Basalo - Act. 2 An Sci 144 PDF

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Name: ____Basalo, Johnrel .____ Date submitted: November 10, 2020

Section: JK1 Rating:

Activity 2
Ruminants Breeds, Breeding and Reproduction
In general, livestock in tropical regions are less productive than those in temperate parts of the
globe. They are smaller and have lower yields of milk, wool or meat. The question is: Is this
difference inevitable because of the climatic differences, or can it be overcome by changing the
animals or by changing the way they are cared for? No simple answer to this question is possible.
Introduction of temperate genotypes into the tropics has not usually been successful - the animals
either do not survive, or do not breed, or their performance is much poorer than in their country of
origin. Tropical animals increase in size and performance when well fed and protected from disease
but their output does not reach that of the temperate genotypes. It is clear that a more elaborate
approach is needed - a change in both genotype and environment simultaneously or a selection within
the local breed under the local environmental conditions. This manual aims to examine some of the
breeding programmes which can be applied to achieve the necessary genetic changes. It will not
consider the parallel changes in feeding, management and disease control which are a necessary
concomitant of some of the programmes discussed.
Animal breeding ensures a continuous improvement of farm animals, generation after
generation. Different animal traits are measured and the best animals are used as parent-animals. In
this way, breeders provide livestock farmers with a next generation of animals. Farm animal breeders
have an essential contribution to a healthy and sustainable food supply chain and to provide the
Filipino citizens with a diverse choice of affordable, safe and diverse quality animal foods, and the
Filipino landscape and culture with an attractive livable countryside, a large sustainable variety of
animal breeds, and tasteful local and typical animal food products.
The producer must provide management to control the reproduction of the cow-calf
operation. Reproductive performance is influenced more by management and environment
than through genetics. The cow-calf producer must exercise control over the factors that
impact reproduction: nutrition, age, health and management. New technologies in
reproduction offer the producer opportunity to have greater control over reproduction.
However, the benefit of these technologies cannot be realized unless the basic management
practices are executed. To have control over the factors that impact performance and
profitability, the producer must manage reproduction of the commercial cow-calf herd.

Desired Learning Outcome:

At the end of the activity, the students will be able to:

o identify and familiarize major ruminant breeds in the world and know the common body parts
of ruminant animal;
o acquainted with the different parts of ruminants’ reproductive system;

CSU-Department of Agricultural Sciences, Ampayon, Butuan City 2020
AnSci 144 – Large Ruminants (Carabao & Cattle) Production and Mngt. Laboratory Learning Guide

o familiar with the different terms that refers to the specific external parts of beef cattle; and

 Library references
 Pictures of different reproductive parts of ruminants and its external features.


 Make your own introduction

 Research and provide a picture of the parts of the reproductive system of male and
female of cattle and goat;
 Research and provide a picture of the distinctive features of cattle, goat, carabao and
sheep based on their external parts.

 Make a Breeding plan using different strategies of breeding on any selected animal that
is provided with what you want to achieve with each filial generation and what should
be achieved on the final offspring.


Female Parental Male Parental

Male Parental Female F1 What characteristics should be in the next generation?

from Different Generation

F2 Generation What characteristics should be in the next generation?

 What is your reason for the selecting such animal to provide a breeding plan?
 What type of breeding system/s did you use for your plan? Why?
CSU-Department of Agricultural Sciences, Ampayon, Butuan City 2020
AnSci 144 – Large Ruminants (Carabao & Cattle) Production and Mngt. Laboratory Learning Guide

 How would your final filial generation will affect the future for the industry? Explain the
characteristics that should manifest and how it will help the industry.

 Answer the guide question.

 Write your resources in the references section.
 Encode your report / answer legibly in a long bond paper.
 Submit and upload your output in moodle using pdf file type.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the taxonomical classification of cattle?

CSU-Department of Agricultural Sciences, Ampayon, Butuan City 2020
AnSci 144 – Large Ruminants (Carabao & Cattle) Production and Mngt. Laboratory Learning Guide

Animalia – Animal, animaux, animals

Subkingdom Bilateria
Infrakingdom Deuterostomia
Phylum Chordata – cordés,
cordado, chordates
Subphylum Vertebrata – vertebrado,
vertébrés, vertebrates
Infraphylum Gnathostomata
Superclass Tetrapoda
Class Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758
– mammifères, mamífero,
Subclass Theria Parker and
Haswell, 1897
Infraclass Eutheria Gill, 1872
Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848
– artiodactyls, porco do
mato, veado, cloven-
hoofed ungulates, even-
toed ungulates
Family Bovidae Gray, 1821 –
antelopes, cattle, goats,
sheep, bovids
Subfamily Bovinae Gray, 1821
Genus Bos Linnaeus, 1758 – true
cattle, oxen
Species Bos taurus Linnaeus, 1758
– aurochs, domesticated
cattle, domestic cattle
(feral), Aurochs
Direct Children:
Subspecies Bos taurus
indicus Linnaeus, 1758 –
zebu, Indian humped
cattle, Brahma cattle, zebu
Subspecies Bos taurus
primigenius Bojanus, 1827
– aurochs, wild ox, urus
Subspecies Bos taurus
taurus Linnaeus, 1758
CSU-Department of Agricultural Sciences, Ampayon, Butuan City 2020
AnSci 144 – Large Ruminants (Carabao & Cattle) Production and Mngt. Laboratory Learning Guide

2. Among the breeds of cattle which breed do you want to raise and why? How about in
goat breeds, which do you prefer to raise and why?
- The Murrah buffalo – is very popular and a very good milk producer not only in India but
also probably in the world. Since it is mainly very popular around the world as a dairy
animal it will definitely cater the needs of our country for the whole period of time. Its
average milk production of a cow is around 2200 liters in a lactation period of 310 days.
Daily milk production of a cow is around 14-15 kg, with a maximum recorded production
of 31.5 kg. First calving generally occur within 3 years of age. Generally average inter-
calving period is between 400 and 500 days.
- If given an opportunity to raise a high-breed goat from the other country I will choose
beetal goat which is the most profitable breed for farmers. It is highly milk productive and
suitable for commercial meat production. It is preferred for intensive farming and proved
as best in reproduction and milking. In which it can be really big help for economic
growth. Currently it is a highly prized animal and sells for a high price in both domestic
and foreign markets.

3. Discuss the following ruminant traits: conformation, birth weight and weaning weight.

- Animal conformation is a very important trait, and in cattle it serves as a basis for
selection of cows in breeding herds while accounting for the fact that cattle conformation
is associated with production and nonproduction traits, and thus with production
efficiency. According to Guliński et al., the conformation traits that are most related to
dairy performance include udder width (r = 0.26), angularity (r = 0.21), overall score and
type, and conformation (r = 0.19). A similar view is held by Chabuz et al., who showed
that milk yield was related most closely to conformation score on a 100-point scale (r =
0.43) and also to hip height (r = 0.31) and udder traits, in particular to udder width (r =
0.49) and fore udder extension (r = 0.35). Zavadilová and Štípková showed that
conformation traits are related to the length of cow's productive life and observed the
closest relationships (r = −0.21 to −0.26) with capacity, body conformation, body depth,
and rump width.
- Fetal growth, as indicated by birth weight, has important influences on animal production.
Birth weights lower than optimum are associated with reduced energy reserves, lowered
thermoregulatory capability, and increased calf deaths at or near birth. In addition, low
birth weights are related to low rates of growth after birth and decreased mature size.
Conversely, birth weights greater than optimum are associated with greater calving
difficulty. Primarily because of the increased calving difficulty, calf losses at birth and
difficulties if rebreeding the cow are increased.
- Weaning weight is an extremely important component of weaning capacity and also has
a major influence on growth and feed efficiency from weaning to market. Weaning
weight is one of the most important criteria of selection for genetic improvement in beef
cattle. The trait, expressed by the calf, is often regarded as a characteristic of the cow. It
represents a cow's salable production and, therefore, it is of direct economic importance
and plays a major role in deciding whether a cow should be permitted to remain in the

4. Discuss and show visual aids depicting various calving presentations and associated

CSU-Department of Agricultural Sciences, Ampayon, Butuan City 2020
AnSci 144 – Large Ruminants (Carabao & Cattle) Production and Mngt. Laboratory Learning Guide

The most common reason for calf losses in the beef cattle industry is still calving
difficulty. Looking only at the effects of calving difficulty on the calf, we find the
following four relationships well established in the literature. First, the more difficult the
calving difficulty the greater risk for infectious disease. Typically, this is reflected by
higher incidences and death loss associated with either diarrhea or respiratory disease.
Second, the more difficult the calving difficulty, the harder it is for the calf to maintain its
body temperature following calving

CSU-Department of Agricultural Sciences, Ampayon, Butuan City 2020
AnSci 144 – Large Ruminants (Carabao & Cattle) Production and Mngt. Laboratory Learning Guide

5. Describe the bases of selection for breeding bull and cows or heifers. How could you
relate the selected breeds and breeding animal (bull, cows or heifers) in developing

- Progeny selection indicates choice of breeding stock on the basis of the performance or
testing of their offspring or descendants. Family selection refers to mating of organisms
from the same ancestral stock that are not directly related to each other. Over all breed
choice determines whether your cattle are adapted to your climate and environmental
conditions and whether your cattle's finishing weights and finishing age suit your beef
production and marketing strategy.

6. Why is judging techniques important for selection and culling?

- Selection is used as a tool for livestock improvement. A breeding stock is a group of

males and females which act as parents of future generations. Selection is the process of
allowing certain animals to be parents of future generations while culling others.
Culling is the removal of animals which do not perform to the desired level, from the
herd. The animals retained have certain desirable characteristics which make them
produce more. Selected animals make up the breeding stock.
The breeding stock should pass the good qualities to their offspring for better
performance, to improve the livestock. Selection process repeated for many generations
increases chances of formation of desirable qualities in an animal. Genetically termed as
gene frequency (occurrence of the genes that carry desirable characteristics.) Selection
increases occurrence of desirable genes and decreases occurrence of undesirable genes.
During selection, the characteristics to be selected for are first studied closely to ascertain
that it is not influenced by the environment, but mainly by the genetic make-up. Selection
helps improve characteristics which are highly heritable. Heritability means the likelihood
of a particular trait to be transmitted to the offspring and they are strongly inherited. A
character like milk yield is lowly heritable, i.e. it is weakly inherited and a bigger
percentage of the character is affected by the environment.

Female Reproductive Organ of Cattle

Female Reproductive Organ of Goat Male Reproductive Organ of Goat

CSU-Department of Agricultural Sciences, Ampayon, Butuan City 2020
AnSci 144 – Large Ruminants (Carabao & Cattle) Production and Mngt. Laboratory Learning Guide

Cattle External Parts

CSU-Department of Agricultural Sciences, Ampayon, Butuan City 2020
AnSci 144 – Large Ruminants (Carabao & Cattle) Production and Mngt. Laboratory Learning Guide

CSU-Department of Agricultural Sciences, Ampayon, Butuan City 2020
AnSci 144 – Large Ruminants (Carabao & Cattle) Production and Mngt. Laboratory Learning Guide

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