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Physical Education

and Health
by Galeria, Matt Yron Z.

"Worth the wait, totally"

- Critic who is in no way biased, can't promise though
PE & H Project

10 tips
dancing! Tip # 1: Before Dancing

Stretch and Warm Up!

Stretching and Warm-Ups are essential for the proper functioning
of your muscles and joints, enabling you to utilize the full range of
motion for your limbs, neck, and hips as well as empower your
muscles to perform explosive and quick movements.
10 tips
dancing! Tip # 2: Before Dancing

Make time for Dance!

People say ten thousand hours is what it takes to become an
expert in a field. While there is no way you can spend 10,000 hours
straight dancing, you can accumulate hours of practice if you make
time for dance similar to a hobby, or like a duty, if you intend it to
be your passion.
10 tips
dancing! Tip # 3: Before Dancing
Camisa de Chino for Contemporary Dance Style

Round frame glasses for Academia Aesthetic

Wear proper clothes!

Comfortable Pants for scrape protection People also say "the clothes make the man", though Meiosis,
Fertilization, your mother or God would say otherwise, wearing
clothing that is appropriate for your audience, protects your limbs
from damage, or gives you extra style points can make a huge
Rubber shoes to avoid slipping
10 tips
dancing! Tip # 4: During Dance

Dance with the Best!

While the best at Dance, an art form, can be a subjective matter,
one can dance with people more learned in dance to get better.
Not only will you dance with someone incredibly competent,
making the routine look awesome, but you'll also be able to learn a
thing or two about their techniques, especially regarding learning a
choreography or making your own.
10 tips
dancing! Tip # 5: During Dance

Technique, Technique Technique!

To dance, it is not nearly as simple as making or copying the
choreography of the dance, there are many nuances in the
movements of a dance, and in different styles of dance, ideal,
almost perfect technique is required. In short, make technique a
10 tips
dancing! Tip # 6: During Dance

All of you! The mind's eye

In weight training, there exists an emphasis on "mind-muscle
connection", where muscles are better trained when they move in
the optimal way, i.e., exactly the way the mind envisions the
movement. The same can be applied to dance, when one can
visualize what the body needs to do, the rest of you will follow
10 tips
dancing! Tip # 7: During Dance

All of you! The mind's eye

In weight training, there exists an emphasis on "mind-muscle
connection", where muscles are better trained when they move in
the optimal way, i.e., exactly the way the mind envisions the
movement. The same can be applied to dance, when one can
visualize what the body needs to do, the rest of you will follow
10 tips
dancing! Tip # 8: During Dance

Keep yourself in good condition

Dance can often be taxing, arduous and tiring, but we, as dancers
who care about our bodies, must be careful of our own physical
and mental states. The road to becoming better not only entails
lots of practice, but sustainable rest as well.
10 tips
dancing! Tip # 9: After Dance

Don't forget the cooldown!

After a hard session, don't you just want to lie down on your bed?
Though its very tempting, you should do a cool down first. Cool
downs are essential for transitioning back from a heightened state
due to activity, to your stable resting state in a way that is
controlled (to an extent) and safe for your short term and long
term health.
10 tips
dancing! Tip # 10: After Dance

Break through personal barriers

If you're ever like me, you may have been a very nervous and
hesitant novice dancer. If this is you right now, and you thoroughly
enjoyed your dance like myself in this project, but have always
though you weren't built to be a dancer, please reconsider. Dance
is a very good way to not only exercise our physical body, but also
enrich our mind and soul. Unlike singing, anyone can be able to
learn dance, it is in knowing our personal limits, breaking them or
adjusting to them appropriately is how we can truly benefit from
Dance Steps
Basic (arm movement)
The Wave/Waving (arms and legs)
T-Pose/Horizontal Arm Extension
Knee Raises
Puppet Style/Puppet Dancing
Popping Up next: Practice Timelapse

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