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Commission on Higher Education

Region 2
CHED Regional Office
Garita, Cabagan Isabela


January 20, 2023

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. shows mastery of the history of juices;
b. name and differentiate the types of juices;
c. study the different kinds of juices; and
d. perform the actual production of fruit or vegetable juices.

The learners demonstrate understanding in the different types of juices.
The learners will group into four (4) and prepare their own fruit or vegetable juice.
Identify the different types of juices.

Different Types of Juices


A. Reference: Juices ( Lesson 23- Book of Beverage Knowledge)

Teachers Guide: Competency Based Curriculum

Learners guide: Juices ( Lesson 23- Book of Beverage Knowledge)
Textbook Pages: pp. 233-242

B. Instructional Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, Visual aids, Cartolina, Printed pictures,
Fruits and vegetables, Blender, Strainer, Spoon, Glasses, Knife.

C. Value Focus: To make healthy juices from fruits and vegetables.


Teachers Activity Students Activity

Checking of attendance

Good morning, Class! Good morning too, Ma’am!

How’s everybody class? We’re good Ma’am!
I’m glad to hear that!

Let us all stand and feel the presence of the

Miss Nyca, please lead the prayer. Yes Ma’am! (Prayer)
Thank you!

Again, Good Morning class! You may now take

your sit.

May I know who is absent today? None ma’am!

Okay, good to hear that!

Class, we have a new reading under the

Principles of Food Preparation today, but we'll
do an activity first before diving into our main
Yes Ma’am!
Are you excited class?

Okay, I will group you into 4.

(1,2,3, 4....1,2,3,4…..1,2,3,4)
Please go to your respective groups and let
me read the Instruction first.

The title of the game is “Fix me: I’m

The goal of the game is to identify the
appropriate group to which these images
belong by having two representatives from
each group. The direction of this game is to
identify what is the name of these juices and
classify them whether they are included under
Fruit juice or Vegetable juice.

Take note: The group that scored the highest

will earn a reward. A penalty will be applied to
the side with the lowest score and call for a
draw will be given to a group with scores
between the highest and the lowest.

Is that clear class?

Yes Ma’am!
I will give you 2 minutes to help each other
before each representative puts the picture
on the cardboard.

All right, may I now request each

representative to please come forward and
draw from the pictures that I provided here.

I will give you 2mins to put the pictures in

their respective classifications based on your

You may now start class.

Okay class, Times up!

Now, let’s check your answers.


Wow, great job class!

I appreciate your actively participation in our

Now, Let’s jump to our new topic which is all

about Juices.

So class, What comes to your mind when you

hear the word Juices?
( Students raised his/her right hand )
Yes Ms.?
( Students answer may vary )
Wow, That’s great idea Ms.!

Okay, Let’s discuss the History of Juices first.

Can you read the first bullet Ms. Layugan .
1930- The Norwalk Juicer, the worlds’ first living
So it says here class that in 1930 Dr Norman juicer was invented by Dr. Norman Walker.
walker was created the Norwalk juicer or the
Machine. because he believes that colon
cleansing with fresh juices was the key to
good health.

Kindly read the second bullet Ms. Azcueta.

1954- Champion Juicer, the worlds’ first
masticating juicer, was invented. The champion
juices almost every type of vegetable, even leafy
In 1954 class, The champion juicer was ones. The juice from the champion can be stored
invented by Raw planet. He produced this for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
Champion juicer machine because this
machine has been continually refined and
enhanced to extract every ounce of nutrition
from fruits, vegetables and grains.

Please read the last bullet Mr. Daracan.

1993- The Greenpower juicer was invented, the
worlds’ first twin gear juice extractor. The
inventor was Korean Mr. Kim whose goal was to
provide a living juicer to the world. The twin gear
extraction process was based on the mortar and
pestle idea of pressing out the maximum
goodness from fruit and vegetables without
Thank you, Vincent! losing nutrients or enzymes due to high speed
blades or centrifugal action.
Now let’s proceed to the types of juices.
Ms. Nyca kindly read. Types of Juices. Juices maybe classified into
seven classes namely, fruit, vegetable, nectars,
blended juices, powdered juices, punches and
Thank you! squashes, and whipped juices. They will be
discussed briefly in the succeeding topics.
Can you read the definition of Orange Juice
Mr. Arturo. 1. Orange Juice ( Citrus Sinensis )
Orange juice is the most widely
consumed juice in the united states. It is
traditionally used at breakfast and is a major
refreshment beverage. The juice is marketed in a
number of forms including: (1) Squeezed
We all know class that Orange juice is a (2)canned (3)chilled (4)frozen concentrate
common fruit juice and favorite drink because (5)powdered (6) pasteurized (7) blended.
it is high in antioxidants and micronutrients
such as vitamin C, folate, and potassium. It is
also improves our heart health and decreased
information and so on.

Can you read the next slide Ms. Leny.

2. Pineapple Juice ( Ananus Communis )
This is the most widely consumed
noncitrus fruit juice in the United States. It is
highly nutritional and Contains many vitamins. It
is also a semi-perishable product. The flavor and
composition of pineapple juice are dependent on
Thank you, Leny! the composition of the fresh fruit from which it
was processed.
Please read what is Grape Juice Mr, Jc.
3. Grape Juice ( Vitis Vinefera Species )
The actual beginning of the fruit juice
industry started in 1869 by Dr. Thomas B. Welch,
a dentist in Vine lash, New Jersey. He and his son
gathered grapes, extracted the juice, filtered the
So it says here class that Dr Thomas Welch product and filled it into bottles followed by
and his son was gathered the grapes and pasteurization.
extracted it into juices in 1869. They created
this juice because this is alternative fermented
wine for church communion services.

Kindly read the next one Ms. Ronamae.

4. Grapefruit Juice ( Citrus Paradisica )
Grapefruit is the easiest of all citrus
juices to be processed and its storage life is
superior to other citrus products. Grapefruit
juice contains large amount of citric acid. The
Thank You! characteristics bitterness of the fruit is due to the
presence of a substance called Naringin.
Can you read the definition of Lemon juice
Ms. Vengeline. 5. Lemon Juice ( Citrus Limon )
The juice is most unique and useful of all
the citrus fruits. In the culinary arts it has a wide
application as a condiment. As a thirst quenching
This juice class is extracted by crushing the beverage its popularity is derived from its high
pulp of lemon fruit. And this is the most acidity and tangy flavor.
commonly used in a drink called lemonade
which is made by using lemon juice, water and
sugar. This juice is most widely used for
various culinary and non-culinary purposes all
over the world.

Now let’s move to Vegetables Juices.

Please read Mr. Bernard. “Vegetable Juice” is the liquid unfermented but
fermentable product or lactic acid fermented
product intended for direct consumption
obtained from edible part of one or more sound
Vegetable juice class is a kind of drink made vegetables and preserved exclusively by physical
from tomato juice and various vegetables means.
blended into a drink served for breakfast,
snacks or as an ingredient for cocktails. The
Common vegetable ingredients class can
include tomatoes, carrots, celery, lettuce,
beets, parsley, spinach, and watercress.

Pleasd read Ms. Cosmena.

1. Carrot Juice Carrot has long been a
component of tomato blends. Now, unlike
tomato juice, carrot juice is frequently blended
Carrot juice class is the second most popular in fruit type concoctions where only the colour
vegetable juice after tomato. this veggie juice and natural sweetness carry over.
class can help improve eye health, boost your
immune system, and strengthen your skin. But
drinking too much carrot juice can lead to
carotenemia, a temporary condition in which
the skin takes on a yellowish tint from too
much beta-carotene in the blood. However
class, To enjoy the benefits of carrot juice
drink no more than half a glass — or 4 ounces
a day.

Can you read the definition of Tomato juice

Ms. Alerta. 2. Tomato Juice
is the unconcentrated liquid extracted
from mature tomatoes of red or reddish
Tomato juice class is a popular drink that varieties, with or without scalding followed by
provides a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, draining.
and powerful antioxidants. So here class
tomatoes are considered a fruit, but since we
all use them like vegetables, we put them in
the vegetable category.

Kindly read the next slide Ms. Ladilyn.

Other Vegetable Juices -While tomato and
carrot are the major juices , a number of other
vegetables are also found useful. The
components in V-8 include tomato, carrot,
It is said that there are many varieties of
celery, beet, parsley, lettuce, watercress, spinach
vegetable juice such as celery, beet, parsley,
lettuce, watercress, spinach
And these 8 juices are clearly successful in the
market because of the longevity of the

So before we proceed to the next slide class.

Do you think that fruit juice is much healthier
than Vegetable fruit? Why?

Yes Ms.? ( Students raised his/her right hand )
Thank you for your great idea Ms.! ( Students answer may vary )

Okay now Let’s proceed to the Blended Juices.

Please read Ms. Angelica.

Blended Juices
The growing popularity of juice blends
Thank you!
and diluted products called “cocktails” or “ades”
Can you read Ms. Jasmine.
Juices are compatible with one another and one
flavor will enhance or compliment the other.
 Apple juice blends well with many strong
flavored juices such as cherry ,
raspberry , and cranberry.
 Orange juice is compatible with apple,
apricot, lemon, lime, grapefruit, prune
and raspberry.
 Grapefruit juice blends well with apricot,
cherry, grape, lemon, lime, orange,
prune, raspberry and tangerine.
 Pineapple juice blends with apple,
apricot, and other citrus.
 Lemon-lime blends very popular ,
especially as a carbonated beverage.
Many juices like strawberry and cherry are not
popular. However, they are used primarily in the
Thank you!
manufacturing of syrups for fountain beverages
these examples of blended juice are usually
and carbonate drinks.
used for wine because they have a mild flavor
or a strong flavor. While strawberry and
cherry are commonly used for vitamins,
syrups and carbonated drinks.

Please read ms. Mary.

Powdered Juices
The major portions of powdered juice beverages
are package for retail consumption. The products
produce a finished beverage upon the additional
of plain water. Most contain sugar. Powdered
juice beverages are used in institutional feeding
establishments such as camps, schools, and
So here class, Powdered juice comes from hospital. They are usually prepared in large
dried fruits that have had all their water batches.
molecules removed. This juice class is the
easiest juice to prepare because you just
season it with water along with powdered
juice. you already have fruit juice. And many
different flavors.

Please read the next slide Mr. Denny.

are beverage made from a combination
of fruit or berry fruit bases in the combination
So the punches class is the mixture or with water, sugar and other additives. The most
combination of some fruit juices and spices, popular are those made from tropical fruit juices.
usually with added wine or liquor and mostly
topped with champagne or sparkling wine.

Can you read Ms. Alma

Squashes are juices that are marketed in Great
Britain. These products are also known as
cordials and crushes. Their ingredients are
So here class, if the punches have 5-6% similar to other fruit juices ,but in more
alcohol. The Squashes class is a non-alcoholic concentrated amounts.
concentrated syrup that is used to make a
drink. And it's usually fruit-flavored, made
from fruit juice, water, and sugar. And the
most frequently used fruit here is Lemon.

Please Read Ms. Kaecy.

Whipped Juices
Whipped juices are gaining consumer
popularity. Successful whipped type drinks have
been made possible by the development of
The whipped juices class is a sweet cocktail.
dispensers that have the capacity to produce
Made with rum, vodka, cream and orange
light, frothy and refreshing beverages.
juice. It is usually mixed into a foam like a
milkshake, and poured over ice in a Collins
glass. Just like in the picture.

Alright class, That’s the end of our discussion.

Do you have any questions or clarifications None so far ma’am!

Okay Good! Now, I will show you on how to

make fruit and vegetable juices.

Okay Class, It’s done! Thank you so much for

your actively participation! Thank you so much Ma’am!

1. Define juices.
2. What are the major types of juices? Be able to differentiate them.
3. Write down the examples for each type of juices.

Let the students know how to make juices.

Direction: Identify the correct answer and write it on the space provided.

______ 1. This juice blends and diluted products called “cocktails” or “ades”.
______ 2. The most widely consumed noncitric for juice in the united states.
______ 3. It is the easiest for all citrus juice to be pressed and its storage life is superior to other
citrus product.
______ 4. The liquid is unfermented but fermentable product.
______ 5. The juice is most unique and useful of all the citrus fruits.
______ 6. It is the unconcentrated liquid extracted from mature tomatoes.
______ 7. This beverage made from a combination of fruit or berry juice bases in combination of
water, sugar and other additives.
______ 8. This is the first living juicer that invented by Dr Norman Walker
______ 9. Who invented the green power juicer?
______ 10. This juice beverage are used in institutional feeding such as camps, schools and hospitals.


Follow-up question
1. What are the different types of juices?
2. What are the benefits of drinking fruit or vegetable juices?
3. Do you believe that drinking fruit juice is healthy?

Facial Make up
Guide questions
1. What is the facial makeup?
2. What is the main purpose of facial makeup?

References: Juices ( Lesson 23- Book of Beverage Knowledge)

Prepared: Checked:


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