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Methodology of The study:Sources of data The study is based on primary and secondary sources of data.

Data have been collectedfrom office records, discussions with employees and from different paper
circulars and annual report ofAgrani Bank Ltd. For the report preparation, concepts and techniques are
gathered from bank manualsand relevant books. Primary data I gathered primary data from the
customers and some employees . Iprovided questionnaire to those customers and employees who were
interested in participating in thesurvey. Secondary data Annual reports of Agrani Bank, online articles
/website of Agrani bank ltd.Research Design My research is a Descriptive research. I have selected this
topic and at first make anexploratory research. I just collected data and made the report. Survey method
I collect a detailedquestionnaire for my survey. I have collected the data both from secondary source and
primary sourceScope of the Report This report shows details about Agrani Bank Ltd and its Human
resoursemanagement. This study also identify customer acceptance level in banking considering key
dimensionssuch as reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles

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