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Sustainable Development of Human Resources in Britannia, San

Agustin Surigao del Sur

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Chapter 1: Background of the Study


Human resources have a great impact to every business. They are the one who manages the

employee’s life cycle and they are the one who is responsible for all things worker-related. But, have

you ever considered why humans are considered a resource? This is because humans have an ability

to transform gifts from nature into valuable resources that can be utilized for useful purposes. 

Human resources (HR) are the umbrella term used to describe the management and development of

employees in an organization. Ultimately, it’s all about increasing employee performance, according

to Laura Sands (2022).

Human Resources (HR) on the other hand play significant role in ensuring the success or

otherwise of an organization. The growth and expansion at organizational level would eventually

translate to economic growth at the macro-economic level, therefore, the significant role of

education in Human Resources Development (HRD) needed for the desired growth and development

cannot be over emphasized. It is in this perspective that Adeniyi (1995:217) observe that an

important aspect of Human Resources Management (HRM) which is often neglected today is Staff

Training and Development (ST & D), and in the opinion of Ejiogu (1990:140) what seems to be

valid for most educational system is that the policies which govern the recruitment and training of

administrative and supervisory personnel are seldom clearly outlined and tend to be vague and

general, those which are clear and precise form the exception.

According to David N. Weil, the author of Economic Growth, he expressed that there are big

differences of human capital on the income per capital. As many economists accepted, a business

that has large amount of human capital has the potential and capacity to produce more products and

increase income per capita. Therefore, a business must need to develop and improve the quality of its

human capital. “The accumulation of human capital and the impact of human capital on production

are closely analogous to the situation with physical capital or natural resource” (Weil 2009, 180).
This means that the accumulation of natural resources and human resources are basic requirement for

economic development.

Hence, human resources should be considered from the angle of assets as well as the

responsibilities associated with achieving economic development. In order to reach the economic

welfare, it is needed to have natural and human capital management.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Human Resources Management (HRM) refers to those activities involved in acquiring,

developing and maintaining creative and productive efforts in Organization (Castellar 1971) cited in

Ejiogu (2001). While, the Institute of Personnel Management, UK describes HRM as bringing

closely together all the men and women who make up the organization and ensuring that each of

them make his or her best contribution to the successful achievement of the organization’s


HRM also encompasses the Planning of Employment Needs, Recruitment, Selection,

Training and development of capable employees and placing them in productive work environments

and rewarding their performance. Mosley et al, (1996 & Anyim et al, (2001) describes management

of HR as complex and problematic because the individuals as workers hardly adapt or voluntarily

embrace organizations. As individuals, the employees have needs aspirations, motivation, desires

and interest which influence their behavior at work but unfortunately these objectives sometimes

come in conflict with corporate objectives of an enterprise. In reconciling this conflicting interest

human resources management and planning are useful tools employed in harmonizing those needs of

the employees with the goals and objectives of the organization on a continuous basis while human

resources development (HRD) is an all-encompassing activities aimed at improving the quality

(productivity) of the human resources (people) over a relatively long period of time; and Human

Resources Management and development (HRM&D) is all about providing the right quality of

manpower needed to ensure increased organization productivity and economic growth at the
macroeconomic level and the expected role of education (training) at ensuring high quality


Statement of the Problem

The objective of this study is to create a great impact to a sustainable development of human

resources in Britannia, San Agustin Surigao del Sur.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. What are the roles of human resources to have a sustainable development in Britannia,

San Agustin Surigao del Sur,

2. What are the impacts of human resources that affects the sustainable development of

Britannia, San Agustin Surigao del Sur, and

3. What are the positive reinforcement of a sustainable development of human resources in

Britannia, San Agustin Surigao del Sur?

Significance of the Study

The study will provide new insight to the following group of individuals or entity:

To the LGU-San Agustin Officials. This study will give them enough information with

respect to the sustainable development of human resources. Furthermore, it will help them to create

plans and proposals that strengthen and support human resources for the benefit of locals.

To the Resort Owners and Administrator. This study will provide them information about

sustainable development of human resources which can encourage them to provide and create new

activities that will help them develop sustainability.

To the Community. This study will help them informed in the importance of a sustainable

development in connection to human resources.

To the Future Researchers. The study will give information and opportunity in tourism

industry and hospitality management. Also, it will help them understand the impact of a sustainable

development to human resources.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focuses on determining the impact of human resources that affects the economic

development of La Entrada Resort in Britannia, San Agustin Surigao del Sur. Meanwhile, it will deal

on the motivation of the tourism in visiting the islands of Britannia.

Definition of Terms

Economic Development

- the process whereby simple, low-income national economies are transformed into modern

industrial economies. Although the term is sometimes used as a synonym for economic

growth, generally it is employed to describe a change in a country’s economy involving

qualitative as well as quantitative improvements. ( Britannica dictionary)

Human Resource

- the company department charged with finding, screening, recruiting, and training job

applicants, as well as administering benefits. (

Human Resources Development (HRD)

- training and development involve improving the effectiveness of organizations and the

individuals and teams within them. (wikipedia)

Human Resources Management (HRM)

- the strategic approach to the effective and efficient management of people in a company or

organization such that they help their business gain a competitive advantage. It is designed to

maximize employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives. (wikipedia)

Staff Training and Development (ST & D)

- Staff Training and Development or Employee training and development are terms often used

interchangeably, across sectors, and encompass various employee learning practices. More

specifically, employee training involves programs that enable employees to learn precise

skills or gain knowledge to improve job performance. (



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