Artical of Faith

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Cherubim and Seraphim Church a.k.a. UNIFICATION Institutions of Higher
Learning in Nigeria, Article of Faith and Worship is a special compilation for all its
chapters as well as guide for all members of the Church irrespective of their status.

It comprises Programme/Order of Service, which was first published in August

1997, and Tenets of Faith. The Churchs Central Executive Council (C.E.C)
identified the need to review both the Programme/Order of service and Tenets of
faith in order to produce an all-encompassing unique edition taking into
consideration the diverse background of all members. Therefore, it is compulsory
for all chapters to make use of this booklet in all their services and doctrinal issues.

It is our sincere belief that this edition will prove to be both useful and suitable for
the development and spiritual growth of all chapters irrespective of the location,
language and background of their members.





Introduction 3
The Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the God Head 4
The Holy Bible/Natural Man is a Sinful Man/Salvation Only through
Eternity/the Second Coming of Christ/Holy Communion 6
The Church as the Body of Christ /Holy Spirit/ Evangelism/Baptism 7
Fasting and Prayer/Christian Marriage/Christian Integrity/Agape Love 8
Practices in Lenten Period/Uniform/Norms and Practices 9
Mode of Worship 10
Order of Procession/Church Service/Bands Formation 11
Symbol of Unity 12


Programme for Sunday Bible Study/Programme of Mid-Week Bible Study 13

Programme of Morning Devotion Service/Programme of Mid-Week Service 14
Programme for Revival Service 15
Programme for Night Vigil Service 16
Programme for Sunday Thanksgiving Service 18
Programme of Sunday Services during Lent 19
Programme of Mid-Week Services during Lent 20
Programme for Service of the Asaphs 21
Programme for Anniversary Thanksgiving Service 22
Programme for Harvest Thanksgiving Service 24
Programme for Ordination of New Steering Committee and Heads of Units/
General Notes 25


The Cherubim and Seraphim Church a.k.a UNIFICATION, an amalgamation of

the Cherubim and Seraphim members in Institutions of Higher Learning in Nigeria,
worshiping together as unified and progressive seraphs without a significant
alteration in the configuration of the Church established by God through St. Moses
Orimolade Tunolase in conjunction with Late Captain Christianah Abiodun
Emamanuel. The church, which emanated from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-
Ife (then University of Ife) in 1980, has since been growing remarkably.

Cherubim and Seraphim Church a.k.a. UNIFICATION is inter alia a denomination

that is a Primus Interpares as a result of its basic principles of religious beliefs and
practices, which are scriptural and Christ-like focused. These principles become
the fundamental truths of the Christian faith that form the doctrinal basis of the
church and they are concisely collated in what is referred to as “Tenets of Faith”.



We believe in the supremacy and sovereignty of God the father. We

recognize and accept that he created the heaven, earth, and everything for his
purpose (Deut. 6:4)

We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God who came into
this world with humility and died for our sin; through His death and
resurrection, He gave us Salvation (1 Cor. 15:16-17). We believe that Christ
is the word and life from God (John 1) and in His second coming (1 Thess.

It is also our belief that the Holy Spirit is the third Trinity who evolves from
the father and the Son to comfort, direct and empower man (John 14). We
recognize and accept the manifestation of Holy Spirit through the gifts of
Hoy Spirit such as wisdom, faith, healing, the working of miracles,
prophecy, discerning of spirit, diverse kinds of tongues and interpretation of
tongue etc. (1 Cor. 12:8-11), and also the fruits of the Holy Spirit as Love,
Joy, Peace, gentleness, Longsuffering, goodness, faith, meekness and
temperance: (Gal 5:22-23).


We believe in the Holy Bible as the divine inspiration of God and its final
authority in the matter of faith and conduct; all scripture is given by
inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness (II Tim. 3:16). We therefore believe that Old
Testament provides the historical background by which we understand the
New (Luke 24:44); and that their institutions are characteristically ephemera.
New Testament that is made known through the Lord Jesus Christ is the
permanent fulfillment of the old. We therefore have faith in and live by the
diligent study of the scriptures for spiritual growth. (Eph. 5:19, Heb. 4:12)


We recognize and accept that God created man perfect, sinless and holy; and
that man fell when he disobeyed God and sinned against Him. Wherefore, as
by one-man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed
upon all men, for that all have sinned (Rom 5:12). Thus, we believe in the
Universal sinfulness and guilt of all men since the fall, making men liable to
the judgment of God (Rom. 3:23) and in the Love of God shown in the
gracious provision made for redemption (Rom 3:24; 5:15-21)


Acts 4:12, John 14:6. The grace obtained through the death and resurrection
of Christ is adequate for the salvation of all men. This is offered to all and is
intended for all who believe in Him (John 3:16). This salvation is only
appropriate by faith in Jesus Christ (a confident trust in Him). The
incarnation and salvation of sinner is by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone
(Rom 5:1; Col. 1:13-14).


Just as science states that matter cannot be destroyed, so also is the human
soul. The soul lives in the body. When the body dies, the soul lives on
forever. This church believes in the Biblical theology that there are two
types of eternity. These are eternal life (heaven) and eternal condemnation
(hell) (Matt. 25:46, John5:29). Those Christians who lived in Christ, served
God in truth and in spirit, forsook sin, Satan and its works and lived their
lives in conformity with the scriptures as contained in the Holy Bible, shall
spend their eternity with God. Their job in heaven shall be to praise, adore,
and worship God forever (Rev. 7:9, Rev. 14:1-15). While those who were
hypocrites in their lifetime, who died in their sins, or who refused to accept
Christ but rather followed their carnal way of life and /or had satanic spirit
features, had the mark of the beast and anti-Christ shall spend their eternity
in the sulphric lake of fire which shall burn forever and in the bottomless pit
(Rev. 19:17-21; 20:10-15; 21:8; Matt. 25:31-46).


We have fervent faith in the prophecy of the prophets of old (Zech.

12:10;9:14, Isa 27:13) and the pronouncement of Christ Jesus that in the last
days, he shall come a second time to gather all that are His unto Himself
(Matt. 24:29-35, I Thess. 4:16, Rev. 1:7, I Cor. 15:51-55). This time, not by
incarnation, but by descending and appearing in the sky. The living true
Christians shall at once ascend to meet him in the sky, but the first to rise
shall be the dead believers. They will thereafter reign with Him for a
thousand years. We therefore live, preach and teach that everyone should
live his/her life in such a way that he/she would be qualified for this glorified
ascension (Matt.24:36-44).


We believe in the principle of the Holy Communion, which is the breaking

of bread and sharing of wine. This He shared to all disciples (us inclusive) at
His last super with the twelve disciples (Luke 22:19, 20; Mk14:22-24) which
he also instructed all would-be disciples to do in remembrance of Him. This
unites Christendom with Christ who is the source and foundation of His
church. But this body and blood of Christ should be shared in holiness, with
purity and oneness, if not, it will have devastating negative effect on its
partakers ( I Cor. 10:16-21, 11:17-34).


The church is the body of Jesus Christ to which all Christians belong where
there is no distinction of colour, sex, age, race or tribe and Christ is the head.
The Church is the conglomeration and fellowship of those who are in the
brotherhood of the saints. The church functionally demonstrates practical
Christianity, evangelizes the saving grace of Christ and makes all nations

We believe that Holy Spirit convicts of sin and empowers to become Sons of
God (John 1:12). We have faith in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit for
the building up of the body of Christ. This manifestation would be in form of
gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:7-10) and fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal
5;22-23). Thus, we recognize and accept Pentecostalism/prophetic ministry
for the edification of our souls: proving what is acceptable unto the Lord and
having no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather
reprove them. (Eph. 5:10-11).Whereas, the church does not permit going
into trance for more than a service period.


We have faith in soul winning evangelism, which is our great commission.

The church witness Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith to the
world (Mark 16:15 & 20; Acts 1:8). Consequently, we adopt village
evangelism, house to house evangelism, in-door revival/sermon; open-air
revival and practical proof of what is the will of God to the World.


We believe in baptism by immersion (with water) in the name of the father,

the son, and the Holy Spirit (Mark 16:17). Since baptism is in accordance
with Jesus Commandment to baptize everybody that accepts him as His Lord
and saviour; repentance is therefore sine qua non to baptism. Consequently,
we prefer adult baptism to infant baptism.


We believe in the efficacy and the effectiveness of prayer as a reasonable
and acceptable means of direct communication with God. (1 Thess 5:17; Act
2:42).We believe that fasting is catalysis for miracles; spiritual success:
prayer and victory over Satan (Matt. 4”1-11). “And he said unto them, this
kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting” (Mark 9:29)


We accept and recognize the institution of marriage as ordained by the Lord

from the beginning of the world. “And the rib, which the Lord God had
taken from man, made He a woman, and brought her unto man….Therefore
shall man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and
they shall be one flesh. “(Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:4-6). Therefore, we prefer and
preach monogamy type of marriage. God warns that marriage should be
Honourable and Holy.


We vehemently denounce and oppose to membership of secret or/and satanic

Society and all forms of unequal yoke with unbelievers. (Matt. 6:24)
Holiness is our watchword.


We seriously encourage love towards God and our neighbours as God has
rightly commanded (Matt. 22:37-39). The church encourages the
congregation to desire the welfare of all men in every area of life. Christians
are expected to have forgiving spirit. (2 Cor. 6:14)


We recognize and accept that the church shall observe Lenten season (with
the universal Church) that starts from Ash Wednesday and ends on Saturday
preceding Easter Sunday; A period for sober reflection and self appraisal
whereby all fun-fair are reduced to minimal level (Ecl. 3:1) provided the
following shall be observed then:

(a) Fasting and Prayer (Mark 9:29)

(b) All services shall be conducted solemnly; that is,

No Clapping

No Drumming

No Shouting of Halleluja or / and salvation (Iye) except glory (Ogo); and

no celebration of social events like wedding or elaborate naming

(c) Most importantly, as expected of us always, we shall present our selves

as living sacrifice and acceptable unto the living God (Room 12:1)


We recognize white garment and white girdle as the only acceptable

dressing mode (Matt. 17:2) provided that choristers shall have blue cape and
put on blue girdle together with blue caps (only female members shall put on
white cap in the church premises) and levites cape shall also have blue tape.
(Acts 1:10, Rev. 4:4).

(a) We believe in the sanctification of water and anointing with oil for
blessing and healing (James 5:14)

(b) The Altar: We recognize and accept lighting of the altar which may
be with white girdle candle or bulb, representing the spirit of God
(revelation 4:5) and the light of the world who is Christ (John

(c) We recognize and accept the use of incense (Rev. 5:8)

(d) Nobody shall put on/wear footwear or shoe in the church premises

(e) Because of the white clothes which could be stained if not properly
taken care of, female members shall be in mufti or abstain from place
of worship if she wishes so during their menstrual period (Rom.

(f) Female members shall cover their heads while male members shall
not whenever they are in the church premises/services.

(g) We shall present ourselves as living sacrifices to the living God (Rom


Much emphasis is basically laid in this church on our spiritual and

reasonable worship, which commences with presenting our bodies as living
sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto God Almighty, (Roman 12:1).
Moreover, the beautiful and unique way we worship in the Cherubim and
Seraphim Church (a.k.a) Unification is also of importance and reasonable
recognition. The mode of worship is as follows:

(a) Uniform Services: We shall all adopt the order of the services as
provided in our approved program of services, thus we have uniform
services in various chapters and centres (Matt. 18:19) as in the article
of worship.

(b) There shall be an altar together with light in front. The leader of
service who shall be a male member where both sex are worshiping
together shall face the altar; when the congregation stands he shall
stand and when the congregation sits down; he can sit down on the
floor if he so wishes (also facing the altar).

(c ) On each service day, before the commencement of the service, there

shall be sanctification of the venue of worship with Psalm 24, four
male elders at the four(4) Corners of the church shall say the prayer.

(d) Three male members (in fasting when it is a vigil service) shall pray
for the leader of service before the commencement of the service.

(e) The place of worship should be kept holy at all times.

(f) Central Executive Council, Central administration members and any

other invited elders(s) shall sit at the altar, therefore facing the
congregation; Chairman shall sit at the nearest seat to the altar on the
left-hand side (While facing the altar). This is only during
anniversaries and other special occasions. On all other regular
services, only the leader of service shall be at the altar.
Subject to the availability of chairs and space, chapters shall make
permanent sitting arrangement for the choir. They shall sit at the right
hand side (that is, right side on entering the church, which is in front
of male members)

(g) All members shall be in prayer gowns/garments. However, members

without garments shall sit at the back of both sides — male and
female seats.

(h) We shall offer unto God as sacrifice of praise; clapping, dancing,

praising God through hymns, spiritual songs and psalms (Luke 2; 13-
14, Eph. 3:16)


 Current chairman CEC is the last person on the queue

 All the former Chairmen according to their order of seniority with the most
senior queuing immediately before the current chairman. (Seniority as in
time served).
 The current Vice Chairmen
 All former Vice Chairmen according to their order of seniority
 Current General Secretary
 All former General Secretaries according to their order of seniority etc.
 In the absence of current Chairman, his CEC proxy takes his place at that
point in time.
 The chairman or his representative shall decide where a visitor/elder shall
21. CHURCH SERVICE: We shall recognize and observe the following

a) Bible Study Services

b) Morning Devotion Services
c) Mid Week Services
d) Revival Services
e) Night Vigil
f) Sunday Thanksgiving Services
g) Harvest Thanksgiving Services
h) Anniversary Thanksgiving
i) Mid-Week Service during lent
j) Sunday Service During Lent
k) Service of Asaphs

The manifestations of spiritual gifts are recognized as an integral part of our

worship and service. This shall however be in strict adherence to the dictate
of the scriptures. Elders are to be sufficiently empowered spiritually to
ensure orderliness and strict conformities with the words of God on this.


23. As the population of the chapter grows the chapter is at liberty to form or
establish bands as herein indicated.

Unless it is otherwise stated, there shall be only two (20) categories of bands
in a chapter namely:
a. Restricted Bands
b. Generals Bands


i. Unlike the general bands, membership of restricted bands shall

depend on individual spiritual empowerment and talent.
ii. A member of the restricted bands shall be required to belong to any of
the General Bands
iii. The following Bands created for spiritual self-development of
members shall be called the restricted bandss of the church.

1. Prophetic Ministry
2. The Choir
3. Prayer Ministry
4. Evangelical Ministry

B. GENERAL BANDS: The following shall be called the General

Bands of the church.

Grace Band Dorcas Band
James Band Martha Band
Joseph Band Mary Band
King David Band Queen Esther Band
Peter Band Ruth Band
Show the glory of God Band

24. SYMBOL OF UNITY: We believe in and aim at the complete unification

of all Cherubim and Seraphim Church in particular and all Christians in the
world in general (John 17:21).



1. Short Prayer
2. Praise & Worship
3. Reading of bible text
4. Bible Discussions
5. Question time
6. Memory Verse
7. Closing Hymn (1 stanza) C& S
8. Closing Prayer
9. Seal


1. Opening Hymn C & S
2. Opening Prayers: Psalm 130 for forgiveness of sin, )
Sanctification and Descent of the Spirit of God ) Leader of Service
Lords Prayer and Seal
3. Thanksgiving Hymn C & S
4. Thanksgiving Prayer - Female member
5. Announcements - Secretary
6. Praise & Worship
7. Reading of Bible Text
8. Bible Discussions
9. Question time
10. Memory verse
11. Closing Hymn (1 Stanza. C & S)
12. Closing Prayer
13. Vesper
14. Grace
Note: (1) Bible Reading Hymn could be used
(2) Psalm 32 could be used in place of Psalm 130


1. Opening Hymn/Choruses
2. Opening Prayer with thanksgiving
3. Bible Reading
4. Bible Discussions
5. Short Talk
6. Congregational Prayer
7. Grace


1. Opening Hymn C & S

2. Opening Prayers: Psalm 51 for forgiveness of sin, )
Sanctification and Descent of the Spirit of God ) Leader of Service
Lords Prayer and Seal
3. Thanksgiving Hymn C & S
4. Thanksgiving Prayer - Female member
5. Hymn
6. Bible Reading
7. Gloria
8. Hymn/Praise & Worship
9. Sermon/Talk /Lecture
10. Prayer on the sermon/lecture by Sermonist/lecturer
11. Spiritual messages (if any)
12. Announcements- Secretary
13. Closing and Offertory Hymn C & S
14. Congregational Prayers
15. Vesper
16. Grace
NOTE: (1) Hymn of Forgiveness of Sin
(2) Psalm 32, 130 could be used in place of Psalm 51
(3) Appropriate Hymn taking cognizance of the programme should be
rendered generally; it should be hymn for spiritual power, mercies,
protection and or victory.
(4) Bible reading relating to the programme
(4) Is mandatory whatever the nature of the device


1. Opening Hymn C & S

2. Opening Prayers: Ps. 51, 19 & 24 for forgiveness of sin, )
Sanctification and Descent of the Spirit of God ) Leader of Service
Lords Prayer and Seal
3. Thanksgiving Hymn C & S
4. Thanksgiving Prayer - Female member
5. Hymn
6. Bible Reading
7. Gloria
8. Three Peoples Prayer for
a. Holy Spirit, Steadfastness, Wisdom & Knowle — Male Memberdge
b. Mercies, blessing & provision for all members and their families — Female
c. Peace, Protection & Growth of the church - Male Member
9. Announcements - Secretary
10. Hymn for Revival C & S
11. Revival
a. Talk /Sermon
b. Clapping, Dancing & Singing
c. Congregational Prayer
12. Spiritual messages (if any)
13. Closing and Offertory Hymn C & S
14. Closing Prayers
15. Vesper
16. Grace
17. NOTE: (1) Hymn of Forgiveness of Sin
(5) Psalm 32 or 130 could be used in place of Psalm 51 also Isaiah 61 1-8
could be used in place of Psalm 19
(3) Appropriate Hymn tanking cognizance of the programme should be
rendered generally; it should be hymn for spiritual power, mercies, protection
and or victory.
(4) Bible reading relating to the programme
(5) Is mandatory whatever the nature of the revival.


1. Processional Hymn C & S

2. Psalm 24 (3 times)
3. Prayer for Leader of Service
4. Opening Hymn C & S
5. Psalm 51 for forgiveness of sin - Leader of Service
6. Hymn for Sanctification C & S
7. Revelation 4 for Sanctification
Descent of the Spirit of God ) Leader
Lords Prayer & Seal
8. Thanksgiving Hymn
a. C&S
b. C&S
c. C&S
9. Thanksgiving Prayer - Female member
10a. Bible Reading
10b. Gloria
11. Hymns
a. C&S
b. C&S
c. C&S
12. The Peoples Prayer
a. Power of the Holy Spirit - Male Member
b. Mercies, Blessings, Provision - Female Member
c. Protection, Steadfastness and Progress - Male Member
13. Announcements
14. Hymn for Sermon/Revival C & S
15. Sermon/Revival
a. Talk i.e. Sermon Revival
b. Idaraya i.e. Clapping Revival
c. Congregational Prayer for
i. Holy Spirit & Gods Guidance
ii. Wisdom and Understanding in our Studies
iii. Our Parents, Brothers, Sisters and Families
iv. Spirit of oneness and unity among Christians especially Cherubim & Seraphim
v. Peace in our campuses and the nation
vi. Peace in families
vii. Prayer for leaders, Pastors and all other ministers of God
viii. Prayer for Unification Chapters, CWC and CEC
13. Hymn for special Prayer
Congregation Prayer for specific individual problems
14. Spiritual Messages/Prayer for on them (if any)
15. Closing & Offertory Hymn C & S
16. Closing Prayer
17. Vesper
18. Grace
(1) Hymn of Forgiveness of Sin
(6) Isaiah 6 vs 1-8 could be read in place of revelation 4
(7) Is mandatory whatever the nature of the revival or programme.
(8) Prayer points are not sacrosanct; they could be modified to suit local
variations. All members should be encouraged to fast. It is mandatory for
elders; leader of service and prophet ministries members.
(9) Any hymn of protection, healing, power of Holy Ghost, Mercies, provision
and blessing is applicable for special prayer.
(10) 3 Male members in fasting shall pray for the leader of service that he
might lead aright before the commencement of the service.


1. Short Prayer
2. Processional Hymn C & S
3. Introit
4. Opening Hymn C & S
5. Opening Prayer: Psalm 51, 84 and 24 for forgiveness of sin)-
Sanctification & Descent of the Spirit of God) Leader of Service
Lords Prayer & Seal
6. Thanksgiving Hymn C & S
7. Thanksgiving Prayer
8. First Lesson (Old Testament)- Female member
9. Gloria
10. Hymn C & S or Special Rendition
11. Second Lesson (New Testament) - Male Member
12. Gloria
13. The Creed — President
14. Three Peoples Prayers for
a. Power of the Holy Spirit
b. Mercies, Blessing, Provision & Protection Female Member
c. Steadfastness, Progress, Wisdom and Knowledge —Male Member
15Announcements — secretary
*12 OClock Prayers at the appropriate time with C & S
Thanksgiving & Testimonies
15. Payment of Tithes
16. Hymn for Sermon C & S
17. Sermon
18. Prayers on the Sermon by Sermonist
19. Closing & Offertory Hymn C & S
20. Closing Prayer
21. Vesper
22. Grace
23. Recessional Hymn C & S

 Hymn of forgiveness of sin
 Psalm 99 Or 19 Could Be Used In Place Of Psalm 84
 Hymn should be primarily the one on the Word of God (See C & S Hymn Book)
 Except other well designed programme such as service of the Asaphs, Talk,
Lecture, Items 15 is Mandatory.
 Offering bags should be passed round and Vice President to pray On Them


1. Short Prayer - Vice President

2. Processional Hymn C & S
3. Introit
4. Opening Hymn C & S
5. Opening Prayer: Psalm 51, 84 and 24 for
6. a. forgiveness of sin
b.Sanctification & Descent of the Spirit of God
c. Lords Prayer & Seal- Leader of Service
7. Thanksgiving Hymn C & S
8. Thanksgiving Prayer
9. First Lesson (Old Testament) - Female member
10. Gloria
11. Hymn C & S or Special Rendition
12. Second Lesson (New Testament) -Male Member
13. Gloria
14. The Creed — President
15. Three Peoples Prayers for
a. Power of the Holy Spirit
b.Mercies, Blessing, Provision & Protection Female Member
c. Steadfastness, Progress, Wisdom and Knowledge —Male Member
19. Announcements — secretary
20. Thanksgiving & Testimonies
21. Payment of Tithes
22. Anthem(s)
23. Hymn for Sermon C & S
24. Sermon
25. Prayers on the Sermon by Sermonist
26. Closing & Offertory Hymn C & S
27. Closing Prayer
28. Vesper
29. Grace
30. Recessional Hymn C & S

Note: 12 Oclock at prayers at the appropriate time with C & S

 Hymn of forgiveness of sin

 Psalm 99 Or 19 could be used in place of psalm 84
 Hymn should be primarily the one on the Word of God (See C & S Hymn Book)
 The President should say the prayer outside with the choir and elders after
recessional hymn


1. Short Prayer — Assistant Zonal Supervisor

2. Processional Hymn C & S
3. Introit
4. Opening Hymn C & S
5. Opening Prayer: Psalm 51, 84 and 24 for forgiveness of sin
Sanctification & Descent of the Spirit of God)
Lords Prayer & Seal-Leader of Service
6. Thanksgiving Hymn
a. C & S
b. C & S
c. C & S
2. Thanksgiving Prayer -Female Member (Graduate)
3. First Lesson (Old Testament) - Female member
4. Gloria
5. Hymn C & S or Special Rendition
6. Second Lesson (New Testament) - Male Member
7. Gloria
a. The Creed — President - Male
b. Mercies, Blessing, Provision & Protection - Female Member
c. Steadfastness, Progress, Wisdom and Knowledge —Male Member
8. Three Peoples Prayers for
9. Power of the Holy Spirit
10. Announcements — secretary
11. Thanksgiving & Testimonies
12. Payment of Tithes
13. Anthem(s)
15. a. Procession by members of the Chapter with Hymn C & S
b. President to read a Psalm of thanksgiving and short thanksgiving speech
c. Presentation of thanksgiving offering with hymn C & S
d. Congregational Prayer
e. Benediction — Chairman CEC
f. Choruses/Lyrics for Recession
16. Hymn for Sermon C & S
17. Sermon
18. Anniversary Thanksgiving and Prayer
19. Central Announcements
20. Closing & Offertory Hymn C & S
21. Closing Prayer
22. Vesper
23. Grace
24. Recessional Hymn C & S


 Hymn of forgiveness of sin

 Psalm 99 Or 19 could be based in place of Psalm 84
 Hymn should be primarily the one in the Word of God (See C & S Hymn Book)
 C & S Unifications does not allow the use of
banner, only one cross is allowed to be followed by the Vice President carrying the
thanksgiving offering as the last person on the procession.
 19b. Psalm 8, 29; 30; 48; 92; 100 or any other psalm of thanksgiving could be
 Anniversary envelopes would be collected
 The President to say the prayer outside with the choir and elders after recessional
 Anniversary report should be read without fun fare and dancing.


1. Opening Hymn C & S

2. Opening Prayers: Psalm 51
a. for forgiveness of sin and Sanctification and Descent of the Spirit of God
b. Lords Prayer and
c. Seal
2. Thanksgiving Hymn C & S
3. Thanksgiving Prayer - Female member
4. Hymn
5. Bible Reading
6. Gloria
7. Sermon/Talks
8. Prayer on the sermon/lecture by Sermonist
9. three Peoples Prayers for:
a. Power of the Holy Spirit - Male Member
b. Mercies, blessings and provision - Female Member
c. Wisdom, knowledge, steadfastness sand progress and strength for the period.-
Male member.
10. Announcements- Secretary
11. Closing Hymn C & S
12. Closing Prayer
13. Vesper
14. Grace
NOTE: During Lent i.e. from Ash Wednesday to Saturday proceeding Easter Sunday the
following shall be observed.
1) Fasting
2) All Services and programmes shall be conducted solemnly
3) No clapping, drumming, shouting of Hallelujah & Iye
4) No celebration of social event such as wedding or elaborate naming ceremony
5) Most importantly, as expected always, we shall render ourselves as living
sacrifice to the living God.
6) The Sermonist shall pray for the word of the Lord to bear fruits of righteousness
in our lives.

1. Opening Hymn C & S

2. Opening Prayers: Psalm 51 , 99 and 24
a. Forgiveness of sin
b. Sanctification
c. Descent of the Spirit of God
Lords Prayer and
Seal — Leader of Service
2. Thanksgiving Hymn C & S
3. Thanksgiving Prayer - Female member
4. Bible Reading
Creed - President
5. Prayer for Holy Spirit, Protection, Success and Steadfastness
6. Announcements
7. Offertory Hymn — C &
8. Preamble on the Topics
9. Hymn C & S
10. Commentary (1)
11. Congregational Prayer
12. Praise & Worship (1)
13. Commentary (II)
14. Congregational Prayer
15. Vesper
16. Grace

1. Short Prayer — Male Member

2. Processional Hymn C & S
3. Introit
4. Opening Hymn C & S
5. Opening Prayer: Psalm 51, 84 and 24 for
a. forgiveness of sin)
b.Sanctification & Descent of the Spirit of God)
c.Lords Prayer & Seal- Leader of Service
6. Thanksgiving Hymn
7. Thanksgiving Prayer
8. First Lesson (Old Testament) — Fem ale member
9. Gloria
10. Hymn C & S
11. Second Lesson (New Testament) - Male Member
12, Gloria
13. The Creed — President - Male
14. Three Peoples Prayer for:
a.Power of the Holy Spirit- Male Member
b.Mercies, Blessing, provision & Protection -Female Member
c.Steadfastness, Progress, Wisdom and Knowledge —Male Member
15. Announcements — secretary
16. Thanksgiving, fulfillment of vows and payment of tithes
17. Hymn for Sermon C &S
18. Sermon/Talk
19. Closing & Offertory Hymn C & S
20. Closing Prayer
21. Vesper
22. Grace
23. Recessional Hymn C& S

12 Oclock Prayers at the appropriate Time with C & S

Note: Please refer to mid — Week service during lent.


1. Introduction of New Steering Committee members and Heads of Units — Zonal Supervision
2. Short Exhortation — Central Executive Council
3. Ordination Hymn — C & S
4. Ordination/anointing — Chairman, Central Executive Council
5. congregational Prayer
6. Benediction — Chairman C. E. C.


24. The Central Executive Council should say the Grace at all Unification chapters services.
State Coordinator, Zonal Supervisor, or Assistant Zonal Supervisor, President of chapter
or any other elder can say the grace in the absence of Central Executive Council
25. English Service must hold once in a month i.e. 2nd Sunday of the Month
26. Each chapter should conduct service of the Asaphs minimum of once in a semester.
27. Central programme by the Central Executive Council could be exclusive of this
28. Ordination should take place before the sermon
29. This programme supersedes all other editions
30. This is incorporated into Normal service.

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