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4/25/23, 5:12 PM

UCO Bank

यूको बैंक

Name Of Branch : AHMEDABAD ZONAL OFFICE (7008)


Year : 2022-23
I. Assets
   1. Cash
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
Yes. The Cash maintained is in effective joint
custody of two officials, as per the instructions
Does the system ensure that cash maintained of the controlling authorities of the bank. The
is in effective joint custody of two or more cash keys registers are Maintained and
 (a) 1100
officials, as per the instructions of the scrutinized regularly.
The same is verified by
controlling authorities of the bank? the Inspecting Officer allotted by the Zonal
Office at the time of surprise verification in
the Branch at frequent interval.
Yes, The cash balances at the branch,ATMs
been checked at periodic intervals as per the
Have the cash balances at the branch/ATMs
procedure prescribed by the controlling
been checked at periodic intervals as per the
 (b) 1200 authorities of the bank.
The same is verified
procedure prescribed by the controlling
by the Inspecting Officer allotted by the Zonal
authorities of the bank?
Office at the time of surprise verification in
the Branch at frequent interval.
Yes Generally Branches maintain the Cash
balance within the retention Limit. However
on some occasions the cash balance exceeds
the retention limit.
To ensure that the cash
balances remain within retention, limits were
reassessed and refixed based on the Business
Does the branch generally maintain / carry mix. ATM cash needs. proximity to Currency
cash balances, which vary significantly from Chest , branch location and the general cash
   (c) (i) 1300
the limits fixed by the controlling authorities balances kept by the branch last year. the
of the bank? Branch cash retention limit was revised on
21.05.2020 to ensure that the fixed limit is
0.20 percent of the total Deposit of the Zone.
The same is verified by the Inspecting Officer
allotted by the Zonal Office at the time of
surprise verification in the Branch at frequent
Yes the figure of the balance in the branch
books in respect of cash with its ATMs tally
with the amounts of balances with the
respective ATMs, based on the year end
Does the figure of the balance in the branch scrolls generated by the ATMs.
The same is
books in respect of cash with its ATM(s) tally verified by the Inspecting Officer allotted by
with the amounts of balances with the the Zonal Office at the time of surprise
   (ii) 1310
respective ATMs, based on the year end verification in the Branch at frequent interval.
scrolls generated by the ATMs? If there is any Figure of the balance in the Ranip, V S
difference, same should be reported. Hospital, Gandhidham, Memnagar Branch
books in respect of cash with ATM differ by
Rs. 2800.00, Rs. 4200.00, Rs. 7900.00 and Rs.
18000.00 respectively which is credited to
overage account in GL, annexure enclosed.
Whether the insurance cover available with
Comprehensive Insurance Policy Cover is
 (d) the branch adequately meets the requirement 1400
taken at Head Office.
to cover the cash-in hand and cash-in transit?
   2. Balances with RBI,State Bank of India and Other Banks
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
4/25/23, 5:12 PM

Yes some of the branches are having Account

with other banks for the clearing purpose, the
Were balance confirmation certificates
balance confirmation certificates were
obtained in respect of outstanding balances as
obtained in respect of outstanding balances as
 (a) at the year-end and whether the aforesaid 2100
at the year end in all Branches. Balances are
balances have been reconciled? The nature
tallied and reconciled except Gandhidham
and extent of differences should be reported.
Branch is having difference in Balance with
SBI by Rs. 1599.00
Observations on the reconciliation statements
 (b) 2200 Not Applicable.
may be reported in the following manner:
Cash transactions remaining un-responded No such cash transactions which are un
   (i) 2210
(give details) responded
Revenue items requiring adjustments / write-
   (ii) 2211 No Such entries are pending for response.
off (give details)
Other credit and debit entries originated in the
statements provided by RBI/other banks,
   (iii) 2212 No Such entries are pending for response.
remaining un-responded for more than 15
Where the branch maintains an account with
RBI, the following additional matter may be
reported: Entries originated prior to, but
communicated / recorded after the year end in Not applicable as no branch maintains the
   (iv) 2213
relation to currency chest operations at the account with RBI.
branch/other link branches, involving deposits
into/withdrawals from the currency chest
attached to such branches (Give details)
In case, any matter deserves special attention
 (c) 2300 No Such Case.
of the management, the same may be reported.
   3. Money at Call and Short Notice
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
Has the branch kept money-at-call and short
 (a) 3100 Not Applicable.
notice during the year?
Has the year-end balance been duly confirmed
 (b) 3110 Not Applicable.
and reconciled?
Has interest accrued up to the year-end been
 (c) 3120 Not Applicable.
properly recorded?
Whether instructions/guidelines, if any, laid
 (d) down by the controlling authorities of the 3130 Not Applicable.
bank have been complied with?
4. Investments
    For Branches outside India
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
In respect of purchase and sale of investments,
has the branch acted within its delegated
 (i) authority, having regard to the instructions/ 4210 Not Applicable.
guidelines in this behalf issued by the
controlling authorities of the bank?
Have the investments held by the branch
whether on its own account or on behalf of the
Head Office/other branches been made
 (ii) available for physical verification? Where the 4220 Not Applicable.
investments are not in the possession of the
branch, whether evidences with regard to their
physical verification have been produced?
 (iii) Is the mode of valuation of investments in 4230 Not Applicable.
accordance with the RBI guidelines or the
norms prescribed by the relevant regulatory

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authority of the country in which the branch is
located whichever are more stringent?
Whether there are any matured or overdue
investments which have not been encashed
 (iv) 4240 Not Applicable.
and / or has not been serviced? If so, give
5. Advances
(i) The answers to the following questions may be based on the auditor’s examination of all large advances. For this
purpose, large advances are those in respect of which the outstanding amount is in excess of 10% of outstanding
aggregate balance of fund based and non-fund based advances of the branch or Rs.10 crores, whichever is less.
Care- For all accounts above the threshold, the transaction audit/account specific details to be seen and commented,
whereas below the threshold, the process needs to be checked and commented upon. Comments of the branch
auditor on advances with significant adverse features, which might need the attention of the management / Statutory
Central Auditors, should be appended to the LFAR.
(ii) The critical comments based on the review of the above and other test check should be given in respective
paragraphs as given in LFAR given below.

** List of Accounts to examined for audit may be entered via menu "Submitted LFAR List"> "Add Annexure" >
"Add" option.
   (b) Credit appraisal
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
Yes, has the branch generally compiled with
the procedures , instructions of the controlling
authorities of the bank regarding loan
applications, preparation of proposals for
grant, renewal of advances, enhancement of
limits etc. including adequate appraisal
documentation in respect thereof.
At zonal
In your opinion, has the branch generally office, committee level approach is adopted to
complied with the procedures / instructions of sanction the proposal and ZLCAC committee
the controlling authorities of the bank jointly take the decision for the sanction of
regarding loan applications, preparation of any loan proposal after receiving the requisite
 (i) proposals for grant/ renewal of advances, 5100 documents, papers from the Branch.
For the
enhancement of limits, etc., including proposal sanctioned at Branch level, Branch
adequate appraisal documentation in respect has to submit the process note and sanction
thereof. What, in your opinion, are the major letter of all the proposals sanctioned during
shortcomings in credit appraisal, etc. the month along with CMR 7 to zonal office
credit monitoring department and after
scrutinizing the process note if any
discrepancy observed at Branch level
necessary instructions are given for the
rectification of the same. Deficiencies are
reported in 5 accounts of 2 Branches as per
Have you come across cases of quick
mortality in accounts, where the facility
became non-performing within a period of 12
Deficiencies are reported in 7 accounts of 2
 (ii) months from the date of first sanction? Details 5110
Branches as per Annexure.
of such accounts may be provided in
following manner:- • Account No. • Account
Name • Balance as at year end
Yes, on test check basis by branch auditors,
the applicable interest rate is correctly fed into
Whether in borrowal accounts the applicable the system in borrowal accounts.
If any
 (iii) 5120
interest rate is correctly fed into the system? mistakes observed in the concurrent audit of
RBIA audit of the Branch it is immediately
rectified by the Branches.
 (iv) Whether the interest rate is reviewed 5130 The branches are required to review
periodically as per the guidelines applicable to periodically the rate of interest link with the
floating rate loans linked to MCLR / EBLR MCLR. But no documentation of review is
(External Benchmark Lending Rate)? available in the branches. The sanctioned rate
is set into the system and the same is
automatically reset after the prescribed period.

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And the review of interest rate is not done by
the branches but mainly relied upon the IT
system of the bank. It is suggested that in
branches, the official should document the rate
of interest on reset date in large advances.
Have you come across cases of frequent
 (v) renewal / rollover of short-term loans? If yes, 5140 No such types of accounts are observed.
give the details of such accounts.
Whether correct and valid credit rating, if
Yes, correct and valid credit rating in the
available, of the credit facilities of bank s
 (vi) 5150 credit facilities from RBI accredited credit
borrowers from RBI accredited Credit Rating
rating agencies has been fed into the system.
Agencies has been fed into the system?
   (c) Sanctioning / Disbursement
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
In the cases examined by you, have you come
across instances of: (a) credit facilities having
   (i) 5210 No such instances are observed.
been sanctioned beyond the delegated
authority or limit fixed for the branch?
(b) Are such cases promptly reported to higher
    5211 No such Instances are observed.
In the advance proposals sanctioned at zonal
office level, Branch has to submit the pre
Whether advances have been disbursed
disbursement compliance report CMR 6A of
without complying with the terms and
   (ii) 5212 terms and condition to the zonal office and the
conditions of the sanction? If so, give details
disbursement permission is granted by zonal
of such cases.
office after due scrutiny of the compliance
certificate with sanction note.
Did the bank provide loans to companies for
   (iii) 5213 No such instances are observed.
buy-back of shares/securities?
   (d) Documentation
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
In the cases examined by you, have you come
 (c) 5300 No such instances are observed.
across instances of:
Credit facilities released by the branch without
   (i) execution of all the necessary documents? If 5310 No such instances are observed.
so, give details of such cases.
Deficiencies in documentation, including non-
registration of charges, non-obtaining of
   (ii) 5320 No such instances are observed.
guarantees, etc.? If so, give details of such
Advances against lien of deposits have been
granted without marking a lien on the bank’s
   (iii) deposit receipts and the related accounts in 5330 No such instances are observed.
accordance with the guidelines of the
controlling authorities of the bank.
   (e) Review/Monitoring/Supervision
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
   (i) Is the procedure laid down by the controlling 5410 Yes, generally procedure laid down by the
authorities of the bank, for periodic review of controlling authorities of the bank, for
advances, including periodic balance periodic review of advances, including
confirmation / acknowledgement of debts, periodic balance confirmation,
followed by the branch? acknowledgement of debts, followed by the
branch, except more than 100 accounts of 1
branch mentioned in annexure IV.
The zonal
office credit department follow up with the
branches for the submission of review,
renewal proposal due for review, renewal after
pulling the report from the MIS Server and

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regular reminders are sent to branches for the
same purpose.
The monitoring deptt. follows
up with the Branches in respect to accounts
pending for review, renewal proposal at
branch level based on the report available in
the MIS.
Provide analysis of the accounts overdue for No major shortcomings are observed except
    review/renewal. What, in your opinion, are 5411 refer in 18 Accounts in 3 Branch mentioned in
major shortcomings in monitoring, etc. annexure IV.
31 accounts of 8 Branches mentioned in
      a) between 3 to 6 months, and 5412
2 accounts of 1 Branch are pending as per
      b) over 6 months 5413
annexure enclosed.
a) Are the stock/book debt statements and Yes, Generally the stock, book debt statements
other periodic operational data and financial and other periodic operational data and
statements, etc., received regularly from the financial statements etc received regularly
     (ii) 5420
borrowers and duly scrutinized? Is suitable from the borrowers and duly scrutinized
action taken on the basis of such scrutiny in except 5 accounts of 1 branch mentioned in
appropriate cases? annexure IV
Yes, Generally the DP calculation is done
based stock statement obtained from the
      b) Is the DP properly computed? 5421
borrowers as per the scheme guidelines of the
c) Whether the latest audited financial Yes, Latest audited financial statements are
      statements are obtained for accounts reviewed 5422 obtained for accounts reviewed, renewed
/ renewed during the year? during the year
Yes, there exists a system of obtaining reports
on stock audits annually. Yes Credit
a) Whether there exists a system of obtaining monitoring department do the allotment of
     (iii) 5430
reports on stock audits periodically? stock audit in the applicable accounts in the
branches and after submission of stock audit
report scrutinize the report.
b) If so, whether the branch has complied with Stock audit has been carried out in the eligible
such system? during the year.
c) Details of: cases where stock audit was
required but was not conducted where stock
      5432 No such account observed.
audit was conducted but no action was taken
on adverse features
Indicate the cases of advances to non-
corporate entities with limits beyond that is set
   (iv) 5440 No such account observed.
by the bank where the branch has not obtained
the duly audited accounts of borrowers.
Does the branch have on its record, a due
diligence report in the form and manner
required by the Reserve Bank of India in
respect of advances under consortium and
multiple banking arrangements. Give the list
   (v) 5450 No such account observed.
of accounts where such certificate/report is not
obtained or not available on record. (In case,
the branch is not the lead bank, copy of
certificate/report should be obtained from lead
bank for review and record)
Has the inspection or physical verification of
securities charged to the bank been carried out
Generally, the inspection or physical
by the branch as per the procedure laid down
verification of securities changed to the bank
by the controlling authorities of the bank?
   (vi) 5460 been carried out by the branch as per the
Whether there is a substantial deterioration in
procedure laid down by the controlling
value of security during financial year as per
authorities of the bank.
latest valuation report in comparison with
earlier valuation report on record?
   (vii) In respect of advances examined by you, have 5470 Yes, the deficiencies including valuation of
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you come across cases of deficiencies, securities and inspection thereof or any other
including in value of securities and inspection adverse features such as frequent,
thereof or any other adverse features such as unauthorized overdrawing beyond limits,
frequent/ unauthorized overdrawing beyond inadequate insurance coverage, etc, is
limits, inadequate insurance coverage, etc.? observed 1 accounts of 1 branch mentioned in
Whether the branch has any red-flagged
account? If yes, whether any deviations were
   (viii) 5480 No such account observed.
observed related to compliance of bank s
policy related with Red Flag Accounts
Comment on adverse features considered
2 large accounts of 1 branch having adverse
   (ix) significant in top 5 standard large advances 5490
features are enclosed in annexure.
and which need management s attention.
In respect of leasing finance activities, has the
branch complied with the guidelines issued by
the controlling authorities of the bank relating
to security creation, asset inspection,
   (x) 5491 No such accounts exist in Ahmedabad Zone.
insurance, etc.? Has the branch complied with
the accounting norms prescribed by the
controlling authorities of the bank relating to
such leasing activities?
   (f)Asset Classification, Provisioning of Advances and Resolution of Stressed Assets
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
Yes, the branch identified and classified
Has the branch identified and classified advanced into standard, substandard, doubtful,
advances into standard / substandard / loss assets through the computer system,
     (i) (a) 5510
doubtful / loss assets through the computer without manual intervention, it is centrally
system, without manual intervention? handled by system at HO, Except MOC has
been issued.
Is this identification & classification in line Yes, this identification and classification in
     (b) with the norms prescribed by the Reserve 5511 line with the norms prescribed by the reserve
Bank of India. bank of India. Except MOC has been issued.
Whether the branch is following the system of
classifying the account into SMA-0, SMA-1, Yes, the branch is following the system of
and SMA-2. Whether the auditor disagrees classifying the account into SMA 0, SMA01
with the branch classification of advances into and SMA 2. Whether the auditor disagree with
     (c) 5512
standard (Including SMA-0, SMA-1, SMA-2) the branch classification of advances into
/ sub-standard / doubtful / loss assets, the standard including SMA 0, SMA 1 SMA 2,
details of such advances with reasons should Substandard, doubtful, loss assets.
be given.
Also indicate whether required changes have
     (d) been incorporated/ suggested in the 5513 Yes, required MOC has been issued.
Memorandum of Changes.
List the accounts (with outstanding in excess
of Rs. 10.00 crore) which have either been
downgraded or upgraded with regard to their
     (e) 5514 No such Account with Ahmedabad Zone.
classification as Non-Performing Asset or
Standard Asset during the year and the reason
Whether RBI guidelines on income
Yes, RBI guidelines on income recognition
     (f) recognition and provisioning have been 5515
and provisioning have been followed.
No accounts were restructured or rephrased
Whether the branch has reported accounts
during the year except 1 account of Porbandar
     (ii) (a) restructured or rephased during the year to 5520
Branch due to extension in DCCO of the
Controlling Authority of the bank?
Whether the RBI Guidelines for restructuring
     (b) 5521 No Such accounts exist in Ahmedabad Zone.
on all such cases have been followed.
     (c) Whether the branch complies with the 5522 Yes, the branch complies with the regularly
regulatory stance for resolution of stance for resolution of stressed assets,

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stressedassets, including the compliance with including the compliance with board approved
board approved policies in this regard, policies in this regard, tracking, reporting of
tracking/reporting of defaults for resolution defaults for resolution purposes among others.
purposes among others?
Whether the up gradations in non-performing Yes, the up gradations in non performing
advances is in line with the norms of Reserve 5530 advances are in line with the norms of Reserve
Bank of India Bank of India except MOC suggested.
On test check basis it is observed that the
Where the auditor disagrees with up gradation
     (b) 5531 system has upgraded accounts without full
of accounts? If yes, give reasons thereof.
recover, hence, MOC has been suggested.
Have you come across cases where the
relevant Controlling Authority of the bank has
authorized legal action for recovery of
   (iv) 5540 No such cases observed.
advances or recalling of advances, but no such
action was taken by the branch? If so, give
details of such cases.
Whether there are any accounts wherein
process under IBC is mandated but not
initiated by the branch? Whether there are any
borrowers at the branch against whom the
   (v) 5550 No such cases observed.
process of IBC is initiated by any of the
creditors including bank? If yes, provide the
list of such accounts and comment on the
adequacy of provision made thereto?
Have appropriate claims for credit guarantee
     (vi) (a) (ECGC and others), if any, been duly lodged 5560 No such cases observed.
and settled?
Give details of claims rejected? (As per the
     (b) 5561 No such cases observed.
given table)
Whether the rejection is appropriately
     (c) considered while determining the provisioning 5562 No such cases observed.
In respect of non-performing assets, has the
Yes, In respect of non performing assets, has
branch obtained valuation reports from
the branch obtained valuation reports from
   (vii) approved valuers for the immovables charged 5570
approved valuers for the immovables charges
to the bank, once in three years, unless the
to the bank, once in three years.
circumstances warrant a shorter duration?
In the cases examined by you, has the branch
Yes, the branch compiled with the recovery
complied with the Recovery Policy prescribed
policy prescribed by the controlling authorities
by the controlling authorities of the bank with
of the bank with respect to compromise,
respect to compromise/settlement and write-
   (viii) 5580 settlement and write off cases.
No such cases
off cases? Details of the cases of
of compromise, settlement and write off cases
compromise/settlement and write-off cases
involving write offs, waivers in excess of Rs
involving write-offs/waivers in excess of Rs.
50.00 lakhs exist.
50.00 lakhs may be given.
Is the branch prompt in ensuring execution of
decrees obtained for recovery from the
   (ix) 5590 No such cases are observed.
defaulting borrowers? Give Age-wise analysis
of decrees obtained and pending execution.
Whether in the cases concluded the recoveries Yes, in the cases concluded the recoveries
have been properly appropriated against the have been properly appropriated against the
   (x) 5591
principal / interest as per the policy of the principal , interest as per the policy of the
bank? bank.
In cases where documents are held at
centralized processing centres / office,
whether the auditor has received the relevant
   (xi) 5592 No such cases are observed.
documents as asked by them on test check
basis and satisfied themselves. Report the
exceptions, if any
   (xii) List the major deficiencies in credit review, 5593 Major deficiencies in credit review,
monitoring and supervision. monitoring and supervision are exist for few
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accounts of Deesa Branch as per Annexure.
   (g)Non-Fund Based facilities
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
List of borrowers with details of LCs devolved No LC developed or guaranteed invoked
   (i) 5610
or guarantees invoked during the year. during the year.
List of borrowers where the LCs have been
No LC developed or guaranteed invoked
   (ii) devolved or guarantees have been invoked but 5620
during the year.
not paid with amount thereof.
List of instances where interchangeability
between fund based and non-fund-based
   (iii) 5630 No Such cases are observed.
facilities was allowed subsequent to
devolvement of LC / invocation of BG.
6. Other Assets ( Suspense Accounts / Sundry Assets)
Yes, it is explained to us that the system of the
bank ensure expeditious clearance of items
debited to Suspense Account. But it is noticed
Does the system of the bank ensure
that very old items are outstanding and there is
expeditious clearance of items debited to
no system in the Zone to write off, eliminate
Suspense Account? Details of outstanding
the old entries. Details of outstanding entries
entries in excess of 90 days may be obtained
in excess of 90 days have been obtained from
from the branch and the reasons for delay in
   (i) 6210 the branches. The bank has a system of make
adjusting the entries may be ascertained. Does
provision of Six months old entries and not
your scrutiny of the accounts under various
recoverable items. The detail of provision held
sub-heads reveal balances, which in your
against such old entries provided to us. Total
opinion are not recoverable and would require
122 entries in 6 Branches as per annexure are
a provision/write-off? If so, give details.
It is suggested that the bank should
introduce a system of write off the old
outstanding entries.
Does your test check indicate any unusual
items in these accounts? If so, report their
   (ii) nature and the amounts involved. Are there 6211 As such no unusual items exist in accounts .
any intangible items under this head e.g.
losses not provided / pending investigation?
II. Liabilities
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
Inoperative accounts are made inactive in the
system and any transaction in these are
Does the bank have a system of identification allowed by the CBS System only after the
of dormant/ inoperative accounts and internal Updation of KYC and explicit authorization of
controls with regard to operationsin such Branch Head.
The Entries in these accounts
  (i) accounts? In the cases examined by you, have 7100 generate the alerts in the branch in their
you come across instances where the exception report. Zonal Office are having
guidelines laid down in this regard have not offsite surveillance module to monitor such
been followed? If yes, give details thereof. transactions and requires explicit comments
from the branch and controlling office for
closure of these.
After the balance sheet date and till the date of
audit, whether there have been any unusual After the balance sheet date and till the date of
large movements (whether increase or audit, no such unusual large movements in
 (ii) 7200
decrease) in the aggregate deposits held at the aggregate deposits are observed by branch
year-end? If so, obtain the clarifications from auditors.
the branch and give your comments thereon.
 (iii) Whether the scheme of automatic renewal of 7300 No such accounts exist with the branches.
deposits applies to FCNR(B) deposits? Where
such deposits have been renewed, report
whether the branch has satisfied itself as to the
non-resident status of the depositor and
whether the renewal is made as per the
applicable regulatory guidelines and the
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original receipts / soft copy have been
Yes, the Branch complying with the
Is the branch complying with the regulations regulations on minimum balance requirement
on minimum balance requirement and levy of and levy of charges on non maintenance of
 (iv) 7400
charges on non-maintenance of minimum minimum balance in individual savings
balance in individual savings accounts? accounts, it is handled centrally by the head
   2.Other Liabilities Bills Payable, Sundry Deposits, etc
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
The number of items and the aggregate
amount of old outstanding items pending for
 8)(i) one years or more be obtained from the branch 8100 Yes, As Per List enclosed in Annexure.
and reported under appropriate heads. Give
details thereof.
Does your test check indicate any unusual
 8)(ii) items or material withdrawals or debits in 8110 No such entries noticed.
these accounts? If so, give details thereof.
    3.Contingent Liabilities
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
List of major items of the contingent liabilities
(other than constituent’s liabilities such as
Detail of all contingent liabilities are enclosed
 9) guarantees, letter of credit, acceptances, 9000
as per list enclosed.
endorsements, etc.) not acknowledged by the
   iii)Profit and Loss Account
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
Has the test checking of interest/discount/
commission/ fees etc. revealed excess/short Total 2 accounts of 2 Branch are observed,
 (10) (i) 10100
credit of a material amount? If so, give details details are mentioned in Annexure.
Has the branch complied with the Income
The branch in general has complied with the
Recognition norms prescribed by R.B.I.? (The
income Recognition norms prescribed.
Auditor may refer to the instructions of the
 (ii) 10200 However in few cases which were not as per
controlling authorities of the bank regarding
IRAC, the MOC for asset classification was
charging of interest on non-performing
Has the test check of interest on deposits
 (iii) revealed any excess/short debit of material 10300 No such instances noticed or reported.
amount? If so, give details thereof.
Does the bank have a system of estimating
and providing interest accrued on
 (iv) overdue/matured/ unpaid/ unclaimed term 10400 The issue pertains with the Head Office.
deposits including in respect of deceased
In Memnagar Branch In Rent Paid Office
Expense Bs Code 3721 On 31.03.2023
Expense Booked Of Rs. 3,00,000.00 Wrongly.
Are there any divergent trends in major items
Actually No Expense Required To Be Booked
of income and expenditure, in comparison
As Rent Expense Paid Till March2023 By
 (v) with corresponding previous year, which are 10500
06.03.2023. Need To Reverse The Entry.
not satisfactorily explained by the branch? If
49,000.00 Expense Of Municipal Tax Paid Bs
so, the same may be reported.
Code 3789 On 21.02.2023 Booked In AMC
Account BS Code 3723. Correction Entry
Need to Be Made.
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
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Does the system ensure that gold/bullion is in

Yes, the system ensures that gold, bullion is in
effective joint custody of two or more
  (a) 11100 effective joint custody of two or more
officials, as per the instructions of the
controlling authorities of the bank?
Does the branch maintain adequate records for
receipt, issues and balances of gold/bullion
Yes, the branch maintains adequate records for
and updated regularly? Does the periodic
receipts, issue and balances of gold, bullion
 (b) verification reveal any excess/shortage of 11200
and updated regularly. No discrepancies
stocks as compared to book records and if any
discrepancies observed have been promptly
reported to controlling authorities of the bank?
Does the system of the Bank ensure adequate
Yes, the system of the bank ensures adequate
internal control over issue and custody of
internal control over issue and custody of
security items (Term Deposit Receipts, Drafts,
security items Term Deposit receipts, drafts,
Pay Orders, Cheque Books, Traveller s
 (c) 11300 pay orders cheque books, travelers cheques
Cheques, Gift Cheques, etc.)? Whether the
gift cheques etc. yes the system is being
system is system is being followed by the
followed by the branch. No such cases of
branch? Have you come across cases of
missing, lost items are observed.
missing/lost items?
   2.Books and Records
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
Whether there are any software / systems
No there are no software, systems used at the
(manual or otherwise) used at the branch
  (a) 12100 branch which are not integrated with the CBS.
which are not integrated with the CBS? If yes,
Branches are fully CBS.
give details thereof.
i) In case the branch has been subjected to IS
Audit whether there are any adverse features
   (b) reported and have a direct or indirect bearing 12200 No branch has been subjected to IS Audit.
on the branch accounts and are pending
compliance? If yes give details.
ii) Whether branch is generating, and Yes, generally branches are generating and
    verifying exception reports at the periodicity 12210 verifying exception reports at the periodicity
as prescribed by the bank as prescribed by the bank.
iii) Whether the system of bank warrants
expeditious compliance of daily exception
No any major observations pending such
    reports and whether there are any major 12220
compliance at the year end.
observations pending such compliance at the
year end.
iv) Whether the bank has laid down
procedures for manual intervention to system
generated data and proper authentication of No such system of generation of Audit trail
the related transactions arising there from evidenced at Branch.
along with proper audit trail of manual
intervention has been obtained.
v) Furnish your comments on data integrity
(including data entry, checking
The Accounts are maintained in CBS. All
    correctness/integrity of data, no back ended 12240
Branches are working under CBS.
strategies etc.) which is used for MIS at HO /
CO level.
3.Inter-Branch Accounts
Does the branch expeditiously comply with
/respond to the communications from the
designated cell / Head Office as regards
      unmathched transactions? As at the yearend 13000 No such frauds detected
are there any un-responded / un-dashed
complied quieries on communications beyond
7 days ? If so, give details
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion

4/25/23, 5:12 PM
  (i) Frauds detected/classified but confirmation of 13100 No such frauds detected
reporting to RBI not available on record at
Whether any suspected or likely fraud cases
are reported by branch to higher office during
 (ii) 13200 No such instances are reported.
the year? If yes, provide the details thereof
related to status of investigation.
In respect of fraud, based on your overall
observation, please provide your comments on
the potential risk areas which might lead to
perpetuation of fraud (e.g. falsification of
accounts/false representation by the borrower;
misappropriation of funds especially through
related party/ shell company transactions;
forgery and fabrication of financial documents
like invoices, debtor lists, stock statements,
 (iii) 13300 No such instances are reported.
trade credit documents, shipping bills, work
orders and encumbrance certificates and avail
credit; Use of current accounts outside
consortium where Trust and Retention
Account (TRA) is maintained, to divert funds;
List of Debtors/ Creditors were being
fabricated and receivables were not on the
registered addresses; Round Tripping of funds,
Yes, the system of early warning framework is
working effectively and on the basis of early
warning signals, accounts are classified as
Whether the system of Early Warning
RFA, if any.
EWS signal for the exceptions are
Framework is working effectively and, as
 (iv) 13400 generated the by the system at Branch Level
required, the early warning signals form the
and Branch has to submit their comments on
basis for classifying an account as RFA.
the each alert and the same is being verified
by the Zonal Office Risk Management
   (5)Implementation of KYCAML guidelines
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
Whether the branch has adequate systems and Yes, Branch has adequate systems and
processes, as required, to ensure adherence to process, as required to ensure adherence to
 (14) 14000
KYC/AML guidelines towards prevention of KYC, AML guidelines towards prevention of
money laundering and terrorist financing money laundering and terrorist financing.
Whether the branch followed the KYC/AML Yes, however deficiencies were reported in
  guidelines based on the test check carried out 14100 some account as per annexure which is taken
by the branch auditors up for rectification.
   (6)Management Information System
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
Whether the branch has the proper systems
and procedures to ensure data integrity Yes, branches have proper system and
relating to all data inputs which are to be used procedures to ensure data integrity relating to
 (15) for MIS at corporate office level and for 15000 all data inputs which are to be used for MIS at
supervisory reporting purposes. Have you corporate office level and for supervisory
come across any instances where data reporting purposes.
integrity was compromised?
   (a)In framing your audit report/LFAR, have you considered the major adverse comments arising out of the
latest reports such as:
Sr No Questionnaire CODE Auditor Reply/Suggestion
Yes, framing audit report, LFAR, we have
 (i) Previous year’s Branch Audit Report / LFAR; 16010 considered the major adverse comments
arising out of all such reports.

4/25/23, 5:12 PM
   (ii) Internal audit/ Snap Audit/ concurrent audit 16020 Yes, framing audit report, LFAR, we have
report(s); considered the major adverse comments
arising out of all such reports.
Yes, framing audit report, LFAR, we have
   (iii) Credit Audit Report 16030 considered the major adverse comments
arising out of all such reports.
Yes, framing audit report, LFAR, we have
   (iv) Stock audit Report; 16040 considered the major adverse comments
arising out of all such reports.
Yes, framing audit report, LFAR, we have
RBI Inspection Report, if such inspection took
   (v) 16050 considered the major adverse comments
arising out of all such reports.
Yes, framing audit report, LFAR, we have
   (vi) Income and Expenditure (Revenue) Audit; 16060 considered the major adverse comments
arising out of all such reports.
Yes, framing audit report, LFAR, we have
   (vii) IS/IT/Computer/Systems Audit; and 16070 considered the major adverse comments
arising out of all such reports.
Yes, framing audit report, LFAR, we have
   (viii) Any special inspection / investigation report? 16080 considered the major adverse comments
arising out of all such reports.
Are there any other matters, which you, as
Yes, framing audit report, LFAR, we have
branch auditor, would like to bring to the
  (b) 16100 considered the major adverse comments
notice of the management or the Statutory
arising out of all such reports.
Central Auditors?

Branch : AHMEDABAD ZONAL OFFICE (7008), Year: 2022-23

Account Details
   (refer to point number 5 . "Advances")    
Balance as at Balance as at
Account No. Account Name year End - year End - Total
Funded Non Funded
Total 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Outstanding of the branch 0.00 0.00 0.00
Percentage examined 0.00 0.00 0.00

ECGC Details     (refer to Code number 5560)

Particulars Numbers Amount
Claim at the beginning of the year 0 0.00
Further claim lodged during the year 0 0.00
TOTAL - A 0 0.00
Amount representing:
(i) Claims accepted/settled 0 0.00
(ii) Claims Rejected 0 0.00
TOTAL-B 0 0.00
Balance as at year end (A-B) 0 0.00

Firm No :
Name of Partner :



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