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III/IV B.Tech, EEE Contact:9885433194

III/IV B.Tech,EEE contact:9885433194


In every power/substation certain measurements, supervision, control, operation and protection functions are necessary. Traditionally these functions were performed manually by system operator from control rooms. With the progress in digital electronics, data processing, data communication and microprocessors, a host of new devices and systems are being introduced for power system automation. SCADA is a computer based programmable and distributed supervisory






distribution is explained.

Introduction: Traditionally, the protective system comprising of relays and circuit breaker were almost independent of control systems for tap changer control , voltage control, data logging, data monitoring and routine operations. Before 1985, the protective functions were segregated from control functions. With traditional electromechanical relays and earlier generation of hard-wired static relays, the functions of protection systems were limited to sensing faults and abnormal condition, giving alarm, tripping circuit breaker, auto enclosing of circuit breakers. Data logging and some control and supervision functions were manually performed by system operated from control rooms.In traditional substation controls the three functions i.e., protection, control and monitoring were not integrated fully. In modern automatic SCADA systems, the functions are interlinked by means of digital processing devices and power line carrier/radio communication links. Every power/substation has a control room the relay and protection panels and control panels and man machine interface (MMI) installed in the control room. With the development systems of i.e., programmable digital

control and data acquisition system. It is mainly used for remote and local supervision and control of electricity and distribution on medium voltage level. Distribution SCADA supervises the distribution system. In this paper we are presenting the distribution SCADA and

distribution automation & its benefits. The application of SCADA system to automate power for Hyderabad & Secunderabad and streamline APCPDCL electrical distribution network is presented. The current situation, present benefits, long term benefits & future

microprocessor based SCADA systems, the entire supervisory functions, control functions, protective functions can be combined.

subtransmission The main function of distribution SCADA is to control and supervision of distribution of power to various consumers with minimum outage and minimum loss. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA): SCADA is a computer based programmable and distributed supervisory control and data acquisition system. It is used to improve overall system efficiency in case of both capital and energy and to increase reliability of service to essential loads .Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system enables to control , distribution equipment from a remote location. It provides operating information, and perform these additional services . Feasibility studies System design Database design Communications Project management Dispatcher training Master Station specifications RTU specifications The application areas of SCADA can be categorized into the following groups: Small SCADA systems with a selected number of functions, e.g. for distribution networks and for electrical networks of industrial complexes. Medium-size SCADA and EMS with the full spectrum of functions for distribution and Output Process

networks, and selected

functions for generation. Large-scale SCADA and EMS with an extensive and sophisticated range of functions for transmission networks and generation. Distribution SCADA supervises the distribution system. Similar system architectures are used for power system SCADA and load SCADA. SCADA Process classified into three parts Input Analog : Continuous Electrical Signals Ex.Active Power (MW), Voltage Reactive (KV), Power(MVAR), Frequency (Hz).etc.. Digital : Switching Signals High(1) or Low(0) Signal Ex.Breaker Close(high) or Open(low), Isolator Closed(high) or Open(low). The signals are converted into digital format Implement protocol between Master and Slave It operates with Real Time Operating System (RTO) the results are exposed with user friendly environment Through displays can be possible to control the substation and generating station. Distribution Automation: It is an integrated system concept for the digital automation of distribution substation, feeder and user functions.. It includes control, monitoring

and protection of the distribution system, load management and remote metering of consumer loads. Distribution automation systems provide utilities the ability to optimize the operations of their distribution systems and directly improve reliability. Adding targeted distribution automation capabilities can be especially economical when they are an extension of existing investments in SCADA and in system operations. Distribution automation can optimize system conditions or solve a specific problem for a specific area or customer. The key for distribution automation success is to target the highest value results and not choose the wrong technology. Interest is growing in distribution automation as utilities look to extend their automation beyond the substation and leverage the breadth of new communication technologies available. Current Situation: to automate and manage the power distribution system has been evolving for a few decades now, but has not yet been implemented widely to achieve the highly desirable benefits of improved customer service and retention. Today's market conditions have made distribution automation a critical part of every utility's operation. Markets with highly restrictive reliability standards are forcing utilities to monitor power quality issues and events as never before, thus storing large

were also located in the field. RTUs were traditionally connected to status and control points as well as transducers to measure Voltage, Current, Power, Frequency and other electrical parameters. RTUs connected in this way were only capable of measuring parameters specific to the transducer type they were connected to. Information such as phase angle was not available, so calculated parameters were not available unless a dedicated transducer was installed. This situation was solved once the "transducerless" RTUs were introduced. As they accept direct AC inputs from Voltage and Current transformers, "transducer less" RTUs can measure and calculate any electrical parameter (depending on the RTU's processing capability). With the introduction of electronic devices at the substation, the capability of providing large amounts of data related to the operation of the substations opened. Depending on your needs, you could: Communicate directly with your IEDs without using an RTU or any sort of Data Concentrator in between. Configure any of your IEDs either locally or remotely using the same communication line as the SCADA system. Retrieve non-SCADA related information from your IEDs (events, transients, oscillography, etc.).

amounts of data is more necessary than ever .Utilities are covering larger territories with the same personnel, so it is important to optimize the use of the communication lines by using them for multiple applications Such as SCADA, REMOTE IED CONFIGURATION, VIDEO SURVEILLANCE. Different Users, Different Needs: Traditionally, SCADA systems have communicated with Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) located at the substations, or in Distribution Automation applications, RTUs

Store an unlimited amount of historical information on any relational database (SQL compatible), either at the substation or at any remote location. Deploy as many local or remote workstations as you need, so you can monitor and/or control your substation from anywhere in the world. Segregate the information generated at the substation for reporting to different "masters" (i.e. HMI, SCADA system, Power Pool, Independent Market operator, etc.). Display Video Surveillance (Live and Recorded) over the SCADA.

availability and quality of power as well as lower outage and interruption time. The SCADA system has been installed to monitor and control all substations in Hyderabad & Secunderabad from a centralized location enabling complete

management of power supply to serve consumers more efficiently. The system offers operational advantages by integrating distribution automation functionalities like Automatic /

Remote meter reading, Load balancing, trouble call management etc. to facilitate effective distribution management. APCPDCL increase the uptime of its network and facilitate optimum allocation of resources. It willalso facilitate instant remedial action to restore normalcy in case of power outages. Load shedding can also be programmed in a systematic manner to avoid grid collapse and complete black out. There are 106 substations in Hyderabad and Secundrabad feeding the twin cities. This stateof the-art SCADA system will facilitate collection of all relevant information from these

Application : SCADA system to automate power for Hyderabad & Secunderabad and streamline APCPDCL electrical distribution network . APCPDCL (Andhra Pradesh Central Power Distribution Company Ltd) commissioned a state of the art SCADA (Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition) system supplied by ABB India to monitor and control the power distribution network for the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The project scope encompassed design, supply, erection & commissioning of the SCADA system with a control center at Erragadda, Hyderabad for 132 kV and 33 kV substations in and around Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The SCADA system will provide immediate benefits to APCPDCL in terms of

substations to be sent to the

central computer

system installed at the APCPDCL Control Room. This will be done over a TDMA backbone and over digital UHF data radios covering an area of 1500 sq km. A similar SCADA solution has already been implemented by ABB for TNEB serving the city of Chennai.

Power Quality Present Benefits: Manual meter reading is being replaced with automatic reporting. Real time alarms and data give operators the information they need to respond quickly. The Utilities Division can be proactive in providing quality information to its customers. More effective load management:. Improved engineering, planning, operation and maintenance of distributed systems. Effective load shedding with minimum outage to important consumers. Reduced outages and increased reliability and availability. Long Term Benefits and Future Needs: Power System Operators need to be able to continue to remotely and instantaneously, identify electrical power system failures at any location in the distribution system. Accurate real time alarming and historical information is needed to continually meet the needs of a diverse community of energy users. A continuation of the demands for high reliability and accurate performance and trending data is paramount. Outage Record Post incident analysis is required to prevent reoccurrence of similar outages and power failures. energy. Conclusion: Distribution scada improves over all system efficiency in use of both capital and As needed, generally after an event, or upon query from building users power users power quality records are requested. Substation Security Fires and Door Alarms Early on in the design of the SCADA application, it was determined that fire/smoke detectors were needed in all station switch gear rooms. This function, along with door alarm contacts, provides the system operators with the ability to respond instantly to these types of events. Substation Battery Status Loss of the critical function of the battery system can be devastating for a switchgear breaker unit and inability to trip a faulted circuit can be a disaster. Setting low voltage limits that alarm instantly, warns the maintenance personnel who can respond quickly and avert a major problem. Switching and Paralleling Operations Confirmation of the physical change in operator switch position was not available prior to the use of remote SCADA applications. Substation Primary Transformer Status Most substation transformer status alarms and events are monitored by the system. The annunciation and display of alarm conditions ensures timely investigation of the problem. Remedial action can prevent future equipment damage and power outages.

It increases reliability of service to essential loads. Improves quality of supply. Improves continuity of supply. Distribution automation systems provide utilities the ability to optimize the operations of their distribution. Managers and engineers can view process data from their desktop whether the data is on site or miles away. 2. SITES: 1. 2. 3. WWW.APTRANSCO.COM WWW.SAT-AUTOMATION.COM WWW.ERCAP.ORG 3. BUSINESS LINE(INTERNET EDITION) FROM THE HINDU GROUP OF PUBLICATIONS 2. REFERENCES : 1. DISTRIBUTION AUTOMATION BY WALTER.K.EICHELBURG IEEE/PES TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCE



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