvendra Mishra
i: Wte a fotmok to bé entene io
Cell E tor adding total marks o
Matns, science and Eng and copy thìs
tormula fox the remaining records.
Ans: ho to cell E2
type' * sUm (B2:.02)
tne esult.
Hit,+he enter btton to get

Tto cob this fosmula forrernaining record

dsag the CTOsS ( ) sen n E2 Opto the

2. oteia tomula to be entered in

cell F2 for findingthe percentage
marts and coþy thi fo mola or
the remaining records
(E 2/30o) loo ty þe this

Sormo\a in F2.

and drae (+) sien Ubto all

3: Wte down the Vaioos stebs to odd

more records at the end

Ans: Sìmþle cwag hotocell Ac

and type the
t data ecord, accordine
to column and ave (E+s)

Raghvendra Mishra
Wite doon th structure for he
above data cleady menioning the dato
-tyþe,and length of each eld
Name o feld
data tle
Tect 2
Cost in Rs.

Auanht Number

Tyþe tect 20

2. Wite tne. stefs to display the.above

data in ordes given beloo tem Bvard
&uantit cost tyþe :
Ans - To e arTange the gìven data io ne
given by
ite m Bond
quanhity Coat type.
USe drag nd dro the eld dag
and rop
to the looattorr tobere coe
For this,
click Gn eld
header fos the field
move thrmouse
t in the
thebeader. atea
Cohen the CrOss oit
hold down ao0s abes,
eft nouse butto
Raghvendra Mishra
daag item' heading and tobafoa
B the aboye bcess we rearrange the
given data
Wite doun the vaious steps to display
the data cobere Brand ='NatraJ" l Cost

Ans 5tep1 open a table or query in

query design vieuo.
SBep cChoose tied names Band(All fields)
step Enter selechon criteria on toe
Citeria line
37ad' columo is : Natra9 and
Cost column is

step4 click run' bUtton t oil dispey

required data

Raghvendra Mishra

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