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This guide will explain how to use C2G for door-to-door canvassing.

Important Notes:
• If you have any questions, please get in touch with your volunteer coordinator or campaign
• The purpose of this document is to explain how to use C2G. Ask your campaign
manager for scripts and additional information you may need.
• Your campaign needs to set up an account before you can log in.
• The information you enter into C2G is automatically entered into the campaign’s
database, be as accurate and concise as possible.

Step 1: Download C2G

• Go to your App Store or Google Play Store.
• Search “C2G” in the search section.
• You should see “C2G – Federal
Step 2: Open C2G
• Open the app and select “Change”.
• Here you will need to update the server.

Step 3: Change the Server

• On your C2G you will only see C2G Federal
• Select “Add” to change the server

Step 4: Server
• Select the PC2G Server
Step 5: Server Slug
• In the Server Slug, type in
• Login with your email and
the password that you set
• Tap “Connect” when you
have finished

Step 6: The Dashboard

• When you log in - your dashboard will indicate
your riding, your activities and upcoming scheduled
• When you would like to begin a campaign
select the campaign to “sign-up”.
• This will bring you to the signup page.

Step 7: Sign Up for the Activity

• On this screen, select the green “Sign Up”
button to sign up for this activity.
Step 8: Begin Canvass
• After you have signed up, you can begin
the canvass by selecting the grey
“Canvass” button
• Please note that as a volunteer all the
information that you view or enter is

Step 9: Street Profile

• After selecting the grey canvass button,
your screen will display all the streets within
your canvass.
• Select the house you are at to canvass.
Step 10: Canvass Profile
• After selecting the house you are at, the
next screen will display the individuals that
Elections Alberta tells us, lives at that house.
• Sometimes the person who answers the door
is no longer at the house, and that’s fine.
• Below describes how to mark someone as
moved and add a new person to the home.

Step 11: Opening Voter Profile

1. Select the circle (iPhone) or square (Android) next to the person’s name to open their voter
Step 12: Voter Profile
1. “Add Person” – If you would like to add another person from the household click here to add
others to mark their support.
2. “More Info” – Select this option to add additional info seen below.
3. “i” – select this option to confirm address and other personal info
4. “No-phone-“ Enter/update their phone number – if they have a number to populate here.
5. “-No email-“ – Enter/update their email address – if they have an email it will populate here.
6. “Support” – Select the happy smiley face for support, middle neutral for undecided, and far
right frowny face for non-supporter.
7. “Wants Sign?” – Click this audio button to indicate if they would like a lawn sign.
8. “General Comment”- Enter general comments that the campaign can access to update the voter
Step 13: (Optional) More Info

1. “Moved” – To mark the individual as moved.

2. “Deceased” – To mark the individual as deceased.
3. “Support” – Found on the profile by default.
4. “Sign” – Found on the profile by default
5. “Do Not Contact” – to mark as do not contact.
6. “General Comment” – See the above description.
7. “Phones” – To update their phone number.
8. “Email” – to update their email.
9. “Ride” – to indicate if they need a ride to the polls.
10. “Volunteer” - to indicate if they would like to volunteer.

When you have selected an option to update, you must
select the “+” button on the far left to add it to the
general voter information screen.
Example below.
Step 14: Add more info to riding profile
Add more information to the voter screen:

If the individual indicates that they would like to volunteer, update their phone number, mark as
deceased, or request a ride, etc. – select the option you would like to include (1), then press the plus
sign (2).
In this example – Janyce would like to volunteer. Select Volunteer, then the “+”:

Follow the steps 1 – 2 in order to select the

options in more info to add it to a riding profile.

Step 15: More info Added:

• You will see that volunteer has now been added to the

Step 16: Marking someone as moved:

• Following the same process is step 14 – when you
select and mark someone as moved, you have the
option to add a new person to the home.
• To add someone into the household
select “Add Person”
Step 17: Add Person
• After selecting “Add Person” you will see the
screen you were on before.
• To add someone new to the household, select
“create new:

Step 18: Add Personal Details

• Enter in the new personal details,
to add that person to the home.
• You are required to add the first name and
the last name at a minimum.
• After you enter the details, select “Close”
Step 19: Person added
• You will see after you select “close”, you will see
that the new person is added to the household.
Step 20: Submission
• After you have entered all the information you
needed, please select “submit”.
• After you submit, repeat for the next

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