Dabur India Limited - CSR - Report

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Company wise CSR Report for Dabur India Limited for FY 2020-21

S.No CSR ProjectDevelopmen State District Project AmoAmount Spe

Mode of Implementation
1 Wellness CHealth CarDelhi Nec/ Not 0.08 0.08 Directly by company
2 Programmes Education Pan India Nec/ Not 0.07 0.07 Other implementing agencies
3 School SupEducation Pan India Nec/ Not 0.4 0.4 Other implementing agencies
4 Plastic WasEnvironmen Pan India Nec/ Not 1.39 1.39 Other implementing agencies
5 PromotionEnvironmen Pan India Nec/ Not 0.15 0.15 Other implementing agencies
6 Tree PlantaEnvironmen Pan India Nec/ Not 0.2 0.2 Other implementing agencies
7 Covid-19 SHealth CarPan India Nec/ Not 9.6 9.6 Directly by company
8 Health CamHealth CarPan India Nec/ Not 0.1 0.1 Directly by company
9 Incidental Health CarPan India Nec/ Not 1.43 1.43 Directly by company
10 Programmes Health CarPan India Nec/ Not 0.72 0.72 Directly by company
11 ProgrammeHealth CarPan India Nec/ Not 0.7 0.7 Other implementing agencies
12 Support ToHealth CarPan India Nec/ Not 0.4 0.4 Other implementing agencies
13 Programmes Livelihood Pan India Nec/ Not 2.05 2.05 Other implementing agencies
14 Programmes Poverty, ErPan India Nec/ Not 5.3 5.3 Directly by company
15 Programmes VocationalPan India Nec/ Not 0.03 0.03 Other implementing agencies
16 VocationalVocationalPan India Nec/ Not 0.3 0.3 Other implementing agencies
17 Promoting Women EmPan India Nec/ Not 0.1 0.1 Other implementing agencies
18 Donation TPrime Minis Pan India (Nec/ Not 5.05 5.05 Directly by company
19 Water ConsEnvironmen Rajasthan Nec/ Not 0.05 0.05 Other implementing agencies
20 Programmes Sanitation Uttar Prad Nec/ Not 0.03 0.03 Other implementing agencies
21 Operation Environmen Uttarakha Nec/ Not 0.56 0.56 Directly by company
Grand Total (INR Cr.) 28.71 28.71

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Company wise CSR Report for Dabur India Limited for FY 2019-20
S.No CSR ProjectDevelopmen State District Project AmoAmount Spe
Mode of Implementation
1 Promoting Education Pan India Nec/ Not 3.04 2.48 NEC/ Not Mentioned
2 Ensuring E Environmen Pan India Nec/ Not 5.97 4.79 NEC/ Not Mentioned
3 Promoting Health CarPan India Nec/ Not 9.18 2.93 NEC/ Not Mentioned
4 Eradicatin Poverty, ErPan India Nec/ Not 8.1 14.19 NEC/ Not Mentioned
5 PromotionTraining T Pan India Nec/ Not 0.06 0.06 NEC/ Not Mentioned
6 Providing Women EmPan India Nec/ Not 0.75 0.76 NEC/ Not Mentioned
7 Incidental Other CentPan India (Nec/ Not 1.4 1.39 NEC/ Not Mentioned
8 Special InitOther CentPan India (Nec/ Not 0 1.2 NEC/ Not Mentioned
Grand Total (INR Cr.) 28.5 27.8
Company wise CSR Report for Dabur India Limited for FY 2018-19
S.No CSR ProjectDevelopmen State District Project Amo Amount Spe
Mode of Implementation
1 Promoting Education Pan India Nec/ Not 2.93 2.55 Other implementing agencies
2 Ensuring E Environmen Pan India Nec/ Not 4.22 3.29 Other implementing agencies
3 Promoting Health CarPan India Nec/ Not 8.35 7.29 Directly by company
4 Eradicatin Poverty, ErPan India Nec/ Not 8.27 11.09 Directly by company
5 PromotionTraining T Pan India Nec/ Not 0 0.01 Other implementing agencies
6 Providing Women EmPan India Nec/ Not 0.98 0.89 Other implementing agencies
7 Incidental Other CentPan India (Nec/ Not 1.25 1.23 Other implementing agencies
Grand Total (INR Cr.) 26 26.35
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plementing agencies

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Company wise CSR Report for Dabur India Limited for FY 2017-18
S.No CSR ProjectDevelopmen State District Project Amo Amount Spe
Mode of Implementation
1 Promoting Education Pan India Nec/ Not 0.79 0.69 Other implementing agencies
2 Ensuring E Environmen Pan India Nec/ Not 3.7 3.7 Other implementing agencies
3 Promoting Health CarPan India Nec/ Not 7.65 7.96 Other implementing agencies
4 Eradicatin Poverty, ErPan India Nec/ Not 9.59 9.64 Other implementing agencies
5 Providing VocationalPan India Nec/ Not 0.62 0.62 Other implementing agencies
6 Incidental Other CentPan India (Nec/ Not 1.15 1.15 Directly by company
Grand Total (INR Cr.) 23.5 23.76
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Company wise CSR Report for Dabur India Limited for FY 2016-17
S.No CSR ProjectDevelopmen State District Project Amo Amount Spe
Mode of Implementation
1 Nec/ Not Nec/ Not Nec/ Not Nec/ Not 0 0 NEC/ Not Mentioned
2 Promoting Education Pan India Nec/ Not 0.56 0.31 Other implementing agencies
3 Ensuring E Environmen Pan India Nec/ Not 3.39 3.42 Other implementing agencies
4 PromotingGender EquPan India Nec/ Not 0.13 0.13 Other implementing agencies
5 Promoting Health CarPan India Nec/ Not 9.6 6.07 Other implementing agencies
6 Eradicatin Poverty, ErPan India Nec/ Not 5.2 8.71 Other implementing agencies
7 Providing VocationalPan India Nec/ Not 0.57 0.37 Other implementing agencies
8 Incidental Other CentPan India (Nec/ Not 0.9 1 Other implementing agencies
9 Other ActivOther CentPan India (Nec/ Not 0.65 0.36 Other implementing agencies
Grand Total (INR Cr.) 21 20.37
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plementing agencies
Company wise CSR Report for Dabur India Limited for FY 2015-16
S.No CSR ProjectDevelopmen State District Project Amo Amount Spe
Mode of Implementation
1 Promoting Education Pan India Nec/ Not 0.2 0.17 Other implementing agencies
2 Ensuring E Environmen Pan India Nec/ Not 2.64 2.04 Other implementing agencies
3 PromotingGender EquPan India Nec/ Not 0.12 0.11 Other implementing agencies
4 Institute OHealth CarPan India Nec/ Not 9.53 6.86 Other implementing agencies
5 TechnologyPoverty, ErPan India Nec/ Not 3.9 7.01 Other implementing agencies
6 Providing VocationalPan India Nec/ Not 0.73 0.53 Other implementing agencies
7 Incidental Other CentPan India (Nec/ Not 0.7 0.72 Directly by company
Grand Total (INR Cr.) 17.82 17.44
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plementing agencies
plementing agencies
plementing agencies
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plementing agencies
Company wise CSR Report for Dabur India Limited for FY 2014-15
S.No CSR ProjectDevelopmen State District Project Amo Amount Spe
Mode of Implementation
1 Non-Formal Education Pan India Nec/ Not 0.03 0.06 Other implementing agencies
2 School SuppEducation Pan India Nec/ Not 0.05 0.04 Other implementing agencies
3 EnvironmentEnvironmen Pan India Nec/ Not 3 2.26 Directly by company
4 Tree PlantaEnvironmen Pan India Nec/ Not 0.02 0.02 Directly by company
5 AwarenessHealth CarPan India Nec/ Not 1.6 2.34 Directly by company
6 Health CamHealth CarPan India Nec/ Not 0.8 0.66 Directly by company
7 HealthcareHealth CarPan India Nec/ Not 0.03 1.45 Directly by company
8 Oral Hygie Health CarPan India Nec/ Not 0.9 0.79 NEC/ Not Mentioned
9 Programmes Health CarPan India Nec/ Not 0.45 1.19 Other implementing agencies
10 Wellness CHealth CarPan India Nec/ Not 0.12 0.19 Directly by company
11 VocationalLivelihood Pan India Nec/ Not 0.35 0.66 Directly by company
12 Dil Se Dua Poverty, ErPan India Nec/ Not 2 1.26 Directly by company
13 Programmes Poverty, ErPan India Nec/ Not 3 3.03 Other implementing agencies
14 Sanitation Sanitation Pan India Nec/ Not 0 0.04 Directly by company
15 Adult Lite VocationalPan India Nec/ Not 0.02 0.02 Other implementing agencies
16 Promoting Women EmPan India Nec/ Not 0.02 0.07 Other implementing agencies
17 Incidental Other CentPan India (Nec/ Not 2 0.68 Directly by company
Grand Total (INR Cr.) 14.39 14.76
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