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Discipline and Ideas in the

Social Sciences (DISS)
Quarter 3- Week 6-7
Weekly Learning Activity Sheets

Examining Socio-Cultural, Economic, and

Political Conditions of Major Social Science

Name of Writer: ROSLYN M. DOLIENTE

School: Magallanes National High School
District: Magallanes
Email Address:

Development Team

Writer: Roslyn M. Doliente

Validators: Rhena Amor P. Dinerman, Carmencita P. Dinerman

Reviewers: Rosell P. Abellana, Avelina C. Duquesa,

Bernie R. Pamplona, Junel M. Anino

Illustrator: Neil J. Arado

Management Team: SDS Romeo O. Aprovechar, CESO V

ASDS Love Emma B. Sudario
CID Chief Rayfrocina T. Abao

Learning Area Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Grade Level 11
Quarter 1

Most Essential Apply the major social science theories and its
Learning Competency importance in examining socio-cultural,
(MELC) economic, and political conditions.
a. Structural-functionalism
b. Marxism
c. Symbolic Interactionism
Code HUMSS_DIS 11 -IIIe-f-1
Month May
Week Covered May 3-7, 2021
Title of the Activities Activity 1: Excerpt, Kilatisin Nah!
Activity 2: Picture Analysis
Activity 3: E-Re-Research Ko Yan!
Materials Yellow papers
Bond papers
Sliding folder
Objective(s)  Examine the application of the major Social
Science theories in the study of societal
 Determine the importance of the major Social
Science theories in examining socio-cultural,
economic, and political conditions; and
 Apply the significance of the three major
Social Science theories in examining the
socio-cultural, economic and political
conditions of our society.


Development can be divided into economic factors as the driving force behind
economic development and those on non-economic determinants. Apart from the
economic factor, societal conditions could be examined through its socio-cultural and
political conditions. The failure to take into account the views, attitudes and modes of
behavior of a culture, in fact, probably one of the major causes of the crisis in
development, the significance of which can be overestimated. Socio-cultural factors
should also be regarded as playing a central role in developmental issues (Buscher,


The major social science theories contributed tremendously to our

understanding of society, relationships, and social behavior. By learning more about

these theories, you can gain a deeper and richer understanding of our society's past,
present, and future.

Theoretical Applications: Socio-Cultural


Functionalists view how people work together to create society as a whole. From
this perspective, society needs culture to exist. For example, cultural norms function
to support the social structure of society, and cultural values guide people in their
thoughts and actions. Consider how education is an important concept because it is
valued. Take for instance the culture of education including attendance, grades,
graduation, and material culture like classrooms, textbooks, libraries, all support the
emphasis placed on the value of education. Just as members of a society work
together to fulfill the needs of society, culture exists to meet the basic needs of its
members (Kenny, 2021).


Conflict theory, on the hand, understand the social structure as inherently

unequal resulting from the differences in power based on age, class, education,
gender, income, race, sexuality, and other social factors. For a conflict theorist,
culture reinforces issues of "privilege” groups and their status in social categories.
Inequalities exist in every cultural system. Therefore, cultural norms benefit people
with status and power while harming others and at the expense of others (Kenny,


Symbolic Interactionism see culture as created and maintained by the

interactions and interpretations of each other’s actions. This theory conceptualizes
human interactions as a continuous process of deriving meaning from the physical
and social environment. “Every object and action have a symbolic meaning, and
language serves as a means for people to represent and communicate their
interpretations of these meanings to others”. People who interacts constantly evaluate
how culture depends on the interpretation of meaning and how individuals interact
when exchanging comprehension and meaning, thus making part of culture.

Theoretical Applications: Economic


The economy’s major function is also an absolutely essential function: the
provision of goods and services. It provides the goods and services that any society
needs, the economy makes a society possible. As we saw earlier, capitalist and
socialist societies provide goods and services in different ways, and each type of
economy has its advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of the relative merits of
capitalism and socialism, however, both a capitalist economy and socialist economy
make possible the societies in which they are found (Social Problems, 2021).


Conflict theory criticized capitalism as an economic system that inherently

oppresses workers, where bourgeoisie uses its wealth, power, and influence to oppress
and exploit the proletariat. This theory highlighted how large companies treat their
workers, risking the workers in injury, illness, and/or death (Social Problems, 2021).


In line with symbolic interactionism, it generated descriptions of how certain

workplaces’ behaviors and how workers view aspects of their work and interpret the
meaning of their work. This theory provide a portrait of why people enter their jobs
and careers, what they like and dislike about their jobs and how they interact with
other people in their workplaces (Social Problems, 2021).

Theoretical Applications: Political


According to functionalism, the government has four main purposes: planning

and directing society, meeting social needs, maintaining law and order, and managing
international relations. This theory views government and politics as a way to enforce
norms and regulate conflict. It seeks consensus and order in society (Lumen Learning,


Nearly all conflicts in the past and present are spurred by basic desires to
protect or gain territory and wealth, and the need to preserve liberty and autonomy.
And this conflicts, according to sociologist and philosopher Karl Marx, are necessary.
Although ugly, the endpoint of conflict is that wealth and authority became more
evenly dispersed among the population, and the overall social order advanced. In this
pattern of change through conflict, people tend to gain greater personal freedom and
economic stability (Lumen Learning, 2021).

Now a days, conflicts are still driven by the desire to gain or protect power and
wealth, whether in the form of land and resources or in the form of liberty and
autonomy. Political differences over budget issues, for example among our lawmakers,
led to series of debate, yet it produced better policies for the constituents.


Other sociologists study government and power by relying on the framework of

symbolic interactionism, which is grounded in the works of Max Weber and George H.
Mead. This theory focuses its attention on figures, emblems, or individuals that
represent power and authority. Societies trees, doves, wedding rings and the like
symbolic. Thus, in general, incites respect and reverence in many (Lumen Learning,

Interactionists are more interested in the face-to-face aspects of politics. This

theory is most interested in the interaction between groups who make decisions, or in
the case of some recent congressional committees, demonstrate the inability to make
any decisions at all. The heart of politics is the result of interaction between
individuals and small groups over periods of time. These meetings produce new
meanings and perspectives that individuals use to make sure there are future


Activity 1: Excerpt, Kilatisin Nah!

Below is an excerpt of the article written by Sharma and Barriga (2021) entitled
Lockdown in Chains. This article presented a societal issue brought by the Covid 19
pandemic. Read the excerpt carefully and answer the activity that follows.

Out of 130 countries that responded to a survey by the World Health

Organization, 93 percent reported disruption in psychosocial services. More than 40
percent of countries had a full or partial closure of community-based services. In
addition, three-quarters of mental health services in schools and workplaces were
disrupted, on top of about 60 percent of all therapy and counselling services. And while
governments around the world have recognized the need to address mental wellbeing
and provide psychosocial support, this has not led to an increase in voluntary services
in communities.

Covid-19 marks a turning point for governments to pay greater attention to the
importance of mental wellbeing and psychosocial support. Any one of us could
experience a mental health crisis or secondary trauma from the uncertainty, fear,

anxiety, and distress resulting from isolation, economic hardship, increased family
violence, and daily challenges of this pandemic. But consider what that means for
someone whose life is confined to chains. Irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, socio-
economic status, or cultural background, health—including mental health—is one of the
most basic and necessary rights of human beings, guaranteed under international law
and key to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

As countries look to rebuild better, governments should focus on those most at

risk, including the hundreds of thousands of people with psychosocial disabilities
around the world who have lived, and still do live, in chains. The risks of the pandemic
for people who are shackled should be a wake-up call to governments to ban this
practice, combat stigma associated with mental health, and develop quality, accessible,
and affordable community services, including psychosocial support.

Covid-19 is just few of many present situations and problems existing in our
society. With the major Social Science theories, an expert like sociologist can explain
the existing problems in our society and perhaps plot some solutions for such

Directions: Write T if the statement agree with the ideas and content of the excerpt
and write F if it contradicts with the ideas and content of the excerpt.

1. None of the countries who responded to the survey by the World Health
Organization that there is disruption in psychosocial services of their country.
2. Only one-half of the respondents of the survey claimed that their mental health
services in schools and workplaces were disrupted.
3. Filipinos are exempted against mental health crisis or secondary trauma from
the uncertainty, fear, anxiety, and distress resulting from isolation, economic
hardship, increased family violence, and daily challenges of this pandemic.
4. Mental health is one of the most basic and necessary rights of human beings.
5. Secondary trauma towards Covid-19 could only be experienced by happy go
lucky people.

Activity 2: Picture Analysis

Directions: Analyze each picture below. Explain what is the societal problem portrayed
in each picture in one sentence.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________.

2. ______________________________________________________________________________.

3. ______________________________________________________________________________.

Photos retrieved from:

Activity 3: E-Re-Research Ko Yan!

Directions: Identify any of current societal issues or problems and look for possible
solution. Apply then any of the three major social science theories in your theoretical

framework. Follow the suggested research outline. Present your printed output in a
short or A4-size bond paper in a sliding folder. Please follow the suggested research

Research Outline

I. Research Title - choose one issue or problem existing in our society and make a
research title to study.
II. Introduction - present the research issue or problem existing in our society
and explain the relevance of the study.
III. Statement of the Problem (SOP) - Provide at least 3 questions related to the
IV. Theoretical Framework – Write an explanation about the social science theory
you used in the study.
V. Data Presentation – Support the presentation of data by using reliable and
credible online sources.
VI. Conclusion – Write the results of findings based on your SOP
VII. References – use credible online sources. Follow the APA format.


Needs Meets
Improvement Expectations Exceed Expectations
5 8 10

Present highly
Present insufficient Present sufficient
sufficient research
research content research content
Research content. Facts were
and facts were and facts were
Content expressed in a highly
expressed expressed
coherent manner, very
incoherently. coherently.
clear, and organized.
Follow the research Follow the research
outline with more outline with no Follow the research
than three more than two outline with complete
and Structure
incomplete research incomplete research research parts.
parts. parts.

Some ideas were Few ideas were

Present original ideas
Originality copied and not copied but properly
and all sources were
properly cited cited
properly cited
Most of the Minimal spelling
Conventions sentences have and grammar No spelling and
spelling and errors. grammar errors.
grammar errors. 8
Submitted the Submitted the Submitted the research
Timeliness research two to research one day on or before the due
three days late. late. the date.

I learned that the major social science theories are ___________________________________



Büscher, Martin (1989) : Socio-cultural factors in economic development,

Intereconomics, ISSN 0020-5346, Verlag Weltarchiv, Hamburg, Vol. 24, Iss. 2, pp. 79-

Kenny, Vera (2021). Theoretical Perspectives on Culture. Retrieved from on February 25, 2021.

Lumen Learning. Introduction to Sociology. Retrieved from on

February 27, 2021.

Social Problems (2021). University of Minnesota. Creative Commons Attribution-Non

Commercial-Share A like 4.0 International. Retrieved from on
February 26, 2021.

Yap, Rene G. Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Looking at Society through
Social Science Major Theories. Division of City Schools – Manila. Manila Education
Center Arroceros Forest Park Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila.

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