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UCP Canvasser Program

Week 5 Report
April 25th, 2023
Reporting Metrics

Metrics Week 5

Hours Executed 93

Doors Knocked 2438

Literature Distributed 638

Signs Registered 33

• The team knocked on 2,969 less doors than last week, a decrease of 54%. The team did decrease the number of doors
knocked because we were transitioning into the extension. By Wednesday, all hours were fulfilled.

• We will complete 550 hours in Calgary and Edmonton combined by April 30th.

© 2 0 2 3 Br a n d Mo m e n t u m | P r o p r i e t a r y a n d C o n fi d e n t i a l
1. Canvassing: The team pushed through and completed all hours required of the
1200 and began working into the extension period.

2. Door Knocked Throughput: The team managed to complete 5 plus polls last
week in Calgary and Edmonton team began a new poll in ST. Albert

3. Poll Manager Briefing: We began work with new poll managers in Calgary
and Edmonton, both were pleased by our teams' efforts and work ethic.

4. Mapping: Mapping was handy this week as the polls were not a prefect grid as
well there were many homes we did not have to cover as they were already
contacted and identified as supporters.

5. Signs: The areas we were in showed an uptick in Sign requests. They love UCP in

© 2 0 2 3 Br a n d Mo m e n t u m | P r o p r i e t a r y a n d C o n fi d e n t i a l
Key Learning
Polling Location Feedback

• Calgary –Elbow is a very hilly area with steep terrain. It is an affluent area with large massive properties
which take a while to get from one door to the next, this reduced our door knocking rate. But the area
love s UCP.


• The weather was up and down, like Aberta is known for, we had sunny parts of a day and then
suddenly rain. Overall, the weather held up ad we were able to canvass the whole week.

Repeating Polls

• The start of the week had many repeating polls, and many homes were already represented in C2G app.
We pulled together as a team and finished off all the remaining houses. In some cases, there were only
a few homes left to door-knock, which brought our overall numbers down., but we finished the poll

© 2 0 2 3 Br a n d Mo m e n t u m | P r o p r i e t a r y a n d C o n fi d e n t i a l
Voter Comments

The UCP looks after its friends in business more than the working public affected by the hail damage

Annoyed that they haven’t had representation in over 6 months in this area and is not voting UCP because of it.

Not sure who to vote for, if only Danielle would stop putting her foot in her mouth, she is not helping the cause .

Said they like Chris, and he would have been a contender for their vote, but it comes down to the UCP's leader, Danielle Smith and they just don't like her and
are worried her ideas are detrimental to the party. .

Absolutely can count on their support! She even called her husband to ask about getting a sign.

Most of the undecided folks at the door are either still doing their research or site that they usually vote UCP and like Prasad, but just feel like they can't
trust Danielle Smith. Some contacts have told me that they have always voted UCP, but due to Danielle Smith will not be voting at all.

© 2 0 2 3 Br a n d Mo m e n t u m | P r o p r i e t a r y a n d C o n fi d e n t i a l
© Br and Momentum| Pr opr ietar y and Conf idential 7
Reporting Metrics - Daily

Metrics Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

Hours Executed 59 8.5 14 42 18 15

Doors Knocked 1086 163 176 498 158 357

362 12 127 325 199 223

Signs Registered 10 2 3 7 0 11

© 2 0 2 3 Br a n d Mo m e n t u m | P r o p r i e t a r y a n d C o n fi d e n t i a l
Reporting Metrics - Overall

Metrics Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Hours Executed 268 306 218 337 93

Doors Knocked 4,899 5,587 4,337 5407 2438

Literature Distributed 3,255 3,591 2,505 2982 638

Signs Registered 66 33 30 23 33

© 2 0 2 3 Br a n d Mo m e n t u m | P r o p r i e t a r y a n d C o n fi d e n t i a l

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