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Bull Volcanol (2015) 77:16

DOI 10.1007/s00445-014-0885-8


Kawah Ijen volcanic activity: a review

Corentin Caudron · Devy Kamil Syahbana ·
Thomas Lecocq · Vincent Van Hinsberg ·
Wendy McCausland · Antoine Triantafyllou ·
Thierry Camelbeeck · Alain Bernard · Surono

Received: 30 June 2014 / Accepted: 16 November 2014

© The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Kawah Ijen is a composite volcano located at the classifying seismic events and forecasting volcanic unrest at
easternmost part of Java island in Indonesia and hosts the Kawah Ijen, but only with the understanding of the charac-
largest natural acidic lake in the world. We have gathered teristics of this volcanic system gained from the historical
all available historical reports on Kawah Ijen’s activity since review presented here.
1770 with the purpose of reviewing the temporal evolu-
tion of its activity. Most of these observations and studies Keywords Review · Monitoring · Hyperacidic lake ·
have been conducted from a geochemical perspective and in Historical activity · Hydrothermal system
punctuated scientific campaigns. Starting in 1991, the seis-
mic activity and a set of volcanic lake parameters began to
be weekly available. We present a database of those mea- Introduction
surements that, combined with historical reports, allow us
to review each eruption/unrest that occurred during the last Kawah Ijen (2386 m) is a composite volcano located within
two centuries. As of 2010, the volcanic activity is monitored the Pleistocene Ijen Caldera, at the easternmost part of Java
by a new multi-disciplinary network, including digital seis- island, in Indonesia (Fig. 1). The visible superficial manifes-
mic stations, and lake level and temperature measurements. tations of the hydrothermal system of Kawah Ijen’s activity
This detailed monitoring provides an opportunity for better consist of the world’s largest hyperacidic lake on Earth

Editorial responsibility: G. Giordano

C. Caudron () · D. K. Syahbana · T. Lecocq · T. Camelbeeck D. K. Syahbana

Royal Observatory of Belgium, Seismology Section, Helmholtz Centre GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences,
3 avenue Circulaire, 1180 Uccle, Belgium Telegrafenberg, 14473 13 Potsdam, Germany

C. Caudron V. Van Hinsberg

Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill,
University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Block N2-01a-15, 3450 University St., Montreal, Quebec H3A 2A7, Canada
Singapore, 639798, Singapore

C. Caudron · D. K. Syahbana · A. Bernard W. McCausland

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, U.S. Geological Survey, Cascades Volcano Observatory,
Université Libre de Bruxelles, 50 Avenue Franklin 1300 SE Cardinal Ct. 100, Vancouver, WA 98683, USA
Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

D. K. Syahbana · Surono A. Triantafyllou

Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Department of Fundamental and Applied Geology,
Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Université de Mons, rue de Houdain, 9,
Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia 7000 Mons, Belgium
16 Page 2 of 39 Bull Volcanol (2015) 77:16

Fig. 1 Location of Kawah Ijen and tectonic settings of Java island (after Smyth et al. (2005) and Clements et al. (2009))

(V = 27 * 106 m3 , T > 30 ◦ C, pH < 0.3), a few ther- these with the reference online database (Global Volcan-
mal discharges and crater fumaroles (Delmelle et al. 2000) ism Program: The information
which produce significant amounts of native sulfur. Specific gathered here complements or corrects the one reported
dynamics and seismicity are triggered by the hydrothermal on the website to each unrest/eruptive event. The first
activity. The most recent magmatic eruption of the volcano objective of this study is to summarize the information
took place in 1817, but frequent phreatic and geyser-like provided in different language reports (i.e., Dutch, English,
activity have occurred since that time (Global Volcanism French, German, and Indonesian) into a single document
Program: in English. The second objective is to gather into a histor-
Knowledge of a volcano’s historical activity is a key ical database the scientific observations available since the
aspect to understand a volcano, but also to identify pre- volcano became continuously monitored. The unrest will
cursors of an eruption and thus enable hazard monitoring. be described with respect to the variables that were mon-
Unfortunately, the historical records for Kawah Ijen are itored and the database made available through WOVOdat
patchy, at best. Many of the reports and seismograms have ( The alert level scheme used cor-
been lost or disseminated over Indonesia. Despite these responds to the one established by CVGHM. The last part
frustrating losses, more than a thousand documents were of this study will present an overview of the background
recovered in the library of the Center for Volcanology and activity as observed during the last years by installing a new
Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM) in Bandung and at seismic network and immersing diver into the highly acidic
Kawah Ijen observatory, including technical reports, news- lake waters. These instruments significantly improve our
papers, and scientific publications. These archives contain knowledge of the volcanic background activity and, when
extensive information on the volcanic hydrothermal activ- complemented by the historical database, provide a baseline
ity over the last approximately 200 years. We compare to interpret future unrest/eruptions.
Bull Volcanol (2015) 77:16 Page 3 of 39 16

Volcanic settings The Ijen caldera complex formed during the Pleis-
tocene as a large stratovolcano. Caldera formation is not
Ijen caldera complex well constrained but occurred between 300,000 (youngest
dated pre-caldera deposit) and 50,000 (oldest dated post-
The Ijen caldera complex measures approximately 210 km2 caldera deposit) years ago (Sitorus 1990) through the col-
(18 km × 15 km, respectively E-W and N-S sections, lapse of this Old Ijen stratovolcano (Kemmerling 1921;
Fig. 2). Its name is linked to that of the only currently active Sitorus 1990). A non-volcanic structure then developed
volcano within the caldera, Kawah Ijen. Gunung Raung inside the caldera (van Bemmelen 1941), as a lake, which
(Fig. 2), a large stratovolcano on the western flank of the emptied ∼50,000 years ago owing to the fault systems that
Ijen caldera is usually considered not to be part of the cut the northern Kendeng caldera wall (Sundhoro (1990)
caldera complex. The caldera contains more than 15 post in (Pengembangan 2002), (Kemmerling 1921)) (Fig. 2).
caldera volcanic cones (Fig. 2). It is bounded to the north by The post-caldera volcanic centers comprise many sepa-
the crescent-shaped Kendeng caldera collapse remnant wall rate vents (Fig. 2). They are distributed in the southern
(named Old Ijen caldera rim in Fig. 2) and to the south by part of the caldera and are further divided on the basis
the post-caldera rim volcanoes Merapi, Ranteh, and Jampit of their geographical position within the complex (blue in
(Kemmerling 1921). The main hydrological features in the Fig. 2). The six caldera rim volcanoes (yellow in Fig. 2),
caldera are the Banyu Pahit acidic river which originates are dominantly composite cones: Ringghi, Jampit, Ranteh,
from the Kawah Ijen crater lake, and the neutral Kali Sat Pawenen, Merapi, and possibly Suket (Kemmerling 1921).
and Kali Senggon rivers draining the western and eastern Around 25,000 years ago, 13 intracaldera cinder cones
parts of the caldera, respectively. All rivers combine in the extending E-W from Mlaten to Kawah Ijen were active
north and leave the caldera through a canyon in the Kendeng (Sitorus 1990; Berlo 2001; Van Hinsberg et al. 2010b).
caldera rim (Fig. 2). This trend is aligned to the tectonic lineament identified by

Fig. 2 Ijen caldera past and active volcanic edifices and faultings. The Shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) product was used to draw
map is derived from a Landsat7 image (7th band greyscale) overlaid the contour lines. See text for details
by the colored Aster global digital elevation map (GDEM) product.
16 Page 4 of 39 Bull Volcanol (2015) 77:16

Carn (1999). Whereas the caldera rim volcanoes erupted (Fig. 3). This area was exposed as a result of a large phreato-
high-Ca magmas of basalt to basaltic-andesite composi- magmatic eruption that took place in 1817 (Junghuhn 1853;
tion, the intracaldera volcanoes erupted low-Ca magmas of Bosch 1858). The white to yellow fumes reach tempera-
basaltic-andesite to dacite composition. Their distinct posi- tures up to 600 ◦ C (Van Hinsberg et al. 2009). A complete
tion along with a distinct fractionation trends in Ca suggest description of the fumarolic field is given by Van Hinsberg
spatial variation in chemistry within the volcanic complex et al. (2010b). Although the onset of lake development and
that might be linked to sub-volcanic structure or different hyper acidification is unknown, historic reports of its exis-
reservoirs depths (Handley et al. 2007). tence were made in 1789 (Oudgast 1820), and the lake
was described in detail by Leschenault (de la Tour) (1858)
Kawah Ijen setting who visited the lake in 1805. Kawah Ijen’s volcanic lake
is currently the largest natural acidic lake in the world
Kawah Ijen is a basalt to dacitic composite volcano that sits and is characterized by an oxidized hyperacidic brine with
on the flank of the Merapi rim-volcano and forms the east- >100 g kg−1 of dissolved solids (Delmelle et al. 2000; Van
ernmost member of the intra-caldera volcano series (Van Hinsberg et al. 2010b). pH values of the lake during the
Hinsberg et al. 2010b). Kawah Ijen volcano is the only last 50 years have been consistently low (pH = 0–0.4). The
volcanic cone currently showing signs of activity. Kawah first detailed geochemical compositions of the lake were
Ijen’s unique structural position is also borne out by its published by Delmelle and Bernard (1994) and Delmelle
compositions, given that it has erupted both high-Ca and et al. (2000), although qualitative data on composition go
low-Ca magmas (Berlo 2001; Handley et al. 2007; Van back to 1805 (Leschenault (de la Tour) 1858). According
Hinsberg et al. 2010a). This indicates that Kawah Ijen is tap- to Takano et al. (2004), the lake is chemically homoge-
ping both the rim-volcano reservoir and intracaldera reser- neous in the water column excepting near the lake bottom.
voir. There is no evidence for physical mixing and migling The lake generally has a green color with floating yellow
(Berlo 2001). This implies separate magma pathways for deposits of sulphur spherules at the surface (Delmelle and
magmas erupted from these different reservoirs. Bernard 1994). Chemical modeling indicates the occurrence
The formation of the present-day Kawah Ijen struc- of molten sulphur at the lake bottom (Delmelle and Bernard
ture was controlled by several events: its formation on the 1994). The Banyu Pahit river emerges on the western flank
flank of Merapi volcano, resulting in the partial destruc- of the edifice (Fig. 3). The river composition, its spatial evo-
tion of Merapi’s cone (Junghuhn 1853), a cone build- lution, and alteration have been studied in detail (Delmelle
ing period (Kemmerling 1921; Sitorus 1990; Van Hins- and Bernard 2000; Palmer et al. 2011; Van Hinsberg et al.
berg et al. 2010a), and a destructive period inferred from 2010a).
hydrothermal, phreatic, and phreato-magmatic deposits cut-
ting into progressively lower stratigraphic levels of the
cone-building stage (Van Hinsberg et al. 2010a). This last Summary of the observations for the period 1789–1991
period when the breach in the western crater rim devel-
oped acted as the outflow channel for the crater lake during Historical data on Kawah Ijen and the Ijen volcanic com-
parts of the volcano’s history. The depression that devel- plex are intimately linked to the colonial history of this
oped in the crater as a result of the destructive phase part of Java. The Dutch occupied easternmost Java in 1770
allowed for the accumulation of meteoric water and thus (Leschenault (de la Tour) 1858) and established a fort at
the formation of a lake (Hengeveld 1920). The destructive Banyuwangi (22 km to the South East of Kawah Ijen).
phase of activity was not limited to phreatic and phreato- The interior of the Ijen caldera and Kawah Ijen volcano
magmatic eruptions, but includes extrusion of at least three were visited by the fort’s commander in 1789 (Oudgast
lava flows that flow towards the west and through the 1820), although native sulphur originating from Kawah Ijen
Banyu Pahit river valley (Kemmerling 1921; Sitorus 1990). had already been used for gunpowder manufacture from
These are interbedded with phreatic and phreato-magmatic 1786 (Bosch 1858). Following the transition to French rule,
deposits in exposures in the upper Banyu Pahit river valley Ijen was visited by Leschenault (de la Tour) in 1805, who
(Van Hinsberg et al. 2010a). provided a detailed report on Kawah Ijen (Leschenault (de
The magmatic-hydrothermal system of Kawah Ijen is la Tour) 1858). This is a key report because it is the only
extremely active and appears on the surface as actively scientific report that described the crater lake prior to its
degassing fumaroles, a large hyperacidic volcanic lake, and 1817 eruption. The 1817 eruption attracted a large num-
an acidic river discharged on the western flanks. ber of researchers to Kawah Ijen, and it was discussed in
On the SE flank, adjacent to the lake, there is a small detail by Junghuhn (1853) and Bosch (1858). From the
dome measuring approximately 100 m in diameter and 20 m 1850s until the independence of Indonesia, the Ijen system
in height, which is the locus of strong fumarolic activity was regularly visited by scientists and engineers commonly

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