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Name: Chriscelle Anne T. Erauda Course & Year: BEED – Gen. Ed.

– 3
Subject: EDUC108 Teacher: Mrs. Adelina P. Semblante

Output No. 7


Department of Education
Laray, Nangka, Consolacion, Cebu
Periodical Examination in English 5
First Quarter

Name: Grade & Section: _________________

Date: Score: _________________________

Test I. Multiple Choice:

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. These are the words formed by putting two or more words together to form a new word
with a new meaning.
a. blended words b. compound words c. clipped words d. simple words
2. “Rainbow” is an example of:
a. blended words b. compound words c. clipped words d. simple words
3. A type of compound word that is written as one.
a. open b. closed c. hyphenated d. compound
4. A type of compound word that is written with space between words.
a. open b. closed c. hyphenated d. compound
5. A type of compound word that is connected by a hyphen.
a. open b. closed c. hyphenated d. compound
6. A quick glance at your wristwatch helps you know the time. Wristwatch means?
a. timepiece b. body clock c. watcher d. counter
7. These are the words that are made up of parts of two or more other words and the
meaning combines the meanings of the two other words.
a. blended words b. compound words c. clipped words d. simple words
8. Brunch is an example of:
a. blended words b. compound words c. clipped words d. simple words
9. Hardworking means_______.
a. Lazy b. unmindful c. punctual d. industrious
10. What is the correct blended word of emotion and icon?
a. Icomotion b. emocon c. emoticon d. emotic
11. Time-honored means_______.
a. long-established b. time-consuming c. recently practiced d. nighttime
12. What is the correct blended word of flame and glare?
a. Flag b. fare c. flare d. flame
13. These are the words formed by deleting one or more syllables from a larger word or
phrase without changing its meaning.
a. blended words b. compound words c. clipped words d. simple words
14. We conducted an experiment at the laboratory. What is the clipped word of the
underlined word?
a. Tory b. lab c. laborate d. ratory
15. Omnibus can be termed as “bus”. This is an example of_______.
a. blended words b. compound words c. clipped words d. simple words
16. Cathy failed to pass her final examination. What is the clipped word of the underlined
a. exam b. nation c. examine d. mination
17. What is the correct blended word of web and log?
a. wog b. bleog c. weg d. blog
18. Which is a compound word?
a. cat b. basketball c. board d. test
19. Which is a blended word?
a. cash b. clash c. crop d. lapash
20. Which is a clipped word?
a. gas b. famous c. partner d. beautiful
21. Crepe paper means_______
a.Coupon bond b. cellophane c. wrinkle-free paper d. crinkled, decorative paper
22. One can conveniently work with light-emitting gadget especially in the dark. Light-
emitting means______.
a. Lightweight b. luminous c. automatic d. gas-energized
23. –ment, -ness, -ity, -tion, -sion are examples of_______.
a. prefix b. suffix c. complex d. fix
24. ab-, ad-, de-, ex-, inter-, are examples of_______.
a. prefix b. suffix c. complex d. fix
25. Are word endings that add a certain meaning to the word.
a. prefix b. suffix c. complex d. fix
26. Are words that are placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change the meaning of
that word.
a. prefix b. suffix c. complex d. fix
27. I need to_______ my essay. What is the correct prefix?
a. unwrite b. anwrite c. dewrite d. rewrite
28. He is so_______. What is the correct prefix?
a. dissocial b. antisocial c. unsocial d. ansocial
29. Her outfits are_______. What is the correct suffix?
a. stylish b. stylement c. stylly d. styllable
30. My friend is so _______. What is the correct suffix?
a. careless b. carelly c. carement d. carize
31. Musician is an example of_______.
a. prefix b. suffix c. complex d. fix
32. Reunion is an example of _______.
a. prefix b. suffix c. complex d. fix
33. It is also termed as postfixes.
a. prefix b. suffix c. complex d. fix
34. What is the blended word of cellulose and diaphane?
a. Cellophane b. cellulophane c. luphane d. cellphane
35. I had my brunch yesterday. The underlined word means_______.
a. breakfast and lunch b. lunch and dinner c. dinner and snacks d. breakfast and snacks
36. The poor children are now fatherless. The underlined word means_______.
a. no father anymore c. their father have less work
b. have father d. their father have a lot of work
37. Machines are very helpful to people. The underlined word means_______.
a. People don’t use machines very well. c. People uses machines sometimes.
b. People uses machines well. d. People don’t use machines every day.
38. What is the correct blended word of clap and crash?
a. Cash b. clash c. crop d. lapash
39. “Bro” means___.
a. father b. brother c. sister d. mother
40. “Overboard” means_______.
a. too much b. too little c. again d. repeat

Test II. Essay Type: (2 points each)

Directions: In your own understanding, define the following:

1. What is a compound word?


2. What is a blended word?


3. What is a clipped word?


4. What is a suffix word?


5. What is a prefix word?


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