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At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

1. Analyze the poetry “The Self Unseeing” by Thomas Hardy as a means of
discovering the self in adulthood;
2. Perform criticism by executing a debate according to the poetry “The Self
Unseeing” by Thomas Hardy;
3. Share the understanding about self through discovering yourself.


A. Topic: The Self Unseeing by Thomas Hardy
B. Instructional Materials
PowerPoint Presentation
Maps/Guide Visual Aid
Paper/Activity Sheets

C. References:
Poetry Foundation. (2006). The Self-Unseeing by Thomas Hardy | Poetry






a. Prayer
Everybody stand up and let us pray. Wen, Let us bow our heads and feel the
please lead the prayer. presence of our Lord.

Glory be to the Father, and to the

Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it
was in the beginning, is now and
ever shall be, world without end.

b. Greetings
Good morning Class! Good morning, Ma’am Redondo!

c. Checking of Attendance
Class monitor who are the absentees
today? None, Ma’am!

d. Review of the Past Lesson

Before we proceed to our formal
discussion, let us have a short review on
the lesson we have discussed yesterday.

What are the different types of poetry?

Yes, Vleine. Ma’am, the different types of
poetry are haiku, free verse,
sonnet, acrostic, villanelle, prose,
limerick, and ode.
That’s right!

What are the elements of poetry?

Khristine, you’re raising your hands. Ma’am, I think the elements of
poetry based on our discussion
yesterday are meter, rhyme
scheme, verse, and stanza.

e. Motivation
Story Re-telling

Class, today we will have a story telling

with a twist. As you can see I have a map
here. You will help this girl to go home
and you will also decide what will be the
story of her travel across these places.
You can create obstacles or anything.
This girl will age in every destination.

The mechanics of this game is you will be

grouped by rows. So, we will have 5
groups. Each group should have a
representative to tell what will happen to
the girl’s journey. You will limit your
explanation to 1-2 sentences.
Are we clear? Yes, Ma’am.

Instruction: The students will be

presented a map where a girl is going to
somewhere. Students will be grouped by
row and there will be a representative
each row to tell what will happen to the
girl who is travelling until their home.
Each station of the location the girl will
aged and the students will continue to tell
their stories connecting to what the
previous students told. The game will
finish when the girl arrived in her home.
The student will be limited to 1-2
sentences each groups.

Row 1, who is your representative?

Please tell us what you concluded.

Ma’am our representative is


Ehder: Our group came up to the

story of this girl called Layase who
is tempted to play in the
playground reason she forgot to
follow her mom home. Causing
her to be lost.

That’s incredible start of the story. Thank you,

row 1. Now, let’s proceed to row 2. In her way to school, Layase is
actually just reminiscing the past
which gives her that flashback
when she was in the playground
and lost her mother.
Fascinating twist of events. Thank you for that
row 2. Row 3 you can start. Years have passed and Layase
was an educator which she
wanted. Life was in her turns and
table but there’s still an empty
space in her that she can’t seem
to fulfil.
Thank you for the wonderful spice for the story
which row 4 will continue to retell. Then, she have found the answer
to the emptiness and decided to
take another step in life. But, even
though everything seems to work
her inner child needs to remember
the home she grew up that is the
answer to the emptiness.
Alright, thank you for the emotionally retelling
row 4. Now, let’s have group 5 for the ending. She looked at the house and
thought that her childhood was
flashed to her eyes as if the
erased memories rushed in. She
forgot the feeling of remembering
that’s why she felt coming back
was foreign but familiar and
somehow it sadly collects the
forgotten memories.

a. Activity
Unlocking of Difficulties

Class, I have here words that you will

encounter in our discussion. Let’s find
out the meaning of these words.

Look at this crossword puzzle which

has corresponding definition of the
word. Each number contains
scrambled words along with its
definition. You can write your answers
from left-to-right or from up-to-bottom
which can be horizontally or vertically.

Do you understand? If there’s no


Let’s start!

1. It belongs to the very distant past and
no longer exist.

2. It shines brightly when reflected with

3. It is deprived that makes a hole.


4. It is displaying a design.
5. It is a footsore.

Class, for every word that your

classmates will answer we will have
different claps.

We have 5 claps for today.

These claps are:

 Tiger horanghae clap.


 Angel hanniehae clap


 Aju nice clap


 Gomapta clap

 Fighting clap
ng haji)

For word number 1, John Paul.

Ma’am I think it is ancient.
That’s right! Let’s give him a tiger clap!
Another for the word number 2, let’s have
For me, Ma’am it is gleam.
Terrific! Let’s give Eduard an angel clap!
Let’s now proceed to number 3. Yes,
Ma’am, is it hollowed.
Fantastic you got it right! Now let’s give
her Aju Nice clap.
For our number 4. Let me call Hershey.
Emblazoned is the answered,
Correct! Everyone, let’s give her Gomapta Ma’am.
The last item number 5, Ezeil you’re Gomapta)
raising your hand.
For me Ma’am it is footworn.
Fantastic answer! Let’s give her a fighting
…Fighting haji)

b. Analysis
Now, I have a question for you class.

What is your most memorable childhood

memory that you won’t forget in your life
that until now you are constantly thinking
about it?

Yes, Vleine you’re raising your hand. I think the most memorable
childhood memory for me is…
Thank you, Vleine. You’re so brave! Let’s
give her a Fighting clap.
…Fighting haji)
Do you think adulthood forgot your
childlike self?
Kaila, share your answer to the class.
For me Ma’am, I think adulthood…
That’s a courageous move! Let’s give her
Gomapta clap.
Our memories are our most prized album
of the events in life. This gives us
happiness, anger, sadness, and all the
valid emotions we can feel. However, as
time goes by, we are eventually forgetting
bits by bits of it. It is when we walk back
after our long days at school and work, or
even after a long while visiting your
hometown after years. The nostalgia will
come back and gives us some regrets
after we felt that we wasted time not
doing something in our most memorable
place, people, or even objects. However,
we should move and fulfil it as we still
have time and more memories to make.
Life is short so make the best out of it
without regrets.

c. Abstraction

Let us proceed to our topic for today

which is a poetry entitled “The Self
Unseeing” by Thomas Hardy.

Before we proceed on discussing the

poetry. Let us first discuss poetry
techniques commonly used by writers.

When you heard writing techniques,

what comes in your mind first?

Yes, Kyla.
When I hear writing techniques I
can think of the writers style when
writing their masterpieces. These
Absolutely! Actually a writing styles are their trademarks.
technique is a style an author uses to
convey their message in a manner
that is effective and meaningful to their
audience. Understanding the different
types of writing techniques is
important because it will help the
writers to make a connection with the

Now, let us discuss the different poetic


1. Sounds
Poets rely on sounds to create
particular atmospheres and tones.
These shapes the audience’s
emotions and gives an indication of
the poem’s themes and message.

Why do you think sound is one of

the techniques in poetry?
Yes, Lovely. For me Ma’am, it is essential
because it can add to the
atmosphere that the author is

 Rhyme- it refers to the last sound

of the word being repeated in other
words. It is used to create a rhythm
and also makes the poem more
memorable. It can also help to
establish a certain atmosphere.

Give me words that have rhyme in

Yes, King. Ma’am the example of rhyming
words is fan and can.
That’s right!

2. Structure
A poet is able to control the
arrangement of the whole poem,
stanza, lines, and even syllables of
each word to create meaning
which creates atmosphere.

Why do you think structure is

important in considering to analyze
a poetry?

Fra, you’re raising your hand. For me Ma’am, structure is an

important feature in analyzing a
poetry as it shows the meaning of
the poetry through form.

Affirmative! That’s a good point.

 Stanza forms it refers to the

division of a poem consisting of
two or more lines arranged
together as a unit. It can be a
couplet or stanza with two lines, a
tercet or stanza with three lines,
and a quatrain or a stanza with
four lines.
3. Images
Poets often deal with more abstract
ideas and themes in a limited
amount of words. This often
achieved through strong visual,
olfactory, tactile, auditory, and
gustatory images. These images
shape the atmosphere,
foreshadows events and can also
have symbolic meaning.

Do you think what is the purpose of

images in poetic techniques?

Yes, Wen. In my perception Ma’am. Images

give us the sensory feelings once
we have read or recited the

 Tone it refers to the poet’s attitude

towards a subject in a poem. It
affects how readers respond to the
subjects in the poem.

How can tone affect a poetry?

Lhyn is raising her hand. It provides the necessary emotion

that the author wanted the readers
to feel.

4. Meaning
Poets heavily rely on symbolism to
effectively convey meaning and
their message. One image, word,
or phrase is capable of
representing a whole abstract idea.

 Symbolism refers when a symbol

of object, action, and subject is
used to represent another meaning
that is different from its literal
 Theme refers to the message of an
author that wanted to convey
through the piece.

Why do we need to consider the

meaning of the poetry especially its
theme and symbolism?

You’re raising you hand, John

Paul. In my opinion, it should be
considered as it tells what is the
poetry is all about and can unfold
different stories behind the words.
Good reasoning!

Do you have any clarification about

the different poetic techniques? If
none, let’s us now discuss “The Self
Unseeing” by Thomas Hardy.

We will use the different poetic

techniques in analyzing the poetry but
let’s discover who Thomas Hardy is.

Thomas Hardy is an English novelist

and poet who is highly critical of much
in Victorian society. He favoured the
lyric and ballad forms of poetry and
rated poetry above fiction. Hardy’s
most common theme is humanity’s
struggle against fate. His work has a
tragic vision; a sense that human life
has to be endured. Hardy’s vision
involves an acceptance of fate that
explores the themes of rural life and
nature, love and loss, the ravages of
time, and the inevitability of death.
Hardy’s tone is typically ironic. He
sees the unexpected twists and
surprises that life throws at people.
His work provides keen psychological
insights as he uses original images
that appeal to the reader’s intelligence

Do you have any questions regarding

Thomas Hardy? If none, we will
proceed to the discussion of his

Since we have known Thomas Hardy.

Now, we will read and analyze his
poetry entitled “The Self Unseeing.”

Let’s Analyze!

The teacher will ask for 3 student

volunteers to read aloud the poetry
“The Self-Unseeing” by Thomas Hardy
to the class.

The poetry will be provided by the


The Self-Unseeing
By Thomas Hardy

Here is the ancient floor,

Footworn and hollowed and thin,
Here was the former door
Where the dead feet walked in.

She sat here in her chair,

Smiling into the fire;
He who played stood there,
Bowing it higher and higher.

Childlike, I danced in a dream;

Blessings emblazoned that day;
Everything glowed with a gleam;
Yet we were looking away!

1. What type of poetry is “The Self

Unseeing” has?

Yes, Khristine. Ma’am, I think it is a lyric poetry.

That’s correct! Thomas Hardy is

one of the English poet and
novelist known for lyrical and
ballad poetries.
Lyric poetry refers to a short poem,
often with songlike qualities, that
expresses the author/speakers
personal emotions and feelings.

2. Are there any rhymes in the


Lhyn, you’re raising your hand. Yes Ma’am there are several
rhymes in the poetry namely floor,
door, thin, in, chair, there, fire,
higher, dream, gleam, day, and
Great observation Lhyn! Actually
this poetry have the features of
rhyme which Lhyn said the
example. The Self Unseeing have
a rhyme scheme of abab acac

3. What is the structure of this poetry

in terms of stanza form?

Yes, Kaila. I think it is three set of quatrain

Ma’am because it has four lines.
That’s correct!

4. In the poetry above, what are the

images that we can find?

King, you’re raising your hand. For me the “footworn, hollowed,

thin and dead feet” are for the
tactile image, Ma’am.
Alright, that’s fantastic! Is there any
other images?

Yes, Kyla. I think the “everything glowed with

gleam is for visual.
That’s right! Good eyes!

5. What is the tone of the poetry?

Alyssa, you may answer. The tone of The Self Unseeing is

low and strong but has the hint of
That was a deep view of the
poetry, Awesome!

As you can see Class,through his

poems the nostalgic feelings of
things he loved or hoped for. In this
poem, “The Self-Unseeing,” we will
have a taste of how he portrays
these types of methods and
feelings. “The Self-Unseeing”
shows how the poet remembers
his childhood with his parents in
the house and how it has become
just a damaged memory, by giving
the poem a low pitch tone with
strong descriptions and a rhyme
scheme that exalts emotion and
importance. It is noticeable that the
poem opens up in a melancholic
note, and then its starts building up
a sense of hope.

After we have analyzed the sound,

structure, and images. Now, we will
proceed to meaning.

We will discuss the poetry stanza

by stanza.

Here is the ancient floor,

Footworn and hollowed and thin,
Here was the former door
Where the dead feet walked in.

What do you think is the meaning of

this stanza?

Yes, Russelyn. Ma’am the meaning of this stanza

for me is that the speaker is
returning to a place he once knew,
presumably his childhood home,
and remembering how it used to
be when he was there with other
people, whose ‘feet’ once ‘walked
in’. Those other figures are now
dead, hence ‘dead feet’.
That is a good answer!
The speaker communicates that no
matter how many years have gone by,
memories can be somehow rescued
or rekindled. It is simply allowing the
reader to view everything through his
eyes. He is putting them in his shoes.
He wants them to feel the things he
was experiencing. By using such
words as ancient, footworn, hollowed
and thin, the speaker is letting
everyone see not only that everything
is obviously old, but also that
everything was worn.

She sat here in her chair,

Smiling into the fire;
He who played stood there,
Bowing it higher and higher.

For the next stanza. Who wanted to

share their understanding to the
second stanza?

Yes, Tirso. In my opinion, Ma’am the second

stanza is all about his memories
about his parents. These are his
reminder about appreciating
everything you can cherish while
That’s a emotional commentary! Very you loved ones are there.

‘The Self-Unseeing’ is about taking

things for granted, about failing to
appreciate what you have, especially
your family, when you’re a child. The
‘She’ and ‘He’ who feature in the
poem’s middle stanza suggest the
mother and father figure, with the
mother contentedly looking at the fire
which suggests warmth and comfort of
the heart and the father happily
playing music on his fiddle hence
‘Bowing it’ to entertain the whole

And for the last stanza, let’s have Luis.

Childlike, I danced in a dream;
Blessings emblazoned that day;
Everything glowed with a gleam;
Yet we were looking away!

Here Ma’am, we can discover why

the title is “UNSEEING” which is a
strong description of the lack of
appreciation he had towards his
past. He shows this in the last line:
“yet we were looking away,” giving
Absolutely! That’s a good a momentary intensity of feeling
reasoning. and longing.

The poem seems to capture the For me Ma’am, I think the theme
inevitability of nostalgia: no matter of “The Self Unseeing” is about
how much you make the most of a Childhood and Regret.
carefree and happy period in your
life, you will always feel that you
could have made more of it.
Thomas Hardy's writing style and
tone evoked thoughts of regret and
joy for what has been lost in ruins
but is still present in our

d. Application

The student will have a debate

according to the given topic that will
be assigned to them. There will be
total of (2) groups. They will pick a
representative each question that will
address their answer. There will only
be (1) minute allotted time for each
group to give their stand in the
Mechanics: The (2) opposing team will
pick their stand in the argument on a
box. Each group will be given a (5)
minutes allotted time to compose their
stand, arguments, and do a quick
research. There will be (3) rounds that
will determine who will win the
arguments. The rubric will be
presented for the scoring of the

Minus, warnings, and violation:

-The group that doesn’t have an
argument or can’t provide a speaker in
their time will receive no points and
will have a one point deduction to their
final scores.
-The group that will make the debate
personal such as presenting baseless
arguments and discriminating the
other contestant will be disqualified
and therefore, the opposing team
-Speaking when the opposing team
are still speaking will deduct the points
of the team disrespecting which the
points deducted can be can be added
to the opposing team.


 Going back to the past fixing your

 Going to the future to avoid your

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Grade

1.Organ Complet Mostly Clear in Unclear

ization ely clear clear some and
& and and parts but disorgan
orderly orderly not ized
presenta in all througho
Clarity: tion parts overall ut

nts and
es are
in a

2. Use Very Many Some Few or

of strong good decent no real
Argume and argumen argumen argumen
nt: persuasi ts given, ts, but ts given,
ve with only some or all
argumen minor significa argumen
Reason ts given problem nt ts given
s are througho s problem had
given to ut s significa
support nt
the problem
resoluti s

3. Use of Excellen Good Decent Poor

cross- t cross- cross- cross- cross-
examina exam exam exam exam or
tion and and and and/or rebuttals
rebuttal: defense rebuttals rebuttals , failure
Identifica against , with , but with to point
tion of Negative only some out
weaknes team’s minor significa problem
s in objection slip-ups nt s in
Negative s problem Negative
team’s s team’s
argumen position
ts and or failure
ability to to
defend defend
itself itself
against against
attack. attack.

All style Most Few Very few

4. features style style style
Presenta were features features features
tion used were were were
Style: convinci used used used,
Tone of ngly convinci convinci none of
voice, ngly ngly them
clarity of convinci
expressi ngly
ts all
e to
ng them
of the


IV. Evaluation
Directions: Identify the terms that are being asked. Write your answer in the
space provided.

_______________1. It creates tones and atmosphere for the literary piece.

_______________2. It is a technique that have the feature of sensory.
_______________3. It is the occurance where there’s a division of lines in poetry.
_______________4. It is the four stanza line in a poetry.
_______________5. It is the use of representing another meaning that is different from
its literal definition.

_______________6. It is the ability to control the arrangement of the whole poem,

stanza, lines, and even syllables of each word to create meaning which creates

_______________7. It refers to the last sound of the word being repeated in other
_______________8. It relies on symbolism to effectively convey meaning and their
message. One image, word, or phrase is capable of representing a whole abstract idea.
_______________9. It refers to the poet’s attitude towards a subject in a poem. It
affects how readers respond to the subjects in the poem.
_______________10. It refers to the message of an author that wanted to convey
through the piece.

Key to Correction:
1. Sounds
2. Images
3. Stanza form
4. Quatrain
5. Symbolism
6. Structure
7. Rhyme
8. Meaning
9. Tone
10. Theme

V. Assignment
Directions: Read and answer the given topic. Write you answer in a whole sheet
of paper.

Read the prose entitled, “Be Drunk” by Charles Baudelaire.

Be Drunk
Charles Baudelaire - 1821-1867

You have to be always drunk. That's all there is to it—it's the only way. So as not
to feel the horrible burden of time that breaks your back and bends you to the earth, you
have to be continually drunk.

But on what? Wine, poetry or virtue, as you wish. But be drunk.

And if sometimes, on the steps of a palace or the green grass of a ditch, in the mournful
solitude of your room, you wake again, drunkenness already diminishing or gone, ask
the wind, the wave, the star, the bird, the clock, everything that is flying, everything that
is groaning, everything that is rolling, everything that is singing, everything that is
speaking. . .ask what time it is and wind, wave, star, bird, clock will answer you: "It is
time to be drunk! So as not to be the martyred slaves of time, be drunk, be continually
drunk! On wine, on poetry or on virtue as you wish."

1. Who is Charles Baudelaire?

2. What is the era he wrote “Be Drunk”?
3. What is the meaning of the prose?
4. Why did the author entitled it “Be Drunk”?
5. What is the theme of the prose?

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