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The garden of the doctor’s stelae is a significant section of the relic.

In the
center of the garden is a large square-shaped wells of Thien Quang. The ancient
well is surrounded by a brick banister, and has two brick stairs in the East and
West. The well is full of pure water all year round.

To the sides of the wall, to the East and West, are two rows of doctoral beer.
The first stelae erected in 1484 under Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty. It’s aimed not
only to honor talented people, but also to encourage contemporary and future
generations in education. The stelaes are erected over a period of 300 years

One special thing about this place is that there are 82 Doctors' stone tablets.
They are tombstones with names and origins of 1304 doctors placed on the
backs of stone tortoises.

In 1994, eight lines of shelter houses were constructed to protect these stelae.
These houses have wooden frames and shoe-shaped tied roofs. Because they
are not very large; they are in harmony with Constellation of Literature
pavilion and Well of Heavenly Clarity, creating harmonious harmony for the
whole Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam relic.

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