Dyn2 References

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‫بسمه تعالی‬

2 ‫مراجع درس ديناميک‬

)‫(ديناميک تخصصي‬

:‫مراجع اصلي‬

‫ مطالب درسي در كالس‬-1

1- Principles of Dynamics, Greenwood D.T., Prentice Hall Inc.,
2- Dynamics, 2nd Edition, S.I. version, J.L. Meriam, 1975.

:‫ساير مراجع‬
3- Advanced Dynamics, Modeling and Analysis, D’Souza A.F. & Garg V.K., Prentice Hall Inc.,
4- Advanced Engineering Dynamics, J.H. Ginsberg,
5- Analytical Dynamics, Haim Baruh,
6- An introduction to Mechanics, D. Kleppner and R.J. Kolenkow,
7- Engineering Mechanics, I.H. Shames,
8- Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics, R.C. Hibbeler,
9- Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, F.P. Beer and E.R.J. Johnston, Jr.,
،‫ دكتر نيكخواه بهرامی‬،‫ ديناميك برداري‬-10
11- Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, T.C. Huang,
12- Intermediate Dynamics, E.J. Haug,
13- Analytical Dynamics of Discrete systems, R.M. Rosenberg,
14- Classical Dynamics, D.T. Greenwood,
15- Classical Mechanics, H. Goldstein.

:‫مراجع كاربردي‬
1- Introduction to Robotics, John J. Craig,
2- Robotics: Basic Analysis and Design, W.A. Wolovich,
3- Robot Dynamics and Control, M.W. Spong, M. Vidyasagar,
4- Understanding Space, an Introduction to Astronautics, J.J. Sellers, 3rd Ed.,
5- Introduction to Space Dynamics, W. T. Thomson,
6- Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students, Curtis H.D., 2rd Ed.,
7- Spaceflight Dynamics, W.E. Wiesel, 2nd Ed.,
8- Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics, P.C. Hughes
9- The Dynamics of Flight: The Equations, J-L Boiffier,
10- Dynamics of Flight: Stability and Control, B. Etkin,
11- Flight Mechanics, A. Miele,
12- The Gyroscope: Theory and Applications, J.B. Scarborough,
13- Gyroscopes: Theory and Design, Edited by P.H. Savet,
14- Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, T.D. Gillespie,
15- Nonlinear Dynamics of a Wheeled Vehicle, R. Andrzejewski, J. Awrejcewicz.

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