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The Impact of Problematic Internet Use on the Self-esteem of

CCC Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period

A Research Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the 1st Semester in


Department of Education, Consolacion Community College

Bachelor of Elementary Education – General Education



Deseree Nicolle Cabildo

Mei Ann B. Cundiman

Chriscelle Anne T. Erauda

Jessa M. Povadora

Lowie Jay Remulta


Mr. Harris Arias

Chapter 1



Rationale of the Study

Internet use is one of the essential tools of our present-day society especially during the

COVID-19 pandemic period whose impact is seen on students such as increased use of the

internet because of implementing online classes that lets them have free easy and daily access

to the internet. Problematic internet use has become a global phenomenon that causes serious

problem to the affected individual leading to impairment in psychological well-being.

Using modern technologies is a common feature of today's world. As one of the most

widely used of these technologies in the modern world, the Internet is playing an increasingly

significant role in revolutionizing peoples' lives (Esmaili, Ahmad, & Khademi, 2014). Internet, a

double edge sword, which has made one's life easy and provides many positive benefits to

users by allowing them to obtain new information, knowledge, and even entertainment in the era

of global communication; and on the other hand its improper or excessive use can produce

many negative consequences. Its explosive growth in the last decade had a huge impact on

communication and interpersonal behaviour.

In fact, the relationship between Internet addiction and self-esteem has been discussed

in several studies (Greenberg, Lewis, & Dodd, 1999). In other studies, personality traits, self-

esteem and other psychiatric disorders were shown to be associated with Internet addiction

(Griffiths, 2000).

Theoretical Background of the Study

This study assumes that problematic internet use impacts the self-esteem of the students. This

is supported by the theory of


Theory 1
Theory 2

SOP variables

SOP variables

expected output

Fig.1. A Schematic Presentation of the Theoretical Background of the Study


Statement of the Problem

This research ascertains the impact of problematic internet use on the self-

esteem of CCC students during the COVID-19 pandemic period at Consolacion

Community College, Laray, Nangka, Consolacion during the SY. 2021- 2022 as bases
to propose “A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Inductive vs. Deductive Method of

Teaching Mother Tongue to Grade 3 Students of Polog Elementary School.”

Specifically, it answers the following sub-problems:

1. Using the Inductive and Deductive Method of teaching, what is the Grade 3

students Mother Tongue written examination result in:

1.1. Pre-test; and

1.2. Post-test?

2. Based on the result of both method, what teaching method is the most effective

to Grade 3 learners:

2.1. Inductive Method of Teaching; or

2.2. Deductive Method of Teaching?

3. Regarding the findings, how can the teachers deal with the efficiency of the

method they usually used to improve their students performance and

understanding in learning Mother Tongue after evaluating the finding of this


Null Hypothesis

H : There is a significant relationship between Problematic Internet Use and

Self-esteem of students.
H : There is a significant association of Problematic Internet Use, Selfesteem

of students with selected socio-personal Variables.

Significance of the Study

This study is beneficial to the following entities: _________ , _________ ,

__________ , _________ .

Entity 1 . _________________________________ . _________________

_____________________. __________________________________.

Entity 2 . _________________________________ . _________________

_____________________. __________________________________.

Entity 3 . _________________________________ . _________________

_____________________. __________________________________.

Entity 4 . _________________________________ . _________________

_____________________. __________________________________.

A quantitative type of research is being used in this study. We used this type of

research because we aim to find out if there is a significant relationship between

problematic internet use on the self-esteem of the students.

Research Design

A cross-sectional descriptive correlational survey design used.

Research Flow

The input includes:___________________________________________ .

______________________________. _________________________________

________________________. The process involves______________________.

________________________________. _______________________________.

The output of the Study is ______________________________________


Research Environment

The researchers purposively selected Consolacion Community College located in

Laray, Nangka, Consolacion as the research area of the study.


• Inclusion Criteria
R • Questtionnaires
C • Sociodemographic Data Test
• Internet Addiction Test
• State Self-Esteem Scale (SSES)


Fig.2. Flow of the Research Study

Fig.3. Location Map
Research Respondents

The researchers used a non-probability, convenient sampling to select students

from 1st year Bachelor of Elementary Education, and 100 students and participants were

taken for the study.

Table 1

Frequency Distribution of Respondents

Total Population % %

Respondents Male Female Male Female Total

BEED 1 – A 25 25 50

BEED 1 – B 25 25 50

Total 50 50 100

Research Instrument

1. Sociodemographic data sheet: A self-made, semi-structured, sociodemographic

data sheet was prepared to collect the participant's details.

2. Internet Addiction Test: The IAT, developed by Kimberly Young is a 20-item scale

that measures the presence and severity of Internet dependency. The scale is valid and

reliable with satisfactory internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha 0.84). This

questionnaire is scored on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 to 5. The marking for this
questionnaire ranges from 20 to 100, the higher the marks, the greater the dependence

on the Internet

3. State Self-Esteem Scale (SSES): It is a 20-item scale modified from the widely used

Janis-Field Feeling of inadequacy scale (Janis & Field, 1959I.L. Janis and PB Field,

1959) was designed specifically for measuring state self-esteem with items answered

on a 5-point scale – not at all to Extremely. Five of the items have positively worded

statements, and five have negatively worded ones. The scale includes three facets of

self-esteem: Appearance, Performance and Social measures. Coefficient Alpha for the

scale equals 0.92

Data-gathering Procedure

In the initial phase of the study, after receiving permission from the students, the

researcher sent a questionnaires using google forms, explained the purpose and

method of using the questionnaires, and also ensured the confidentiality of the data.

Informed consent was taken from the participants.

The subjects who met the inclusion criteria were recruited as the sample.

Inclusion criteria

• studying in CCC

• Obtained informed consent and assent

• Willing to participate in study

• Present at the time of data collection

Exclusion criteria

• Students who are diagnosed with any physical or psychological problems

Sociodemographic data sheet, Internet Addiction test and State selfesteem scale

to assess the baseline information, the level of internet addiction and self-esteem was

filled up by the participants. The subjects took approximately 30–40 min. Doubts if any

were cleared. After completion, the questionnaire was collected. Data was entered in

the excel and analysis was done using R software.

Statistical Treatment

Karl-Pearson coefficient indicated a significant negative correlation between self-

esteem and Internet addiction (r = −0.649 and p < 0.001).

Scoring Procedure

To give the performance rating, the following scoring is used:

Range of Score Category Verbal Description

3.26 – 4:00 Advanced Extremely good in

performing all the three

set competencies

2.51 – 3.25 Proficient Good in performing two

out of three


1.76 – 2.50 Developing Performs one out of

three competencies

1.00 – 1.75 Beginning Performs none of the

three competency.

To rate the level of acceptability, the following procedure is adopt5ed from

___(name of source)____ :

Range of Score Category Verbal Description

3.26 – 4:00 Strongly Agree Very positive toward


2.51 – 3.25 Agree Positive toward


1.76 – 2.50 Disagree Negative toward


1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree Very negative



To preclude ambiguity and uncertainly, the following terminologies are defined

Term 1


____________. ______________________________________________


Term 2

__________________________________. ________________________

__________________. __________________________. This includes the following

sub-concepts: _________, _________, and ________.

Cluster 1. __________________________________________________

_____________________. __________________________________________.


Cluster 2. __________________________________________________

_____________________. __________________________________________


Cluster 3. __________________________________ . ______________

_____________________. __________________________________________.

___________________________ . ___________________________________.
Term 3


____________. ______________________________________________


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