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HEA 4303-03 (21937) Ethics for Healthcare Professionals

University of Houston-Downtown
Spring 2023, 8 Week 2
Book Review 2
Due Sun, May 7, 2023 at 11:59 pm

 The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply ethics concepts/terms to a

 You will write a 2-3 page paper describing how ethics theory, healthcare
principles, and other course concepts are related to the book, The Immortal
Henrietta Lacks.
 This is the second of the two Book Review assignments. Sections 1-3 should by
revised based on Connors’s feedback on Book Review 1.

Before You Start this Assignment

 Read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
 Review the Book Review VoiceThread presentation.
 Review the Assignment Checklist document.
 Review the Applying Ethics Theory VoiceThread presentation.

Assignment Formatting
 This paper should be typed in MS Word document (you have free access to MS
Office via your GatorMail account).
 At the top of the first page include:
o Your full name
o Book Review 2
o HEA 4303
o Spring 2023 8W2
 The assignment should be double-spaced, in 12-point Arial or Times New
Roman font, and with one-inch margins.
 You should include 7th ed. APA formatted citations in the paper and a 7th ed.
APA formatted reference list at the end of this assignment.
o Citations from the Immoral Life of Henrietta Lacks require a page number.

Book Review 2 Directions

 You should write well-reasoned and thoughtful responses to the following
statements. Name your sections with the section numbers and titles below.
 Use Dr. Connors’s feedback on Book Review 1 to revise Sections 1-3 of Book
Review 2.

HEA 4303 Spring 2023 8W2 Book Review 2 Dr. S. K. Connors Page 1 of 6
A. Section 1: Novel Summary
1. Write a summary of the book which describes its primary themes, so that if
someone who hasn’t read the book will understand what the book it about. This
section should be no more than one (1) paragraph. Cite your reference.

B. Section 2: Was it ethical to remove Henrietta’s cell for research?

1. Recall the situation in which Dr. Wharton “picked up a sharp knife and shaved
two dime-sized pieces of tissue from Henrietta’s cervix…” (Skloot, 2011, p.
33). Remember that these samples were taken in the name of research, not to
treat her cancer.
2. Use one (1) ethics theory or one (1) healthcare principle to describe if it was
ethical for Henrietta’s cells to be taken for research.
a. Clearly state your position.
b. Briefly define the ethics theory/healthcare principle you used for you
position. Use in-text citations here.
c. Describe how the ethics theory/healthcare principle supports your

C. Section 3: Did the benefits outweigh the means?

1. Consider the medical advances that occurred as the result of discovering
many benefits to humanity HeLa cells provided outweigh the means by which the
cells were obtained? Hint: only two ethics theories focus on ends and means.
HeLa cells.
2. Use one (1) ethics theory or one (1) healthcare principle describe if the many
benefits to humanity HeLa cells provided outweigh the means by which the cells
were obtained? Hint: Only two ethics theories focus on ends and means.
a. Clearly state your position.
b. Briefly define the ethics theory/healthcare principle you used for you
position. Use in-text citations here.
c. Describe how the ethics theory/healthcare principle supports your

D. Section 4: Who Profits from Science?

1. Use one ethics theory OR one healthcare principle to support your position on
the question: Should the Lacks family be financially compensated or not be
compensated in return for the use of HeLa cells?
a. Clearly state your position.
b. Briefly define the ethics theory/healthcare principle you used for you
position. Use in-text citations here.
c. Describe how the ethics theory/healthcare principle supports your

HEA 4303 Spring 2023 8W2 Book Review 2 Dr. S. K. Connors Page 2 of 6
E. Section 5: The Role of Social Factors
1. Consider the social determinants of health (SDOH). See the Chapter 6b
2. Describe how three (3) SDOH played a role in how John Hopkins healthcare
providers/researchers interacted with Henrietta Lacks and her family in the book.
a. You must describe specifically how the SDOH affected how the Lacks
family was treated by John Hopkins staff. You must provide a different
specific example for each SDOH. Simply providing evidence that the
SDOH was present in the Lacks family will not earn credit.
b. Include page number(s) in the citations.

F. Reference list in 7th edition APA format.

Assignment Submission
A. Save this paper with your last name first initial BR 2. For example, my
assignment would be saved as “ConnorsS BR2”.
B. Submit the paper as a single MS Word document to the Book Review 2 Turnitin
assignment link in Blackboard.

Assignment Resources
A. Wikipedia is not a reliable source for course assignments. Here are some examples
of reliable sources for this assignment:
1. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
2. The course textbook
3. Information from most government/non-profit health organizations
a. Use caution with websites/organizations that present only one side of
the issue.

B. Important Assignment Reminders

 This paper should be written from a scholarly or professional perspective. Do not
use personal pronouns (I, me, etc.) in this paper. You also should not use or
disclose your personal experiences in any way.
 Include only the information that is mentioned in the assignment directions.
 Do not use bullets/numbering or rhetorical questions.
 Do not use quotes/quotations or copy word for word from your references. You
should paraphrase/summarize (put it in your own words) all the information from
your sources.

C. Learn more about submitting Turnitin assignments:

D. Turnitin considerations
 Upon submission of your paper, you should receive an originality/similarity report
stating the percentage of your paper that has been found in other papers,
documents, publications, reports, etc. online (this process may take several

HEA 4303 Spring 2023 8W2 Book Review 2 Dr. S. K. Connors Page 3 of 6
 You should aim for less than 20%. I review these reports very carefully. The most
important thing is that you all information from your references, into your own
words. Seventh ed. APA formatted in-text citations and a reference page are
 You can resubmit your paper to Turnitin three times and receive a similarity
report to review until the due date. On the fourth and subsequent submissions
you will have to wait 24 hours to view the originality/similarity report.

HEA 4303 Spring 2023 8W2 Book Review 2 Dr. S. K. Connors Page 4 of 6
Book Review 2 Grading Rubric
Requirements Points
1. Opening Summary: 10
-Provided a summary of the main
happenings in the book
-Summary was no more than one
paragraph (5-6 sentences) long.
-Summary did not include ethics
theory/healthcare principles.
2. Was it ethical for Henrietta’s cells 12
to be taken for this purpose?
-Clearly stated position up front.
-Used ONE appropriate ethics
theory/healthcare principle to
support the position.
-Named and defined the
theory/principle that supports the
-Described how the theory/principle
supported the position.
3. Do the benefits of HeLa cells 12
outweigh the method of how the
cells were obtained?
-Clearly stated position up front.
-Used ONE appropriate ethics
theory to support the position.
-Named and defined the theory that
supports the position
-Described how the theory/principle
supports the position.
4. Should the Lacks family be 12
compensated for HeLa cells?
-Clearly stated position up front.
-Used ONE appropriate ethics
theory to support the position.
-Named and defined the theory that
supports the position
-Described how the theory/principle
supports the position.

HEA 4303 Spring 2023 8W2 Book Review 2 Dr. S. K. Connors Page 5 of 6
5. Role of social factors: 24
-Identified three (3) different SDOH
-Provided specific examples of how
each SDOH affected how the Lacks
family was treated by
doctors/researchers at John
-Provided page number(s) of the
examples in the novel in the
6. Formatting 10
-Included APA-formatted in-text
-Included an APA-formatted
reference list
-Used proper organization and
-Did not include
quotations/quotation marks,
personal pronouns, rhetorical
questions, etc.
Total Points 80

Skloot, R. (2010). The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks. Broadway Paperbacks.

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