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o Buy new land, to prepare for new projects.

VII.) SWOT Analysis:

The analysis (SWOT) of our field, real estate is given as follows:

a. Strengths
Market knowledge:

 Market knowledge is an important key in our sector, indeed, among the factors that
make us strong enough in the market is that we master the market at the end of our
fingers. Thus, we know well the expectations of our customers, and this through our
customer service which is very close and always listening to customers. These factors
allow us to be present enough in the market and to be aware of the expected
expectations of customers.
The offer of competitive prices:

 Price is often the most important competitive advantage. Indeed, according to the
various surveys carried out on this subject, the price factor is always at the top of
each consideration set when it is necessary to choose products or services. Rare,
customers who consider the quality component, comfort in their decision, their
decisions and choices are based primarily on the price factor. For this, our company
offers both very competitive prices with good quality accommodation.

Other strengths:
 Implement new technologies effectively.
 Weakening of competition.
 Reduced construction time
 Effective use of new forms of communication with customers
 International real estate strategy.

b. Weaknesses.

 High level of resistance and adaptation to change.

 Gaps in organizational leadership.
 Weakness in the construction trade
 Motivational issues in the model.
 Low levels in individual skills.
 Stress and difficulties in dealing with it.
 Gaps in training and social skills.
 Absence of organizational policies.

c. Opportunities

 Implement new technologies effectively in construction.

 Weakening of competition.

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