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By David Mandel from

David Mandel & Associates

Safe and together

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According to a new model from the United States, the best way to assist
children who are exposed to the behaviour of a domestic violence
perpetrator is to keep them safe and together with the non-offending

Domestic violence perpetrators 3. ignoring or minimising the
can harm children emotionally and perpetrator’s role as a parent and
physically, in direct and indirect ways. co-parent, and holding him to a
Research indicates that, in many lower standard of parenting than his
›› We need to see the homes, domestic violence and child female partner.
maltreatment overlap. However, our These misconceptions affect our
links between the systems still struggle to integrate this practice in a number of ways.
perpetrator’s behaviour understanding and there remains a gap
towards his partner and between the domestic violence and We miss seeing the links: When
child maltreatment fields. we don’t make the links between a
his behaviour towards his perpetrator’s behaviour towards his
children The Safe and Together model improves adult partner and his behaviour towards
competencies and collaboration in his children, it undercuts the quality
›› Child welfare cases involving children exposed to of our assessments of child safety.
interventions should the behaviour of a domestic violence We often fail to ask questions about
perpetrator.1 The model aims to shift
partner with the non- traditional assumptions made in child
a perpetrator’s coercive control as it
relates to his children. For example,
offending parent to keep welfare interventions, as these hamper we may miss exploring whether he
children safe our ability to fully assess the impact of has threatened to withhold financial
the perpetrator’s pattern of behaviour support for the children, emotionally
on family functioning and safety. manipulated the children to pressure
These assumptions include: their mother to take him back, used
the children to spy on their mother,
1. seeing the perpetrator’s pattern of interfered with their receiving medical
behaviour towards his adult partner attention or therapy, or threatened
separately from his behaviour to take the children away from their
towards his children mother through kidnapping them,
2. focusing on the family’s living or using the family courts or child
arrangements and the couple’s welfare. Even when we are fully aware
relationship status as proxies for of the controlling behaviours that a
safety, particularly child safety, perpetrator directs at his partner,
instead of assessing his pattern we often fail to articulate how this
of behaviours regardless of family has interfered with the needs of the
living arrangements and relationship children. For example, we may fail to
status explore how a perpetrator’s obsessive


Safe and TogetherTM Principles

1 Keeping child Safe and TogetherTM with non-offending parent

Safety Healing from trauma Stability and nurturance

2 Partnering with non-offending parent as default position

Efficient Effective Child-centred

3 Intervening with perpetrator to reduce risk and harm to child

Engagement Accountability Courts
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(C) 2011 David Mandel & Associates LLC More information on the Safe and Together model at

jealousy has impaired the children’s those concerned with the safety and home with a criminal order of protection
contact with their extended family or wellbeing of children often overlook the are rarely given orders regarding their
their participation in activities outside perpetrator’s continued access to the financial or other obligations towards
the home. children after separation and the risk it their children. In reality, a perpetrator’s
represents. arrest reduces his responsibilities
Her choices become the focus: Our
towards his children. He can take the
practice has often equated getting We don’t see the violence as a
family car, not pay the rent or mortgage,
the perpetrator out of the home perpetrator issue: While we assume
and not supervise his children, all the
with improving child safety. This that paedophiles carry their behaviour
while hiding behind the court order that
reinforces a focus on the choices of pattern with them as they move from
removed him from his home. The court
the adult survivor to stay or leave one household to another, we rarely talk
intervention opens the door for another
the relationship, and stops us from about domestic violence perpetrators
potential lever for him to use against his
considering what we need to know in this way. We don’t treat a perpetrator
partner or ex-partner.
about the perpetrator’s tactics who has exposed children to violence
over time and through shifts in the in one home as a risk to the children of We focus on the mother’s ‘failure to
relationship. ‘Is she going to stay with his new partner. This is the result of the protect’: Child welfare and child-focused
him?’ becomes the focal point of the continuing misconception that domestic systems have adopted a ‘failure to
conversations about child safety, versus violence is a relationship issue, rather protect’ approach to domestic violence.
than a perpetrator issue that needs to This places the burden for child safety
be assessed across partners, homes almost exclusively on the shoulders
and children. of the non-offending parent, ignores
Our practice has often the perpetrator, and can increase
We ignore the perpetrator’s role
equated getting the as a parent: Woven throughout our
the dangerousness of the situation.
The mother’s willingness to end the
perpetrator out of the conversations about domestic violence
and children are our double standards
relationship, call law enforcement
or pursue a civil order of protection
home with improving around parenting. Across cultures,
is used as the yardstick to measure
communities and countries, there are
child safety. drastically different expectations of
whether she is being protective of
her children. While these are useful
mothers and fathers as parents. We
strategies in some circumstances, the
automatically assume that mothers are
heavy dependence of child welfare
responsible for the day-to-day care of
on these steps often forces women
the children and for attending to their
‘What do we know about his pattern of to choose between facing increased
emotional needs, while we don’t place
behaviour including how he interacts danger from the perpetrator and major
the same expectations on fathers.
with the children?’ We know that ending life disruption, or losing their children to
Domestic violence perpetrators who
a relationship or leaving a home may the state.
are fathers often benefit from those
be the most dangerous time for a double standards. For example, fathers
survivor and her children. However, who are arrested and ordered out of a


Safe and TogetherTM Critical Components violence starts with seeing the day-
to-day strengths of domestic violence
survivors, holding perpetrators to high
standards as parents, and keeping
Perpetrator’s pattern a keen focus on the behaviours they
of coercive control
engage in to harm children. The Safe
and Together model highlights these
areas. It supports competencies such
as interviewing and documentation,
Role of substance
Actions taken by the
as well as cross-system collaboration
abuse, mental health,
culture and other perpetrator to harm in domestic violence cases involving
socio-economic the child children. While it has primarily been
factors implemented in a child welfare context,
it has implications for professionals in
family courts, criminal courts, mental
health and in other services that work
Full spectrum of with families.
Adverse impact of the non-offending
the perpetrator’s parent’s efforts to The model has three key principles for
behaviour on the promote the safety interventions to improve child safety
child and well being of the
and wellbeing in the context of domestic
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violence. These principles are:

(C) 2011 David Mandel & Associates LLC More information on the Safe and Together model at 1. keeping the child safe and together
with the non-offending parent
2. partnering with the non-offending
We don’t identify the survivor’s other parent, and
safety planning strategies: The ‘failure 3. intervening with the perpetrator of
to protect’ model rests on a double domestic violence.
standard we hold about mothers,
These principles highlight the
fathers and parenting. We don’t expect
shared interests of the child welfare
fathers to be involved in getting their
community, domestic violence
kids up in the morning, feeding them or
advocates, and survivors of domestic
taking them to medical appointments.
violence. They describe building an
At the same time, we don’t give an
alliance with the non-offending parent
abused mother any kind of credit
around a shared concern for the safety
for all her parenting in a foxhole—for
and wellbeing of the children.
continuing to meet the children’s
physical and emotional needs in the This partnership is more likely to
midst of her partner’s abuse, which succeed when the child welfare system
demands her focus, drains her energy and others collaborate to intervene with
and disrupts the family’s normal the perpetrator. A heavier focus on the
routine. We don’t identify, document perpetrator through direct engagement
and value all the non-traditional safety with him, developing case plans to
planning she does—the things that don’t address his behaviour, and active
involve the police, courts or separation. coordination with law enforcement and
the criminal courts shifts the attention
Improving our responses and blame from the survivor. It can also
improve how the survivor perceives
A good response to domestic
child welfare interventions.
The impact of the model The Safe and Together model outlines
five critical areas of focus that support
Initial data on the model is indicated positive changes in good case practice and decision-making
promising. In northeast Florida, its outcomes for families as a result (see graphic). The first component of the
implementation has had an impact on of attending the Safe and Together model is to start with the perpetrator’s
child maltreatment cases where there training. These outcomes include an behaviour. Case conversations should
is domestic violence. The model has increased ability to enable children examine the perpetrator’s pattern of
contributed to large reductions in the to remain safely in the home, tailored coercive control, particularly the actions
number of child neglect cases, and in referrals that better meet the needs of he has taken to harm the child. Using
the number of children placed in out- the family, more support for domestic the framework of coercive control rather
of-home care. In Connecticut, a survey violence survivors and greater than exclusively looking for physical
of child welfare supervisors found accountability for the domestic domestic violence improves risk and
that 50 per cent of the respondents violence perpetrator. safety assessments.2 This broader


understanding of domestic violence shared language and to trust in each

enables us to identify the range of
coercive and controlling tactics used by
other’s skills to assess family needs
and safety risks. For example, in one [The model] provides
domestic violence perpetrators—such as community, the model was used as an opportunity for
abusing or neglecting the children, using a framework for examining systems’
them as weapons against their mother, responses in a case that involved a professionals to use a
or undermining the mother’s parenting.
It provides a context for understanding
domestic violence homicide. Domestic
violence advocates involved in the
shared language and
the survivor’s decision-making, and case reported that the model enabled to trust in each other’s
strengthens child welfare’s assessment a potentially challenging and tense
of the perpetrator’s adverse impact on situation to remain focused and skills ...
the child. This makes it easier to draw productive. In a number of jurisdictions
a straight-line connection between the in the USA, joint trainings on the model
perpetrator’s choices and the child’s have helped facilitate partnerships
safety and wellbeing. between domestic violence and child
welfare professionals. The training
Another critical component of the
has enhanced the ability of domestic
model is to comprehensively assess
violence professionals to articulate
the adult survivor’s efforts to promote
and advocate for the needs of child
her children’s safety and wellbeing. This
and adult survivors, and has provided
means that child welfare professionals
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additional strategies for supporting

would consider all the things that the
survivors’ strengths and protective
survivor does to maintain her child’s
capacities, and for focusing on the
routine, provide nurturance and
perpetrator’s choices as a context for
guidance, and attend to her child’s basic
working with survivors.
needs in the face of the perpetrator’s
destabilising, neglectful and abusive David Mandel has
behaviours. The identification and worked in the domestic
The name of the model derives from the idea violence field in the USA
validation of all of the survivor’s
that the safety, stability and emotional wellbeing for 25 years. His training
protective efforts and strengths can
of children exposed to perpetrator behaviour is and consulting focuses
create stronger partnerships in child
ideally served by our efforts to keep them safe and on improving systemic
welfare interventions.
together with the domestic violence survivor. responses to domestic
The final two critical components of the violence when children
The coercive control framework, as described
model focus on identifying the effect are involved, and also
by Evan Stark, conceptualises domestic violence
of the perpetrator’s behaviour on his on responsible fatherhood. His
as a constellation of non-physical and physical
children and integrating an assessment organisation developed the Safe and
tactics aimed at controlling a female partner. See
of the role of substance abuse, mental Together model.
Stark (2007) Coercive Control: How Men Entrap
health issues and culture into our
Women in Personal Life, Oxford University Press, This article is adapted from an article
understanding of the case. This means
New York. originally written for the National
that, in cross-system discussions, the
shared concern becomes ‘How can we Domestic Violence Fatality Review
work together to reduce the risk that the Initiative, Flagstaff, Arizona
perpetrator represents to the family?’
For more information go to
Finding common ground
Domestic violence advocates
are uniquely aware of the impact
perpetrators have on adult and child
survivors. While counselling, advocacy
and refuge services are primarily
provided to the adult survivor, they have Safe and Together - Melbourne Workshops
profound benefits for the children.
No to Violence and DVRCV present two ›› Safe engagement and assessment:
Despite their shared interest in child workshops on the Safe and Together working with fathers and families to
safety, domestic violence advocates model, presented by US trainer David support safe, positive parenting
and child welfare professionals have Mandel. – 15th November 2013
sometimes struggled to find common
ground regarding hot topics like ›› Safe and Together: A child-centred
confidentiality, service delivery and approach to the intersection of To register, contact No To Violence on
our expectations of survivors. The intimate partner violence and child
Safe and Together model is a child- maltreatment
centered model that provides an - 14th November 2013
opportunity for professionals to use a


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