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Reliability Analysis

when there is a combination of questions in Likert scale there are

measurable/correlated. For this purpose, we are using Cronbach’s alpha.
1. All the variables should be ordinal
Example: Knowledge among drivers about some selected items of road safety
in Gilgit-Baltistan.
S. No Categories Responses
Q-1 Do you know the speed limit near schools? Yes 10 No 5
Q-2 Do you know the speed limit near Mosque? Yes 11 No 4
Q-3 Do you have a driving license? Yes 7 No 8
Q-4 Do you consider driving license is Yes 12 No 3

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha Cronbach's Alpha Based N of Items
on Standardized Items
.890 .895 4

In order for the global scale to have good reliability, the Cronbach’s alpha should
be fairly high (a commonly used threshold is 0.7). The closer Cronbach’s alpha is
to 1, the more likely is that the items in the scale measure the same underlying
Reported in APA Style:
The validity of subscale, consisting of 4 items, was found to be highly reliable
where the (a = .890). Hence the value is more closed to 1.

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

Q_1 Q_2 Q_3 Q_4
Q_1 1.000
Q_2 .853 1.000
Q_3 .661 .564 1.000
Q_4 .707 .829 .468 1.000

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