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Total No. fQuestions :13) [otal No. ot Feimtew DW-411 MLB.A. (R.T.) (N/X) IV" Semester Examination, 2022 "Business Legislation" Paper - 402 Time: 3 Hours} [Maximum Marks : 80 Note :~Attemptall the questions SECTION-'A' Short AnswerType Questions 4*8=32 Note Attempt any four questions Ali questions carries 8 marks. AC Differentiate between'agreement and ‘contract Dw-411 () PTO. hitps:/ ‘Whatis meant by breach of contranct Explain district "Consumer Protection council ‘Whatare the provisions in pollution control act? 5+ Write short noteon Mergers of company. Explain the provision of Environment protection act. ‘Whats the procedure for fing a complaintin Distt forum forsecking redressal of grievance ? 8. Write shortnoteon- Lawrrelated to promotion ‘and Incorporation of companies. SECTION-"B" LongAnswerType Questions 163-48 ‘Note :- Attempt any three questions, All questions carry 16 marks. 9 What do you nnderstand by performance ofa contract? State thetypes of performance. pf Describe in brief the remedies available to an aggrieved party incase of breack ofthe contranef. Dw-411 Q 11, Explain the constitution, objects and powers of Consumer Courts in india, 12, What are the intellectual property right? Enumerate the ob- jeotives of protection and enforcement of such rights. ion of 33: Briefly deserie the Merger of company and acquis company according to law. +++ gps: ‘Whatsapp @ 9300930012 Send your ol paper get 10 sro got tr 2 te 1 gt ator Gaoe Pay 3 Dw-411 ® Copies 10000 ..

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