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Release Purpose: IFR


Document Information
Project No: EN211468 Project Name: Casa Grande
Project Doc No: EN211468-VCARE-9V3-00029 Rev: 01
Client Doc No: Rev:
Vendor Doc No VCE-FAB-0487-ST-DWG-001 Issue Date: 17/03/23 Rev: 01
Document Title Pressure Vessel General Arrangement Drawing of Oil blowdown drum
VDR Code(s) HC01
Tag No(s):(1): 200-C993
Note 1 – For multiple Tag No: refer to page 2

Review Status
Status Code: Code-2
By DESHMUT at 2:27 pm, Mar 28, 2023

Status Code Legend

Code 1 Reviewed by Air Products – REJECTED Resubmit for Review
Code 2 Reviewed by Air Products – COMMENTS AS NOTED Resubmit for Review
Code 4 Reviewed by Air Products – NO COMMENTS, No Further Submittal Required Unless Drawing/Document is Revised
Vendor / Sub-Contractor is not relieved of responsibility for accuracy of dimensions, performance, design, design of details or any code requirements.
Further, review by Air Products does not relieve Vendor of responsibility or liability, or from furnishing material in conformance with the contract,
purchase order, or other agreement. Air Products’ review shall not be construed as an Approval by Air Products of such documents or an opinion by Air
Products that such documents are true and accurate

Purchase Order Information

Air Products Specifier: DESHMUT
PO Number: SM00003829
PO Date: 24/01/2023
Vendor Name: VCare Engineering Private Limited
Vendor Org Code: VCARE
Vendor SAP ID: 10087462

Page 1 of 1
VCare to please submit
the datasheet


This is not specify
anywhere in AP
spec pl remove it

From where requirements are referred ??

Please correct the Technical requirements as per
applicable specifications to this P.O.

Add this weld
details as per UW
16..1 as per AP
38mm projectead
inside V C ML MC VL

If we can control
DIsh thinning less
then 10% then we
can avoid PFHT

TDC IS referring to
Normalised plates ASME

Design Calculation
does not shows
Add Closing Seam detials as FPW

2062- gr E250 BR

This nozzle shall

be LWN as per AP
spec MQ 031-

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