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Juan Luis Florido

Fiscal General de la Republica y Jefe del Ministerio Publico
Edificio Ministerio Publico
15 Avenida 15-16, Zona 1, Barrio Gerona, 8vo. Nivel,
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Fax: 011 502 2411 9124 / 011 502 2411 9326

June 14, 2007

Dear Attorney General:

I write to express Human Rights First’s grave concern for the safety of human
rights defenders in Guatemala, especially in the wake of the recent violent
attacks against women activists in El Chal, in the department of El Peten.

On June 3, two men shot and killed María Cristina Gómez and her son, José
Corado Gómez. María Cristina Gómez was a staff member of the organization
Ixqik, which aimed to stop violence against women and increase women’s
political participation in El Peten. Edit Corado Gómez, the daughter of María
Cristina Gómez and also an activist with Ixqik, was seriously wounded in the
attack. Other members of the organization have reportedly received phone calls
threatening that they would meet the same fate if they continue to defend
women’s human rights. The violence against the Gómez family appears to be
retribution for their activism and a means to intimidate others who stand up for
women’s human rights in Guatemala.

Human Rights First urges you to:

• Order a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation into the

murders and prosecute those responsible;

• Investigate the intimidation and harassment of other Ixqik staff;

• Take immediate and effective measures to guarantee the safety of

all those working for Ixqik.

Human rights defenders have the right to carry out their activities without any
restrictions or fear of reprisals, as set out in the 1998 UN Declaration on the
Rights and Responsibilities of Individuals, Groups and Institutions to Promote
and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
This declaration is based upon the principles enshrined in the International Covenant for Civil
and Political Rights, to which Guatemala is a state party.

According to the Declaration acts of harassment and intimidation against members of human
rights organizations, including women activists working to end violence against women,
should be promptly investigated and the perpetrators should be prosecuted. As we stated in a
June 4, 2007 letter to you, sent jointly with a number of human rights organizations and
prominent activists, we are alarmed by the number of attacks against human rights defenders
that go uninvestigated in Guatemala. We expressed concern in our letter that the level of
impunity for attacks against defenders could lead to an escalation in the number and severity
of the attacks. The murder of Sra. Gómez only underscores this point.

I look forward to your response.


Neil Hicks
Director, Human Rights Defenders Program


Frank La Rue Lewy

Presidente, Comisión Presidencial de Derechos Humanos
2ª Avenida 10-50, Zona 9
Ciudad de Guatemala C.A 01009
Por Fax: + 502 2334 0119

Ambassador Jose Guillermo Castillo

Embassy of Guatemala
2220 R St. NW
Washington DC 20008
Fax: 1 202 745 1908


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