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Independent Homeschooling in the

• June 4, 2017

Mommy Que

Homeschooling in the Philippines can be classified under two groups: those who are
enrolled in a DepEd Accredited Homeschool Provider and those who are independent

Related Post: How To Start Homeschooling

So, what does it mean when you say independent homeschooling? Currently, independent
homeschooling is a term use if you are not connected to a DepEd accredited homeschool
provider (but enrolled in a foreign provider) or not connected to any provider at all.

Most independent homeschoolers have the freedom of open curriculum. They get to choose
their own books and materials for their kids. Parents set their own schedule and they do
not worry about work submission schedules and deadlines. Most if not all, uses the DepEd
K to 12 curriculum as their guides.

Homeschooling independently may be a practical option, as you need not pay providers
and buy required books. However, depending on the choices parents make (for books/
curricula, extracurricular activities, field trips and the like) homeschooling, even
independently, can cost either a little or a lot.

Whether you are considering being an independent homeschooler, or enroll in a

homeschool provider, or even thinking of starting your homeschooling journey, there are
available support groups you can check and join. We are lucky these days that we have
several groups of homeschooling families, whether online or offline, who come together to
share information, educational resources, encouragement, and social activities for the

Special thanks to a dear friend Laskmi Maluya for providing the information. She is a proud
product of independent homeschooling from preschool to high school. She finished college
(Education, Major in Early Childhood in Centro Escolar University Mendiola) thru PEPT. She
currently homeschools 2 daughters – one in grade 6 and the other in grade 10 and the
eldest, also homeschooled, is now in College.
Reasons Why You Should Attend the
Philippine Homeschool Conference
• August 31, 2017

Mommy Que

Philippine Homeschool Conference 2017 is set on October 7, 2017. The PHC is the annual
homeschool conference in the country and it just keeps getting bigger and better every
But what will you get when you come to this event? Here’s the top 3 reasons why you
should attend the Philippine Homeschool Conference.

1. Learning from Homeschool Experts

The whole day event is packed with every informative talks and breakout sessions. Experts
I’m referring to here are professional speakers, advocates and homeschool veterans.

More than the tips and tricks, the ins and outs, you will surely feel motivated to keep on

2. Exploring New Teaching Materials

The conference includes an expo where you can check a wide array of educational
materials such as books, references, manipulative or even art materials. Most of the time,
exhibitors have their items marked down.

Some, if not all, homeschool providers are also there so it’s a perfect time for you to talk to
them personally for inquiries that you may have.

3. Meeting Fellow Homeschooling Families

This is an avenue for fellow homeschoolers to meet up. It’s always nice to put a face behind
the names of the persons we interact with online from different homeschool support
groups. It’s always good to hear ideas, insights, suggestions, on topics that might also work
for us, from other parents based on their first hand experiences. There’s just more things
to talk about when we are face to face! Being around like minded families makes our
homeschool journey a little easier.

See you there?

Read more about the schedule and topics here: Philippine Homeschool Conference 2017
Homeschool To The Future: Educating for the World of Tomorrow.
Getting Ready for Homeschool
• September 5, 2022

Mommy Que

I wrote this article in my personal blog, as we didn’t have The Filipino Homeschooler site yet,
after I attended the first homeschool conference in 2013. Gab was only 2 years old then.

Since then, I think I have been attending homeschool conferences annually. It’s a good venue
to learn from seasoned homeschoolers, get inspirations, and meet old and new friends taking
the homeschooling path.

Homeschool Conference in 2013

We have been teaching Gab since he was 6 months, or may be even earlier than that. We
started with sign language so he can communicate with us on what he wants, what he
needs and how he feels, instead of just crying. Since Gab learned his baby signs, we have
been encouraged to teach him more. He likes learning something new all the time!

And we are thinking of taking it to the next level, we are planning of homeschooling Gab.
We read and get us much information so we can understand more of the home
school education. So last November 16, I attended the You Can Homeschool summit
organized by of Manila Workshops and The Learning Basket. I wanted to hear from the
advocates and more experienced homeschoolers.

It was jam packed with inspiring talks and sharing from the speakers: Thammie Sy, Frannie
Daez and Edric Mendoza.

Thammie is a homeschooling mom of 3. The took away from her, which I love, was
her analogy of children being arrows – “Like arrows, children are meant for flight, and that
with training and practice, they will hit the target.”

Frannie was a homeschooling mom of 7 kids! She talked about the myths of homeschooling.
Her take of the famous question on socialization for homeschoolchildren – ” It is the
parents’ responsibility to create opportunities for their children to be able to
socialize.” Three of her kids even shared their experiences in homeschooling and when
they transitioned to regular school.

The third speaker was Edric Mendoza. Known to many as the host of ANC’s On The Money,
he is a homeschooling dad of 5 kids and the current president
of TMA Homeschool and director of Homeschool Association of the Philippine Islands
(HAPI). He shared is passion and confidence with home education and tirelessly work with
the DepEd to make home education easier for Filipino families. His eldest son, Elijah, 10,
shared about his love for the stock market and his growing investments.

I was able to have a quick chat with Edric and wife Joy. They recommended, Gab being just
2 and turning 3, was to continue what we are doing now at home. It is still too early for us
to enroll in a homeschool provider.

Homeschool providers The Master’s Academy (TMA) now Homeschool Global

Philippines, Catholic Filipino Academy (CFA), and VCIS Home Study were there to share
their programs and to answer questions from attendees.

I was expecting the breakout session facilitated by homeschooling parents to be grouped

according to the age of kids the parents have instead of random grouping. I’m sure parents
would surely gain more from that and may be the group will not be pressed for time for
discussions. I was also looking forward to hear a homeschooling parent with a single child
to share her view as that will be our case. Overall, I’m glad I decided to join the
conference. It was inspiring to hear first hand experiences from homeschooling parents,
advocates and homeschooled kids.

Southville Global Education Network (SGEN) aims to establish a strong home-school collaboration.
The homeschool program allows you to earn an internationally recognized diploma at the comfort of your
home. The adaptation of the homeschool education in the Philippines has encouraged parents to actively
participate in the academic growth of their children at their own discretion guided by the institution through
instructions that are delivered using a Learning Management System (LMS). LMS is an online platform
that contains all necessary lessons and learning materials to complete a student’s assigned tasks and
assessments remotely. Homeschool education is the best choice for parents who prefer a tailored education,
focused academic interaction, and advanced learning progress for their children. Homeschool education, at
its utmost benefit, allows the creation of a learning environment both preferred by the parent and the student.
It is increasingly recognized that students learn better when they have real responsibility for their own
Tips for First Time Homeschoolers
• April 5, 2020

Mommy Que

Many families are now considering of homeschooling due to the community quarantine.

We are sharing tips for first time homeschoolers so as not to overwhelm parents. Home-
based learning should not be intimidating. It may seem scary at first but these steps can
help you if you are homeschooling for the first time.

Reasons Why We Are HomeSchooling

Here’s the tips and beginner’s start guide to homeschooling:

1. Look for a Homeschool Provider

This is the first step when your kids are about to start school. The homeschool provider is
the “school” that you would like to be connected with or enroll your kids in.

Check the homeschool provider that will fit for your child and your family. There are
several homeschool providers to choose from and you may check their services and fees
here: Homeschool Providers and Cost to Homeschool

You may also get feedback from fellow homeschool moms under that homeschool provider.

You may also read about our homeschool provider for our 5 years of homeschooling and
why we love them: Our Experience with Homeschool Global

Note that DepEd has age requirements for incoming Kindergarten and Grade 1 and
homeschool providers follow these.

2. Connect with a Suport Group or Homeschooling Families

In homeschooling, you do not have to know everything all at once.

Homeschool providers usually have their own orientation on how to go about
homeschooling. They provide guides and some even have parent trainings so you know
what needs to be done. Ask for assistance as you need it.

Connecting with fellow homeshooling families is a good thing. You can get motivation,
some inspiration, tips and tricks on how to make things easier.

We also recommend attending the Philippine Homeschool Convention or The Philippine

Homeschool Conference once available.

3. Keep it Simple

At the start of the homeschool year, take it one day at a time.

On Books/ Learning Materials: Choose books, if you have that flexibility, that is easy for you
to teach and will keep your kids attention.

Lesson Planning: The easiest way to plan your lessons by subject is to divide the chapters or
topics in a book into quarters. This can be your high level guide on what to cover on the
first quarter, second and so on.

If you can learn how to integrate and plan your lessons to cover a number of topics, things
become easier.

Homeschool Schedule: You may start with just one subject for the first day. Then add a
second subject in the next 2 days. This will help everyone to have a relaxed start.

You can use a weekly calendar to track your subjects as you progress and you can always,
adjust it acoording to your family dynamics.

Activities: There will be many invitations for free classes, activities (and playdates or
meetup after this quarantine).

You do not have to join all. Choose activities that your kids are interested in. Set a day or 2
for such activities and include it in your homeschool schedule. For example, if you set
Tuesday for music or art class, plan a few subjects to tackle on that day.

4. What works for others, may not work for you

This is applicable to the scheduling, your approach and even resources available to you.
With the free resources, you will have lots of choices. If something or anything, is not
working, don’t push it and then move on.
Some families, start homeschooling in the morning but for us, together with our son, we
have come to an agreement that we start right after lunch. Morning would be playtime.

Others do subjects by time (example, Math 830-930am daily, English 10-11am, MWF and
so on) and that kids should be sitting a the desk to learn.

For us, what works is – we do Math everyday for 30 minutes or less. Other subjects, we
read the lessons by the couch (and bed or on a duyan), perform experiments by the kitchen
sink or do outdoor activities when we can (like a walk in the nearby park). Our lessons and
discussions are not timed.

Learning can be the whole day – when the kids are playing, walking outside or even when
they are eating – not just by their desks.

5. Focus on Quality, not on Quantity

Just like in work, we feel like there’s a quota we must meet – a certain number of pages we
must complete, or a book that must be finished this year. This is very common to every
homeschooling parent.

We should focus on the basics and making sure that the concept is learned and understood
rather than just for it to be completed. You can spend as little or as much time as needed to
explore the topic.

Focus on what matters. There will bad days and when it happens, it’s good to put
everything down and come back to it again tomorrow.
Studying aboout dolphins and making an origami!

Remember, it is important to have FUN! Having fun while learning helps your children
retain information better because the process is enjoyable and memorable.


Advantages of Having a Homeschool

• July 7, 2016

Mommy Que

Last year, we started our official first year of homeschooling. We enrolled with a
homeschool provider TMA (The Master’s Academy) to help us kick start our journey. It is
now called Homeschool Global. We love being connected with a homeschool provider that
is DepEd accredited as they have helped us to get things in a more structured way.

Related Post: How To Start Homeschooling


Based on our experience here are the advantages of having a homeschool provider:


Being connected to a homeschool program means there’s an organized way to do things.

The provider have advisers to guide us parents as we homeschool. There’s the
accountability for us, parents and the children, to follow and meet specific dates and


As we are following schedules, we have the requirements and assessments. The portfolio
review is done quarterly for us to keep track of our journey. It is beneficial to our child for
him to recall on what he learned or what projects he did. During the assessment, they also
work on their communication skills.

The portfolio review also gives us a different perspective. It’s another set of eyes,
evaluating the strengths of our child and we receive recommendations on what else needs
to be worked on.


This is one way to getting DepEd accreditation for our homeschool activities. Unlike being
an independent homeschooler, the provider processes all the needed requirements and
issue the transcript of records. These documents are needed when the kids will be
eventually transitioning to traditional schools. As long as you comply with the timelines
and requirements of the provider there should be no problem in getting accreditation.

The provider also celebrate milestones like moving up. The graduation ceremony is unique
as children receive a character award from their parents aside from the certificate of
Moving up with fellow homeschool preschoolers, April 22, 2016


Aside from assigned advisers, which can be contacted every so often for inquiries and
advice, the provider also arrange for play groups and extracurricular activities for the kids.
While the kids have their own sessions, parents (of preschoolers) are also gathered
together to learn from each other.

There are cooperatives where families can meet together in smaller groups on a more
regular basis. Enrolled families residing in the same areas have Learn Group meet ups. The
activities are facilitated by the family advisers and parents.

Being enrolled in an accredited provider worked well for us, even if we have dates to meet
and requirements to submit. This is because at TMA, we can still freely customize the
lessons. We have enough flexibility on what materials to use and what activities to
integrate with the lessons for our son.
Being connected with a homeschool provider makes the journey easier. I do not have to
stress with things that they can cover for me but instead focus on things that are more


Philippine Educational Placement Test

(PEPT): What is it and who is it for?
• May 1, 2018

Mommy Que

I may be aware of some of DepEd’s guidelines, but I do not know much about PEPT, same thing
with the details about ALS.

With the help of some homeschool friends, I made this article to help us, yes that includes me, to
understand about PEPT.

Online Registration for PEPT (Feb 3, 2021 Onwards)

What is PEPT?

Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) is under the Accreditation and Equivalency
Program (Executive Order No. 733, s. 1981).
“The purpose is for retrieving out-of-school youth (OSY) and placing them in the formal
school system if they so desire, and for validating and accrediting knowledge and skills in
academic areas gained through informal and non-formal means for re-entry into formal
school, job promotion, entry to job training, for employment and self-fulfillment.”

Who needs to take PEPT?

PEPT was designed by DepEd for evaluation of students prior to entering the school
system. Independent homeschoolers need PEPT for them to enroll in a college or

PEPT is not meant to be used as a yearly assessment for homeschoolers without the
intention to enter into the Department of Education system (whether under an
accredited provider or to be in a traditional school).

PEPT is not conducted for purposes of grade level acceleration.

What is the PEPT Coverage?

PEPT is administered to all levels from Grade 1 to high school. The test is a multiple-choice
type based on the K to 12 Curriculum.

Elementary Level: Science | Mathematics | Araling Panlipunan | Filipino | English

Secondary Level:
ENGLISH – Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary Development, Writing Composition, Literature
(Philippine, Asian and World), Grammar Awareness
SCIENCE – General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
MATHEMATICS – Numbers and Number Sense, Measurement, Geometry, Patterns and Algebra,
Statistics and Probability
FILIPINO – Gramatika, Panitikan (Ibong Adarna, Florante at Laura, Noli Me Tangere, El
ARALING PANLIPUNAN – Araling Asyano,Kasaysayan ng Daigdig, Ekonomiks, Current Trends<

You can use DepEd’s learning materials as PEPT Reviewers to more or less cover the
DepEd-Accredited Homeschool Providers
and Cost to Homeschool
• June 3, 2019

Mommy Que

Many families are now homeschooling in the Philippines and with more parents still
deciding to explore this option for the education of their children. Choosing a homeschool
provider and knowing how much it cost to homeschool is one of the top considerations.

Homeschool Provider with Fees Php 25,000 & below

Here’s an updated list of DepEd-accredited Homeschool Providers. We also included the

homeschool provider enrollment schedule and fees for their services.

Disclaimer: Parents should do due diligence to make sure the provider they choose
have valid permit from DepEd to operate as homeschool provider.

List of Homeschool Providers in the Philippines

Homeschool Global

* details updated as of April 2020

Homeschool Global (HG) is a partnership of two home education providers VCIS Home
Study and TMA Homeschool. HG recommends several options for learning tracks,
curriculum and books to use.
“HG Empowers You to Pursue What Matters Through Flexible and Personalized Education

Read: Homeschool Global Parent Reviews


Touch – Open curriculum as parents are also given the option to explore other materials
that will be fit to the students.

Customizable curriculum with seasoned homeschool advisor support

Program highlights: Customized and/or Open curriculum; option of

grade-level kits (preselected from the best publishers); dedicated
Homeschool Advisor; quarterly Portfolio Reviews; records and support;
top-notch accreditation; Learn Group (community group); HG PLUS (Parent
Level Up Seminars); Parent Teacher Certification; Community Acquaintance
Fair, Family Sports Day; One HG Thanksgiving; access to exclusive HG events (Graduation,
Student Summit, Purity Ball, and student camps)

Tech – BJU: Boxed and online curriculum. This is the VCIS Homestudy part and uses BJU
(Bob Jones University) Press materials.

High quality blended curriculum with instructional supplements from Bob

Jones University Press

Program highlights: Online Instructional Videos, Teachers Guides, and Student textbooks (Bob
Jones University Press); printed worktexts; online consultations; online quarterly exams;
records and support; top-notchaccreditation; chat support; Learn Group (community group),
HG PLUS (Parent Level Up Seminars); Parent Teacher Certification; Family Sports Day; One
HG Thanksgiving; access to exclusive HG events (Graduation, Student Summit, Purity Ball,
student camps)

Tech – AOP: High quality fully online curriculum from Alpha Omega Publications

Program highlights: High quality fully online curriculum from Alpha Omega
Publications; instructional videos, online library, and virtual labs; online
consultations; integrated quizzes, tests, and assignments; records and
support; top-notch accreditation; chat support; Learn Group (community
group); HG PLUS (Parent Level Up Seminars); Parent Teacher Certification;
Community Acquaintance Fair, Family Sports Day, One HG Thanksgiving;
access to exclusive HG events (Graduation, Student Summit, Purity Ball,
student camps)
Specialized Programs: Available for exceptional and challenged
learners under The Learning Curve.

Enrollment Schedule:
March, June, and September

Levels Offered:
Pre-school to High School

Homeschool Fee:

Touch – P35,000 program fee; P7,000-P15,000 curriculum materials; P2,500 online testing

2nd child: 25%
3rd child: 50%
4th child and up: 75%
*Discount applied on program fee of each additional child (exclusive for
Touch families), additional fees apply for US Accreditation and Senior High School
Philippine Accreditation

The fee is exclusive of books and learning materials. This service includes a learning
adviser support, implements portfolio review system, learn group activities and high
schoool guidance.

Tech – BJU – P20,000 program fee; P10,000-P29,000 curriculum materials; P2,500 online
testing fee (additional fees apply for US Accreditation and Senior High School Philippine

Tech – AOP -P20,000 program fee; P20,000-P22,000 curriculum materials; P2,500 online
testing fee (additional fees apply for US Accreditation and Senior High School Philippine

HG offers diagnostic tests for incoming grades 1 to highschool. For HG students, they have
quarterly portfolio reviews conducted by an Academic/Family adviser to check on the
child’s performance.

Notes about Homeschool Global:

HG is known to have a great support sysem. They have core programs and services for both
the parents and the kids.
Contact Number: 234-0432 | E-mail:
Address:2nd Floor Ayala Malls The 30th, Meralco Avenue, Barangay Ugong, Pasig City,
Philippines 1604

Read more about our personal homeschool experience with Homeschool Global.

Homeschool Pilipinas

* added May 2020

Homeschool Pilipinas is part of Homeschool Global‘s COVID-19 response project, aiming to

give more Filipino families access to home education.

Homeschool fee starts at Php 10,000. For Homeschool Pilipinas’ programs, fees, and
admission requirements, check this link: Quality and Affordable Home Education by
Homeschool Pilipinas

Peniel Integrated Christian Academy

* details updated as of April 2020

Peniel Integrated Christian Academy of Rizal’s mission is to provide equal and quality
opportunities for home school families of diverse backgrounds by providing trainings,
monitoring, and advice on homeschooling concerns that realize the full potential of each
child with the proper guidance and support.
Peniel Integrated Christian Academy offers Homeschool program that supports an Open
curriculum and Regular School Program.

Read: Peniel Integrated Christian Academy Parent Reviews

Peniel has open-curriculum but uses Deped’s K-12 curriculum as basis. They prescribe
local textbooks with teacher’s guides aligned with Deped’s minimum competencies.The
parents are allowed to enhance the curricula by using their own preferred materials based
on their child’s learning style.

Enrollment Schedule:
Peniel follows the DepEd Academic school calendar – the start of the school year is by the
month of August and ends by the month of May. The enrollment period is until August 31,

Levels Offered:
Pre-school to Highschool (Grade 10)

Homeschool Fee:
For Kinder: Php 16, 500
For Grades 1-6: Php 18, 500
For Grades 7-10: Php 19, 500

The Sibling Discount is applicable to tuition fees only. Amount of discount given are as
2nd child – less Php 1000
3rd child – less Php 2000
4th child – less Php 4000
5th child – FREE

*Expenses for books are not included as they don’t require parents to purchase learning
materials from them.
*A diagnostic test fee of Php 200.00 is required for new students.

Peniel Integrated Christian Academy’s program is completion. The child’s assessment is
based from:

• Written Works: Assigned by the Parent-Teachers or Tutors based on the lesson

(Quizzes, Essays, Term Paper)
• Performance Tasks: assigned by the Parent-Teachers or Tutors based on the
lessons. (Oral Recitation, Projects, Hands-on)
• Quarterly Tests: Provided by Peniel Integrated Christian Academy (Major and Minor

At the end of each school year, the parents must compile and submit a portfolio of records
and materials of the child. The portfolio can include answered textbooks and worksheets,
quizzes or tests, samples of finished projects and photos of the child in field trips or
engaged in hands-on activities.

Notes about Peniel Integrated Christian Academy:

Peniel advocates open-curriculum to expand one’s learning experience and not limit them
to the norm. The fees are affordable, and have people to orient, support, and answer

Why should your child enroll and study at PENIEL Integrated Christian Academy of Rizal

• PENIEL is one of the leading God-fearing Christian schools in the country accredited
by the Department of Education (DepEd).
• PENIEL has some of the most outstanding and respected teachers in the country.
• PENIEL is spearheaded and managed by seasoned professionals with excellent
academic background in education.
• PENIEL has a proven track record for students successfully entering the top
universities and colleges in the country.
• PENIEL has won numerous national awards that illustrate commitment to your
child’s education.
• PENIEL is serious about early childhood education and care for students.

Aside from inculcating a God-centered education, PENIEL makes it a point that learning
should always be fun. As a teacher, you’ve got to make it fun so the kids are engaged all the
time. Your kids will not only learn meaningfully but have all the fun they deserve as well in

Contact Number: 682-7941

Catholic Filipino Academy (CFA) Homeschool

* details updated as of May 2020

CFA Homeschool is a DepEd-accredited homeschool provider that follows the K-12 DepEd
Curriculum applying a practical approach to the learning competencies as befitting a
homeschool set up.

Read: CFA Homeschool Parent Reviews

CFA have recommended books but parents are free to choose books and materials of their
choice as long as it follows the DepEd’s K to 12 Basic Learning Competencies.

Enrollment Schedule:
Regular Academic Program follows the June to March school calendar.
Specialized Program is open year round.

Levels Offered:
Nursery to Grade 12 levels (Preschool to Senior High School)

Their Senior High Program currently offers the ff tracks/strands: STEM, HUMMS, ABM, and
Arts & Design.

Homeschool Fee:
Preschool and Grade School – Php 31,395 – Php 39,480 (Greater Manila Area) | Php 26,600
– Php 34,600 Provinces/Overseas)

** However, because of the current situation, we reduced our prices for SY 2020-2021 to
Php 26,395 to Php 34,480.for those based in the Greater Manila Area; or Php 23,600 to Php
31,600 for those based in the Provinces/Overseas.

Junior High School – Php 50,750 – Php 59,700/yr with classes | Php 38,650 – Php
45,300/yr without classes.
** However, because of the current situation, we reduced our prices for SY 2020-2021 to
Php 40,750 – Php 49,700.for those with classes; or Php 31,650 to Php 38,300 for those
without classes.

Senior High School – Php 64,575-Php 73,975/yr for those with classes |Php 52,575 – Php
59,100/yr for those without classes.

** However, because of the current situation, we reduced our prices for SY 2020-2021 to
Php 54,575 – Php 63,975.for those with classes; or Php 45,575 – Php 52,100 for those
without classes.

Preschool (Nursery 1, Nursery 2 and Kindergarten): A year-end evaluation is given at the
end of the school year. A portfolio review is done every quarter.
Grade School (Grades 1-6): Quizzes and Mastery Tests (Written Work) are provided by CFA
and to be administered by the homeschooling parents every quarter. A Year-End
Evaluation is also given at the end of every school year.
Junior High School (Grades 7-10): Written Works, Performance based assessments and
Quarterly Exams as prescribed by DepEd.
Senior High School: Quizzes, exams, and performance tasks like videos, posters, essays, are
required for each quarter. Students take the exams and quizzes online and submit online
the written works or exercises found in textbooks and performance tasks designed by
subject teachers.

Notes about Catholic Filipino Academy:

The CFA Team provides the needed support for parents as they homeschool their kids.
They have continuing formation program for parents both spiritual and academic through
recollections, workshops, seminars and trainings. They also do monitoring of students’
performance and provide assistance by coaching either face to face or online.

CFA provides complete school records (Report Card, Transcript of Records, Certificate of
Good Moral Character) to ensure that all students have a smooth transition from

Contact Number: 725-9999 |E-mail:
Address: Obispado de Cubao, 41 Lantana Street, Cubao, Metro Manila, Quezon City

Gopala Learning Haven

Gopala is a family owned homeschool provider and support organization, founded in 2008.
They are a homeschooling family reaching out to fellow homeschooling families or families
who wish to experience out-of-the-box learning.

Read: Gopala Learning Haven Parent Reviews

Gopala offers 2 programs – DepEd Aligned and Open Curriculum.

K12/ Interest-Led Learning Curriculum / Yoga Inspired Curriculum (soft offer this 2020

Flexible tailor fit Curriculum. We try to assist families with their chosen path of
homeschooling. Books, modules and other materials may be availed from Gopala or parent
may choose to purchase on their own.

Enrollment Schedule:
Enrollment is open year-round for those who are availing of support. Enrollment for Deped
program is until December.

Levels Offered:
Pre-school to senior HS (GAS)

Homeschool Fee:
Starts at Php 15,000+ per student depending on level.
The fee is exclusive of books and learning materials.

Assessments or interview may be done upon enrollment and an evaluation at the end of the
school year. Projects or portfolio are to be submitted by students monthly/ quarterly or at
year end.
Notes about Gopala Learning Haven:
Gopala advocates: Interest-Led Learning style of homeschooling. They believe that values,
character building and discipline should come first before academics.

“The best way to homeschool is the one that works for you and your family. So find the one
that fits you and your family.”

The main services are open to all. They have workshops, coaching, seminars, camps that
guide and equip parents.

Provide social interactions, supplemental learning and extra curricular activities to

homeschoolers of all ages.

This is a non-sectarian organization and they cater to Homeschoool family needs whether
Deped Aligned through our partner schools or assisting with PEPT/ALS.


Contact Number : 0906 377 3357 (Laksmi Maluya) | Email:
Address: Silang, Cavite

School of Tomorrow

Philipppine Christian School of Tomorrow Home Education Program is a Christian based

way of learning.

Read: School of Tomorrow (SOT) Parent Reviews

The homeschool program follows the School of Tomorrow® system. They use PACEs
(Packets of Accelerated Christian Education). Each PACE is more or less equivalent to a unit
in a textbook. Each level consists of 12 PACEs per subject. PACEs integrate character-
building lessons into the academic content and is carefully designed to develop thinking
skills and provide for mastery learning.

Enrollment Schedule:
They offer year-round enrollment.

Levels Offered:
Pre-school to Highschool (Grade 10)

Homeschool Fee:
Php 21,500+ per student
The fee includes the family fee, student registration fee, academic fee and diagnostic test
fee. The cost of learning materials can be determined after the diagnostic test.

It is a requirement for parents to attend the orientation and training prior to enrollment.
This training discussed the quizzes, exams and other information about the system.

Notes about School of Tomorrow:

School of Tomorrow is a primary and secondary academic program that combines the
traditional one-room school with completely individualized, diagnostically prescribes high
tech learning. SOT has offered professional expertise in curriculum, hardware, software
and in-service training for global Biblical education reform.

Contact Number: 822-4433 | Email:
Address: SOT Blvd., (former MJS Ave.) Levitown Executive Village, Brgy. Don Bosco,
Parañaque City.

Kairos Homeschool Academy

Kairos is a Christian, Chinese homeschooling institution that offers complete and curated
homeschool curriculum, administrative assistance, developed tests and projects, DepEd
recognition, and parent training support for families that are new to homeschooling. They
also provide opportunities through our trilingual library, athletic facilities, and different
church activities.

Kairos uses a specialized curriculum curated from publishers around the world. Kairos
does not offer individualized curriculum for now.

Enrollment Schedule:
Applications open until May 31 for the given school year.

Levels Offered:
Nursery to Elementary

Homeschool Fee:
The fee ranges from Php 41,500-61,000, depending on the grade level. This includes books,
learning materials and assessment fees.

Kairos has quarterly examinations for their students.

Notes about Kairos Homeschool Academy:

Kairos is a hybrid program that offers part traditional school services and part
homeschooling support. As a Filipino-Chinese school, Kairos requires academic study of the
Chinese language as part of the core curriculum.

Contact Number : (02) 448 2504 |Email:
Address: Room 201, United Evangelical Church of Malabon 45 Gov. Pascual Ave., Potrero,
Malabon City 1475 (near Monumento)

Proverbs Ville Christian School Removed from the list as of June 2020 (as per DepEd,
licensed not renewed)

The Learning Place International

* details updated as of April 2020

The Learning Place (TLP) serves as a DEPED accredited Admin School of its homeschoolers.
TLP monitors both academic and non-academic performance of every homeschool student
enrolled in the program.

TLP is using an e-learning module platform from K-12 level that is both online and paper-
based in nature. This mastery-based learning system assures clear understanding of
concepts and grasps of skills that must be learned before they move on from one learning
module to another.
They allow individualized curriculum but students will be required to take and pass the
Mastery Evaluation Test (MET) at the end of the year or on a quarterly basis to check
learning competencies for the grade level.

Enrollment Schedule:
Follows the school calendar (June- March). Enrollment of new students done within
January to December 2019 will be registered as students for school year 2019-2020,
January to December 2020 students will be registered under school year 2020-2021.

Levels Offered:
K to 12 Level

Homeschool Fee:
There’s a one time reg./entry fee (per family: regard-less of number of children) of Php
15,000. Annual fee ranges from Php 15,000 – Php 25,000, depending on the grade level.
Students also have to pay Php 2,000 annually for miscellaneous fees (for Mastery
Evaluation Kit and Quarterly Test Administration, etc).

Grade may be submitted quarterly or annually along with the complete students portfolio.
An assigned Homeschool Admin Staff monitors every homeschool student enrolled in TLP.

Notes about The Learning Place International :

TLP offers free Parent Orientation and Training : TLP Homeschool Program and use of
learning modules (K to G3) and Online Learning platform: for Grades 4 to 12. They also
offer socialization activities for every homeschool student.
Facebook: www.facebook .com/TLP Los Banos
Contact Number : (049)5368316; Mobile : 0926-736-7494( Ms. My) 0905-952-1318 ( Ms.
Ella) 0917-712-3516 ( Veronica Quintana-Arioder)
Address: 10966 Jose R.Velasco Avenue, Kanluran Road, Faculty Hills, UPLB, Laguna

Sts. Paul & Mark School Inc.

* added April 2020

Sts. Paul & Mark School (SPMS) started in 2007 and caters to children of diverse learning
needs. They provide a developmentally-appropriate curriculum in an atmosphere
conducive to positive learning.

Sts. Paul & Mark School offers Homeschool Program. SPMS has complied with DepEd
Homeschool Requirements based on Dep Ed Order 21 s. 2019.

K to 12 curriculum with enhancement . Parents may enhance the curriculum by adding
topics that interest the child.

Enrollment Schedule:
April – October

Levels Offered:
Pre-elementary, Special Education, Elementary

Homeschool Fee:
Pre-elem – P17,500 per school year
Grade 1-2-3 – P19,500 per school year
Grade 4-5-6 – P22,500 per school year
Special Education – P25,000 per school year
Sibling discount is 20% of the tuition fee
Price range of books:
Pre – elem – approximately P3,500
Elementary – approximately P5,500

Mode of assessment : a) Quarterly tests are prepared by the academic advisor and sent to
the parents. Parents administer the tests and send the answers to academic advisor via on-
line means. b) Performance tasks can be submitted on-line. No hard copies are required.

Everything can be submitted on-line. The quarterly and final grades of pupils are sent to
the parents.

Notes about Sts. Paul & Mark School :

Support to parents:
a) Online free orientation to parents
b) Online free seminar to parents of homeschooled pupils on teaching strategies, classroom
management, art of questioning, and other teaching-learning related topics.
c) An academic advisor is assigned per homeschooled pupil for monitoring and guidance.
d) Online availability of School Directress/Home School Coordinator/ Academic Advisor for
queries and concerns.
e) There is a fb group exclusively for parents of SPMS homeschooled pupils. This fb group
aims to give the parents an opportunity to collaborate, share practices, and inspire one
f) Homeschooled pupils who live near the area may opt to join the monthly co-curricular
activities in the school at no extra cost. However, this is not a requirement.
g) Online transaction from enrollment to end of school year.
h) Parents can choose the books of their children.

SPS Contacts
School Directress: Dr. Elizabeth D. Ramos, LPT
Homeschool Coordinator: Mr. Kim Abraham D. Ramos, RPm, LPT
Email address/contact: 0922-949-1804

Address: Panorama Ville, Dita, Sta. Rosa city, Laguna

FB page: Sts. Paul & Mark School

Chosen Homeschool
* added April 2020

Chosen Homeschool is a Home Education provider under the umbrella of our Church
Ministry – Chosen for LifeChange Ministries, Inc. and are partnered with a DepEd
accredited school – Casa Del Libro, Inc.

Chosen Homeschool aims to provide accessible home-based education to Filipino children.

For accreditations – Chosen Homeschool will register the student to the DepEd’s Learner’s
Information System.

DepEd Curriculum/ Eclectic Curriculum/ Open Curriculum

Enrollment Schedule:
March to September, School Year: JUne – March (10 Months)

Levels Offered:
Nursery – Kinder 2, Grade 1-6

Homeschool Fee:
Nursery – Kinder 2 – Php 10,000
Grade 1 – 6 – Php 15,000
Siblings Discount: 7% off for another child.

Exam will be given by Chosen Homeschool online.
A Diagnostic Exam is done prior to the start of the School Year.
Three (3) Quarterly Assessments will be given to check the milestones of the child.
Year-end Assessment or Final Exam will be given by the Chosen HomeSchool.

Notes about Chosen HomeSchool:

They provide:

• Budget plan: listing all the topics per quarter will be provided to parents
• Free access to the Knowledge Bank materials and other learning materials
• Long distance learning lecture once a week per subject for Nursery to Grade 6
• Weekly follow ups and adviser per child
• Trainings and workshops for parents. Parents are required to attend training and
workshops set by Chosen Homeschool.

Address: #1 Topaz St. Saint Francis Homes 3 Subdivision Bry. Landayan, San Pedro, Laguna
Mobile: +63 915 309 2479

Child’s Home Educational Center

* added May 2020

BF Child’s Home Educational Center, established in 1997, is a DepEd accredited school that
offers services for pre-nursery up to grade 3.

Flexible Curriculum. They have own curriculum and books, however parents are more than
welcome to add their own materials to enhance their child’s learning.

Enrollment Schedule:
Starts March. Follows DepEd school year – June to March

Levels Offered:
Pre-nursery, Nursery, Pre kinder, Kinder, Grades 1-3

Homeschool Fee:
Php 18, 000 – registration only (parent orientation, training and support), teaching guide,
school books
Php 28, 000 – includes registration teaching guide, school books
Grade submission and computation for the parents / Quarterly exams to be administered
by Child’s Home / Year end portfolio review

Notes about Child’s Home Educational Center :

The packages include parent orientation and training, parental support for grades, how to
teach certain lessons. Parents can call the school and get the support they need as they
embark on their journey. The school also have lined up parenting talks.

Address: 876 Tropical Avenue BF International Las Piñas

Contacts: 09174403/ 8 820 3518
Email address:

Victorious Homeschool

* added May 2020

Victorious Homeschool is the homeschool program of Victorious Children Learning

Academy, which has been operating for 10 years.

Open Curriculum, DepEd-aligned

Enrollment Schedule:
March – September

Levels Offered:
Nursery, Pre kinder, Kinder, Grades 1-6

Homeschool Fee:
Php 15, 000 – includes Homeschool Adviser support, free e-books for Math, Science and
English. No strict requirements for books or curriculum, but families are encouraged to
follow the DepEd-aligned learning guide topics for the school year. Preferred textbooks by
families are excluded from tuition.
A printable Before the school year Assessment Test and an End of the school year
Summative Test will be provided and administered by the Parent-Teacher. Quizzes, oral
exams and grades will be given by the Parent Teacher. Homeschool Adviser support is
present as needed. No portfolio required.

Notes about Victorious Homeschool :

Victorious Homeschool give free webinars and seminars for teacher-training for parents
and writing and public speaking classes to students. They also offer reduced rate for online

School Address: Villa San Mateo 1, Guitnang Bayan 1, San Mateo, Rizal
Support Address: 20 Houston Street, Rancho Estate 3, Marikina City 1811
Contact Numbers: 0922-884-0090, 02-8952-5628, 0917-895-3226

B.U.I.L.D. Up Christian School

* added May 2020

B.U.I.L.D. Up Christian School Inc. is a hub where gifts and talents are discovered and
natural unlimited learning potentials are tapped. It provides an opportunity where God-
given abilities, imagination and creativity are awakened.It endeavors to raise future
generational leaders – who are world changers, history makers and glory dispensers of
God. It aspired to continually provide an avenue where every person is respected, cared for
and celebrated for their unique interest, different ability and multiple intelligences.

I. Blended Learning (Flexible: Online + On Campus Learning)
II. Homeschool
A. Parent Led Classes-A: Open and Flexible but must be aligned to DepEd K-12 Core
B. Parent Led Classes-B: Required curriculum provided by the school but must be aligned
to DepEd K-12 Core Compentencies
III. Homeschool + Virtual Classroom
(Teacher Led Classes online with Parent Tutor’s Assistance

Enrollment Schedule:
June – August

Levels Offered:
Kinder, Grades 1-6

Homeschool Fee:
Blended Learning: Php 29,000 – Php 36,000 with books and other assessments
Homeschool (Parent Led Classes-A & Parent Led Classes-B) – Php 15,000 – Php 19,000
Homeschool + Virtual Classroom: Php 29, 000 – Php 36, 000 with books and materials

Blended Learning (Flexible: Online + On Campus Learning)

• Pre test, Performance Tasks and activities, projects, written works such as
worksheet, quizzes and assessments are administered by the school . Annual
Assessment and Portfolio presentation.


• A.Parent Led Classes-A (PLC-A) : Pre-assessment are done upon enrollment by the
Homeschool coordinator.
Preschool (PK1, PK2 and Kindergarten): A year-end evaluation is given at the end of
the school year. A portfolio review is done semestral.
Grade School (Grades 1-6): For (PLC-A) Written Works such as Quizzes and Mastery
Tests, Performance tasks & Quarterly Assessments are done by the parent tutor. A
Year-End Evaluation is also given at the end of every school year by the school.
• B.Parent Led Classes-B: (PLC-B) Pre-assessment are done upon enrollment by the
Homeschool coordinator.
Preschool (PK1, PK2 and Kindergarten): Checklist Assessment & Written
Assessment are done semestral by the parent tutor. A pre and post development
assessment are conducted by the school. Portfolio review are done at the end of the
school year by the Homeschool coordinator.
Grade School (Grades 1-6): For (PLC-A) Quizzes and Mastery Tests (Written Works)
are administered by the parent tutor while quarterly assessment are to be
administered by the class coordinator. A Year-End Evaluation is also given at the
end of every school year by the school’s coordinator.
Homeschool + Virtual Classroom

• Pre test, Performance Tasks and activities, projects, written works such as
worksheet, quizzes and assessments are administered by the school. Annual
Assessment and Portfolio presentation.

Notes about B.U.I.L.D. Up Christian School Inc.:

B.U.I.L.D. Up Christian School Inc. is a firm believer of strong partnership with families, by
allowing the parents to directly lead and influence more their child’s educational progress,
values formation and disciplinary measures. Through these programs, more family time
and family bonding while learning are also achieved.

The program is conveniently designed to be flexible and personalized for the learner’s
unique style of learning and intelligences. The curriculum design is wholistic in nature by
allowing the child to maximize his fullest potential.

Comprehensive and full learning experiences with different options for support and
assistance are achieved through the school’s initiatives for both the learner and the family.
These support includes Parent’s orientation and training, parenting seminars, family
advisors, group online meetings and meet ups. Options for online tutors and assistance
through home school coordinator and subject matter experts, fb chat groups and email
support are also supported for the learner. Lesson may be delivered through online
classes/training & lectures, emailed lesson plans, selected modules and learning materials
and other supplements such as video teaching and students textbooks & online and printed
worksheets. These are all subject to your preference and choice.

Ms. Arlene Faraon – 09178153977 / Ms. Coleen Diola – 09178715476
Address: 883 Rilzal Blvd. Brgy Pooc, City of Sta Rosa Laguna 4026

Living Learning Homeschool

* added May 2020

Living Learning Homeschool (LLH) is a homeschool provider established by Our Living
Learning, a homeschool support resource dedicated to serve and equip homeschoolers
using the Charlotte Mason Method in the Philippines. Living Learning Homeschool provides
DepED accreditation and homeschool accountability for families using the Charlotte Mason
Method. Our objective is to support and equip families in their homeschool journey of
Living Learning.

Open curriculum following the Charlotte Mason Method of learning

Enrollment Schedule:
Follows the school calendar July – April.
Enrollment Season is March until early July.

Levels Offered:
Kindergarten to Grade 10

Homeschool Fee:
Kinder – Php 17,500
Gradeschool – Php 19,500
Highschool – Php 21,500
*Sibling discounts available. No additional fee for children with special needs.

Charlotte Mason method of examinations conducted by parent educator.
Online Portfolio Submission.

Notes about Living Learning Homeschool:

Homeschool Additional Support:
CM Special Needs Support and Consultation
CM Living Book recommendations
Charlotte Mason Parent Classes/Trainings
Charlotte Mason Evaluation Support and Grading System
Bi-annual group Recitation Gala
Bi-annual group Portfolio Celebrations
Guided Memory Work, Art Appreciation, and Composer Study lessons for LLH Family

LLH Online Orientation:
Better Together Homeschool

* details as of March 2021

Better Together Homeschool provide different accreditation programs and customize them
to suit your family’s homeschooling goals. The programs include Local (DepEd)
Accreditation, US Accreditation and Dual Accreditation (PH and US).

Local and Dual Accreditation – Flexible curriculum, US Accreditation – Open Curriculum,
Life Schooling/ Unschooling – friendly

Enrollment Schedule:
Local and Dual Accreditation: January to September | US Accreditation: Year round

Levels Offered:
Local and Dual Accreditation: Prep – Grade 10 | US Accreditation: Kinder 4 to Grade 12

Homeschool Fee:
Local Accreditation: ranges from Php 18,000 to Php 24,000 depending on grade level,
exclusive of books and online platform subscriptions
US Accreditation: ranges from Php 14,500 to Php 18,500, depending on number of children,
exclusive of books and online platform subscriptions

Dual Accreditation: ranges from Php 31,000 to Php 35,000, depending on grade level,
exclusive of books and online platform subscriptions

Local and Dual Accreditation: Year-end portfolio submission, parent designed assessments,
2x a year grade reporting (January and May) | US Accreditation: 2x a year grade reporting
(January and June), parent designed assessments

Notes about Better Together Homeschool:

They will provide the following services to the homeschooling families:

• Curriculum advise and assistance

• Assessment and Grading assistance
• Assistance and referrals in the procurement or subscription of homeschool
materials and resources/ platforms.
• Coaching and mentoring for homeschooling your child/ren
• Dedicated advisor to assist you throughout the school year
• Relevant talks/ customized webinars to empower and equip parents
• Virtual clubs/ meet ups for our students to foster social growth and camaraderie
among fellow homeschoolers despite the limitations brought about by the pandemic

School Address: Hickory 2, Ayala Ferndale, Sampaguita Ave., Pasong Tamo, QC
Contact numbers: 07-7617-8827 | 09175526987 | 09178963266

*Information above were from the providers ( rates are from providers who sent the
information as of June 2019, unless updated ).

Are you connected to a homeschooling provider, or do you know one, that is not on the list?
Please let me know by leaving a comment so I can include them and help give more options
for families looking for providers.

*** Disclaimer 1: Information on services, fees, etc of the Homeschool Providers may
change. Please contact them to get an updated information if you are interested in
their offerings. ***

***Disclaimer 2: Parents should do due diligence to make sure the provider they choose
have valid permit from DepEd to operate as homeschool provider.***
A Guide to Common Homeschooling Terms
• March 7, 2017

Mommy Que

Here’s a guide to common homeschooling terms. Whether you are new to homeschooling
or considering to homeschool your child, here are some terms you should be familiar with
as they might help on your journey.


This is also called Homeschooling, Home Based Learning, Home Education, Home Learning,
or Home Study.

It is an alternative learning method in which the parents are the primary teachers and the
home is the primary learning environment. There are many different methods or styles. It
is considered legal in the Philippines and is now recognized by the Depeartment of
Education (DepEd).


Curriculum is the materials used for a course. It can include text books, teaching
manuals, grading guidelines, lesson plans, tests, and worksheets.

Accreditation for homeschooling is important when you want to track the level of your
child and when your child enrolls in a regular school or college in the Philippines. The
accomplishments are officially credited when you have documents, such us but not limited
to transcript of records, in compliance with Department of Education (DepEd)

Homeschool Provider

A provider is an organization that keeps and provides records or transcripts to its students.
This is commonly in compliance with accreditation requirements (of DepEd, in our case in
the Philippines). These documents are needed for a smooth transition into the
conventional school system when they need to.

See: List of DepEd Accredited Homeschool Providers

Independent Homeschoolers

Independent homeschoolers are those who choose not to enroll to a homeschool provider
(one based in the Philippines), or be affiliated with a local school and accredited by DepEd.
Some are connected with foreign homeschool providers, usually based in the U.S.

Most of the time they use DepEd’s guide for the things the children needs to learn. Some
make their own curriculum based on the interest of their children.

They manage and keep the records, if any, of their kids. When they decide to enter
traditional school in the Philippines, they may take assessments offer by DepEd.

Interest-Led Learning

This is a teaching method where students study topics that interest them. They do not
follow a pre-defined curriculum. Sometimes, this is also refered to as unschooling.

Eclectic Method of Homeschooling

This refers to those following a (flexible) curriculum, uses a variety of resources to learn
based on interests, needs, and abilities. Text books are used for math, and travel of field trip
to cover sciences.

Eclectic homeschoolers are flexible in their approach to homeschooling combing all kinds
of materials and resources which works best for the child.

Not so popular in the country yet. In carschooling, families learn about different subjects
while in a car, while traveling on the road. They mostly use audio cds and audio books.

Learning Styles

Learning style is the way the child best understand and process information.

This includes Auditory (learning through listening and speaking), Visual (learning through
seeing) and Kinesthetic/Tactile (learning through touch and movement). Every student
learns differently so knowing what learning styles your child has can help you choose
books to use and activities to do.

Unit Study

This is an educational approach in which learning is focused around a common theme and
covers many subjects. For instance, a unit study on bridges would teach the development
and use of early bridges (history), locations of famous bridges (geography), different types
of bridges (science), and so on. Unit study is recommended for multi-level students as they
allow children of different ages to study the same unit together but in different levels of


A manipulative is hands-on educational tool used to better understand a concept. (Math)

manipulatives include pattern blocks, dice, counters, and more. The use of these
manipulatives make learning math more tangible and fun.

Supplemental Resources

These refer to educational materials, classes, field trips, and projects that are used to
enhance the learning experience of the child.


This is a collection of organized materials, mostly highlights, from your child’s lessons in a
given quarter or year. It may include samples from each subject, photos of projects, field
trips, writing samples and art works. It can be online or filed on ring binders. This is done
by the kids (with the help of parents for younger ones) from the beginning of the school
Homeschool Support Group

Also known as a Homeschool Group, this refers to a group of homeschooling families,

whether online or offline, who come together to share information, resources,
encouragement, and social activities for the children.

his may also refer to a co-op (cooperative), a group of like-minded parents who work
together to provide on-going classes or educational experiences for their children.


This is always an interesting topic in homeschooling. It is not an issue with homeschool

kids as they can interact with and develop friendships with other children with the
activities in and out of the home. It is believed that they have healthier social development
as they learn to relate to younger kids, older kids, parents and adults, instead of just within
their age group.

HAPI (Homeschool Association of the Philippine Islands)

HAPI is a non-stock, non-profit organization that aims to equip homeschooling groups and
organizations in growing the national homeschooling movement. Since its launch in 2010, HAPI has
been instrumental to help new and veteran homeschoolers all over the country.

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