4.0 - Writing 01 - 06

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Task 1

The given table depicts the quantity of cars produced in three area including Argentina,
Australia and Thailand among 2003, 2006 and 2009

Overall, there was an upward trend of the number of cars produced in Argentina, while the
opposite was true for that of Australia. Thailand took the lead in car manufacturing.

In 2003, around 235 thousand of car production in Argentina was manufactured, whilst that
of Australia increased by double. On contract, after three years, A dramatic rise occurred in
Argentina to 353 thousand, surpassing the figure for Australia. Additionally, the number of
cars manufactured still witnessed a downward trend of about 245 thousand, compared to a
significant jump in Argentina.

Turning to the remaining figure, the quantity of cars made in Thailand was in the first rank
and started at 736 thousand, followed by a sharp soaring in 2006 after a modest jump of
nearly 1000 in 2009.

Task 2

Many employers believe that social skills will be appreciated and of more value, while others
believe that soft skills have to go with high qualification. Although I agree with the importance
of social skills, an academic degree is comparably important.

Admittedly, Social skill, especially communication skill gives people a way to express ideas
which is definitely efficient for team work or presentation. To be more specific, it is a means
for people to express themself about their emotional insight or conveying requirements.
Therefore, this situation can lead to getting along and enhancing bonding with colleagues
which play an integral part, resulting in the work process increasing significantly.

Beside this, There are still myriad factors that employers appreciate in the recruitment
process. Education backgrounds can be a key factor for recent graduates who don’t have
social skills to be employed. As a result, many careers don’t need interpersonal skills, while
Academic qualification is an essential prerequisite to apply for a job. Additionally, Degrees or
higher education can play a vital role in competing on the job market, resulting in being a
basis to climb the corporate ladder. Furthermore, working can require more specific
knowledge and expertise which would be extremely efficient for engineers or designers. For
instance, To be an engineer, we must have profound skill or knowledge in math, technology,
or even electrical, while designing requires drawing, meticulous and creative.

In conclusion, although social skill is one of the standards of approval, an advanced degree
is dispensable in hiring by employers.
Quỳnh Như

The chart illustrates the number of cars produced in Argentina, Australia, and Thailand in the
years 2003, 2006, and 2009.

Overall, Argentina and Thailand experienced increases in the production of cars, while
Australia decreased over the period. Thailand accounted for the highest proportion of cars
produced in 2003, 2006, and 2009.

It is clear from the chart that Thailand produced approximately 735,000 cars, three times that
of Argentina, and rose to around 1 million after three years, while Argentina produced
around 235,000 and it rose to 350,000 thousand in 2006.

In the year 2009, Thailand was still the highest of the three countries in car production which
accounted for 1 million, while Argentina rose moderately to 466,000. Australia was the
country that fell significantly over the period. In 2003, it was 450,000, but in 2006, it
decreased to 460,000, and in 2009, it fell to 245,000.

Task 2

It is often argued that having good qualifications helps you to have opportunities in applying
for jobs. Although I agree that good qualifications play an important role in a job's success, I
simultaneously believe that social skills are also crucial for future careers.

To begin with, one of the social skills is communication skills. A person who can
communicate well can express their ideas to others, which helps their co-workers in
teamwork and presentation because their diverse opinions may contribute and develop to
the work. Additionally, being well communicative can convey an individual’s requirements,
they know how to transmit their ideas so people can understand their requirements, and
communicators may build relationships with others. Furthermore, communicating well may
help people to have educational backgrounds for their future jobs, they can have some
essential measurements, and certifications and they know how to deal with issues and solve
them in a fast way.

Another point to consider is that having good qualifications is comparable important in jobs.
Well-qualified people have specific knowledge and expertise, knowledge helps people
increase their understanding of life which they can apply to studies as well as work, some
typical jobs need wide knowledge such as engineering, doctor, and so on. Moreover, good
qualifications let people have higher diplomas, this is also the employers’ criteria to evaluate
whether the candidate is suitable or not. As a result, people with highly specialized and well-
trained qualifications can be the priority for employers.

In conclusion, I believe that there are real merits on both sides of the argument, social skills
play an important role in getting good future careers, while good qualifications are also
comparably important in getting a job.
Ngan Khanh
Today, social skills are often the most important employers. I agree to point out that social
skills are extremely important to succeed at work, but, let’s not forget that good qualifications
are also essential.

One of the strongest arguments for social skills is that people can use it to form a
community communication skill in a fluent way. To illustrate, take an example, the most
visible social kinetic energy is communication skills. A person with good social skills can
always perform well in expressing his or her personal opinion. They can express their
feelings or speak out personally for everyone to understand in presentations or teamwork.
Since then the quality of work has not increased but they have also succeeded in using their
community communication skills. Besides, people with good social skills can express their
opinions and personal feelings in a work project. To be more specific, it is always easy to
convey their requests to others and personal desires to collaborate and build relationships at
work from which the job can become more favorable.

Another strong argument for the need for good qualifications is that people can be
appreciated at work. That is to say, take an example, an architect or a doctor has his own
knowledge of his expertise, but how trust and qualifications are, they are assessed through
the qualifications they gain. To cure a disease or design a home they all need the thorough
knowledge they have learned to do so but they get to do their job whether or not you rely on
the experience and expertise that your predecessors pass on to get the job done. In fact,
others who trust you or not have to look through your degree. Otherwise, the fact that you
have a good degree has just assessed you as a person with good ability to get the job done
and confirm the education you are affected leads to you not only assigned special projects
but also get a raise and promotion thanks to those academic qualifications.

In conclusion, employers who place more emphasis on social skills are essential. But I
believe that the fact that we both have social skills and have good qualifications is the best
choice because both are important in creating success in your work.
Hai Dang
Task 1

The table illustrates thousands of cars produced in Argentina, Thailand and Australia in 2003,
2006 and 2009.

Overall, the number of cars in Argentina had an upward trend over the period while cars in
Australia fluctuated then decreased, in addition, Thailand is the country which produced the
most cars in three years.

In 2003, Thailand made more 500000 cars than Argentina. Additionally, these two countries
both had an increase in 2006, about 350000 cars were produced in Argentina while nearly
quadruple less than that of Thailand.

In 2009, cars made in Argentina continued to increase from about 350000 to nearly 470000
while the number of cars in Thailand had a slight decrease about 160000 cars. Moreover, cars
produced in Australia experienced from around 450000 to about 245000 in three years.

Task 2

I agree up to the point that these days social skills are more important than good
qualifications and it's also focused by many companies or employers; however, let’s not
forget that good qualifications are also comparative.

To begin with, I believe that social skills are interested by many people and more crucial than
good qualification. The first and foremost, social skills can express style of people in the
society, its can help them have good communication or good idea can also be spreaded out
during teamwork, presentations or discussions. Moreover, it is also a means for people to
express themselves in the community. Additionally, social skills are also an emotional insight
which impress people and that can help them get along, build relationship or enhance
bonding, therefore, teamwork play a vital role in workplace.

Another point to consider is that academic qualifications include education background and
specific knowledge. Firstly, an education background can help you be more competitive in
the job market, then you can have a degree or certificate, therefore, companies will notice you
then you can easily get employed. Moreover, an education background can also help you
climb the corporate ladder while working for that company. Secondly, specific knowledge
and expertise can help you in the test that is given during learning for jobs like engineer,
designer or doctor, it can help you experience more profound knowledge.

In conclusion, although I agree that most employees nowadays put an increase on social skills
and it's also more important than academic qualifications to succeed, I think it depends on a
job when employers hire any person.
Minh Hoang

It is often argued that social skill is the only way to succeed in business. I believe that social
proficiency is important but good qualification is also comparably essential.

To begin with, it is understandable why many people choose communication skills over
degrees. First, with good social skills, employees can easily express their ideas and opinions
themself. As a result, other people will be able to catch up with the content of the
presentation. Moreover, these people can also get along with their colleagues. For example,
when a colleague is struggling with something, they will help them with some encouraging
words and help them to find a solution. Due to this, people who have impressive
interpersonal skills and the capacity for collaboration are more likely to get on well with their
coworkers and have a better performance at work.

Another point to consider is that good qualification plays a vital role in recruitment. Some
jobs do not require any social skills, however, other factors such as experience and
knowledge should be considered when hiring employees. People with good educational
backgrounds can be employed easily. Moreover, they will have a higher chance in getting
raised and climbing the corporate ladder. Only good qualification is not enough in order to
achieve the optimum goals. Qualification includes specific knowledge and expertise should
be easier for them when handling assignments. For example, when an engineer wants to
finish his given assignment, there is a need for profound knowledge in order to complete it.
Without technical knowledge, these people stand no chance in getting hired.

In conclusion, social skills are very important and should be taken into account while
recruiting. However, good degree is also indispensable in a working environment.
Dinh Anh
Task 1
The graph gives data about the number of cars that were produced in Argentina, Australia,
Thailand in 2003, 2006, and 2009.
Overall, while the production of cars in Argentina witnessed an upward trend in the three
years, the opposite was true for Australia. Moreover, the number of cars produced in
Thailand was the highest throughout the survey.
In 2003, it’s clear that the largest number of cars was produced in Thailand with
approximately 735 thousand, while the figures for Argentina were the least with about three
times less than that. The number of cars made in Argentina moderately rose to about half a
million at the end of the survey, while that of Thailand experienced a slight fall of about 150
thousand to nearly a million after reaching the peak in 2006.
Moreover, the figures for Australia experienced a steady decrease from about 450 thousand
to more than half of that in 2009

Task 2
Among employers, it’s often contended that interpersonal skills are important to be taken into
consideration besides academic qualifications. I agree up to the point that social skills play a
vital role in job success, however, expertise can be comparably essential.
To begin with, there are apparently some advantages that social skills can give us. Firstly,
good communication skills can be a means for expressing ourselves and controlling our
emotions. To be more specific, with the help of them, not only can we be able to put our
ideas across, resulting in the effectiveness of our presentations or group work, but they can
also convey our requirements in given tasks, which can mitigate miscommunication.
Moreover, good soft skills provide us with emotional insight, which can help us
psychologically impress others. Therefore, it’s capable for us to build relationships, resulting
in co-operations and bonds among workers in a company.
However, educational background can also be an essential measurement for job success.
Firstly, it’s undeniable among employers that the prerequisites for getting employed are
certificates and qualifications. For example, with good academic degrees, a person can be
more competitive in the job market, which results in a higher chance of getting a job. In
addition, good qualifications can also be a basis for claiming a cooperative letter. Moreover,
as good academic certificates can represent one’s specific knowledge and expertise, they
can show their suitability and effectiveness when working in a particular job with given tasks.
For example, as an architect, when there is the need of designing a house, they must take
full advantage of their profound knowledge of architecture.
In conclusion, I believe that both social skills and educational background are necessary for
job success.

In recent years, employers from all types of companies are valuing social skills more than
academic qualifications, but some say that having a good degree is enough to gain success.
I agree up to the point that social skills are important in the work environment, however,
academic qualities are as equally important as the former.

To begin with, I believe that with good social skills, people will communicate and get along
with others in a new work environment better alongside with being able to bond and network
more efficiently so as to climb the corporate ladder easier. On top of that, those with
excellent social skills can express themselves more openly and understandable in order to
convey ideas smoothly such as during teamwork presentations and business meetings, and
due to teamwork and cooperation being one of the most integral aspect of a company’s
system, ultimately leading to good people skills being the most sought-after talent.
Furthermore, social skills can come in handy during public presses that can help raise the
popularity of a company.

There still remain strong arguments supporting the importance of credible degrees. Firstly,
academic abilities can be measured and it acts as a prerequisite for the more competitive
jobs in the market such as engineers, ITs, etc. as diplomas for those jobs can be very hard
to obtain due to the deep knowledge and expertise required . Moreover, having a good
educational background not only helps work get done more efficiently but those with it can
have it as a basis to climb the corporate ladder.

In conclusion, although social skills are a necessity in the workplace, it will continue to be the
case. However, we can not forget the importance of having a good academic background

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