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Thus s to ceity that M Shafi Muh rmsd.

Mal1k Abdul Rehnan. aste Khajjak

So/katuthtes ol

Khe14ak, Tehsil 1b1,

INa bonaide and pemanent resident of illage
of Sib DIsKt, as verificd by Ass1tant Distret Adnistrative 0icer/Tehsldar

and ie commtee cositute for the pMose is particults as umder

Name Shafi Muhammad.

Fathers Name Nalik Abdul Rehnan .
Tribe/Caste Khajjak
Village hajjank .
Born at

Employnnent Occupation
Mark of dentification A burt zark on nose.
V1l age khaj3ak, Tehe il/Diatr ict , 81bi.

Whether the ap
Rural or lrhan
belong to
ftie Distriet

Married/Single-Vidow/Widower : Married.
Nane of Wife/ushand

Name of the Childreu:

Fatina Bib1 (a) 20/3/2000.
Ler an Khan (Bon) 19/5/2002.

nistra ,

District Administrative Officer,
Ditrict Adatnistrative ONicar

Na l2ia2.DAOLC/Sib 06
Dated2 7 - o t n

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