Teacher - S Day

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2012 EPIK Episode 1

“Teacher’s Day” (Memorable Experience)

Son Ha (Hwarang Middle School)

The most memorable experience at school came during a time which I am sure is
very memorable for most GETs. I am talking about Teacher’s Day. On that morning I had
completely forgot that it was a special day. I proceeded with my normal routine of going
down to the teacher’s office and making myself a “Maxim” coffee, using two packets because
one never does the trick. Suddenly, a student came in and presented me with a boutonniere.
The last time I received one of these was from my date before going to a high school dance.
Needless to say, it came as a pleasant surprise. The fact that a male student made it for me and
insisted on pinning it on my shirt made the matter even more unique.
So I am walking down the hallway, on my way to the English classroom, and feeling
very proud of receiving a boutonniere from a student. It felt like it validated my hard work
and sincerity. Other teachers and students took notice as I walked and seem very happy for me.
When I got into my room a student walked in and gave me a special card that she wrote along
with small bottle of orange juice. Throughout the day I receive numerous cards and gifts. Bar
soap, vitamin C drinks and candy just to name a few. In America, where I am from, it is not
very common for teachers to receive anything for Teacher’s Day. On rare cases a teacher
might receive a card and an apple, but that would usually only come from the “outstanding”
student. In this case, I was receiving gifts from students that I thought were not very fond of
my class.
Towards the end of the school day I had a free period so I was just working on next
week’s lesson plan. I thought that all the surprises have been revealed and all that was left was
to go home and brag to my friends about how awesome my students are. I was wrong. The
English Newspaper Club meets in my classroom once a week during 6th period. That day they
came scurrying in my classroom as usual but instead of doing their normal activities they
decided to clean up my classroom. They all grabbed push brooms, dust pans, vacuums and
rags and proceeded to happily clean. I never had seen such a sight. It was the most memorable
day in Korea thus far. I think that all GETs need days like those to be reminded on why we are
here and how wonderful Korean students can be.
2012 EPIK Episode 2

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