Islamic Guide For Children

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It starts by sharing the story of

kindness to animals, ‫ ﷺ‬Muhammad's
including his love for cats and his
compassionate treatment of camels. The
chapter then goes on to discuss the
Prophet's interactions with people from
Kindness In this chapter, children will different backgrounds, including his
learn about the Prophet Muhammad's kindness to children and his respectful
kindness to animals, his interactions ‫ﷺ‬ treatment of non-Muslims. Finally, the
with people from different chapter emphasizes the importance of
backgrounds, and how he taught his being kind to one another and treating
.followers to be kind to one another .others with compassion and empathy

Certainly! Honesty is one of the most In this chapter, children learn about the
important values in Islam, and the
emphasized ‫ ﷺ‬Prophet Muhammad's Prophet Muhammad's ‫ ﷺ‬honesty and
its importance through his own actions integrity in all aspects of life. The
.and teachings chapter starts with a story about the
was ‫ ﷺ‬The Prophet Muhammad's Prophet Muhammad's ‫ ﷺ‬trustworthiness
known for his trustworthiness and as a merchant, including his commitment
integrity, even before he became a
As a young .‫ ﷺ‬prophet Muhammad's to delivering goods on time and his
man, he earned the nickname "al- refusal to cheat customers. It then goes
Ameen" (the trustworthy) due to his on to discuss the importance of honesty
reputation for honesty and reliability. and integrity in all aspects of life,
When he began to receive revelations including relationships, business, and
and started preaching Islam, his
commitment to honesty and truth only personal conduct. The chapter
.grew stronger concludes by emphasizing the value of
telling the truth and keeping one's word.
In Islam, honesty is considered a
foundational principle that underpins all
other virtues. The Prophet said,
"Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and
righteousness leads to Paradise" (Sahih
Muslim). This means that being honest
and truthful is a necessary step towards
attaining a righteous and moral
character, which in turn leads to eternal
happiness in the afterlife. 2
In Islam, there are many examples of
Islamic teachings emphasize that
honesty is not just about telling the how honesty is valued and rewarded. For
truth, but also about fulfilling one's ‫ ﷺ‬example, the Prophet Muhammad's
promises and commitments, and said, "The signs of a hypocrite are three:
avoiding deception and fraud in all its when he speaks he lies, when he makes
‫ ﷺ‬forms. The Prophet Muhammad's a promise he breaks it, and when he is
warned against lying and deception,
entrusted with something he betrays that
and taught that even a small lie can
.lead to bigger sins and corruption trust" (Sahih Bukhari). Conversely, those
who are honest and trustworthy are
respected and rewarded, both in this life
.and in the hereafter

Overall, honesty is a fundamental value

in Islam that is emphasized throughout
the religion's teachings. By cultivating a
commitment to honesty and truthfulness
in all aspects of life, Muslims strive to
uphold the highest ethical and moral
standards, both for themselves and for
their communities.

Generosity In this chapter, children will
‫ ﷺ‬learn about the Prophet Muhammad's
generosity, including his charity towards
.the poor and his hospitality towards guests
The chapter starts by sharing stories
about the Prophet Muhammad's ‫ﷺ‬
charity towards the poor, including his
encouragement to give to those in need
and his own generous contributions to
the community. It then goes on to
discuss the Prophet's hospitality
towards guests, including his teachings
on the importance of treating guests
with respect and kindness. Finally, the
chapter emphasizes the value of giving
back to others and the community
through acts of generosity.


Courage Through the story It then goes on to discuss

of the Prophet Muhammad's the importance of courage in
Hijrah (migration to ‫ﷺ‬ facing challenges and
Medina), children will learn overcoming obstacles, both
about the importance of in personal and community
courage and perseverance in life. Finally, the chapter
.the face of adversity emphasizes the value of
In this chapter, children learn staying steadfast in the face
about the importance of of adversity and trusting in
courage and perseverance in Allah (God) for strength and
Islam. The chapter starts by guidance.
sharing the story of the
Prophet Muhammad's ‫ﷺ‬
Hijrah (migration to Medina),
including his bravery in the
face of persecution and his
determination to establish a
new community of believers.


Courage Through the story It then goes on to discuss

of the Prophet Muhammad's the importance of courage in
Hijrah (migration to ‫ﷺ‬ facing challenges and
Medina), children will learn overcoming obstacles, both
about the importance of in personal and community
courage and perseverance in life. Finally, the chapter
.the face of adversity emphasizes the value of
In this chapter, children learn staying steadfast in the face
about the importance of of adversity and trusting in
courage and perseverance in Allah (God) for strength and
Islam. The chapter starts by guidance.
sharing the story of the
Prophet Muhammad's ‫ﷺ‬
Hijrah (migration to Medina),
including his bravery in the
face of persecution and his
determination to establish a
new community of believers.


By learning about the these teachings emphasize

‫ ﷺ‬Prophet Muhammad's the importance of learning
life and teachings, children about and practicing
can develop a greater Islamic values, as
understanding and embodied by the Prophet's
appreciation for Islamic life and teachings. It
values. We hope this e- encourages children to
book will serve as a reflect on what they have
valuable resource for
learned and how they can
parents and educators to
apply these lessons in their
teach children about these
own lives, and it invites
important lessons in a fun
.and engaging way parents and educators to
continue teaching and
modeling these values for
the next generation.

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