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CHARACTERS: Henry, Annie, Teacher 1(Ms. Fisher), Teacher 2 (music), and


: “Annie was excited, along with everyone else in her class. The children were
getting ready to start rehearsing for their annual play. This year the play was
The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Their teacher, Ms. Fisher, had been reading the
story to them for weeks now, and the all knew it by heart. Everyone wanted to
be in the play. Everyone, that is, expect Henry.

Henry: “I just want to stand in the corner and be a tree” Henry told Annie.

Annie: “Come on, Henry! Being in a play will be fun!” Annie said.

:”Ms. Fisher tried to get the children to quiet down.”

Ms. Fisher: “ Shh! Shh! I need everyone to listen! We’re going to have our first
rehearsal now. Who knows what a rehearsal is?”

: Annie raised her hand.

Annie: “It’s when we practice for the play”

Ms. Fisher: “Yes, Annie. This year, everyone is going to have a speaking part,
so we have to practice saying our lines,” said Ms. Fisher.
“Nobody will stand around as a tree. There are four parts: the first goat, the
second goat, the third goat, and the troll. Everyone will share a part. I’ve
already chosen who will play what”.

:Someone called out,

Classmate 1: “I know what Henry is going to be… the troll.”

: All the children laughed except Annie.

Henry: “No, I’m not!” yelled Henry, as he ran under a table.

“I don’t want to be in a stupid play!”

: Ms. Fisher said patiently, “ Henry, if you stay under the table, you’ll miss our
first rehearsal. Then you can’t be in the play. Don’t you want to join us?”

: Henry Shook his head.

Ms. Fisher: “Okay, then you will sit in the corner and watch us. You know
where to go? “ said ms. Fisher, pointing to a chair in the corner of the room.

: Henry sat in the chair and sadly watched the rest of the class. Annie was
chosen to be one of the first goats. She wanted to make Henry feel better.
She tried smiling at him. But he didn’t look at her. Later, During lunch, Annie
tried talking to Henry. But he ignored her for the rest of the day. He didn’t care
if he had to sit in the corner during every rehearsal. He would not be in the
play. The next day, the class rehearsed again. The goats were practicing
walking over the bridge while saying “Trip, trap, trip, trap”. but Ms. Fisher
wasn’t pleased. She said, “Something is missing. We need to make the goats’
footstep louder. Each goats should sound heavier than the one before it.
We’ll have to think of something”.

: Meanwhile, Annie was trying to think of how to make Henry interested in the
Play. The kids had music class next week. They were all allowed to choose
their instruments. Annie chose the ___________(tambourine). Henry chose
the drum. They paraded around the room with their instruments. First, they
played softly. Then they played loud and louder, and loudest of all. When the
class was over, the music teacher praised everyone, especially Henry.

Music Teacher: “Wonderful Henry! You did a great job playing the drum
louder and louder each time”.

: Suddenly, Annie had an idea! She hurried to Ms. Fisher to tell her. The
teacher liked the idea. Then Ms. Fisher walked over to Henry and said “I
heard you played the drum very well today. Henry… is that right?”

: Henry smiled with pride.

Ms. Fisher: “Would you like to play the drum during the play? We need
someone to make the sound of goats walking over the bridge.”

:Henry, nodded his head excitedly.

Ms. Fisher: “It’s not a speaking part,” Ms. Fisher said, “But we would be happy
if you joined us.”

Annie: Yey! We’re going to be in play together!” Annie shouted as she hugged

: The play was a big success. At the final curtain call, all the children lined up
and bowed. Henry and Annie looked at each other and smiled. Annie gave
Henry thumbs-up.

Annie: “I Knew you could do it!” she whispered.

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