Prime Minister

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We should donate to charities that support humans

over those that support animals.

Today, we are gathered here to discuss a very important topic -
whether we should donate to charities that support humans
over those that support animals. This is a topic that has been
debated for years, and it is time for us to take a clear stand on
this issue.

Firstly, I would like to provide some background on the topic. It
is no secret that there are many people around the world who
are in dire need of help. Whether it is due to poverty, illness, or
conflict, there are countless humans who require aid in order to
survive. At the same time, there are also many animals who
suffer due to human actions, whether it is through
deforestation, pollution, or animal cruelty. This has led to a
growing debate about where our charitable donations should

According to the World Bank, more than 700 million people live
in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.90 per day. This
highlights the urgent need for action to address poverty and
inequality, and to ensure that everyone has access to basic
human rights and dignified living conditions. Hence, by
donating to charities that support humans, we can make a
meaningful difference in the lives of those who need it the
most. As the Prime Minister of this parliamentary debate, I
would like to argue that we should donate to charities that
support humans over those that support animals to eliminate
poverty, reduce diseases and improve sustainability.

Eliminate Poverty:
Donations should be made to human charities to eliminate
poverty. Firstly, providing economic assistance can help poor
people get education. For example, organizations like UNICEF
provide education to poor children, which can help them break
out of the cycle of poverty by giving them the tools they need
to succeed. Secondly, poverty can be eliminated if the poor are
provided with the necessary resources such as shelter, clothes
and food. For instance, in 2020, an organization named BRAC
influenced the lives of 110 million people in Bangladesh who
were living under the line of poverty and according to The Daily
Star (a Bangladeshi news channel) a single-mother Rehana
Begum got the opportunity to establish and run her own
poultry farm through it.
Reduce Diseases:
Donations should be made to charities that support humans in
order to improve healthcare. This can be accomplished by
providing clean water and sanitation, which can improve public
health and reduce the incidence of diseases. For example,
organizations like focus on providing access to safe
water and sanitation to communities in need, which has helped
to prevent waterborne illnesses. Secondly, providing funds to
human charities can eliminate diseases on a global scale. For
instance, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated
billions of dollars to combat diseases around the world. Their
work has led to the eradication of diseases like polio and
malaria in many countries.

Improve Sustainability:
When we donate to charities that prioritize human welfare over
animal welfare, we not only help reduce poverty and diseases
but also promote sustainability. These charities support
sustainable practices, such as investing in renewable energy or
sustainable agriculture, which helps reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and conserve natural resources. In addition, by
supporting human welfare charities, we can also create
sustainable communities through awareness around issues like
climate change, deforestation, and waste reduction.
Furthermore, investing in human welfare can lead to more
equitable and efficient economic growth. Our religion Islam also
focuses on circulating wealth in the society to establish a
sustainable and fair world.

Overall, I highly recommend implementing the proposal to
donate to charities that support humans over those that
support animals in order to address poverty, improve
healthcare, and promote sustainability. However, in order to
ensure the effectiveness and transparency of the donation
process, it is important to conduct thorough research on the
charities being considered and to prioritize those that have a
proven track record of success in achieving their goals.
Additionally, it may be helpful to work with reputable
organizations that specialize in facilitating charitable giving and
ensuring that donations are allocated efficiently and effectively.
Finally, it is important to regularly evaluate the impact of the
donations and adjust as needed to maximize their effectiveness
in achieving the desired outcomes. By implementing these
recommendations, we can ensure that our donations have the
greatest possible impact in improving the lives of those in need.

In conclusion, reducing poverty, improving healthcare, and
promoting sustainability are the major reason why we should
donate to charities who support humans over them who
support animal. Economic assistance, provision of resources like
shelter, clothes and food can help people break out of poverty.
Supporting sustainable practices like renewable energy and
sustainable agriculture can lead to equitable and efficient
economic growth. Thus, as individuals, it is important to
recognize the urgency of the situation and contribute to human
welfare charities to create a better world for all.

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