Written Report in TEG113

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Written Report in Teaching English in Elementary Grades

through Language Arts (TEG113)

(2:00-3:00PM MWF)

Submitted by:
Group 4
Cuizon, Amil
Cundiman, Mei Ann
Dadol, Welmie
Erauda, Chriscelle Anne
Garbo, Christy Faith

Submitted to:
Mr. Ricky Ignacio
Topic: Approaches in Teaching Language Arts
 Content-Based Approach
 Task-Based Approach
 Participatory Approach

Content-Based Approach
 Refers to an approach to second language teaching in which teaching is
organized around the content or information that students will acquire rather
than around a linguistic or other type of syllabus.

Goal of Content-Based Approach

 To prepare students to acquire the language while using the context of any
subject matter so that students learn the language by using it within that
specific context.

Advantages of Content-Based Approach

 More interesting and motivating
 Real purpose
 Wider knowledge of the world
 Developing valuable study skills
 Developing collaborative skills

Disadvantages of Content-Based Approach

 Implicit language instruction
 Overuse of native language
 Finding information sources and texts

Content-Based Approach Key Information

 Integration of language and content
 Language learning is in the background
 Priority given to content learning
 Objectives are determined by course goals or curriculum
 Opportunities to use the L2 are maximized
 Communicative interaction
 Language skills improvement
Task-Based Approach
 Offers an alternative for language teachers. In a task-based lesson the
teacher doesn't pre-determine what language will be studied, the lesson is
based around the completion of a central task and the language studied is
determined by what happens as the students complete it.

The 3 Stages of Task-Based Approach

1. Pre - Task
The teacher introduces the topic and gives the students clear
instructions on what they will have to do at the task stage and might
help the students to recall some language that may be useful for the
2. Task
The students complete a task in pairs or groups using the language
resources that they have as the teacher monitors and offers
3. Review
Planning, Report, Analysis, Practice

Advantages of Task-Based Approach

 The students are free of language control. In all three stages they must use
all their language resources rather than just practicing one pre-selected item.
 A natural context is developed from the students' experiences with the
language that is personalized and relevant to them.
 The students will have a much more varied exposure to language with TBL.
They will be exposed to a whole range of lexical phrases, collocations and
patterns as well as language forms.
 The language explored arises from the students' needs. This need dictates
what will be covered in the lesson rather than a decision made by the teacher
or the course book.
 It is a strong communicative approach where students spend a lot of time
communicating. Just watch how much time the students spend
communicating during a task-based lesson.
 It is enjoyable and motivating.
Participatory Approach
 Incorporates themes or content area that are of interest to the learners. With
participatory approach, students are encouraged to work with fellow students
either in pairs, small groups, or in whole groups for collective participation
and for learning to be meaningful.

Goal of Participatory Approach

 To use language learning as a tool to provide solutions to social problems
that impact learners in their daily lives, and to help empower students to take
actions and make decisions in order to gain control over their lives.

Advantages of Participatory Approach

 It uses inexpensive resources.
 It is interesting and fun.
 It helps people to build self-confidence.
 It helps people to learn about themselves.
 It helps people to understand the perspectives of others.
 It prevent individuals from being singled out for what they know, or don't
 It is less intimidating for less confident participants.
 It helps people to analyze complex situations.
 They are memorable.

Disadvantages of Participatory Approach

 It takes longer process
 They are difficult to plan, because planning often depends on what the
participants want to do.
 It may be difficult to assure that all of the students get to the table.
 It takes patience and commitment on everyone’s part.

Content-based approach uses the content from other subjects, task-based approach
uses different task to promote communication, and participatory approach uses the
experiential knowledge of students.

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