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This government has deceived the public, and it has deceived himself.

The values of our society are at risk, and the very survival of our nation is

This country has never been so threatened before.

Artists are rarely appreciated while they are still alive.

I didn’t intend to deceive you at any time

I respect her opinions, and I admire her character greatly as well.

The director will never give in to public pressure.

Good whisky is ready for consumption only after it has matured for ten years.

I haven't had to study so hard since I was at university.

If I hadn't witnessed the experiment with my own eyes, I would never have
believed it could be done.

I will never allow myself to be deceived in such a manner again.

One rarely finds a person of such integrity as Henry.

World peace will not be secure until all nuclear weapons are eliminated.

Sentries are not allowed to leave their posts at any time.

I couldn't persuade her in any way to see the foolishness of her plan.

His drug problem was his downfall. He lost his job, and his wife left him, too.

If she had found out that he had been married before, she would never have
married him.

If life on other planets were ever found, there would probably be no means of

I’m not going to lend you my bike

I definitely wouldn’t go to that hotel again.

Not many films have generated so much publicity

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the
word given.

I regret having committed myself to so many private lessons in the evenings.

If only _______________________________private lessons in the evenings.
Please, stop talking because I can't concentrate on the film. QUIET
I ____________________________________ I can't concentrate on the film.
He regrets not taking her threats of leaving him seriously. WISHES
He ________________________________of leaving him seriously.

Why don't you show me your stamp collection? LET

I ____________________________________your stamp collection.
You look tired. Why don't you go to bed early tonight?BETTER
You ________________________________________you look tired.
Zoe has a job which makes her feel very stressed. LESS
Zoe _________________________________________job.
Meg wants to be left alone because she's upset. RATHER
Meg __________________________________________she's upset.
I would love to go on a round-the-world trip. ABLE
I _______________________________________round-the-world trip.
Why didn't you take the day off work? BETTER
It _________________________________________the day off work.
"You'd better tidy your desk," he said. TO
He ______________________________________desk.
He'd rather eat with friends than eat alone. PREFERS
He ___________________________________________________alone.
If we don't leave now, we won't catch the train. OR
We'd ___________________________________________catch the train.
It's time you started learning French. FOR
It's _______________________________________________lessons.
I prefer to go by car rather than go by coach. SOONER
I ___________________________________________by coach.
You really should learn to drive. HIGH
It's ____________________________________________to drive.
I'd prefer you to do the washing-up now. RATHER
I'd ____________________________________________________now.


1. The drought made many people suffer in this area.

2. We climbed to the top of the volcano during our excursion.

3. Renewable energy will provide a better environment for all of us.

4. The environmentalist at the conference explained how renewable energy resources will
change the environment.

5. The firefighter saved many lives from the fire yesterday.

6. The professor advised the prime minister to implement wind energy in the country

. 7. The polar bears are starving because of global warming.

8. The heatwave killed many animals in the forest.

9. We need a fertile land to grow healthy vegetables.

10. You will grow those vegetables faster if you give fertilizers to them.

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